Teaser for Owl House


Attached: owl.png (1920x1080, 967K)

Other urls found in this thread:


More waifu bit yyayayayayyyy

I just wanted to be one of the first responses, I have little to no care for this series.

>Both Amphibia and Owl House have the "Normal Girl in a strange world" plot
This is Star Vs/Penn Zero all over again

I see London, I see France, I can see Liz's underpants. In all honesty why does the animation feel so stiff? There barely any inbetween frames for the characters movements and it results in them moving like wooden puppets.

looks boring

oh this gonna suck, getting those Star vs vibes and Im not falling for it again

>In all honesty why does the animation feel so stiff? There barely any inbetween frames for the characters movements and it results in them moving like wooden puppets.
Amphibia appeared to have the same issue as well. Probably just the studio Disney is dumping it on

Star vs + gay

Looks like something from Dishonored or Madness Returns. So, Victorian Era London

Attached: Teaser _ Owl House _ Disney Channel-nPdz1F7U4eE.mkv_snapshot_00.01.433.jpg (1920x1080, 380K)

Amphibia looks so much better is not even funny.

Really not feeling it.

Does it? Well, budget isn't made of rubber. When you have an artstyle as busy as this, framerate is the often first to go.


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And now I'm getting Star Vs vibe, which is a bad thing. Also, the was characters are drawn and animated looks kinda cheap. Backgrounds are OK though

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Reminder that this is directed by cuntugo the pedo dyke

>Luz leaning on witch
So they kept that thing, didn't they?

Attached: Teaser _ Owl House _ Disney Channel-nPdz1F7U4eE.mkv_snapshot_00.56.126.png (1920x1080, 2.87M)

At first y'all will be like "wow this is pretty good", "nice animation", "oooh whzt's gonna happen next??", "oots of waifus!"

But then, past the first impressions it becomes progresssively worse each episodes and it will be too late before you realize it's hot garbage

You are really predictable Yea Forums

In b4 the chills will spam this trash for 3 months straight from day 1

neat, animation seems a little weird in some areas , still need a release month though.

Ah, the shills are already here

>Rick & Morty but Morty is an indonesian girl.

rick and morty meets adventure time

this post was extremely predictable, don't let the door hit you on the way back to Yea Forums user.

Thought the same thing

Boring, and the animation is bad.

Only thing I liked were the environments and backgrounds, everything else is pretty subpar considering how long we had to wait for any new content. Fuck, the Amphibia teaser was better than this.

This is going to crash and burn like star vs, calling it right now by the end the girl and witch will both be revealed as lesbians and the entire show will be about shipping drama.
Laifu youre incapable of ever being critical about anything you easily impressed sponge

It just looks boring. I would've liked it better if it had a quicker pace.
Then again this is just a teaser.

don fall for it user, it gonna be Star vs all over again, but gayer

Does anyone on this site like ANYTHING?
Everyone is a jaded cunt nowadays

Can you blame us after star vs past few seasons?

There's an absolute shit ton of even new stuff this board likes
Star Vs and its clones are not one of them

I just have higher expectations.

Name something good thats new, because i am one of the so called “jaded fucks” in the other anons post and i think buy and large most of the shows running currently are awful.

Reminder that she isn't the head director.

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Why did it seem like the majority of clips are from the first two episodes? Have they not finished more of it yet? Also the animation looks very tepid.

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interesting take coming from someone who still believe's rumor mill crap made by anons from over a year ago but ok man.
fair enough, they really focused on background and showing off the setting in this, as well as some characters obviously, those two things are great and all but those alone can definitely struggle to get people interested.

she wasnt in Star vs either, but she almost Star gay and she transformed Jackie into herself

so, is this self insert? how will this affect the series storywise?

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Ah yes, its the faggot who defends dyke ra and sabrina cotugno while posting the same retarded Yea Forums reaction image so their posts are instantly recognizable each time they shill defend


according to whom? some guy on internet?

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It's a bad sign. This character will undoubtedly have a very forced GRRL POWAH moment and then beats up an orange monster called Zlumpf.

>background and showing off the setting
That was what got me into Steven Universe but I obviously jumped ship at this point.

I hate her arm tattoos. Why does any woman want to ugly themselves up with these?
She isnt a pedo but shes a militant SJW, which is even worse
>interesting take coming from someone who still believe's rumor mill crap made by anons from over a year ago but ok man.
Didnt that so called “rumor mill crap” accurately predict the delays? Besides, its fucking obvious its going to be have all the initial charm inevitably drained from it when it sinks into loreshit and shipping drama.

She'll blackmail her way through it just like she did with nefcy

user, she literally shipped a little girl with a grown woman before deleting her stuff

Let's be honest here. I said it before and I'll say it again. Sabrina is just a scapegoat for all of the problems Star vs. had.

Then i was right. First, fuck off. Second, while i agree nefcy deserves more blame then Yea Forums gives her cotugno is still at fault for her batshit insane views and obviously agreeing with nefcys shot plot directions.

Nice samefag BTW, and posting hildas hot mom doesnt make you less wrong

No. My internet just fucked up.

This feels lukewarm.

She didn't direct the episode that revealed Jackie got a girlfriend

She influenced the staff to do it

>Human collectibles

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And yet she got her dyke fanfic canonized anyways, only furthering proving worries about her influence even if she isnt an episode director.

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>Didnt that so called “rumor mill crap” accurately predict the delays?
Fuck no. The rumors started BECAUSE of the delays. Many shows and movies can be postponed at any time, but Yea Forums reeeally wanted to conjur up a conspiracy for why The Owl House was pushed back to 2020.

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Cotugno wasn't even a director on the show when we got the episode were tom got biracial anxiety and she didn't board that episode either

Ongoing cartoons that most of this board seem to like
>DC Supehero girls
>Venture Bros
>South Park
>American Dad
>Loud House

We like spider-verse. It's not our fault most animated content nowadays is just plain garbage.



Learn to read

forgot to ctrl+f sorry user

>South Park
>The Loud House

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Nah, i remember the delays happening after the rumors. And besides disregarding the rumors predicting how this show will falter because of the same shit staff on it were on star vs during its rapid decline. Why should i be hyped about something that has so many red flags before its first episode even airs?

Hopefully all the "hype" is now dead that its Star Vs 2 role has been secured

>She'll blackmail her way through it just like she did with nefcy
kek, still trying to make your retard conspiracy theory stick?

Of that list i only like dc superhero girls, venture bros and loud house
I hated bendis black spider man fanfic

Not him but you have to be delusional to still have any hope this show will be good after looking at the staff making it

You can tell that the plebs will ship her with Luz instead of going the patrician way that is /ll/

Doesn't look promising is saying it gently.

I agree, but at least we will get r34 of it which is a good thing.

>talking shit about Loud House and South Park while posting Star vs bootllegs

>dyke shipping at all
Might want to rethink that laddie

I'm gonna give it a chance. My expectations aren't super high or anything, but I'll hold out some hope.

Where's that user who has the info on who's working in what department for The Owl House?

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Looks fun and wholesome.

occam's fucking razor suggests that a lot of the crew have similar views as Cotugno, not that Cotugno blackmailed them
I think one of the actual boarders (neither of whom is cotugno) on Is Another Mystery (the ep with Tom's biracial stuff) is biracial?

