"Beautiful Darkness" it fits.
"Beautiful Darkness" it fits
Other urls found in this thread:
Zelie did nothing wrong.
The fuck is this?
Girl dies in a forest.
All the tiny imaginary people in her mind crawl out of the corpse.
They are mostly sociopathic psychopaths that gradually casually die or murder each other.
Aesthetic Assholery
I want to see an animated film adaptation, either by Cartoon Saloon or Les Armateurs.
Oh no, dont make me remember. That was the toughest storytime on |co I had
where can I read this shit
sounds interesting
She unironically deserved it
;_; momma bird was just trying to help
Huge forehead
She trusted an idiot
That's wrong. She got tricked and killed.
Mostly horrific vore shit. I have a problem with vore turning me on and terrifying me to no end.
I kind of find it touching in a weird way.
I wonder what the hell happened to that girl though, and was the girl/pixie who got infected with the thorn shown to die explicitly?
there's so much you can unpack in this story.
This and blast are the only two comics to legitimately get under my skin.
I remember the mouse, but I don't remember the woman and the "infant". What happened to them?
think it's implied she turned into the mouse or was eaten by the mouse or something
Blast is great.
An overrated book.
Careful stupid! She can read your thoughts.
The only one I feel bad for is Timothy.
feel bad for more than just her, a lot of the characters die by random chance and in stupid sad pathetic ways.
part of me is convinced this is how Lord of the Flies would turn out if they had all been girls, or something
Timothy is the only actual cold-blooded murder. They knew what they were doing.
Serves her right for being a cuckold.
idk, I think there were others,
the whole story is just so full of banal cruelty.
>and was the girl/pixie who got infected with the thorn shown to die explicitly?
No, the last time we see her is at the wedding, she probably died offscreen.
I think she was eaten by the cat that attacked the settlement, if she was eaten by the mouse than one would expect blood in it's fur or something.
there were apparently a whole shitload of characters that died of eating mushrooms
>this is how Lord of the Flies would turn out if they had all been girls, or something
There were guys like Plimp and Hector, you know? And the only one with her shit together was the adult woman who died trying to do something nice.
What did Timothy do? He didn’t kill the baby, and when it comes to be obtuse him and Aurora where in first place.
yeah but they came out of a girl's head and the main players were mostly girls.
also the way that the power-dynamics and shit happened made me think more of girls than boys in terms of "how they bully/are cruel to one another"
I thought the mother was eaten by the mouse who was going to eat the baby but Timothy got it first.
he/she only had one eye
that's what they did
No, that user is saying that Timothy was the only one that was murdered in cold blood. Like maliciously killed.
They came from a kid’s head. The entire point of the story is that the inner world of a death child is threw away and left behind their creator.
explain the one who like to eat maggots,
what was her deal? she seemed very attached to the body and wouldn't leave it
This is literal art. Where the fuck can I see more, and who makes these?
You already explained it.
but like what does she represent, what's the symbolism there, what archetype is that?
>Where the fuck can I see more, and who makes these?
They've also done "Beauty" and "Miss Don't Touch Me", both of which have been storytimed here on numerous occasions.
>have been storytimed here on numerous occasions
I regret never being around for it.
Overly attached and co-dependent to the point of being unable to let it go and prefers to feed from the rotten remains to stand on her own and make other type of bonds. Anyways, is not like making friends would have help her.
Can someone post the archive for Through the woods?
Would it work as a movie?
Well, we have Midori.
>"Miss Don't Touch Me",
I remember that. That was a hard one to sit through
What the fuck.
Why did they all listen to her anyway?
She knows how to manipulate them.
I actually bought a few copies of this book after some user storytimed this here. One for my collection and a few others to give out as birthday presents.
I never would have even heard of it without you lovable faggots.
Why people follow and care for pretty people?
You never been in middle school and had to deal with a bully who everybody thought was hot shit because s/he would pick on various uncool kids? Girl bullies tend to draw "subbullies" who tend to rally around the main bully.
>nothing wrong
She must've been jewish, considering how she died.
Isn't that the same infant Timothy took care of? It died after she was killed.
French comic about a bunch of little children alone agains the nature elements.
BTFO shit taste
Just look for them In desuarchive. Actually I think the Yea Forums archive is the first thing that comes to google search when you look for the comics.
By the way, I'm lookin for 'Beauty' in spanish, anyone here have it?
Aurora is cute
Indeed. Are platonic waifus a thing?
I wanna have a daughter just like her.
IDK how old Aurora is supposed to be but she's romantically involved with the awful prince so why not me? rhetorical question
Fuck else was going to happen? Idiot.
Wow misha, you're still around. I remember you from a very old kerascoet thread. Hope you're having a good day man.
The first time I read beautiful darkess I thought "this is heavely adventure time", but then I noticed, the comic is from 2009, before adventure time got popular. So what happened here? Kerascoet somehow influenced AT's style and plot? Because the dark shit with simplistic artstyle.
I think a style like this is easy to independently coincidentally develop, there may be no connection
>Timothy was literally the only girl who didn't deserve the death she got
It still hurts
>mouth forcefully opened far more than it should normally open
>jaw dislocated and/or broken
>lots of torn flesh and muscle
>large sharp beak tore through flesh like a blade
>hole seen at the back of her mouth probably isnt her actual throat hole, but a new punctured hole
>probably pierced and tore arteries in the neck
>blood wont stop flowing
Plim was the best character.
reminds me less of adventure time and more of Hilda
>dark curly hair
>pale skin
>1940s dress
hey the one getting eaten by the cat or the one who got poisoned by the vine didn't exactly do anything wrong either.
you see her going "hurrk hurrk" and wandering in the night.
really the problem is they don't care enough about each other and aren't able to keep track of each other.
Great ending.
Fuck yourself she deserved a lot worse in the end. A lot worse.
Also "Satania," a cool "journey to the center of the Earth" style story.
So Did the Woodsman kill the Girl Aurora? (not the pixie/whatever Aurora?)
or did she slip, bash her head, and die in the rain?
the way she looked when they were initially fleeing the body kind of convinces me that she lied down and died for some reason.
I'm just glad the people who were responsible for the death of Timothy and dumping out her corpse got what they deserved
>They mentioned some scratches in Timothy's "coffin"
fucking burn slow and long
for Timothy and Jane, burn bitches
That 1000 yard stare just says it all.
Death from fire is a really fucking horrible way to day, most people don't realize just how bad it is, heard real horror stories from ER guys about dudes who would pour gasoline on themselves to commit suicide thinking it'd be like in the movies where they immediately die, but the human body is full of water so the fire usually snuffs itself out long before you die.
What ends up killing most folk is the fact that their entire fucking body is now one massive open wound getting infect, and the dried out "upper crust" of flesh no longer has any moisture so you can barely breath properly because you chest can't expand far enough, ER's will often cut the skin of the chest into segments to allow breathing, it's a losing battle though since there's not a whole lot you can do for a severe full body burn victim.
Basically what I'm getting at here is that blonde piece of shit suffered a very, very painful death that she certainly deserved.
Aurora was prettier
>and then she lived happily ever after with her woodsman husbando
Way prettier than that hydrocephalic looking cunt
A daughterfu?
Post the punished Aurora collage.
It not really like this looks unattractive, weirdly enough.
>BTFO shit taste
Let me think about that...
No :)
I think the woodsman is her father.
Why is Anne pregant? Did she really get pregnant or just a meme?
lurk more
Thanks. Man, this was a great read.
I don't think so necessarily, yeah he's got the broken doll but maybe he just "found it", the shed he lives in doesn't look big enough to have room for a little girl/there'd be more evidence of her existence there.
I sort of chuckled at some of his antics, but he was really quite an annoying character for what he was.
