This is Jason Aaron's magnum opus and the culmination of his entire Thor run...

This is Jason Aaron's magnum opus and the culmination of his entire Thor run. It's also one of the worst selling events in Marvel history and the third issue is selling about the same as Heroes in Crisis and is #11 in sales for last month.

Say something nice about it.

Attached: War-Of-The-Realms-1-1.jpg (1000x769, 401K)

I'm really really enjoying it actually.

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I actually enjoyed it. It's been brilliant and I love the development they've done with Thor and the other characters

So fuck you for saying it's the wort selling

I liked the issue with Spider-Man and the helmet that lets him talk to the flying horse.

Kinda want to get back into this run so I can keep up with War of realms.

Should I just read some summaries online or is there a good way to get back into the series.

Did they make Jane Thor good eventually?

It's my favourite event since 4 years

I’ve given up marvel since Secret Wars, I’m tentatively starting to think of coming back, all to this event weirdly.

I hate Jason Aaron but the event is OK.

Except for the decision of making Jane the All-Mother.

It is pretty good and the fact that HiC sold more (although i'd like to see the sales of every issue) just proves that there is a problem with people who likes to put themselves into some shitty drama.

trash. 50% is boring expository dialogue and the remaining half is shitty mcu-style quips, but half as good and twice as cringey

Jane-wank is one of the biggest problems with the run. She's arguably more integral to the story than Thor is and at no point does it come off as natural or flow with the narrative.

How badly is it selling? Some user made a chart of Marvel event sales around the time of Secret Empire, not sure if they updated it for Infinity Wars or for this.

It's absolutely mediocre and inconsequential, and for an events that's good enough

it’s garbage, OP. The plot only happens because of Asgardians being inexplicably puny without even a macguffin to explicitly depower them all, and a side villain who hasn’t been relevant since the day he was written suddenly being treated as a main event level being. Like holy shit you know an event is bad when it has you missing Fear Itself. FEAR ITSELF.

For all my contempt for Jane being propped up as the saviour of Asgard, I’m actually more offended by how much wank Malekith got.

The only good thing is Dauterman's art. As usual with this run. I just want it to wrap so he can go back to DC or do an indie book.

>I’m actually more offended by how much wank Malekith got.
Has any villain benefitted more in the comics from appearing in an MCU movie than Malekith has? Thanos may have appeared in more books, but there was no risk of nobody using Thanos at all if he wasn't in the MCU.

Nonono user, of course not.

She's going to be the new Valkyrie and will have her own series.

Issue 3 sold 70k. That's great for many comics but absolutely horrible for an event.

Thor fan here, actually love the run. Jane foster Thor has some issues that I dont like, but I love everything with Thor

Attached: Old_King_Thor_Marvel_Comics (2).jpg (640x960, 292K)

Check out comics explained youtube channel

>Say something nice about it.
Its ending Aaron's run on Thor.

God I hope we get someone decent on Thor again.

>Its ending Aaron's run on Thor.
It would be super nice if Aaron's run on everything could just end.

I hate that it doesn't feel like an Invasion we got 1 issue of fighting in the strerts plus some tie ins now the whole globe is claimed territory.

God, yes. His Avengers is crap, too. I couldn't even stomach that first arc.

>Say something nice about it.
It could have been good if done by someone else?

I didn't know there was an event
That title is boring and Malekith is a shit villain

The damage is done though, Thor and his cast are pretty much ruined for me after Aaron

Yeah, Thanos still has Starlin in his corner writing his insane series about how he’s gonna chump The One Above All so his meme status is more of a plateau. Malekith was actually shit in the MCU because the deeper reasons and implications behind his motivations were cut until all we were left with was a forgettable grumpy doomsday man and his stylish mook army. I suppose Hela is a strong contender for Biggest Synergy Beneficiary considering that right before her MCU debut she was getting btfo out of her own realm by Angela and her lesbian ho to make them look good despite the storyline unintentionally making her out to be the wholly wronged party. But hey, getting Cate Blanchett to play you’s probably not coincidental with you suddenly getting a comeback in the current Guardians of the Galaxy comic.

Can we talk about how awful Angela is, by the way? Everyone shits on Jane and Carol, but despite being less pushed I find her far more insufferable in her limited appearances. She’s like the Namor of the 9 Realms except without ANY “muh surface dwellers” pretence to justify her violent assaults, yet her comic expects you to root for her more than Namor’s do for him.

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Which one of the Gentry represents Jason Aaron?

I don't understand your question

It's funny, I hate all the asspull wank she got as Thor, but her as Valkyrie isn't a bad idea.