>I agree, but at least we will get r34 of it which is a good thing.
100% in agreement, the witch in particular has a sexy design so i hope well get alot of porn out of this, i want it to be good but i dont have any hope anymore for these kinds of shows, i dont want to be burned like i was with star vs again.

>dc superhero girls
How good is that show?

Ive only seen the first episode so far but its pretty cartoony and fun

half Yea Forums say is good the other half say is shit waifu bait, you really have to see for yourself

>He hates Spider-verse
What's it like not to have a soul?

>'I-it's a Star vs bootleg because it stars a GIRL! AHAHAHAHA'
Just stop talking.

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Im not a sheep is what it is, i fucking hated miles character and the other characters were vastly underused

Yet 101 Dalmatian Street has been airing in Europe for six months and Disney in the US is afraid to even touch it. What the fuck.

>Didnt that so called “rumor mill crap” accurately predict the delays? Besides, its fucking obvious its going to be have all the initial charm inevitably drained from it when it sinks into loreshit and shipping drama.

fuck no the rumor mill crap started off of a single tweet and an a random cartoon blog post which was disproven not even a day later, the amount of people blindly believing this crap, got so bad the sr had too dismiss it and it wasn't until months ago that the delay was announced, with all the angry mob's Yea Forums likes to start up someone should start selling torches and pitch forks.

Amphibia has a style thats somehow even more basic and cheap looking then big city greens

must hurt being this retarded

Don't get me wrong. I don't expect this show to be very good. I just think incompetence is a much better explanation than an elaborate conspiracy.

Either way the rumors seem to have credence in reality, i have no hope for the show since its inevitable that it will go down the same path of star vs, gradually destroying all the aspects that made it great in the beginning the longer it runs.

Most like 80% of Yea Forums likes, 10% don't like and 10% shitpost

Why do you losers even bother having threads for The Owl House when every single one always winds up attracting mouthbreathing rumoranons with a hateboner for Cotugno? It's tiring at this point.

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I hate to bring this up, but why the fuck does every The Owl House thread devolve into whining about "muh Lesbians" or some other stupid bullshit?

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>Don't get me wrong. I don't expect this show to be very good. I just think incompetence is a much better explanation than an elaborate conspiracy.
Ohhhhhhh okay, and while i think its more satisfying to get mad at a conspiracy your point could be valid as well. What do you think went wrong with star vs if its not all cotugnos fault?

sorry to break this to you user, but a lot of people dont like that show, me included. I just dont bother to go on SHG thrreads just to shit on it

What's makes this worse is that there was something to talk about here. We have a fucking teaser and the thread still went to shit.

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So good? I remember SBFF is this a continuation? Are all the voice actors back?


Not that guy but open your fucking eyes: looks like she has very similar temper, she does similar poses and faces and even wears a little out of place casual clothing like Star. It is color swapped Star. I mean, it's not a bad thing by default since the idea for Star was actually pretty good but was executed badly and this one is going to be crap too. Just give me that pornography already.

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Both those shows combined will not even approach the ratings of a low-levle Loud House episode let alone South cuck, what are you talking about?

Nice samefag
>I hate to bring this up, but why the fuck does every The Owl House thread devolve into whining about "muh Lesbians" or some other stupid bullshit?
Because dykes are man hating subhuman rad feminists who ruin everything theyre involved with for agenda reasons.

Welp. I'm interested.

Also, anyone else notice that all the boys in the trailer were black kids? I'm really hoping this is mostly a lesbian show

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Why do you post the same images of that stupid anime character here?

I think you're talking about me:
>creative director (aka head director)
Tyler Chen
>episode directors
Manny Hernandez
Stu Livingston
Aminder Dhaliwal
>Art Director
Ricky Cometa
>Story editor
Rachel Vine
>staff writers
Charley Feldman
Zach Marcus
Molly Ostertag
John Bailey Owen
>Background Design
Steven Sugar (lead)
Jane Bak
Sam Bosma
Leland Goodman
>Character Design
Matthieu Cousin
Marina Gardner
>Prop Design
Aleth Romanillos
Emily Walus
>Storyboarders (I'm pretty sure this show is script driven so less relevant than say on Star and SU)
Amelia Lorenz
Madeleine Flores
Charlie Bryant
Emily Cicierega
Cat Harman-Mitchell
Chris Pianka
Luz Batista
maybe Katie Mitroff?
>Animation Supervisor
Spencer Wan

>11 seconds apart

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>I'm really hoping this is mostly a lesbian show
and just like that your opinion is discarded

>I'm really hoping this is mostly a lesbian show
How does it feel like to have no testicles?

Because I like to.

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Yeah is good, but is a new version.

are you that much of a newfag?

The show lacked a clear vision or plan, nefcy couldn't or wouldn't get the various people under her on the same page about where the show was going and how it was going to get there, and the increase from 3 to 4 seasons made these problems massively more visible. Just really common failures for a semi-episodic television show, just in a particularly dramatic form.

Exactly. I've been against making anymore Owl House threads specifically because we had no footage or new info to talk about, but even a lengthy teaser STILL isn't enough to weed out the pests in a thread that actually had a reason to exist.

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Go back to Yea Forums, you are worse than frogposters

So Super-hero Girls is not connected to SBFF?

One of them said I was samefagging. Forgive me for being a little pissed that people think that only I have this concern

Well in every thread the cartoons you seem to like are shit and by extension you are shit too
Because god forbid someone has an opinion that isnt positive about the show, right?


I still blame nefcy for too much ship bait, making star into a bitch, and killing magic though.

Yes. Because I'm the one totally derailing threads by ranting about Lesbians and how much you hate them while I'm the one that wants to talk about the show.

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What is there to talk about? There really isn't much even aside from the setting and that black elf.

By supporting cartoons that are utter crap you are more cancerous and destructive to animation then anyone else here, dyke enabler slime

former Star Vs fan here
Not excited for this, but looking forward to mao mao.

>mao mao.
That has no waifus so im not interested

>mao mao
I like that.
Might even watch Villainous too.

That's something at least! Even then, people are bringing up how the animation feels choppy, or how the setting feels like Victoria era London merged with Alice madness returns, or maybe we can talk about the new characters we've seen

I hope villainous becomes a full series, thats the only thing i can think of i have a shred if hope for

Not gonna lie, former Star supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Sabrina crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let Dana Terrace punch any more cintiq screens.


>Manny Hernandez
Oh, shit. He's on there, too? Please tell me this means We Bore Bears will be ending soon.

Attached: East Asia's merch has been keeping WBB afloat.jpg (1280x1656, 223K)

No we REEEE’ed over Spiderverse for every single trailer “this looks shit” “forced diversity” “style looks weird” on and on. There were even hold outs after it came out. It wasn’t until it had like 99% on RT that Yea Forums began to sheepishly pretend we liked it all along

I hope they dont change much from the Villainous piloet, Im afraid of them toning down Black Hat or doing the same shit they did to Bee and Puppycat

>But in all seriousness we can't let Dana Terrace punch any more cintiq screens.
God this show cant end soon enough, its the definition of tepidness

mc has like 5 sisters all with various body types, granted they haven't shown up yet.