I sort of wish we had gotten more of a "prequel" or "prelude" in this to establish who the characters were. though reading some of the production notes that might've given a bit too much away and created some issues in terms of storywriting
I really love this comic.
We will never know. But I think the Woodsman can be the killer or a monster enough to not give a shit about finding a dead kid in the woods.
>Lives alone in a cabin.
>Seems to be a watchmaker but doesn’t seem that is a job but more like a hobby
>There is just one room and a closet in the cabin
>He is surrounded by garbage.
>The empty bottles make obvious he is an alcoholic.
>The only toy is a broken old doll, which doesn’t make sense when you see Aurora’s backpack
>He also has a gun, probably for self-defense, but we have never seen other humans or bears around.
>Now, animals fear him, like the rat and the bird.
>Redhead woman seemed pretty chill and smart, so I would believe her if she warned Aurora about him, she probably thought Aurora was too pure to understand why he was so dangerous.
>And is not about him being a hunter because death and survival were things the pixies saw every day.
Aurora girl
>was well dressed for being the daughter of a guy who lives in poverty
>Her backpack had everything that a child from a good environment would have
>Books, pencils, and so seemed to be brand new or at least in good state
>She had cookies and a candy bar with her. She was probably going to school or back to her home when she died.
>When maggot-eater had the dream, Aurora woke up in the middle of a sunny field, maybe a place she is familiar, maybe she was the daughter of farmers. So maybe she died in other place and her body was brought to the woods.
>Her body was lying in the middle of the woods with no attempt of hiding it. When woodsman walks around, it would be pretty easy to him to spot her body or smell the rotten corpse.
>While we don’t see any wound on the front of her body we don’t know if she was knocked out from behind.
>Aurora and the rest of the pixies were expelled with some red mucus. What if she died from internal injuries. That would explain the lack of external marks.
I don't know what this is....but it's definitely evil....
Jane got away! She's a free spirit, after all. Let me dream.
talking about european comics, have anyone heard of any news about The third Ogre gods book?
I can wish this. After reading again I got a closure about Maggot-eater and the ones who didn’t go with Zelie. Most died under the snow, probably while sleeping. But no trace about Redhead. I hope that’s enough to believe she is able to survive in the snow.
I am thinking she is a teenager or a young adult. We see that she is flat chested when she is bathing, but the prince certainly isn't a child judging by he tries to hook up with all the other characters. I think Aurora's innocence and naivete just make her seem younger than she really is.
Nah, I think Aurora is cute and all. But it's weird, after seeing how much she's been exploited by the other characters, I wouldn't want to take advantage of someone so sweet and innocent. If I did, wouldn't I be just as bad as them?
Here you go.
For all we know, the human girl might have just eaten some bad mushrooms.
You can find scans here:
Someone has translated the dialogue, however the translation is in a pastebin, no one has actually edited the French in the comic into English. But it's good enough if you want to know what everyone is saying.
thanks I'll check it out
I just noticed that the "secret place" that Aurora locked the others inside is the compartment for the ash pan.
The fire doesn't reach down into that part of a stove so they wouldn't have been burned to death, but more likely have died to carbon-monoxide poisoning, being slowly cooked do to the close proximity to the fire, or buried in ash, which at their size would be like being buried in razorblades.
Based and redpilled
That's true, but with a giant fire with tiny people, doesn't the air get burned up first? I heard that with big fires, victims often die of suffocation, there wouldn't be enough water in those tiny shitstains to stop much.
just read darkness.
I feel.....not good...
You should try reading Beauty next. Fucked up stuff happens in that one but it has a happy ending.
I just read the whole thing....holy shit.
It's definitely 'European', they really love taking shots at the Disneyfied tropes of fairy tales.
I kinda wonder if these beings actually need to eat or if they just feel hungry.
I don't know how to respond to this. On the one hand, it seems kind of like arbitrary grimderp, on the other, I could see this actually happening.
they definitely need to breathe, as both Timothy and hector kind of prove,
(as well as "hungry" since she's shown basically "dead" after being stuck in a hole for 6 days)
Such a wonderful dark fairy tale. The ending was perfect.
>which at their size would be like being buried in razorblades
Holy shit.
>burried alive because you are ugly
if only
>For all we know, the human girl might have just eaten some bad mushrooms.
think that might be it,
honestly I don't think the woodsman is responsible for the girl's death, though it's strange that he
>A. didn't seem to pay much attention to it.
>B. didn't even attempt to hide it/bury it
>C. notice the encampment that was being built around her body.
for some reason I'm picturing these triplets being some kind of weird joke she had or a memory of someone she knew, and they were held together more by the circumstances of the narratives the little girl weaved
Did he even know about her? I mean yeah she would have made a stink for a while but its possible he never found the body...although again you'd think there would have been search parties/dogs unless she lived in some rough country.
the only conclusion I've got is that he didn't have anything to do with it, and wasn't aware that there was the body of a child near where he lived.
>if he knew about it, he would've either reported it to the police or made an attempt at hiding it, not leaving it in the middle of the woods
>if he knew about it, he would've either reported it to the police or made an attempt at hiding it, not leaving it in the middle of the woods
And risking to be accused of her death?
I feel like Aurora was the little girl’s self perception, Jane was the woman she wanted to grow up to be, and the maggot eater was the lingering remains of her actual consciousness.
damn son
They feel like she built her idea of them around a storybook illustration.
One thing I really don't get is the mouse. The whole book presents the idea that these are idealized little pixie creatures who think the world is a fairytale but instead they're living in the real world which is harsh and cruel. How come the mouse acted like a Disney mouse, where he seemed to be able to communicate with Aurora as if he were a person, even wearing people clothes? Was it an actual mouse or another of the dead kid's fantasy creatures?
That is brutal.
Bitch deserved it.
""happy"" ending
I am reading Miss don't touch me and I am in page 100, and getting bad vibes despite it seems a posible good end. How bad is it?
I stopped at the costume party and jumped to the end because I didnt feel like reading it anymore.
She walks a dog thinking about a guy who was lobotomized oming to take her away I think.
What about ant colony?
Always nice to see the end of the bitch brigade.
I'm feeling masochistic, I'll give it a read.
This looks positively horrible.
Anybody got a mega or a torrent ro something?
>ctrl+f 'pencil case'
>no results
If only you knew
its up in readcomiconline
There's a link to a storytime thread in this very thread.
Meh, I did the same. Second part is a miss, it felt too random.
Pls. Explain.
>There was scratches
Timothy, one of the better little people/pixies is tricked by the bitch princess Zerie to do a pretend burial, in a pencil case. They inmediatly forget about her and leave a baby she was taking care of to die in a rock alone.
later another character dies and they go and dig out the pencil case, which was "covered in scratches",they proceed to dump the body and put the other person that died there.
Death by burning was too fucking nice of aurora.
Oh, I see. I thought the pencil case was some Easter egg that lead to explain Aurora's death.
Fair enough, they might have choked to death long before they actually suffered any sort of life threatening burns.
It's not impossible to survive losing a ton of skin to burns, plenty of folk have done it, still plenty of napalm strike Vietnam victims still alive to this day; but when you get to the point where they have to score your chest like a fucking bread crust so you can breath you're pretty fucked.
the whole thing is just depressing primarily because they don't seem to understand or care enough about the things they're doing.
they're psycho's in that very unique way that you're likely to encounter IRL.
Jane dying to the bitch pose is the most depressing part of the comic imo. Everyone else dying was the result of them being complete fucking idiots or to natural forces. Jane just, presumably, gets dragged down by a group of retarded children because they have numbers despite being the only one self sufficient for the majority of the comic.