I find the tendency to forgive or justify Jane’s dumb bullshit baffling myself. She legitimately deserves to die of cancer in my eyes. In fact, the only empowered role I would approve for her is being made Shuma-Gorath’s slave because that’s what Jane is. The herald of cancer.

>suddenly getting a comeback in the current Guardians of the Galaxy comic.
My biggest problem with that is how easily she turns Cosmic Ghost Rider into her bitch boy. I mean you take Ghost Rider, one of the more powerful characters in Marvel that isn't a Cosmic God or Living Embodiment of a Universal Abstract Idea and then pump him full of the Power Cosmic and he just gets taken over by Hela with no problem? That's fucking retarded.

If she did a neat last adventure with Thor as she was dying and died in Asgard, and Freyja resurrecting her as a Valkyrie it could be a good story.

The Jane-Thor wankery and the stuff she's doing in this event is just noxious, so I just want her to go away... I've loved Thor and his supporting cast for many years but now I just want them all to go away.

Maybe let Ewing reboot them after 5 years of dormancy and ignore all the recent crap.

>I’m actually more offended by how much wank Malekith got.
Well who else could they have used that wasn't over used at that point?

The only thing that might make this event worth while is if we finally get King Thor at the end of it. It feels like we are on that road right now but there's no guarantees with these characters. I would not be surprised if Jane ends up as the Valkyrie Queen All Mother of Asgard by the end of this shit.

How about FUCKING SURTR instead of his OC daughter. How about Laufey doing something other than die in Loki’s backstory. How about Karnilla, Ymir or the motherfucking Absorbing Man getting a more justifiable power and ambition boost. Shit I’ll even settle for an actual OC headline villain, but Marvel had the whole of Norse mythology to play with and decided to make some faggot elf nobody’s ever taken seriously as powerful as Odin was suddenly stripped of his galaxy shaking feats because HES SAD U GUYZ without even the decency to namedrop destiny or curses or Dormammu/Mephisto chicanery or any number of actual sensible reasons they could have fucking used to nerf the Allfather

Totally understandable, even if I’m bitterly relieved they’re giving Hela some face at the same time. It would be one thing if she used some obscure death lore ritual or some shit to exploit the Rider contract, but having an AMPED Rider get hijacked just smacks of some editor deciding they needed to reestablish Hela’s goddess credentials under a very specific page count after they fucked her over claiming she lost power from being kicked out of her own realm. I mean, she was apparently carting around Thanos’ soul at the time. The real tragedy is there COULD have been a really good solution for her to take out Cosmic Rider but they went for the cheap option because I guess good art and writing costs too much these days

Odin's last moments of decent portrayal I recall was the beginning of JMS's run coming back from Ragnarok

That’s a problem with every event desu. And monthly shipping means like the tie ins can’t really keep pace with the event. Some are like still explaining how Midgard fell while the main story is almost over!

Surtur could have worked and I would rather see him in this even over his daughter as she does reek of OC Fan Fiction tier writing, but Laufey has been a fucking jobber for to damn long to be a threat anyone could take seriously. I'm not brushed up to much on my Marvel Thor canon but isn't Karnilla an ally of Asgard? I legitimately am asking because I don't remember if she was a serious villain its been so damn long. I feel like Ymir would just be confused with or compared to Laufey. Keep in mind I don't have any kind of huge attachment to Malekith, I really couldn't give a fuck about him, but I think he was so underused in the MCU that this is them trying to make up for that, even if he just comes off as old school Evil Loki.

I will 100% agree with you that a whole new Villain would have been preferable if only because it gives use some better reasons why there are so many new magical asspulls letting the Villain pull off everything. Hell Cul would have made for a better Villain.

It's better than God Butcher or God Bomb?

Oh also I f orgot to mention, I feel like Surutr being the villain would just feel like Ragnarok again. Not the movie.

No. Not even fucking close.

As bad as that shit was, no, this is actually worse.

>go back to DC

Heroes in crisis is an DC event, War of the realms is clearly a Thor book without Thor lmao.
It's doing fine for a forced event, but this should have been in the main book, that instead was turned into 1 shots filler.

>God I hope we get someone decent on Thor again.
Is Cates decent enough for you?

If you didn't do you the book is boring?

If you read the director's cut from WotR#1 it says that Odin can't use the Odinforce, hasn't slept to replenish his power and has been exhausted since God knows when.

Sheer Aaron's hate, like most of the negative comments in this thread comes from people who haven't even read it.

It's a title held by multiple people and not one of Marvel's most iconic characters. Not to mention no stupid mysteries to bog it down.