You remember wrong. It was after. And we invented the red flags because we’re bored.

why do you want it to end? is fine show from what I saw

>how the setting feels like Victoria era London merged with Alice madness returns,
That's really pushing it.
>or maybe we can talk about the new characters we've seen
I don't even care about them. I don't feel their personality at all.

It's still pretty boring user. It seems way too generic but hey MAYBE it will turn out good.

Im not a furfag


Is this just gonna be the way people bitch about female characters now

>why do you want it to end? is fine show from what I saw
Not him, but its boring as shit, never made me laugh once. Its the type of media that seems to be made for millennials who complain about ren and stimpy being too offensive and problematic.

>Black Hat
He reminds me a lot of Mastermind. When the hell is Swain gonna make a new one?

Attached: Mastermind.jpg (599x398, 18K)

Is this set in Hell cause it looks like it's set in Hell.

Also, I don't think I've ever seen Yea Forums this cynical about a new show before. It's kinda impressive actually. I'm almost suspicious.

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1) they aren’t even rumors, they’re just Yea Forums‘s weird fanfic
2) Dana terrace and Daren nefcy have very different tastes and styles. There is no reason to expect their visions to be the same beyond “ugh muh Sabrina.” Which is an overrated meme at this point

looks semi cool, like better than star vs, but the cast seems tiny and budgetless

It’s almost like Yea Forums doesn’t like things made by women. Nah that can’t be it

Also the initial reaction to She-Ra was 1,000% times worse

>no waifus
Mao Mao's sisters say otherwise--

>Im not a furfag
Oh. Pfft, your loss: youtu.be/W4m2nHQGTvs

Attached: Mao Mao's Dream.png (1366x768, 1.2M)


go back to twitter you unholly abomination

I don't judge things by backgrounds. Let's just wait a while and get to know the characters first.

damn wouldnt it be cool if they get to fight that thing

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The only thing predictable is that Yea Forums once again decided something sucks simply because "female pro-tag" "Mouse Monster" without seeing it and once it turns out to be good, anons like you will pathetically argue its not but never talk about the show with their "proof"

I want it to be good, i really do, nut i have no hope for the show when the same people and crew who made seasons 3 and 4 of star vs are predominantly working on it.

Because star vs finale righfully so killed all hype for this
Dyke she ra was garbage since day one

>Show comes out and all the threads just say it's average
>Show builds a fandom

If The Owl House threads have their own Barneyposter, then it'll truly be a She-Ra situation.

>Dyke she ra was garbage since day one
I only like Entrapa, Shadow Weaver and Hordak. The rest of the cast is ok to garbage.
Is He-Man gonna show up in a special though?

I liked she-ra from the get go but realistically catra and her godly voice is whats holding that show together.

>Show comes out and all the threads just say it's average
It was just as bad as predicted
>>Show builds a fandom
Tumblr shills arent prt of Yea Forums

>>Show builds a fandom
Truly a horrible fate. Fandoms are a blight imo.

No. DreamWorks doesn't have the rights to He-Man or some other legal shit.

>Is He-Man gonna show up in a special though?
in a flashback?
>Because star vs finale righfully so killed all hype for this
how does one show kill the other?

>only like Entrapa, Shadow Weaver and Hordak.
>i only like flat chested generic androgynous characters 1 and 2 and nu male haircut fujodak
Go be a self hating male somewhere else

They can do a nothe-man heman. like shazam did with superman

Horse shit new fag there were appreciation threads throughout the release and little to no backlash, fuck even /pol/ didn't give a shit

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You should have seen when The Dragon Prince trailer dropped with a Power Point frame rate.
Ended up liking the show though

Yea Forums is not a hive mind, user. Many people here were cautiously optimistic for Spider-Verse and were looking forward to an American animated film that actually seemed to be trying something new for a change. The cynics and haters must've just been more vocal at the time.

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are you so undersexd that you can't watch a show with this style?

Don't like it.
I'm just looking forward to Amphibia, then good bye cartoons forever.

Tbf I saw a few episodes of that 2000s He-Man as a kid and I really like Hordak there. So I may be biased to him specifically.

That's dyke-ra poster. He's our version of Barneyposter.

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>Is this set in Hell cause it looks like it's set in Hell.
Victorian Era London WAS Hell

Feminist detected

The style is laughably ugly, why should i watch a show that goes out of its way to be gross
Nu she ra hordak is a slender homogenized design made for squeamish feminists, i hate him because its an insult to the monstrous hordak

>Chris Pianka
Jesus. At this rate, his TOH episodes will be premiering before his SU episodes.

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>The Dragon Prince trailer dropped with a Power Point frame rate.
I only saw season 1. Was S1 much worse in animation regard?

>every person who doesnt like dyke ra is the same person
Imagine making up your own boogeyman because you cant face reality that the majority hate a trash cartoon for lesbians

given the timing it seems like his work on SU was limited to the movie

Well it's not my fault every post is exactly the fucking same.

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>why should i watch a show that goes out of its way to be gross


I'm not that chick but I watched shows like Earthworm Jim or I am Weasel because they were gross. I know what you are trying to say tho: these shows were supposed to be ugly and they aimed at it, the owl house is trying to sell itself as "pretty" while it is just ugly as if badly drawn, it's not a style.


>Well it's not my fault every post is exactly the fucking same.
It isnt, making up lies doesnt justify your delusions

it is basically set in hell, also grats on not being here for tcats roar, craig of the creek and summer camp island too name a few, because all of those where far worse desu.

>I'm not that chick but I watched shows like Earthworm Jim or I am Weasel because they were gross. I know what you are trying to say tho: these shows were supposed to be ugly and they aimed at it, the owl house is trying to sell itself as "pretty" while it is just ugly as if badly drawn, it's not a style.
I was referring to reboot she ra, owl house actually looks good asthetislly i just have zero faith in its crew. She ras designs were made with the intention to be unattractive just to spite the potential male audience from sexualizing them, because noelle stevenson is a noted misandrist.

>*the TV movie

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Agreed. I loved the trailer as much as the background music on it.

I hope this gets a theatrical release, even a limited one, just to see the threads of Yea Forums attendees reporting on the pure unfiltered autism inside the theater.


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Nice filename BTW

>Yea Forums attendees reporting on the pure unfiltered autism inside the theater.
I like TTG to the movies but I'm not even invested enough in current SU to care.

>why should i watch a show that goes out of its way to be gross
don't. just don't assume everyone views it the same way as you and stop getting butthurt over people liking it.

Not that lucky. I was there for a few of those. I just differentiate between cynicism and outright hate. No one seems to be raging all that hard here. Thundercats Roar threads were absolute REEfests.

>Thundercats Roar threads were absolute REEfests
Despite how the thread ended up. I still think it's pretty bad.

Just imagine the Yea Forums users clashing with tumblr fatties at it

>I was referring to reboot she ra

sorry I didn't catch that because the reply chain is so long but

> owl house actually looks good asthetislly i just have zero faith in its crew

seriously? To me it has that trademark 2010s diarrhea puke hue. I legitimately don't recall one colorful cartoon from this decade but maybe I'm just fed up.

>She ras designs were made with the intention to be unattractive just to spite the potential male audience from sexualizing them, because noelle stevenson is a noted misandrist.