They're very faelike in being unable to understand a lot of human concepts. Like Zelie is a massive bitch and a murderer but the extent of her malicious nature is that of a school yard bully. She takes people's shit and says hurtful things to get her way but absolutely none of them, including the ones dying, seem to comprehend death (which I guess is the point). Even Tim just kind of goes along with the burial and their full knowledge of death seems to be "you gotta hold a burial".
I mean you could argue Zelie (along with Jane and Aurora) is actually slightly smarter than the rest of them to the degree that she's the only one who understands she's being a fucking killer but I think that's giving her too much credit. She's just as retarded as the rest outside of her personality being that of a bitchy popular girl.
Wait, was someone doing and animation for Beautiful Darkness?
That's pretty cool.
I doubt it's finished, though.
They were children, and children are unable to understand fairness or death, they are pretty selfish creatures that can make bad and good things without evil intent.
They are more childlike besides the bird Pixi who is the only one who actually acts like a adult.
Somebody post me a pic of girl with the scissors. She was the best girl though.
What if it was the little people that killed the kid? I mean, the magot eater has the dream about the girl waking up. Maybe they've seen the girl before and killed her. Or maybe while the girl was asleep they got in her guts and killed her.
crops of first appearances
He was just well trained
I wish it would've ended at the first volume. The second book made her character terrible.
Thanks, user.
Probably not. They all seem to be “waking up” after the girl is already a corpse.
I don't get the second par, I don't feel it complements her character development, it feels they are two different protagonists. Actually, it could have worked as two different protagonist and Blanche passing the torch to her once her arc was finished.
They didn't, they looked like survivors from an earthquake or a sinking.
Punished Aurora
>A Fallen Princess
from a more innocent time:
Yeah. I guess they wanted to give her a love interest to make her happy but surprise! He was actually gay! which I totally called. And then she became a total selfish bitch by giving him to his mother.
I don't remember the bathing scene for some reason.
I think they were more or less birthed out of the girls imagination.
what we saw in the intro was what she was imagining as she died. (notice Aurora the pixie/tiny comes out of her eyes/pupa)
>adventurous skilled woman who prefers to work alone and understands the dangers of bigger world
>blonde bitch and her retarded fae clique
I'm still mad
"who's jane?"
It's okay. They're dead, too
derp meant to say
"jane? don't know her"
This stuff looks fucked up.
Where can I read it?
>Badass older pixie-thing that takes to the new world like an adventurer, hunts and survives on her own and even clips a bird to tame, also seems to have good wits and is experienced
>Still gets offed by 5-head and her retinue of dummies
It wasn't so much even that I thought it was implausible, but I just really want to know how it happened. Red girl was like an experienced adult while the rest were like dumb, cruel children so how did a bunch of dummies beat an effective adult?
Ambushed or she just run away once they took her bird.
>>Badass older pixie-thing that takes to the new world like an adventurer, hunts and survives on her own and even clips a bird to tame, also seems to have good wits and is experienced
>>Still gets offed by 5-head and her retinue of dummies
>It wasn't so much even that I thought it was implausible, but I just really want to know how it happened. Red girl was like an experienced adult while the rest were like dumb, cruel children so how did a bunch of dummies beat an effective adult?
in some cruel and stupid way probably,
Just seemed odd to me that the rest of them would fall for a prank like "Let's play Fake Funeral! Get in the coffin!", but not red girl. Oh well.
no like she stops and tells them to shut the fuck up or falls off her robin while riding and is left to die of some injury or from the cold despite being within eyeshot of the "princess"
>literally too precious for this world
>she was too pure lads
she left this world the same way she came in, alone and abandoned
>tfw Inside Out is just the children version of this
Where's the Beauty storytime, all I get from the achieve are mentions.
After reading Beauty and Miss don’t touch me, I feel this is the best work of the couple and is provably because was a collaborative work with another writer.
It stil hurts.
Idk, Inside out should've been much more like this, would've been interesting to see the reactions from critics/audiences to a girl dead and rotting in the woods and the pointless cruelty of what is going on
Nevermind, I got it.
BD should be turn into a movie, but by Frenchs. Americans should be forbidden of touching it.
it should be made by the french, and americans should be pressured to watch the subtitles.
(in all likelyhood it would be done in english anyway because the french do that knowing the export market is pretty important when it comes to making a profit)
Most people die of suffocation in fires not from smoke inhalation or anything but because the fire sucks the breath right out of your fucking lungs
Fire and drowning are thought to be the most painful ways to die because your lungs burst
link please im to lazy.
Hmph, you dare to ask of me for services that no saw fit to give to me?
>this is how Lord of the Flies would turn out if they had all been girls
this is a pretty good insight.
this page kind of imples to me that her death was a nasty one. (it's a nightmare the one who lives in her head is having)
perhaps the woman dressed him up before he ate her
You're telling me you don't wanna 3D animated film about the imaginary characters of a girl who is totally not dead come to life and play in a forest with wacky animals and get into hijinks when the encounter the MODERN WORLD?
>trailer is just Plim interacting with goofy rat and 80s nostalgic song playing
>goofy chase scene ends with slow motion "AAAAAH" scene
>the only burn Aurora gives to bitch squad is "you know what? I don't HAVE to play princess cuz I'm independent woman"
>Timothy doesn't get buried alive and gets accepted by the group in the end
>the girl is still dead but they don't show her corpse, just a memorial to keep that for the 5 minute Pixar sad moment
>the old sad bum in the cabin really is the dad
>celebrity voice actors
>more 80s music montage scene
>everyone learns the value of family
>ends with dancing sequence
But there's male fairy things.
If Timothy lives than I'm okay.
I would love to be alone with everyone involved. :)
It was 5 against 1, It's not like they aren't skilled. Let alone, this could have all been solved if she didn't make her first mistake of helping Aurora.
Does the Prince still get eaten by a bullfrog?
>Illumination Pictures presents
moreso i mean that some people are convinced a female lord of the flies wouldn't happen because women are less aggressive or something. which is bullshit, it would likely play out like here, psychological torment and indirect violence.
they seem like the type of male character that would appear in an animated fairytale. the prince love interest, the shorty sidekick, the pest brothers.
it spits him out and he is comically covered in mucus so zelie dumps him
yeah, but the whole structure of what happens reminds me a lot more of how girls will create hierarchies and pecking orders than how boys will.
no it spits him out in a post-credit scene, so he's alive, but he's as shallow and "saturday-night-fever-walking"-as ever.
are there any more Yea Forums things with old-school morality fae-type characters in them?
>specs has heartwarming character arc about growing a spine and rejecting zelie
>I have a problem with vore turning me on and terrifying me to no end
There's enough unintentional and intentional vore in comics and cartoons that you eventually become all too familiar with it.
Fear is the entire crux of vore. The only real boner from vore (aside from when artists like Bigbig just honestly draw really sexy big T&A) is a fearboner. It's hottest when it's most horrifying, when you KNOW it's completely disturbing to the average person, and how forbidden and taboo it is that you're getting turned on by it, and how much you SHOULDN'T be getting a boner.
It took me a long time to come to terms with the kind of vore that turns me on the most, and it turns out to be all the things I find most personally horrifying, like watching someone else live out my personal nightmare. I find I prefer seeing the prey in as much realistic fear as possible too, even going as far as really fucked-up psychological shit like crying for their parents or someone to come help them, or trying (and failing, that's important) to convince themselves its so unreal that it must be a dream they'll wake up from, with the pred teasing, taunting, and emotionally/psychologically torturing them the whole time.
