ITT: Poochies

Post 'em

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might as well get her out of the way

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what about some poochie characters that were created to make fun of poochies

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Kind of surprised this wasn't the first post.

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There is literally one in the actual Poochie episode. What was his name? Rob?

the fucking dog in fairy godparents. what the fuck were they thinking? even the staff hated that dog

How doe she compare to Bell?

Was he a good boy?

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Didn't Fairy Oddparents have like three? Including an actual dog, and a baby?

Elmyra already existed before Pinky and the Brain.

And the baby
And the new chick
The show collected Poochies

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Name a single new Marvel character of the past 10 years and you will have your Poochie.

This and Teen Lantern

Yes, and? That has no bearing on this.

you have to give them credit. They did everything wrong and still hadn't been cancelled.

Fan favorite Harper Row

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Bonus points for being an artist self-insert who becomes friends with everyone.

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>Milf poochi
might I add

Perfect fit

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In what way? Everyone pretended this was the case and then Avengers came out and it was the furthest thing from Poochie

she was still in it

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Nah, she is fine.

They chinks were little round headed manlets with literal bright yellow skin, what the fuck.

What was up with her retarded giant semi-liefeldian guns?

>Hyped as the next coming of jesus
>Writes herself off for the entire 3 hours to only get like 6 minutes of screentime due to bad perception
Literally a Pocchie

Does he count?

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>We at the network want a villain with attitude. He's edgy, he's "in your face." You've heard the expression "let's get busy"? Well, this is a villain who gets "biz-zay!" Consistently and thoroughly.

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Game of thrones shit? That's not really Yea Forums related is it.

No lad she is not fine, Marvel does that kind of Poochies every generation, Kitty Pryde, Laura Kinney, Jubilee, Molly Hayes, Miles Morales etc ...

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He’s Canadian


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Probably the most fitting example, given the story behind her creation.

First was the baby (left and went to school or something)
Then the dog (gone with no explanation, then again no one cared about him)
And then another kid that timmy is forced to share his faries with for some reason

And what exactly is a "poochie"?

Best poochie, out there looking for criminal coochie

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"i need to go the universe needs me".

The effort IDW are putting into trying to retcon her into being one of the original 1984 Autobots in several different continuities is really obnoxious.

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My how the starlight sure is glimmering tonight

How the fuck do you retcon something into a series that ran decades ago?

Really suprised fairly odd parents hasn't been posted. They literally poochie'd until their dying breathe

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He died on his way back to his home planet.

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It just kept happening

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Are we talking about overhyped characters nobody likes or characters who died on their way to home planet?

It was several times
Hartman said they were literally executive's ideas so yeah they fit the Poochie thing the most and are almost forgivable in that regard, as opposed to say Eclipsa who was something Nefcy obviously planned and wanted to work so it being a failure is a major blemish on her career.

Remind me again who killed Terry Long in the pettiest and most mean-spirited way possible?

Well i like Jubilee.

The poochie of the cold war for sure.

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>due to bad perception
Yea Forums actually believes this

waifufags will deny this

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This thread makes me appreciate that Fairly Odd Parents is over

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glad he dice