That I don't know but knowing lefties it's definetly possible. Although she-re reboot was definetly disgusting and repulsive.

>just don't assume everyone views it the same way as you and stop getting butthurt over people liking it.
Why shouldn't i be? They are giving power and influence to the type of bullshit i hate to see getting made, they deserve to be shamed and insulted for their shit taste and their sins of empowering current regressive trends killing animation from the inside out.

The Owl House > Amphibia Falls

Doomslayer was here.

it's like comparing piece of shit to whole shit, not much to brag about

Greens > both

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>seriously? To me it has that trademark 2010s diarrhea puke hue. I legitimately don't recall one colorful cartoon from this decade but maybe I'm just fed up.
Eh, i like the designs actually and want to see porn based on it, i just am not getting myself excited/invested into the show because i fear it will become bad like star vs and i dont want to be disappointed to the point i want to jump off a bridge again.
>That I don't know but knowing lefties it's definetly possible. Although she-re reboot was definetly disgusting and repulsive.
Adora looks like a cross dressing lesbian, not a single character has a rack in it either, their is a clear anti-sexual agenda within the designs and only a fool would deny it.

fine, then don't be supersized when people call you butthurt retard

I cant decide which is uglier, big city greens or amphibia

Adora would've have been better as a dude.

>Luz's underwear
Mangamaster was just the beginning...

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>No rack
And you say the dyke-ra poster is a myth.

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yea some of those steps look really slow. Like they don't have quickness that a normal movement would have.

It is, you just want to grope all the complaints against one person so you can delusionally ignore the reality of dyke ra being hated by most everyone here. Go back to tumblr already

To each his own I guess. Tilly is literally 10/10 in all the possible regards for me

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I can't say I agree. Even with all the unique, Skittles-colored designs, the characters on BCG still have pretty bland and simplistic designs.

Amphibia, on the other hand, has frogs of different shapes and sizes with fun outfits to make them stand out. Also, those swamp backgrounds are mouthwateringly gorgeous.

Attached: that redhead with flowers in her hair is cute ngl.png (1920x1080, 2.91M)

I avoided this show for months because of how triggered i was over the basic art style, but i saw it a little last night and found it kind of funny.

I like the different frogs you posted actually, most ive never seen before. I just really really hate the human girls design.

>Eh, i like the designs actually and want to see porn based on it

the designs? You mean the characters right? Well I agree about that and I also want the pornography but the overall aesthetics is diarrhea.

>, i just am not getting myself excited/invested into the show because i fear it will become bad like star vs and i dont want to be disappointed to the point i want to jump off a bridge again.

oh absolutely

>Adora looks like a cross dressing lesbian, not a single character has a rack in it either, their is a clear anti-sexual agenda within the designs and only a fool would deny it.

you may be onto something, it's just that I haven't watched nushe-ra. Back 20 years ago when watching cartoons it was really fun looking up to muscled heroes or just looking at hot chicks, it was part of the fun. Nowadays I feel it is like

>look at this flat bisexual character. You've got to like her because diversity. N-no she's totally not a cunt she's sympathetic because she's not straight see?!

wow ur cool

See this is what I fucking mean. There have actually been threads where people with genuine criticism talk about the show and explain why the hate it. They're respectable, explain their reasons without REEEing, and realize that there is a reason people like the reboot and we respect them in return. You're none of those things. Believe it or not, people don't like echo-chambers, they just don't like assholes.

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Yeah, it might seem weird and unattractive at first glance, but plot and characters usually make up for it

>the designs? You mean the characters right? Well I agree about that and I also want the pornography but the overall aesthetics is diarrhea.
Thats what i meant, the character designs are good but yeah the aesthetics otherwise are bland as fuck
>you may be onto something, it's just that I haven't watched nushe-ra. Back 20 years ago when watching cartoons it was really fun looking up to muscled heroes or just looking at hot chicks, it was part of the fun. Nowadays I feel it is like
>look at this flat bisexual character. You've got to like her because diversity. N-no she's totally not a cunt she's sympathetic because she's not straight see?!
Pretty much, it looks like the shows cast was designed by someone outraged over guys drooling over miss incredible and funneled their man hatred into making the most off putting character designs they could.

>See this is what I fucking mean. There have actually been threads where people with genuine criticism talk about the show and explain why the hate it. They're respectable, explain their reasons without REEEing, and realize that there is a reason people like the reboot and we respect them in return.
You dont deserve an ounce of respect or decency if you like the show, because you are part of the problem

>DreamWorks doesn't have the rights to He-Man
Explain? How did DC manage to make a tie-in to injustice with them then?

And that is why you're known as the dyke-ra poster.

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You say that to everyone who criticizes the show, neck yourself

What's so bad about Anne's design?

Attached: lily pad.jpg (960x1200, 244K)

so in conclusion, people who are ok with their sexuality draw idealized, beautiful bodies because it is something worth admiring and suspicious people with complexes draw repulsive characters and force them into cartoons because they secretly hate people and they don't actually accept themself?

could be...

Learn to read

This is true, nothing has topped the unholy meltdown co had over she-Ra. Compared to that, the diaper-wetting over Owl House has been fairly tame

How the fuck did an Owl House thread turn into a She-Ra thread?

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Its so fucking basic, it has the same issue as adventure time of BGC character designs.
>so in conclusion, people who are ok with their sexuality draw idealized, beautiful bodies because it is something worth admiring and suspicious people with complexes draw repulsive characters and force them into cartoons because they secretly hate people and they don't actually accept themself?
Ding ding ding, lesbian feminists are self hating insecure people so of course they lash out at everything, including men and fictional women hotter then them.

Welcome to Yea Forums!

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Star is board driven. This is script driven. For better or for worse, it will live or die on the strength of its scripts. Whoever boards or “directs” it is almost irrelevant. (Even though Yea Forums will obsess over and blame every conceivable problem on whatever board artist is most vocal on social media and totally ignore the writers like they always do)

Wow one good thread out of 100 shit ones you really like to rewrite history don’t you

>that slight shoulder rest at the end
let the /ll/ commence!

what if there was lesbian artist who was not insecure oxymoron much? and not outraged feminist, could such a person create a good cartoon?

>Star is board driven. This is script driven. For better or for worse, it will live or die on the strength of its scripts.
Didnt know this actually, thanks for clarifying. Hopefully that means cotugno has less power then she had working on star vs.

western doremi... give it up guys, disney is the girls merchandise company, or what was the last to boys oriented show/movie.

>the more you know

Attached: star vs s3 outline process.jpg (1080x809, 154K)

I'm on board as long as the /ll/ is strong. It's not even my primary kink. I just wonder of Cotugno is enough of an absolute mad lass to do it.

Attached: The Owl House Bunnies.jpg (1248x1462, 394K)

Hence why disney should never have been allowed to buy star wars, a predominately male franchise

Also the fuck is doremi?

It means she has literally zero power over the storyline, just character poses and shot angles. Social media soapbox artists like her suck the air out of the room when anything they work on is brought up though so people just imagine they somehow have power when they don’t

I have to say that I like the character designs. They are very non-calarts and have this 3-D depth look to them. Could be funny, who knows.