Strangely enough, I don't like x-rays, maw-shots, post-vore (scat), or visible digestion (unless it's the prey turning into more fat-in-all-the-right-places for the pred to lure in more prey, or getting cumgested in cock vore). I prefer to see the prey get swallowed, and just like if you saw someone get swallowed by some large creature in reality, you wouldn't be seeing what happens to them in detail, they would just be gone, with maybe some muffled cries and screams from within the bloated belly, until what happens to food happens to them.
Before you ask, no, I no longer have any respect for myself as a human being anymore, after learning so many things about myself.
>Before you ask, no, I no longer have any respect for myself as a human being anymore, after learning so many things about myself.
Well at least you're honest about it. Have fun fapping to weird shit user
Although personally hearing the stuff about a fear boner does explain some recent shit for me
Thanks to Yea Forums's degeneracy, I don't know if this is a funny copypasta or a legitimate autist getting something off his chest
look on the bright side freak, at least you aren't that guy who gets off to the kitchen tiles.
Or the guy who gets off to expensive white bread and deforestation
Jesus what the hell is that!?
Or the corn fapper.
Or the one that has a fetish on the state of OHIO
Or the one that started fapping to women in millitary uniform and ended fapping to armors
this is looking good;
though the ideal time for this to have been made into a film would've been the same time stuff like "Watership Down", "When the Wind Blows", and "Plague Dogs" were being made.
Ghibli would find this too nihilistic right?
truly. things like this are why scientists may never understand the human brain
all copy pasta was at least one time meant seriously
grave of the fireflies was pretty fucking dark
>Or the one that started fapping to women in millitary uniform and ended fapping to armors
that's kinda hilarious
>you wouldn't be seeing what happens to them in detail, they would just be gone, with maybe some muffled cries
I know how that feels.
That kinda thing only works when you've got enough "willing suspension of disbelief" in the story for your brain to see the implications coming, but not fill in too many details.
It's what your anime waifu would look like if they were IRL
she kinda what I imagine whatever the fuck these pixie people would look like if they were real, too. Timothy would honestly make me shit my pants if I saw that skinny one eyed pixie walking around all jangling with noodle limbs.
>1/3 of the cast is black, 1/3 are muslims because muslims are part of any inner world.
>Redhead is LESBIAN, if the original story had her on her own, this adaptation will bring her significant female other!
>Zelie is handicapped (see her big head), so that means everything she did was cute and brave
Please don't compare the sterile, cool sensuality of tiles to this degenerate shit
>Zelie is handicapped (see her big head), so that means everything she did was cute and brave
God fuck I can see too many normies these days sympathising with Zelie (esp. because she looks like le cute innocent little girl), and in whatever big adaptation happens, her death will have tragic tones instead of justified tones.
This looks gross.
Just read it today, the fae's inability to comprehend the consequences of their actions or even stuff that happens outside of them until it occurs to them (and sometimes not even then) is probably what gets me the most, it's a very subtle yet disturbing type of horror and evil.
And the fae are also supposed to be various representations of the dead girl, right? Aurora is the most obvious one/ the girl's 'main' personality but the girl that refused to leave the corpse was also an Aurora, and Zelie likely as well, or at least that's what I got from it.
Absolute cringe:
>live action adaptation
>Illumunation presents
>basically Inside Out but not really
>musical numbers
>Timothy fake out death
Kinda cringe:
>directed by modern Tim Burton
>Pixar/Disney presents
>no musicals but has pop songs
>3D animated
>Zelie gets forgiven or a tragic character
>Timothy dies painlessly
>Laika presents
>Directed by old school Tim Burton
>no musical or a "dark musical"
>3D or Stop Motion
>death scenes are not that many or as horrible
>Timothy dies
>Zelie the only bitch and deserved to die
>Directed and animated by the Frenchs
>no 3D, stop motion or 2D
>no musical
>deaths are very apparent
>Zelie isn't the only bitch around
Cringe but Based:
>Japanese anime movie adaptation
>an inspired by or based on adaptation that's different enough to separate the source material
>Dark Musical
>faithful adaptation but normies call it "Smurfs but for adults"
Absolutely cringe but also based and redpilled:
>sidescroller video game similar to Hollow Knight
>soulslike open world video game with survival elements
>a faithful adaptation but has the budget of a shoestring so it's more like a stylish slideshow
>live action faithful adaptation
>faithful adaptation but normies call it "Smurfs but for adults"
Don't hurt me like that.
I read it more as all the girls imaginary characters she thought up leaving her body. You know how sometimes to pass the time you just imagine a story and characters or think of a scenario in media you'd like to see happen?
I see it all as The girl was walking along imagining things, died, and all her imaginary characters managed to crawl out into the real world, and since they knew just as much as the little girl (aka pretty much nothing) they didn't understand anything bad happening to em.
I think the girl who didn't want to leave the corpse and Jane knew this however. Mostly because Jane was competent when she isn't against someone with a bigger forehead then her, and the corpse girl had a nightmare of the little girl waking back up leaving all them trapped in her mind again.
In a way its like they gained free will but didn't have much actual character to them to learn and grow with that free will. Minus those like Aurora.
Also personally I found how dark this book was to be kinda hilarious. The absurdity of some of the deaths though others effected me more then others
Call me an edgefag all you want but we can both agree it was a great read
>Aurora would be into Jane after the prince dumps her
>linking to the 2015 one
My negro
Adventure Time was already popular on Youtube in 2006 due to the leaked pilot
I wonder if maggot girl lived. She ddn't seem to do anything other than survive on flies, which eventually left the body
She wasnt ugly though. She was very pretty, and was going to look after that baby, showing she had a very caring nature.
It was nice to see those bitches get what they had coming in the end, but it still didnt feel like enough. All the death and suffering they caused can never be undone.
How did the little girl die exactly? I've never read this.
I just realized the mouse is in the background of this page , he really did eat her
It's never made clear
>All the death and suffering they caused can never be undone
Pride, feeds their blackened hearts
And the thirst, must be quenched, to fuel hypocrisy
Cleansing flames, is the only way to repent
We see her wandering around in the winter and still live in the girl's skull so she likely forages for food.
It's not revealed. There are a few hints, like characters mentioning others dying from poisonous mushrooms or one panel where the girl's skull is surrounded by sharp pencils sticking up in leaves, but nothing concrete.
The sharp pencils were put there by maggot-eater as a way to make a perimeter.
If the girl were a 5yrs old I would believe she decided to eat shiny cute mushroom! But she was 8 to 11 yrs, I doubt someone of her age would have picked a random mushroom on her way to home/school.
Same here.
I'm pretty sure the maggot-eating one would have died from the cold due to her desire to stay in the skull no matter what.
This comic inspired me to make my own. Thanks to the OP, and the anons who put the archive, and mostly thanks to the original OP who made the storytime.
Considering that the little people who crawled out of her couldn't tell the difference, it's likely she couldn't either. Some toxic mushrooms look very similar to safe mushrooms, it can be easy to mix them up if you're not careful.
She had all those warm hides, though. Or hair-spun rugs. Whatever they were made from, they seemed to be keeping her safe from the elements.
This is fucking stupid.
I’d like to know more about corn fapper and armor user, sounds like a /k/ thing to me.
And ate them raw? That’s what I don’t get it, most mushrooms are cooked, and hardly any of them are munched like apples. I would have believe it if they were talking about poisonous berries.
I don't have any of those screecaps anymore but i think armor user was from /tg/.
Oh yeah, I forgot about those, but I'm not sure if that would be enough to survive the winter, she still needs to find food.
She was the only one ready for winter. Damn, I am still sad about redhead.
For me I’m only into vore a good 5% of the time. I have to be in the right mood for it and it has to be a specific type. I think it’s just the general humiliation and suffering aspect of it because I have a lot of other fetishes involving this.
You know what I'm just going reread the comic and pay closer attention to the maggot-girl. I definitely missed some stuff.
