Do you think a Banjo-Kazooie tv series would work or is it better off as a movie?

Do you think a Banjo-Kazooie tv series would work or is it better off as a movie?

Attached: Banjo-Kazooie PromotionalPoster.jpg (450x600, 54K)

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I just want more cutie pie Humba Wumba.

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Look, user, we both know that the only reason you made this thread and what this thread will turn into is discussion of Banjo-Kazooie getting into Smash Bros.

Better as a tv show unfortunately all the western animators are too politically minded

It wouldn't

Have you seen the new Battletoads you dont want it

I'd be okay with it as long as they got the Sonic Boom crew to work on it.

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TV series of misadventures. Who would be a good voice for Kazooie cuz her dialogue is one of the best parts of the game?

We get it, hes in Smash.

No, because Conker would be better.

Stop motion series by Aardman.

I really don't want to hear him talk duration of a movie or show


It would be tough to find a proper VA.

>inplying it wouldn't be better to just have the nonsense babbling with subtitles

Tv show

I would not be against this. They do silent humor the best.

I could see it working as either but moreso tv series

>implying there will ever be another entry in the Banjo-Kazooie franchise in any form
No. If Microsoft gave anything even vaguely resembling a shit, there would already be a new game. That is not happening, ever. Not even as a hypothetical. Don't even bother speculating, cause it ain't happening.

Samus and Captain Falcon are proof that Smash does less than nothing for its featured franchises. Fuck off.

A show, everything about Banjo just screams "Saturday Morning Cartoon pitch".

Make an anime where kazooie is a talking sword and banjo is an anime swordsman.

>Samus and Captain Falcon are proof that Smash does less than nothing for its featured franchises

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>cancelled as fuck
>B-but, they just announced they restarted it
Fuck you, cancelled. Nintendo gives less than no fucks about the IP that only sells in the west. The lack of a Prime Trilogy Switch port, even though everyone keeps loudly clamoring for it, is writing on the wall. Don't be fucking naive.

The utter failure of Yooka-Laylee is another nail in the coffin

>spinoff game and sequel already in the works

Oh, so you're just retarded, good to know.

How ironic, Saturday morning cartoons are dead too

Well, Odyssey and Hat in Time happened, so collectathons ain't exactly dead. No, the issue here is Microsoft's apathy. Again, if they cared about making a BK game, they'd have done so by now.

It's a sequel and completely abandoned the original gameplay style and its entire reason for its existence. It might as well be a different game. The only reason the original even managed to break even is because of nostalgia and play tonic is smart enough to realize they won't be given that safety net the second time around. They're trying to salvage the ip but recognize that collectathon games are dead as a sub genre.

Mario is more of a straight platformer than collect a thon and always has been and a hat in time is an indie game so the threshold for success is much lower. They just bought double fine studios so they're obviously still interested in light hearted platformers but banjo kazooie is a product of its time. Even nintendo saw that they were going the way of the dodo when they refused to buy rare in the early 2000's

>It would be tough to find a proper VA.
Just get someone you can do Goofy but younger

Eh, that style of humor wouldn't really work. Sonic worked because cynical meta humor is right up his alley. But Banjo's a sinple character, he doesn't need more than simple Looney-Tune slapstick.

Why did the (((concision))) take down Saturday morning cartoons?

>It's a sequel and completely abandoned the original gameplay style and its entire reason for its existence
They flat out confirmed it's a spin off and the actual sequel is being made after that.

In the form of Sonic Boom

>Implying a network would ever put an entirely subtitled show on tv for stupid children.

I like the games, but I really don't see there being enough to work with for a non-interactive story.

That said, I liked that one Yooka Laylee animation.

>Yooka & Laylee discover some very rare collectibles…

I guess it could work for Kazooie, since she was always a smartass. But Banjo absolutely needs to be more good-hearted and innocent to contrast it.

That’s Dave the Barbarian

>my name is trouser!
>WAIT... I'm not sure the audience got that. We have to make sure we get in the next 'dirty jokes we didn't get as a kid' youtube compilation

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