While im glad, i still have reservations on the show. Like you said, it all relies on the script writers to carry the show, and i dont know how much i can trust someone who REEEEs at pink legos and has almost as many tattoos as darth maul to deliver something good.

>drawing Luz and Eda in sexy bunny outfits when the artist could’ve just drawn Eda
Why did they do this?

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katie mitroff hasnt done anything for the owl house and isnt on it currently from what ive heard and know.

it's cool seeing ricky cometa as art director and matthieu cousin doing character design. good for them.

Who is Ricky Cometa?

You lack objectivity because you only think with your dick. If this /ll/ shit becomes canon, it will open the floodgates for all kinds of weird and fucked up ship representations. And before you say to yourself "even better," remember that this is a KID'S TV SHOW.

It's not their fault that Luz is such tempting jailbait.

Attached: Luz 1.png (946x1106, 231K)


With that in mind, I have to say "Even better." Seriously, prude faggots like you should stick to your own.

Reminder that only cucks think dykes are hot

Well This is a Disney show, and they just had a show with same sex couples making out in the background, and had the female MC show implied interest in women and a side character in a implied same sex relationship. Chances are something gay is gonna happen.

Reminder that prudes should fuck off.

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Honestly, I like the little Cubone-ripoff-thing more than I like the witch or the girl.

>tempting jailbait
She really isn’t, though. Luz is just a cute, innocent girl. Only a filthy pedo would find her sexy.

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Yeah! REAL men like watching another man fucking the woman they desire.

Not that guy, but all quirky girl characters have the exact same personality

Leave your fetishes in anime and porn where they belong. Kids dont need your emotional baggage and they dont need Cotungo's baggage or whatever the fuck her name is. Let kids just be kids for fuck's sake.


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so why hasn't the /pol/ meme spammer been drop kicked in the teeth yet?

You are what fuels the weakness in society. "Think of the children" makes me fucking retch, because it is the mind set that keeps them isolated and untested, in the name of purity and innocence

Neck yourself, you mollycoddling malingerer.

Right here, man: youtube.com/watch?v=atutlhoyc_Q

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Quite rich coming from the one who calls everyone a cuck for daring to lewd some tempting jailbait and a sexy witch.

> I think liking dykes makes you a gender traitor faggot and a cuck

Straight form the horses mouth bro.

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If it makes you feel better, I think he got range banned from posting images

RIP Amphibia, we hardly knew ya. This is the next big Yea Forums cartoon for sure.

Can't wait for all the Eda/Luz/Amity porn.

if they are all exactly the same it's just lazy design

not to mention Star's prototype was actually pretty good

it really doesn't because range bans just end up fucking over others desu.

Ricky Cometa was a bg painter and later art director on SU (weird ass thing that SU's had 5 different art directors)

What makes you think they can’t just coexist? Big City Greens, on the other hand, is dead on arrival

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>implying I don't despise feminists
How tribalistic can you fucking be? I hate their guts for changing good costume designs into prudish yet impractical shit and making women in slapstick verboten.

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>all the star vs fags shitting up the threads for a neat new show

I fucking hate you autists, I’m sorry you’re fucking shitty show ended badly but do you really have to ruin subsequent shows for it?

You know what, I'm absolutely convinced that you have never met any Lesbians or if you have, they don't hate you for being a male, they hate you because you're you.

>"Think of the children" makes me fucking retch,
You can boil my beliefs down to internet memes all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that traditionalism is the backbone of society. It creates structure in our lives. It keeps the weirdos like you in check who would rather remove the concepts of gender and human decency altogether because you find it outdated or boring. You only think with your dick, your emotions, your impulses. You lack control and discipline. You are more dangerous to civilization than any natural disaster could ever be.

COTUGGED once, shame on Cotugno. COTUGGED twice, shame on me.

>How tribalistic can you fucking be? I hate their guts for changing good costume designs into prudish yet impractical shit and making women in slapstick verboten.
Lesbians are all feminists ya dolt

Traditionalism is just as stupid as the same as feminist purity culture the left has now

Literal retard, filtered

>crotch lagoon

Attached: D7400DE0-4816-4DC5-8918-BC65506B55D5.png (618x826, 385K)

It alright...

Attached: 623.jpg (188x268, 10K)

Ha! Can't argue without making a strawman and tossing out "muh tradition." Because I'm fine with some pervy themes automatically turns me into a post-modernist who wants a meaningless blob civilization? You are a retard who cannot conceive of a middle position, or someone who agrees with both sides on separate issues.

Oh my God you're right

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it’s too simple and yet weirdly overcomplicated at the same time

I want to learn more about this cuddle monster

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This is so CalArts its making my eyes bleed

But have you seen the meltdown over Thundercats Roar announcement? We had CalArts threads for weeks and caused pretty much every animator on Twitter to go on the defensive.

Don't you talk about my new son that way!

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Do you only have reaction pics of that specific anime character on-hand?

You’re one of the few reasonable anons in this thread, but I admit that you’ve gotta tone down on those pics.

So, better?

fuck off Dana

Oh I have plenty others. It's just that that's the only one with a gun I had. Here's an alternative

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>this is a KID'S TV SHOW.
So it will have retarded ships, and nothing of interest got it.

Attached: Udklip.png (260x130, 3K)

Nah, looks like you sadsack assholes are skipping right to hating on this from the get go.

The show description literally says she went to the Demon World, so yea its basically Hell. But disney would be damned if they let the creators call it that.


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There should be more Eda porn than Luz porn.

I'm just glad we finally got some animation to look at.
It doesn't seem that bad, but I'm still more impressed with Amphibia.

But they used the word hell before. Incredibles 2. Also, isn't this the same company who's adapting a neo-nazi punching superhero for children?

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Can’t forget about Stephen Sandoval. I think he was originally a director on the show, but now he’s Supervising Producer.

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>hell has lesbians
I guess for once the shipping makes sense.

That gem on Eda’s brown dress is actually on her chest?

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Having a series take place in Hell with denizens of Hell being considered protagonists and implied to be the good guys isn't a good thing for a childrens show. You can use the word hell. You can have a demon world. But you can't do both because that would be Christ-fags mad.

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>Also, those swamp backgrounds are mouthwateringly gorgeous.
you got that right

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Why do people gush over the pink haired character

>remember that this is a KID'S TV SHOW.
Good. Best to get them started early with this fetish stuff so that when they eventually find Yea Forums they can more easily integrate.

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Not him but seeing how Penn Zero got suffocated among other popular shows at the time doesn't make me an optimist. I think these sibling shows are bound to cannibalize each other.

Really wish more characters were drawn with that kind of ass, not just in porn or as a gag.

Different branches, different standards. Pixar and Disney movies are allowed to do way more because Disney's TV efforts have an overbearing S&P department that absolutely won't allow anything like hell being mentioned. Even Disney Comics is apparently much easier to work with. The Gravity Falls comic even got away with using hell while the show didn't.

Damn. Thats the biggest get i've ever got

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You mean Glimmer? Not too sure. She was a shit character in season 1 being nothing but a complainer. In season 2, she got some edge by stating that it'd be better to kill Catra. She turned into those "end justify the means" characters which is a nice contrast with the moral fags the protagonists are.

I don't know. I really doubt Christians are going care about a kids show. Hell is a bit more nuanced than just a place for evil people. Also nice gets.