Happy I found this thread. my LCS had this on their shleves and I picked it up thinking it was some Over the Garden Wall book. Open right to OP's page and it felt like a spear just went through me. I put it back on the shelf and left but that one page haunted me, I could not get it out of my head. That night I just couldn't take it. I spent hours trying to remember the name and I finally found a site that had it streamed. I satyed up all night rereading it. To top it all off it began to storm heavily for the next few days.
I really don't know where to start. The book just gets deep under your skin. There is just so much to ask and you get no answers. Everything about it is just truly horrifying.
Maybe there is something wrong with me because I don’t feel the deep despair many anons already mentioned while reading it. To me is an amazing work but I find it hard to call it unsettling or disturbing.
Are you German or spanish?
No, they just did that one little scene.
Have all the Jane pics
She probably told them to STFU and then turned around to head back home when Pilm took a cheap shot and stabbed her in the back with his spear. No, I mean, she got away and came back later to live with Aurora, and Timothy came back too it turns out she was just sleep haha... ;_;
>yfw a thousand "Zelie did nothing wrong" threads spring up after the movie comes out
The nightmare was that the girl came back alive, got up, and walked away. The reason that the girl in her head was so relieved was that she knew that she was still in her new home.
What music would go great if it ever gets an adaptation?
Something like Aku no hana OST could fit some moments.
You know what i always find interesting about fairies and little forest people?
They seem to usually lack the ability to know right and wrong. They are not stupid but sometimes act like that.
Like little fairypaths.
>According to folklore a fairy path is a route taken by fairies usually in a straight line and between sites of traditional significance, such as fairy forts or raths, "airy" mountains and hills, thorn bushes, springs, lakes, rock outcrops, and Stone Age monuments.
Did you mean any of that or were you just making some sociopath pun?
>Ghibli would find this too nihilistic right?
Have you read the manga of Nausicaä? That ending is pretty nihilistic and somehow hopeful at the same time.
I remember this being posted in the last storytime thread.
That was quite something.
try my hand at some drawing faggotry before this thread dies, I drew this
I like it.
Good job, user!
>This and blast are the only two comics to legitimately get under my skin.
What was blast about? I only read Blast years ago. I only remember Psychedelics and gross imagery. That’s it.
Now tell me, Yea Forums: Is this the most human of humans, or the least human of humans? Choose wisely, Yea Forums, your life may depend on it
The despair comes from the pixies inability to understand the real world and the consequences of their actions
Oh hey, Miss don't touch me is something I've been intending to read for a long time.
There a link to a storytime archive for that too?
I'd like to believe the mouse didn't kill the mom-pixie... either way, Aurora went overboard with him.
Thanks for letting me know this exists, OP. What a lovely dark fairytale.
Poor Aurora though, all the shit she had to go through. At least she got just the tiniest bit of revenge to make her feel slightly if at all better.
Poor Timothy
Another mystery is what the mans relation to the dead irl is.
I always thought they had to have SOME connection, an old alcoholic toymaker living alone in the woods after losing his child is how I always saw it.
Jane thinks he smells awful, but Aurora likes the smell, likening it to honey.
Maybe Aurora is the little girls self insert or something, since she shares her name.
idk, who and how characters die in this just strikes me as unlike anything Ghibli has ever done. Though Spirited Away kind of comes close in a few scenes.
sort of what makes "fae" societies seem so surreal is the lack of consequences/casualness to death I guess, idk
I only read this comic once and I can't stomach it again.
Oh Christ
>tfw can apply that fear, crying for mommy and stuff to my bondage fetish and I get rock hard
That odd feel of getting where another user comes from even if you don't share his fetish at all.
Agreed, although that one issue of Beasts of Burden with the kid who drowns puppies also makes me feel sick.
Read it again.
I've come to think of the pixies as different parts of the dead girl's psyche, with Aurora being the "main" figment.
Not into the weird fear aspect, I just like pregnancy or vore that gives a preggo motherly vibe.
The thing that's holding me back from fapping to the OP is that the fairy girl is probably a child.
I'm a weirdo but not a pedo
>an old alcoholic toymaker living alone in the woods after losing his child
I don't think they have any relationship at all, but your headcanon is not bad.
>she shares her name
The girl has a name? Where's that stated?
baby was clearly just crying from looking at the monster
A notebook in the dead girls backpack reads "Aurora" and coincidentally, the mc is "Princess Aurora"
>>she shares her name
>The girl has a name? Where's that stated?
I think user means pic related
Shut up, Zelie.
Thanks, anons, I'd forgotten.
I honestly think it was violent because of their numbers. Zelie made them do something stupid and cruel and it overwhelmed her
I knew shit was going down when Aurora started helping people and sharing the food.
Somehow that made me uneasy after Jane left.
Plim demanded the bird. Plim seems to get their way/snake out of situations until the end. Jane might not be dead - but might not be 'around' anymore.
He, just a sociopath pun.
Shut up Lyoko
The man is rapist hobo, he had his way with the girl and then killed her.
Aurora is little girl’s spirit (that’s why she has her name), she falls in love with the man because this is fucked up story.
Jane dying is important to the narrative. Did she deserves to die, yes but less than the others.
Jane acted like a role model, showing Aurora the value of being independent away from the group. In that same regard, Jane fault for dying was the need to protect Aurora, she probably would have died protecting Aurora from a cat or some sort of animal eventually. Her death is the last straw that forces Aurora, to realize the only person she can depend on is herself (and woodsman husband)
Just got finished reading it.
It's pretty damn great.
It's eerie how the children don't seem to give a shit about members of their group just dying left and right.
I mean, it's probably because they haven't really grasped just how permanent death is or how their actions have serious consequences, but still.
I guess if a bunch of little kids were left to fend for themselves this is how it would go.
>Did she deserves to die, yes
What did she do to deserve it?
The way they look at her seems like annoyance. Did they feel she was being arrogant?
They follow that big forehead bitch so i don't think they care about that.
maybe envy. it indicates she has some sort of leadership or importance.
Nah, too much
How did Jane deserve to die?
She didn't really do anything wrong.
She said the woodsman was dangerous and to stay away from him, but I don't remember her actively doing anything harmful.
I see them as fragments, lacking souls and unable to understand their own mortality, or feel empathy for others.
I'm going to sound like an asshole, but it's how I see the book. It's a world design to be "fend for yourself", even helping people is a sin in this book.
So she sealed her fate by letting Aurora crash with her.
it's a standard tumblr-tier art
Actual mouse I think. I don't know if I would characterize the story like you did either. I think the mouse is there to show that there is generosity and kindness in the world besides just Aurora, and she ends up acting cruelly towards it. Something innocent and kind like the mouse needed to be what Aurora attacked for her moral degradation to be driven home. I think the mouse is a "Disney mouse" which wears clothes and has intelligence for the same reason the little people came out of a dead girl. It's a fantastical element that has a dark twist (the rat's fate).
Beautiful Darkness is actually one of the best comics I've ever read and it's a shame how little known it is.
you kidding me? Yea Forums can't stop fellating it. it's not my fault that you are causal tourists
Ah, so like parts of the original Aurora.
I guess since this is kind of a fairy tale they're just physical manifestations of parts of herself.
And maybe because she's dead those parts of her are dying off as well until all that's left is the "main" component, the little Aurora.
How did Timothy or the girl with the alergy deserve to die? None of these characters deserved death, they were only trying to survive, resorting to their primal instincts and egoistical behaviours to do so.
I'm not arguing against that, I was just wondering why that user felt Jane deserved to die.
Eh...the others would have found their way to the cottage regardless
>I was just wondering why that user felt Jane deserved to die.
pretty sure that user is Zelie
I meant outside Yea Forums. I've never seen it discussed anywhere else.
