Cal arts has now spread outside of just cartoons

>Cal arts has now spread outside of just cartoons

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It's not really Cal Arts

it's a cartoony style. You're just mad because you grew up and things are different now

years ago i actually wanted to pursue a career in animation and go to calarts but once uncle grandpa and clarence? started to air i knew it was slowly going to the shit
(no offence to the cartoons mentioned it jsut teh way they all changed to colourful camp cartoons)

>bright colors
>geometric shapes
>le wacky faces

fuck off zoomer tumblrtards

Looks nothing like calarts.

Calarts style is in decline and most cartoons that used it have ended, are about to end or have been cancelled. There is a single cartoon coming out with the style and it may have gotten stuck in limbo.

oh yeah none of those things were in cartoons from before you grew up lol

>>bright colors
>>geometric shapes
>>le wacky faces
This is what Hanna-Barbera looks like for non-boomers, boomer.

>Describe every single cartoon in existance with extremely broad terms
Ah, you are insane. Carry on.

Not that user but it's very obviously based on Nu-cartoon design

Last I checked, people played games for game play.

that could apply to so many cartoons from every era with how vague it is

I think he's mad because the style is shit.

OK, what is your idea of a good looking cartoon? Am I right when I guess it's "What you grew up with"?

Looks more like something from the early to mid 00's.

To be fair, Battletoads never looked good and have always tried to appeal to whatever is current. The old ones were just some street sharks/biker mice/ninja turtle ripoff designs.

Thats not even the stereotypical 'Calarts' style, please just take your medicine already.

>rip off TMNt
>Rip it off again with its newest cartoon

What did they do to the dark queen

Attached: dark queen.jpg (837x804, 42K)

>the aesthetic of a game has no impact on immersion, enjoyment, or audience engagement

ok retard

Kill yourself, Yea Forumsermin. Everyone else, report him for breaking >>>/global/rules/4 and >>>Yea Forumsrules/1

You tell him! This is a Yea Forums only board, mister!


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The SNES and Arcade games looked pretty good.

So what is this? The Administrator origin story?

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tranny mad


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Another poorly disguised Yea Forums thread. Don't you Yea Forumsaggits have something better to do?

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It's almost like they have no idea what Battletoads is really about
Along with Street Sharks and Biker Mice it's the most 90s kid shit I can think of, and in the 90s our chicks still had tits
Fuck you zoomers I'll end you all

Battletoads isn't Boomer territory. It's late Latchkey, early Millennial. Freaking Zoomer.

from the essence of the 90's they remade it to the essence of the 10's

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>not understanding boomer meme

oy gevalt!

Not even fucking close. There's no bean mouth or noodle arms that everyone here bitches about on a daily basis. The only show this game even remotely resembles is Rise of the TMNT. That's as far from "Calarts" as you can get, unless you're willing to throw shows like Motorcity under the bus as well.

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Of course it is not the stereotypical "calarts" Beanmouth style. There is no stereotypical Beanmouth style in the same way there is no stereotypical dog breed. They all look similar and these fighting amphibians are just one of the most different looking

Oh god you're right

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>Battletoads is getting a cartoon

Attached: french pink hamster.png (745x613, 314K)

>According to Yea Forums in 2019, this is now CalArts
I want summer to leave

>Height: 6'

>>According to Yea Forums in 2019, this is now CalArts



Why do you cartoonfucks like this kind of thing anyway? What's the appeal of this badly drawn shit that all western toons have?

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are they aware battletoads is only remembered for a harassment campaign against retail employees by asking them for an obscure POS game

>harassment campaign

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I remember it because it used to make me and my brother get into physical fights

Oh god she's going to be lesbian, isn't she?

This thread is very literally not at all about cartoons or comics. But the jannies have come to this thread, deleted a post, and left this thread up.
The absolute state of this fucking board

What is a Cartoon for $3000, Alex

>Calling things by the wrong name is a meme!
Uh... Being retarded is not a meme.


It’s really just Yea Forums that believes that

They're trying to copy mid-20th century modern cartoon design without the experience, skill or training of the guys like Ed Benedict or Tom Oreb.

It's a game that looks like a cartoon.

Noice, to see whose turn was it to play?

I wad born in '92 and already had decades of animation history for me to grow up on. Thus anything I'd pick, even before I was born, you'd reply with "lol but you saw that as a kid" This is a bullshit gotch question.

>If I call him a zoomed then that’ll shut them up for good.
>You don’t know what we want, Z-zoomer.
>D-d-down with Calarts.
>I don’t even care if the female characters are underage. It doesn’t make me a pedophile mom!
>whatever Anime is so much better anyways *burps*

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I wouldn't call it calarts but they're definitely ripping off the terrible NuTMNT style. Then again Battletoads was always a rip off of TMNT anyway