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Reminder that John Baily Owen, one of the writers on this show, is the guy who wrote Tired Boys, the clarence episode that the Baman Piderman people contributed animation too (as well as The Big Petey Pizza Problem, another great Clarence ep)

Eda is the one im most excited for porn of
Id be more interested in the show if it really was hell. Needs more cool demons though IMO.
You want these kids to grow up into being nu males then? Because thats what will happen being raised on feminist indoctrinating programming.

“I saw my babyyyyyyy, CRY AS HARD AS BABE COULD CRYYY

What could I doooOOoO?!

My babY’s Love has gooOone and left my BABY bluuuuue



Attached: B95459F8-1415-47BF-97F2-6FD5E48FCE7B.jpg (2048x2048, 599K)

Full retard centrism. Each day you prove how narcissistic you are and fail to provide any alternative solutions to either of the sides you condemn.

>Mommy Eda is the one im most excited for porn of

Attached: Imagine the kinky shit that snaggletooth could do.jpg (1200x1200, 154K)

It isnt centrism, prudefags on the left are reeing about the same thing pearl clutchers conservatives are, the left is conservative now

>You want these kids to grow up into being nu males then
If all they are raised on is television then yes since thier parents obviously failed and it will mean more bloodshed when the Chinese invade.

Ravioli, Ravioli, put oil in the flames to lewd the loli.

>that filename
Muh dick

Also futureofstarwars.wordpress.com/2016/12/08/in-search-of-the-blue-snaggletooth/

>If all they are raised on is television then yes since thier parents obviously failed and it will mean more bloodshed when the Chinese invade.
Liberty prime needs to pay you a visit

There was a surprising lack of butthurt over SvtFoE having demons as good guys and even one dating the protagonist. They used underworld instead of hell and 667 instead of 666, but they did call them demons. People only complained about the show when gay background characters kissed.

Shiiiiiiit you’re totally right! Kek

Well, if not christians then some moral fags in burgerland who worry about kids being taught bad morals.

Maybe you're right though. I do think we're mellowing out to where we're not censoring things perceived as sinful.

Attached: Luz is so cute optimized.gif (800x450, 3.87M)

This show was probably only created after long delays because Disney needs more animated trash to throw on Disney+

Dana once again putting more subliminal messages in her work, this clearly shows that she had to spread her legs and get plowed to death to birth the shitty characters.

spider-verse has a mediocre story, only shills excuse the story because the animation is slightly more interesting than the average animated film.

Attached: #PrayForDana.png (311x300, 103K)

>Maybe you're right though. I do think we're mellowing out to where we're not censoring things perceived as sinful.
>He says in the decade infamous for censoring any and all sexualized depictions of women

>They used 667 instead of 666
Which episode(s)?

It was inspired by anime

>The Magic School has both boys and girls

Looks yawn (but older fans will love it because lore/implied lesbians)

Eh maybe the days of hating things that are demonic is long past. I remember for a long while D&D used to be shunned because parents thought it was satanic. I guess is just a new age of hating gay shit. I wonder what the new fad to hate will be in 20 years.

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Demons are awesome, i just hate feminism dude

>Looks yawn (but older fans will love it because lore/implied lesbians)
S-o-ylent grin intensifies

That's just Tiny Bow.

Attached: She-Ra.and.the.Princesses.of.Power.S02E04.Roll.With.It.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.x264-NTG.mkv_snapshot_ (1920x1080, 173K)

Less because its sinful. We censor things now not because of religious reasons anymore but because we think they are ideologically dangerous. As in as a society we try to censor things like serialization of women because it "contributes to the patriarchy" or something. And conversely we attack gay stuff because it's "pushing the gay agenda". Its something both liberals and conservatives do, just censoring things that disagree with or pose a threat to their ideology.

At leas that's how it goes down here in MURICA. I don't know whats up with Europe.

Attached: Sabrina Contungo.jpg (300x300, 12K)

That nigger isnt bow, why are gingers always the victims of raceswaps?

>she literally shipped a little girl with a grown woman before deleting her stuff

That was my first thought actually.

>Less because its sinful. We censor things now not because of religious reasons anymore but because we think they are ideologically dangerous. As in as a society we try to censor things like serialization of women because it "contributes to the patriarchy" or something.
Feminists hate the idea of straight sex so they want to erasure it out of media anyways they can. The idea of looking attractive to men upsets them so much that they think no one should be sexually pleasing to them. Its so fucked up. Want proof look at Bruce jenner black widow in the new avengers game.

Alright other than the fact that you're delusional, please elaborate on.

>Bruce jenner black widow in the new avengers game.

Attached: IMG_20190425_180726_01.jpg (500x285, 26K)

As far as I can tell, there's no shipping in this show. That's already a step up from Star.

2/10 not enough owls

Attached: noncanon drawing by Steven Sugar.jpg (1024x1920, 249K)

>Alright other than the fact that you're delusional,
Im not
> please elaborate on.
See , scarjo now has a man face in the latest capeshit vidya

>insult someone
>expect them to help you
Checks out

Oh dear lord. That's fucking terrifying. Isn't black widow supposed to be dead?

Attached: 1553314975166.jpg (797x1217, 669K)

Different continuity i think, i dont really care, point is black widow looks fucking hideous with that bruce campbell chin of hers

I think it looks really good. Don't get all the negativity I see here.

Everyones expecting this to be the next star vs, and not in a good way

Some are worried about it just turning into another Star vs., some are worried about it turning into another Gravity Falls. A few are worried about the staff, some are worried about potential lesbianism. youtu.be/xinLivR8Sp0

I haven't seen any teased love triangle relationship drama from the get-go.

Which is a good start.

None of the Ultimate alliance games follow the movies.

I twitch every time I see somebody say they hope The Owl House and Amphibia are Star vs’s spiritual successors (most likely because of the female leads).

Star vs was SHIT. If anything, it’s more appropriate to call these new shows Gravity Falls’s spiritual successors.

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Im just afraid it will turn out to be as bad as star vs later seasons. I used to love the show

so... is it me or white males doesn't exist in that world?

Blood Moon Ball and Running With Scissors both referenced 667. The blood moon bond happens every 667 years and Marco's dragoncycle had 667 on the collar. There may have been other episodes that referenced it, not sure.

Attached: S2E31_Nachos_the_dragoncycle_looking_up_at_Marco.png (1920x1080, 1.28M)

I’ve seen a gorillion threads for this, often with a couple of hundred replies. Seeing this promo... I don’t get it. It looks boring as fuck.

If there arent any white males i wont watch the show.

Star vs. didn't go completely downhill for me until the last season where the teen romance drama started to slowly consume everything, and all my favorite characters abruptly turned into villains.

>I wonder what the new fad to hate will be in 20 years
White males, but you don't have to wait 20 years.

Nothing can turn out as bad as Star vs’s later seasons. You have to remember that DANA TERRACE is the creator. I have full confidence that her time on Gravity Falls and DuckTales taught her how to properly map out a serialized cartoon, unlike Daron Nefcy’s failed attempt at trying to make shit up on the spot like Adventure Time was able to handle for most of its run.

Shut the fuck up.