What other comics have vore in them?!? My friend wants to know.
>She said the woodsman was dangerous and to stay away from him
That IS a sticking point in the story to me..Jane seems to always know more than the others and it makes me wonder if she knew something about 'the giant'. Maybe he WAS the girl's killer? Maybe he's crazy? Maybe he just shoots his gun off when he gets drunk and jerks off a lot? Or maybe because she was created as imaginary 'mature' woman she just knew him for what he was and for what she and the other fae beings were and that revealing themselves to humans wouldn't go down well for anybody.
TL:DR the story is fucked up bro...
I think she just meant that he was dangerous because he's a giant human and a human would instinctively try to smoosh them like an insect.
Quit samefagging because no one else agreed with you.
so are moomins tumblr? literally what are you even trying to convey with this sentence
I saw that the maggot eating fairy thing had visions of the girl's thoughts because she ate parts of her brain and that somehow gave her her memories.
>wanting a logical answer
You know that's not gonna happen.
Caring about others opinion of her. She
or the girl with the alergy. But really Zelie was going to get her killed regardless
>Girl with allergy
That's just death by nature. I think how everyone just ignores her probably shows how the group didn't actually care for one another.
>didn't actually care for one another
They don't have empathy because they were never created with it. They are mentally 2 dimensional beings that only have the attributes they were given by the dead girl as she imagined them which is also why when the girl gets infected they have no concept of what is happening.
that's a good post
also doesn't eating brains give you prion diseases?
Only if the brain is already diseased. You can eat healthy brains just fine.
Thanks for bumping the thread.
That's really good point, and probably why it's so jarring to read. Timothy cry of not deserving to live only to be met by a casual agreement was pretty harsh. The little dude who goes around taking things from others, with not one but a fight back. I think Jane death was the most cynical, the speed at which it had to happen.
What the fuck did they even do to Jane? You’d think for someone as experienced as her she’d have no problem wiping the floor with at least a few if not all of these incompetent fucks.
The book probably left out the details specifically because anything they came up with would have been bullshit. I assume it was some kind of accident they took advantage of.
But...Zelie was killed in the stove...
The Ogre Gods. Say hi to your friend.
Probably shot her down with spears. It had be some cheap kill, as nothing they do is ever earned.
Most likely threw a spear
got a lucky shot
Jane crashed the bird
They walk right up and took the bird
probably never giving Jane a second look as she bled out.
if they waited until jane dismounted the bird to speak to them it would be easy. zelie is physically a lot bigger and jane didn't take a weapon with her.
It makes sense till Jane comes in. Jane isn't part of their group and says she's been living by herself for a while.
Someone photoshop this NOW.
I don't see this as the fairies were born from the girl's personality. I think they're just a colony of blissfully ignorant fairies who saw a dead body and thought "Wow! We can live in this!" But I still don't get why Aurora saw the name on the notebook and said "oh that's me!" They clearly have names. Did she change her name?
This some kinda weight gain comic?
They literally flushed by stream of blood out of her skull through bullet hole. Did you read the comix before making such decisions?
Not at all
This post makes the most sense, just freaking the bird out and causing Jane to go flying into something hard and skull-shattering would explain how they "beat" Jane without any of her blood on their clothes, and weapons. Plus, it fits the whole casual death pattern.
He's saying the fairies were forced out of the body by the red gunk in the girls's head.
Also has the best ending out of any of his works
I thought they were forced out because the body was decomposing from the inside because she's been dead for a while.
This opinion is a bad one. Satania's ending was its worst and most generic part. Beautiful Darkness' ending is thematic, conclusive, and leaves a lot of possible interpretations available to the reader.
Same thing.
maybe jane is like that little figure you daydream about who runs on the top of buildings when you're in the car.
>little figure you daydream about who runs on the top of buildings when you're in the car.
Hmm, you and me have different day dreams
I used to imagine remote controlled vehicles driving alongside.
This is interesting, but what about people dealing in hypno vore?
Like I have no problem with the prey waking up in the belly of the snake, so long as they're happily seduced to it in the first place.
Grave of the Fireflies was dark for a reason though, to show the horrors kf war and try to dissuade people fron cruelty
Beautiful Darkness is more a portrait in the kind of horrors absolute innocence can produce.
>accepts and ackniwledges flaws rather than denying or projecting them
If anything they're a better human than roughly half of us
every person wears a mask and behind that mask lies the true self
At the very beggining we see Aurora, the prince and plim in a white space, with furniture.
The dialogue implies that's how their daily lives are, and suddenly red stuff comes from the roof and they crawl out from the girl's head, aurora literally climbing out of the girl's eye.
It makes sense they were figments of her imagination that became real the moment the girl's mind stopped working.
it wasn't a bullet hole though, it was her pupa/eyes
I thought they were imagining the inside of the girl as a castle and then reality kicks in when it starts decomposing more and the reader sees the truth.
Also, that other user said she's climbing out of a bullet hold. That's why I said "what".
Try to think of it this way.
With how confused and disoriented they were when they crawled out of the girls body, you seriously think they came from the normal world?
They didn't even know what mushrooms were poisonous.
Also this picture clear things up
I kind of wish they'd made the "prologue" bit slightly longer, done more to establish the "narratives" or "what kind of characters they were originally" so there's more contrast and understanding about who they are when they get into the real-world..
I guess
I think the mystery adds a layer of interpretation and gives it that storybook magic feeling. And the opening of the book is such a rollercoaster, stretching the pacing out even a page or two more would dull the effect.
Turning to the page after this one
and seeing the dead girl from the bird's eye view with the title page next to it is one of the best moments in a comic for me.
I agree, it's well paced and very obvious as to what is going on.
Also, is there any reason why noone is storytiming this? i know there is an archive link but i think it would be better to just show the whole book in the thread instead of having random pics of it throught the thread.
also i wanna see people react
>is there any reason why noone is storytiming this
>there is an archive link
Answered you're own question buddy, that plus someone would have to want to storytime it and have the time to do so, maybe someone will do it later this month.
>All the replies to this post mocking user for his creepy fetish
None of it is under his control, and besides for finding already obscurish porn, fetish communities exist because they are people, like you and I, doomed to have degenerate and disturbing fantasies, and will only ever find comfort about it knowing they are not the only ones.
Having a /d/ tier fetish is literally like being a homosexual, it's not the fault of the person for being mentally ill and otherwise they can possibly be normal people who can keep it to themselves. The most outspoken examples you see are the stereotypes you associate them with ie: autists, flamboyant faggots, or furries who are both (and yes, there are definitely furs out there that never reveal that) There's also influence in upbringing, cartoons for stuff like hypno, vore, size, etc, and child abuse for homosexuals, but it's still mostly out of their control and affected their upbringing.
You can literally ask any user alternate fetish and they will confirm that they stumbled upon their fetish by complete accident or had thoughts about it since childhood.
the responsers were very nice for Yea Forums
just read the vol 3 on this user post that story did not end like i was expecting it.
I think it's partially a question of pacing and partially a question of "the overall message(s)/'themes' the story attempts to communicate" and "the overall atmosphere invoked".
there's a "forgetting a dream you wake up from" quality to the intro's disorientation.
idk, a longer prologue would probably be needed in an animated (or otherwise) adaptation.
Yeah, I think one of the few things that can be established with any certainty is that the "fairies" existed inside the girl and were popped out once she died.
What they are is more vague and I think there isn't just one vaild and correct interpretation.
They could be idealizations of her friends and family. Could represent different aspects of her personality, her hopes and flaws. They could be her fancy taken form, characters of her imagination.