It- welp, ninja'd.

>ignore all the recent crap
Afraid that's not how he works, my nigga.

One of my friends says he thinks it didnt get good till the 2nd half of the book and he's super hyped about the last issue and I keep telling him he would enjoy it more if he read since the beginning of Aaron's Thor run. Honestly I'm just waiting to see how he resolves all his plot threads since combining past and future time lines makes for a shitfest if resolved poorly.

I'm actually shocked at how terrible the core mini is.

Wait, this is coming out every two weeks? No wonder it dropped so much.

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Rumors have it that Cates is next. Don’t expect anything decent for another decade.

>hasnt slept
what a coincidence that hasn’t been adequately justified or ever been an issue in prior comics. Also I shouldn’t need the director’s cut to follow an event, that’s some Countdown-tier incompetence

I’ve read it, user. The reading is what fuels my burning hate.

why are all the male heroes emasculated heroes and all the women strong, independent feminist role models who need no man?

Well Odin at least swooped in to save his wife and fight by her side and they kissed... and then she said it was the first time he's ever turned her on.

Damn, Aaron really, really hates Odin.


You sound like a faggot that will love anything that Aaron shove up your throat.

Ewing would probably make a Black Thor since he really loves to shove black people down his throat and into his comics

The idea is awesome but the execution is pretty lacking. There are some cool moments like Giving Odin Iron Man Armor and Thor wearing the arm of the destroyer Armor for a new Metal but that shit is brought down by Jane wank and Aaron's huge hate boner for Odin.

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>Afraid that's not how he works, my nigga.
True. We need someone who hasn't read a comic if 5-10 years

Rebuttal. What is it with Aaronfags jumping to >read it all the time? Are you that short on actual merits to defend your shitty comic with?

This. Again, even Fear Itself did this better the other way around with Odin forging Tony and co some Asgardian weapons

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I dropped it when they killed Brunhilde like a bitch. Hard pass

The concept was great and it had some good moments in it
>Spiderman talking to a horse
>Spiderman getting another harem

You people said the same thing during Fraction's run.
>Has any villain benefitted more in the comics from appearing in an MCU movie than Malekith has
I don't think Malekith had any benefit from appearing in a MCU movie

>Writer gets rave reviews for his OC work on Vertigo/Image/Indie title

>Gets a contract with the Big 2 and lands his childhood dream title

>His output is shit

Why is this so common?

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Get back to writing Souther Bastards, you lazy backwoods hick


I was actually okay with Cates' wacka-wacka shenanigans at first. Like, it was popcorn fun. But after seeing his Guardians', I don't want him on anything other than minis here and there.

WTF they killed Valkyrie?! Just to push either the new black one or Jane as usual, huh.
Talk about doubling down, glad this shitshow is tanking.

10 sounds more like it, at about the time they fired the editors. Most titles ended well at the time.

>Jane as usual,
Yep, Jane is the new Valkyrie, and she's got an ongoing after this mess.

Yeah I know and oh boy, we sure got a top seller here!

Everything about Thor ans his world really is boring. Like super fucking boring. Especially with DC going all Justice VS Doom stuff. With Marvel? We get... Norse mythology!!! Woohoo.

>thing about Thor ans his world really is boring.
Go fuck yourself.

Thor's world is fucking great. His writer right now is dogshit. Two very different things.

All I wanted out of Realms was another Thor and Bobby teamup against the Giants and finally a proper answer on Drake's connection to Jotunheim. Top bad Age of X and years of sabotage have made that impossible.

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Wrong. It's boring. We've seen it all already. What we haven't really seen is everything else.

I stopped reading after the first story time here and am only reading the tie-ins to Venom, which are sub par for that series, natch.

Wasn't Brunhilde sharing a body with someone? Why not make her the new Valkyrie? Is she dead too? Who gets Dragonfang and the spear?

It turns out the entire purpose of Asgardians of the Galaxy was to separate Brunhilde and the angry lesbian so only Brunhilde would die.

>Some user made a chart of Marvel event sales around the time of Secret Empire, not sure if they updated it for Infinity Wars or for this.
I know the one you mean, but I have this one, plotting issue-by-issue sales. But a clarification: Infinity Wars was NOT a linewide event, unlike WoTR, SE or CWII most recently, so it shouldn't be included here.

Attached: marvel_events_comparison-v1.jpg (1307x737, 167K)

Imagine being this assblasted about Ewing and a /pol/tard to boot. Ewing on Thor would be a waste of talent, in any case.