Attached: F09373A2-F500-4798-912F-BF0B99ECCA5C.jpg (560x775, 68K)

Okay, thanks. I haven’t revisited many episodes of that show, so I forgot these details.

Fuck off, if this turns out to be another festival in male bashing and only the PC POC pets of feminists are allowed to appear then this show can go fuck itself.

YOU can fuck right off. Not every piece of media needs to star--or even include--white males. As long as The Owl House has an appealing cast of characters, the lack of another fair-haired John/James/WhateverTheFuck shouldn't bother you.

Attached: PC.jpg (800x600, 95K)

I think this is a decent stance to take. Afterall the inundation of female and brown characters is because those people won’t watch the material if they are not represented. So, it makes sense a group not being represented would abstain from consuming media.

It's set in heck.

I'm really just here for how amazingly shit these threads will be

To purposefully exclude them is an insulting agenda, so you can go fuck yourself with a tetanus wrench because this anti male agenda needs to be stopped in its tracks.

Grow up. We could use more variety and diversity in animation. Guys like you are sensitive as fuck if Latina and Thai protagonists are enough to make you “boycott” these shows.

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Divershitty is a nonissue, if you cant enjoy a cartoon because it isnt exclusively black oriented then youre a narcissistic faggot who needs to get over themselves. Fuck off back to tumblr you social justice pest.

>Star vs was SHIT.
>If anything, it’s more appropriate to call these new shows Gravity Falls’s spiritual successors.
GF was shit too

Fuck man you already know the fans for this show will just be about arguing whether it's okay to ship the brown magical girl and Ryoko 2.0 until they're blue in the face even if people make the brown girl an adult.

I don't really agree with that stance. Themes are fairly universal unless the theme is tied to certain characteristics of the leads (i.e. race, sex, etc.) and I highly doubt The Owl House will tackle those themes. I see no way for the fact that Luz is a girl or brown tying into any Episode. I understand wanting representation for people like yourself in the media you consume, but if that's your main concern, it makes me raise an eyebrow.

boys sure don´t get nothing anymore in todays feminazi society
I feel bad for them
they also get pressured into cutting of their dicks 24/7

I feel like the only white guys will be strawman villains

>if there aren't any white males i won't watch the show

Because their exclusion is an attack on them

Why else would most be here? The show looks boring and we have little to speculate or talk about.

He literally never said this wtf schizo

Did they mix Botan and Ryoko together and call it a day?


fuck off

There is no patriarchy, the world would literally be better off if your kind were rounding up and shot

>new cartoon with cute girl
>is pretty much western /u/shit

Attached: 1546011946846.gif (677x528, 287K)

Turn the grey on the emblem 90 degrees and it spells out sjws.

>larps about shooting women on a children's cartoon board


damn this nigga edgy as fuck lmao

Attached: OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes.png (628x700, 599K)

You and your ideological cohorts are a pox on modern civilization. If more people stood up to your PC police we wouldnt have this issue, rad feminists are better off in a ditch then taking a torch to everything media wise.


Attached: Brenda Song.jpg (1080x1080, 102K)

You weren't here in 2012 were you?

Setting looks fun. Like Harry Potter with more decaying meat everywhere. But the animation is dogshit.

>You weren't here in 2012 were you?
What happened then?

What, you're telling me you DON'T wanna fuck Pearl?

Attached: peeeeeaaaarrrllll.jpg (2000x3500, 1.66M)

Thanks for the new phone wallpaper user


Attached: Nostalgic+steadfast+emu_cf90ef_7134325.jpg (1200x1198, 166K)

Mad that it's true?

Well Luz is a cute that's for sure, everything else is up in the air.

As an artist I like Dana, for all her character flaws she makes amazing art and is very dedicated. Plus, she's like a drawing machine. She went through sketchbooks like a knife through butter. She'll put 100% into it i'm sure. I have hope.

I also drew some best girl.

Attached: owlhouse.png (800x462, 229K)

My pleasure. Here's a wallpaper for your desktop while we're at it.

Attached: 1525113991475.png (1920x1080, 1.04M)

Good picture dude, can you draw some porn of her now?

Star VS and Steven U cucks buttblasted that Owl House will blow both of their trashtoons out of the water

Attached: edaismommy.jpg (1999x1124, 153K)

Seriously how did they get away with this

Eda's irresistible sex appeal is not up in the air.


>Steven U, a trashtoon

Attached: Dana Terrace's Twitter (March 1st, 2018).jpg (2048x2048, 1.91M)

Edafag, I just want you to know that I hate you more than literally anyone else on this board.

Brown girls are fine, they just need white male love interests to colonize them.

>Steven U cuck
Cringe. Nobody wants Owl House or its fandom tainted with your kind's cancer.

Attached: witchfu.jpg (1024x1024, 92K)

>hating a man of taste when there are pedos and racists running amok on this board

Attached: E0208851-B56C-4A06-AA49-0C26DEE5626C.jpg (1280x1043, 270K)

...with what?

What is so bad about Steven U? I think it’s a great show

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It's one thing to be an annoyingly persistent waifufag, but it's another level of obnoxious when you feel the need to constantly reply to anyone who says they like Luz and shit on their taste and try to pass off your own as superior when the sheer numbers on R34 show you are in a tiny minority.
Basically, go choke on an old lady cock and die

Personally, I just detest that it turns any criticism of a piece of media into “YOU ARE JUST RACIST REEEEEEEEE”

Wander Over Yonder was goat but they canned it before it could get a proper ending. Why should I not be bitter if everything I like gets thrown in trash or not made at all, and everything I don't like is all that's on television right now? Fuck you and fuck everything you represent, it isn't illegal to have negative opinions on media.

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and yet, you watched a:tla.

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You gotta stop Star from destroying all magic evil witch apprentice! That bitch be crazy.

I never shat on ’s taste. I think Luz is a cute, as well. I just saw an opportunity to also praise my waifu is all.

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>muh pedos and muh racists
Fuck off

Mommy witch is hot though

The show's threads already has the perfect blend of retarded production fanfiction, raging feminists, racists, lorefags, and fans from every single modern western cartoon shitting on each other

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It's almost beautiful in a way.

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and pedophiles

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I hope this show has shipping fodder just so I can read the outrage on Yea Forums.

Don't forget homophobes and Waifufags

This time I at least won't make the mistake of watching this show and getting thrown into all of this shit like I did with StarVS.

We don't care. Signed, Europe.

They trashed first season. It’s being redone right now.

The bad art, the bad writing, the bad characters, the hack showrunner.

Please elaborate, ‘cause these all just sound like your own personal issues.

Looks ok

Infinity Train also looks better

We don’t even know what Infinity Train is gonna be like yet.

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Ravioli Ravioli

It's very similar

They had a tease last year

If you're talking about , that was animated by Owen Dennis himself. It is not indicative of the show's actual look.

Attached: Owen Dennis's Instagram (May 28th, 2018).webm (640x640, 2.58M)

But user, Doremi is actually good and has care put into its story and presentation. Also has some of the best backgrounds I've seen in any animation.

We shouldn’t pin these shows against each other.

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I feel like both shows are going to cater to different demographics. The Owl House feels like it's going to be "darker" than Amphibia.

Why did you take my post verbatim?

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Because we don’t need another thread until this one is over, genius.



