No releases this week, just previews.
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Well, the movie's out today
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UA3 official art.
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Carol is love, Carol is life
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So(y) good.
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His Carol looks the most like Brie too.
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Based Team Ninja.
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Very rude and inaccurate.
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clever, but eat a bag of dicks anyway
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>Hazmat is the new Wendy
I'm okay with this, but consider: Hazmat AND Wendy
That's pretty good, gotta admit.
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excellent idea. Carol needs to beef up her harem.
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I am excited to see the movie soon!
So how long till Carol gets replaced by Monica? Almost everyone hates Carol and Disney will probably bow to PC culture.
If you refer to the MCU movie is really bad, don't go yourself thru hell user, not a good representation of /ourcarol/
>being this deep inside the incelgate echo chamber
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