Aurora seems to be the girl herself, or at least an idealized version. Kind helpful, smart, beloved by everyone, she was dating the prince. She could be what the girl wanted to be.
It seems the girl knew the man in the woods, and she may have gone there for him, for an imaginary date with her prince. Which didn't turn like she expected.
The prince turns out to be a fake prince. He couldn't protect her, he's a scam good for nothing and abandons Aurora.
The ugly fairy that never leaves the body could be the most visceral part of the girl's identity, that is why she can't leave the body, and that is why she had the nightmare of the girl waking up.
So she went to the woods, to see her "prince" but something went wrong and she died. Maybe he killed her. Maybe she fell from a tree because of the fly.
The whole thing could be the ghosts of the girl reliving the last moments of her life. The mature part of her warning her of the danger. The bratty and spoiled aspect(the princess) ruining everything and causing Aurora to lose everyone and to do bad things(the mouse). Her insecurities being buried down(Timothy).
And ultimately Aurora manages to fulfill her wich to live with her prince.
>I think the mystery adds a layer of interpretation and gives it that storybook magic feeling
I agree, the vagueness of it and the possibility of multiple readings are one of the things that make it so interesting.
this is
a beautiful
Backstabbing and coward attacks.
This. Love me some nice stuff, never enough of it.
Do you think this is what happened when Ymir died?
The thing is though is that Jane exsists and she isn't from the dead girl. It's established that Jane has been living by herself for some time so there must be other fairies in the world.
I think the problem is that there just isn't enough to really explain where they come from or what they are. It's really is a mystery because the one fairy has a baby but we don't know who the father is. There is in fact a prince but we don't know who the king is or of any other towns or cities. We don't even see any adults aside from the one mom and Jane.
Unless the creators come out and give us more info there really isn't anything solid as to where or what they are.
Jane is shown leaving the camp early on, she is almost certainly also from the little girl's body.
That's not user's point. I think he's trying to say that having an odd fetish is shameful and being gay isn't, when fundamentally they're both just sexual fantasies.
Is blast any good? What am I in for?
>Having a /d/ tier fetish is literally like being a homosexual,
Minus the slow march towards social acceptance and pride month, sure.
Why did Aurora attack the poor mouse
>neither of them will ever be truly happy again
Why would Kerascoet do this to us, bros?
That close up of her face is one of the best panels in the comic IMO
Because the others were taking advantage of her anger, and she needed something to take her anger out on.
Aurora got her revenge and the woodsman indirectly provides her shelter and food, how did Aurora not win
>Mouse and Jane try to help others out
>Get viciously killed in return
Watching sweet innocent Aurora literally gouge the kind mouse's eyes was absolutely heart-wrenching, especially after the mouse helped her so much. He just wanted a friend
Even if she did get revenge the damage is still done. All the people she actually cared about either died due to the bitch brigade or betrayed her to join them. It’s over, user. She may have made them suffer but by the end of the day they still took away something greater than their deaths could ever repay. But I mean they still fucking deserved it, especially after what they did to Timothy.
>Woodsman falls asleep
>Aurora lights match and comes back to the chimney
>Sees the ashes of all people that were her allies at one point now enemies tortured to ash
>Camera pans to her silent thousand-yard stare as the story ends
It couldn't end any other way.
Your interpretation makes the most sense to me. Jane warning them about the woodcutter made me skeptical of him.
I likewise don't see how Aurora could be said to be happy at the end. She's alone.
>fags are mentally ill
Those lying doctors, psychologists, and neuroscientists might trick the normies but us high-iq rick and morty fans know better.
gay bashing = pushback in the form of pride
It's so simple to stop the obnoxious behavior, but you are actively, constantly egging them on. pic related
Blanche made herself miserable. She could've stayed friends with the guy and not given him in to his mother to get lobotomized.
It's not an entirely lovely sort of happy, but she's satisfied with where she's at. It's been hell but now she has some form of peace, and that's enough after everything.
>I likewise don't see how Aurora could be said to be happy at the end. She's alone.
Just befriend another mouse.
Read through all of this shit the other night. Gave me actual nightmares. Though it's disappointing to learn I'm a pussy, it's been a long time since any media did that to me.
>that ending
Brutal, I love it
>that one girl dragged off by the ants
Man this comic is metal as fuck
The mouse is the death of Aurora's innocence, user. It goes from whimsical Disney mouse to an ordinary beast dressed in clothes.
Nightmares are just your brain trying to sort shit out that is on your brain. Nothing wrong with finding something this good memorable.
I'm surprised to have read that people dislike the pacing. Frankly I think the whole seasonal progression was brilliant, with aimless early spring stuff fading into the harshness of winter as the story progressed.
Exquisite and wonderfully subtle bait I r8 it 8/8, sir
I wonder what fucked up fairies woudl crawl out of my carcass?
Wouldn't we all be pixies of a sort then?
probably more intelligent and mature (if unpleasant) ones. children don't have as much of a developed moral compass or sense of self as an adult does
>the way the mouse takes the berry out of his mouth and puts it in front of her, like an "I'm sorry" offering
>gets thumbs jammed in his eyes
That fucking hurt.
>They've also done "Beauty"
And here I was feeling smart for noticing the similarities
she did almost nothing wrong
or he :(
>ragged down by a group of retarded children because they have numbers despite being the only one self sufficient
Its like a euphemism for modern society
Am I the only one who interprets this entire story kinda allegorically?
Jane disappears at this point because she is done. She needs to disappear now. Her purpose is served. She “died”, she lost to them despite being better, it doesn’t matter. Realistically yes she should have won, but this isn’t a realistic story.
Ah whatever no one will read this. I’m considering buying this book after reading this comic fuck it might as well
Aurora recognized Jane as an outsider from the start, she seemed to at least be familiar with everyone who came from the dead girl but she didn't know Jane.
Yeah she served her purpose in the narrative
wtf I hate aurora now
It is an allegory but it can still be fun to speculate. Ultimately you're right it doesn't really matter how she was overpowered and there are countless ways it could have happened.
I bought the book after reading it here a while back, I'd encourage you to. The art is gorgeous in real life, I don't think reading it on a screen gives the same effect and I've loaned my copy to people to read.
In the same sense we don't know how Aurora died, and why they follow Zelie, or who is the woodsman, the unanswered questions are part of the cruelty of reality.
She did WRONG, and it hurts the most because the rest of them were stupid sociopaths, but Aurora knew about good and wrong, and she just embraced the path of cruelty because she fell under social pressure.
I always interpreted it not as her falling to social pressure but giving in to her vicious urges which the other little people really never repressed at all.
My mom died that way when our house burned down
I don't feel it was like that because she used rat as the scapegoat to her frustrations (she blamed rat for ruining her party), and at the same time to redirect the negativity towards the group that were mocking her after being humiliated by Zelie and Hector's wedding.
Someone mentioned pressure release cuts in burn victims and that's true. If you don't release pressure the body will swell and rupture. Pick related
Here's an example where the cuts weren't made. Children like the ones in Beautiful Darkness burn differently than adults do because they have a much higher ratio of muscle to fat, and that's particularly true of female children
Good job user. Looks snazzy, though I think you overdid the amount of stitches/scars.
You can see she has remorse looking at his bloody corpse and she wears his pelt for the rest of the book.
Based actually. We should roleplay.
see you in three days user
thanks for sharing though
There's literally no rule against posting what I posted
Even before then.
In you can see that she looks traumatized, like she it immediately hit her what she just did.
>Not work safe image on a work safe board
I'm just saying user, buts it's all for the mods to decide at any rate
It's not any more nsfw than the comic pages themselves
why are you pleading your case to me? I'm just a bystander warning you of the "shoot first ask questions later" mods of Yea Forums
Every time I reread this I discover some new horrifying implication lurking in the background.