>But hey, getting Cate Blanchett to play you’s probably not coincidental with you suddenly getting a comeback in the current Guardians of the Galaxy comic.
That has more to do with Cates inserting Thor mythology into EVERYTHING he writes for Marvel, even in places where it doesn't fit, like Guardians of the Galaxy. Hela's presence there is ultimately pointless and nonsensical since she was supposed to have been dumped by Thanos when the synergy bits didn't pan out in the MCU.
But turns out Cates is a hack so don't expect consistency there.

>Especially with DC going all Justice VS Doom stuff.
You tried, I guess, so here's your (You).

Cosmic Ghost Rider is a character that needs to be phased out as soon as Cates stops writing for Marvel (and hopefully as soon as he gets a tv deal or some shit).

Kek what a dumbass, le Supersoyman, batgod and the other chumps is what's really interesting, just like in the movies!

Events like secret empire and the new one are also moving numbers in the digital format.

And apparently Aaron plans to have her wield a destroyed Stormbreaker. Probably to tell Thor how much she is better at it than Thor.

As much as I hate Aaron, his writing, his pet characters and stupid event, at least it's not Age of X-Man or Rosenberg's X-Men run.

>Probably to tell Thor how much she is better at it than Thor.
And Volstagg. Wahmen power overrides the uncontrollable retard rage that comes with the hammer, I guess.

I mean, all you're saying with that statement is that at least dogshit isn't as bad as 15 day old gorilla shit.

well the guy is dead/ghost so thats pretty much under Hela's jurisdiction.

I havent been caught up, Living Tribunal is a bitch boy now?

I haven’t read a recent comic from the Big Two in almost four years and I’m not even a tiny bit sorry.

No, God Butcher and God Bomb are low points for Marvel as a whole.
Those arcs are irredeemable unless you're just into stroking it to how powerful Thor is.
But because you shrieked for years about how great it was because thorppsobig, we got everything else. Original sin, fear Itself, Aaron's avengers- they all flow from garbage arc x garbage fans.

Nah that's just Starlin going a little too far with the Thanoswank. But at that point, Thanos already absorbed the Living Tribunal, Death, the 6 infinity Gems and Chaos and Order within himself.

I've read plenty of Aaron over the years, and this book.

He's dogshit, and basically a one trick pony re: Thor, so not only is this book bad, but I can tell a lot about you as a person and what you like in comics from this opinion.

You love it when Thor is just so fucking strong, don't you big guy? When he doms Galactus or when all the gods worship him? When he pushes Iron Man around? Do you wish he used his Old God powers more, or that the odinforce was his all the time so that no one could step to your precious Thor? So he could just stomp Thanos and Black Bolt and Hulk and the Phoenix all at the same time so everyone would know who is best?
Of course you do. You're a wanker.

No doubt.

Demogorgunn, clearly.

Why does he keep Thor unworthy? For how long does he still want to run this farce? I don't even care if Thor uses the hammer. I would be 100% okey if he delivered it to Jane because he wants to become less dependent to it.

What I want is for Thor to overcome this damned personal crisis and go back to being worthy, so he can really move on.

Choke on the biggest dick imaginable, Aaron.

I am just happy my favourite ongoings didn’t get crossed in

>whitewashing valkyrie
yikes. um, no, sweatie.

Go kill yourself, Didio

Oh, I know. I just found it baffling that for once, Aaron's cursed writing isn't the worst thing going on at Marvel at the moment.

The tie ins are fun. That's it.

what a hack. Never forget Aaron's bitch ass response to Alan Moore calling the talent of DC and Marvel 'low tier'. Moore never named him or any of his fellow hacks by the way.

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Thor already got over it in Hickman's Avengers. She-Hulk also woke up from being "Bendised" and wasn't a colossal retard post-Bendis and pre-Aaron. Aaron just love to reset things back to his personal status quo.

it will be over soon and few will remember it
let alone talk about it. Clean state to start over

Aaron's Thor has been a total shit-show and has almost completely ruined the character. Fuck this cocksack.

Are capefags finally waking up to how shitty and tedious non-stop events are? Or is this just a fluke?

We'll see when Absolute Carnage comes out.

No, marvelfags are still buying these garbage events and their million alternative covers.

First issues of Thor were great then it turned to shit with the forced movie tie-in.

Afraid this train wreck beats the sales for bendis' new train wreck?

HiC itself hasn't done well for an Event though. HiC doing better than it just shows the lack of interest in WotR.

When was Dauterman at DC?

Specially since it's in the last issue while this one was in the... 3rd?

It dropped hard because it's been coming out every other week. Has any other event done anything like that?