In case a jannie is reading this so they can be reminded why what I posted isn't breaking rules
If you want to feel worse read Miss Don't Touch Me.
Beautiful Darkness is depressing and fucked up, but ends on kind of a weird bittersweet note where at least one character escapes all the fucked up shit.
Beauty is depressing and fucked up but ends on a happy note where the main character lives a reasonably happy life and raises a family and stuff.
Miss Don't Touch Me ends with all the wrong people getting punished, all the worst people getting away with doing terrible things, and all the decent people getting fucked over.
>mods actually listen to pleading and making logical decisions
user these are the people that refused to moderate /swco/ and then used it's lack of moderation as a reason for banning it
shit I could get a ban just for saying the forbidden word; /swco/
I've gotten banned for storytiming Crossed before. Posting IRL gore is just fucking ASKING to be banned.
One time a guy got a ban for story timing a story that in one panel referenced MLP
not only was he banned but the single comic page was deleted
lol what story?
I got banned 1 day for putting bump on a thread. Forgot what the thread was
it was an elastic man story where he morphed into a MLP character so someone could ride on his back like a horse
heh, that's actually pretty funny
Miss Don't Touch Me is a mess of a story with lack of proper development. I don't mind the whole bad guys get away, but the path of Blanche was very bad developed. They really needed a good editor. Still, I love the art in there.
god i'm glad that's not me
If this were a normal kid's story it would've been a good idea.
I always thought of her of the little girl's vision of an adult, powerful and independent and smart, with Aurora being the main aspect of the girl's personality.
This comic kind of reminds me of that dark, euro Pinocchio comic D&Q also published.
its pretty good
Oh I remember this comic, where all the people are living in the body of a dead girl
wasn't that one of the really early original concepts for spongbo? all the creatures were living on a dead body
I've read some theories proposing that the man was the girl's father.
Or maybe he doesn't have any relation to her at all, and just happens to be some random man living in the woods.
I thought the mom was killed by a cat, and mouse just happened to find her clothes laying around.
Guys, do you know any comics with this same feeling to them? Fairy tales gone wrong or cutesy gorey things?
Nishioka Brosis.
Huh, thank you for your input.
Also yes, Bigbig DOES draw pretty nice T&A.
He's the only Vore artist i fap to.
This doesn't mean there aren't other artists I like that draw vore, it's just Bigbig is the only one that draws vore exclusively that's worth a damn.
Check this one out.
I cant find it anywhere, do you have the actual title? Thank you!
this one?
Specs was too cute to die.
What a fucking good read jesus christ.
She pledged her allegiance to Zelie. She got what she got.
If she stayed with Aurora she could've lived.
But she chose to follow Zelie, and thus sealed her fate.
She wasn't strong willed enough to leave the bitch brigade behind.
still aurora should've said something to Specs, or pulled her aside before she locked them up
i think she was about to, but specs ran off too fast.
dude edge lmao
>no one brings up the part where one gets pulled away into an ant-pile
eh, struck me as more than just "edge" as it's got quite a bit more stuff going on in it.
edgy would be showing total gore or having characters make a lot more "edgy" statements.
and risk Specs going back and letting them out? Fuck that.
you know now that I think about it, how would specs react to aurora locking the door and dragging her to the clock?
>"Oh my Aurora, She's going to be super mad.. what has gotten into you"
>"Aurora you.. you killed them"
How much does Specs understand about death?
Is she on Aurora's level and knows that death is permanent?
Or is she closer to the other fairies and doesn't grasp the concept of death.
Like, she knows not following Zelie will cause the group to turn on you, so I would think she's a little more aware than the others.
I can sort of see both of these working,
I kind of wish I was better at drawing/had better photoshop or art skills to replicate the style of the comic in a believable manner (mostly the lineart/way-lines are drawn since there's a specific thickness to it all)
she'd decide to do anything aurora said from then on and treat her as zelie 2.0
and honestly i think aurora would despise that.
idk I see aurora trying to get specs to think for herself and stuff
If you are so weak that you follow evil then you are a servant of evil and will get punished too.
Trusting ants at that size. She deserves it, and it was cool.
No, she let that bitch march to the stove like the rest.
It actually subverts how she was with Jane, Jane tried to help her out and got killed. Specs felt sorry for her, witch Aurora used to her advantage. Aurora plan would only work if nobody was able to tip off Zelie. That means without breaking character she had to fools everyone in the group.
In short "The Church Mouse roared."
And people say I don't learn anything from Yea Forums.
>getting cumgested in cock vore
I didn't see it that way, Aurora could've easily grabbed specs and pulled her outside of the oven and locked the door before telling her what was going to happen.
The way I see it, when Specs came over to Aurora to comfort her Aurora really genuinely see her as a friend at first, but then realized Specs would rather spinelessly heed to Zelie's beck and call and -then- decided that she wasn't worth saving.
I like how this gives off a creepy raggedy Ann book vibe and similar story books like it.
Loved reading this.
Not weird enough.
I feel like Aurora (and all the other fairies) aren't really capable of caring about each other.
Aurora clearly went out of her way to take care of those little morons when she didn't have to.
Great thread, people.
>-then- decided that she wasn't worth saving.
I doubt she wanted to kill Specs but it wasn't worth the risk. Specs was a relatively nice evil minion but she still was an evil minion, and she had either helped murder the tall red girl or at least watched the others do it only a few hours before. There was a huge chance that trying to get Specs out would have resulted in Aurora's death.
>I didn't see it that way, Aurora could've easily grabbed specs and pulled her outside of the oven and locked the door before telling her what was going to happen.
Oh would that be easy? It's easy to restrain a person who is the same size as you with one hand while you slam a door shut and lock it with your other while a band of people try to break out of the door and fucking kill you?
>She “died”, she lost to them despite being better, it doesn’t matter. Realistically yes she should have won, but this isn’t a realistic story.
My homie, it's realistic that she died just as its realistic if she didn't die, that's life. You can be the carefullest and skillful person out there but one small trip, one small mistake and you're done. That's what happened to Jane, either she tripped up, got caught off guard, underestimated the bitch pack, or it was shit luck that got her.
That all works with the deaths in the comic, just absurd deaths that just happen around you and you move on. Some of those deaths are perpetuated by other fae by doing dumb shit to the to the fae's they're around. No one learns or knows how to learn. That's what hits you hard, imo. All this unnecessary death for nothing and no learn anything because they just can't.
I think the big take away is that, no matter what Specs or any of the other faeries would have dragged Aurora down or have gotten her killed. So really it's hard decision, but you have to look out for no. 1
>lying doctors, psychologists, and neuroscientists
Yes for they are the truly neutral, completely unmotivated by politic or money.
I mean doctors are removing transgenderism as a mental disorder.
Psychologists are absolutely he most easily politicked and least credible of authorities.
God, this comic is SO fucking good.
Excuse the cocksucker name, I forgot I was shitposting at V
Word, why?
I ain't read it
I don't remember much of the story. It was a decent or pretty good dark fantasy retelling of Pinocchio. What stood out to me was Winshluss's art, storytelling, and colors.
There were so many panels that stood out. The way they were framed, colored, lighted, and so on. The picture I posted is a good example. I just love how dog is drawn. I'm a sucker of shadowed figures with pieces of them poking out of the shadows. Idk. I don't have the vocabulary to explain it right now.
I think what also helped is that I was reading a comic called District 14 and it had a similar art style to it.
It's alright.
Where can I buy this? Googling Pinocchio obviously doesn’t work
Honestly impressed by the quality of the thread. People are actually discussing the story and characters in depth.
sauce on who animated this?
Try pinocchio with the names at the bottom
requins and marteux