All we have now are palate swaps

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I don't know, I can smell the "Darkness" on its opening theme from the very beginning.

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Amphibia seems neateo but Owl House already has my interest gripped with how upfront it is with its more focused adventure-y tone and genuine effort put into its fantasy world versus LOL SO QUIRKY RANDOM or dude ironic halfassed effort lmao bro. The big worry is that poor character writing could kill it but I have no real reason to expect that. Everyone expecting Star Vs. 2 is a fucking retard and I want TMSfag to hang himself.

>The Magic School has both boys and girls
er.. and?

because we're savvy enough now to understand that a fictional depiction of a bad thing isn't a bad thing.

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Just call me when the hot spooky guys show up in the show.

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I wanna fuck that cougar witch. What are the chances she'll have a raspy voice?

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She feels different in the teaser than she does in the production art. I guess she just looks taller now. Did they change her proportions?

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You a femanon by chance?

God, this is one of the worst cases of self insert I've ever seen in recent years.

>Every character in every cartoon has to make "this" face as a punchline

Oh, good. I was hoping this would be the one show that DIDN'T do that because it had such different character designs from the rest. But NOPE. GOTTA USE THIS "FUNNY FACE" IN EVERYTHING HA-HA.

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Where is the voices? I want to know what these characters sound like.

Why are you so easily pissed off by this? It’s a harmless, cutesy reaction.

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Because it's the same punchline heavily used in everything. It's tiresome seeing every single cartoon use the same "funny face" because after awhile, guess what, it stops being funny.

Rumor has it that its Jennifer Jiles. I'd take it with a grain of salt but here's her voice reel:

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Its an expression dipshit. Like have you ever seen cartoons where a they're eyes pop out of there head because they seem something startling or scary? Its the same thing. Its a trope for a reason. Odds are that it will happen once or twice and never again. It literally has no effect on the rest of the show. You're getting your panties in a twist over something so tiny. I'd get madder at it probably being a loreshit show before i'd get mad cause they did a silly facial expression.
Congrats on reposting that faggot.

>Telling people what they can and can't get annoyed at

Shut the fuck up.

this, for real

Fug the Witch

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Dude was overreacting to a fucking facial expression and called it a PUNCHLINE. He has every right to get his anger criticized.

And you're bitching about someone bitching and deserve to be told to shut the fuck up.

Just want him to calm the fuck down. is getting mad at literally nothing.

>lore/implied lesbians
Wow more of the shit that ruined 2010s cartoons trying to spill into the 2020s. Glad no one but Yea Forums cares about this shit.

It has every single sign of being Star Vs 2 and you're going to fall for it again for what reason?

He's not even me so you're telling someone else to shut the fuck up, you pansy fucking knob. I was just saying quit being fucking butthurt.

Are you guys ready for the new decade of cartoons? 2020 is looking sure nice with Luz on the horizon.

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>Q-quit being butthurt!
>He says while butthurt because he read something that he didn't like

That's why you and the other user need to shut the fuck up.

Because I like to be fucking butthurt about things cunt. It's what entertains me these days.

well at least you're not calling us samefags, i'll accept this

>Jump in the middle of a conversation defending some other person
>Never say "not that user"
>Except people to magically know
>Get upset when people assume you are that user

Why do newfags do this?

So far seems better and less annoying than a lot of the other shows on right now. I need to hear their voices before I can say if I like this.

A lot of the "acting" looks like Gravity Falls. I don't know how to describe it. The timing of the way characters react to stuff and the little motions they do with their faces. I wish I knew more animation jargon to properly put that into words. Like this bit looks exactly like the kind of motion Mabel would do, down to the timing and stiff animation of it all.

>not a single Hoot Crew member is following her on Twitter
I doubt it.

Also, unf mommyyy

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>Not a single horror thing was shown

So I guess they meant more horror/comedy as in the Billy & Mandy route? Because I was really hoping for Courage the Cowardly Dog.

It's highly probably Alex Hirsch ghosted some work on this show, given his gf is the creator/showrunner.
Or maybe he just mentored her, with his penis.

There is a spin off, we baby bears.

>There is a spin off, we baby bears.
And i thought it couldn't get any worse

Let's be honest, the baby bears are the best part of that boring sack of shit.

Who's the old Ryoko looking witch? Reminds me of old 90's anime and it's making me want to watch this.

Looks like a blend of Star vs. and Gravity Falls with a bit of adventure.

No, theyre somehow even more annoying then the adult bear segments

Did you miss where he said 'We Bore Bears'?

Wow, these are some seriously disappointing monster designs coming from a show run by Dana Terrace. Disney neutered her fucking HARD.

Sure, I didn't expect a kids show to have monsters spewing their guts out or anything, but these designs just feel like generic enemies in the first dungeon in an RPG.

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At least we have a tentacle monster in the very first real trailer, Mangamaster was on the money

Owl House? More like the Foul House!

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>There's an absolute shit ton of even new stuff this board likes

Name one.

Mao Mao.

>Random shills insist, "NOT EVERYTHING IS GRAVITY FALLS!"
>Half the comments on the YouTube video say "It feels just like Gravity Falls"

I guess everyone is just lying when they see something and get vibes from another show.

Those are likely one off background monsters from the first episode tho

>Fug the Witch

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I'm just here for the age gap yuri

Look, the only reason to put this movie into theaters is to execute a plan that was inspired by social Darwinists and is called "Operation James Eagan Holmes" , which has the endgoal of getting rid of the SJW SU garbage of the planet. And even then the plan would only work in america cause SU is such hot garbage, I have not seen it being out in other parts of the world.

Don't forget their color stylist, Mariama Alizor.

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>normal reaction to being made fun of

>lil brown tumblr dyke hangs out with cubone from pokemon and Ryoko from Tenchi Muyo

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I care, pussy ass bitch
be /pol/ somewhere else

Actually it is the opposite. Dana stole her hair from the character. Which I kind of like!

Dana, nobody's buying it

> mfw watching my art posted on these threads
>for another user

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This. I don't think anybody here actually watched the latest charity stream

I was wondering why she sounded familar. Glad she still works

Well that was cute and fun looking, definitely nothing game changing but something that'll be nice to kill some time with

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I watched it and it was boring.

She's also dating Macaulay Culkin, who currently lives on the floor of Red Letter Media's studio, which demands the question of when Rich Evans will voice a frog

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Amphibia looks way more like gravity falls in both its design and acting. Just a case of two artists (Matt and Dana) who carry some influence from the first show they worked on. Very normal

Were you surprised? When you take out Alex Hirsch--the life force behind those streams--you get a steaming pile of nothing. The Amity Blight reveal was cool, tho. Do we know if Dana's been fired for that yet?

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That charity stream was my first stream with those people. The only fun part was when some guy requested Noelle to draw Revolutionary Girl Utena fanart.

>mfw penn zero wasnt about hamfisted propaganda and had a better ending but still is overlooked because it didn't rely on waifubait or muh lore

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I hate to admit it but it’s true. Online Hirsch comes off as a cunt but in those panels he’s funny, entertaining, humble, chill, and a great host. I guess twitter really makes people worse

The only 2 scenes i have an issue with are Luz wearing pillow armor and hunting a ghost probably (she should be old enough to realize that's retarded), and Luz giving cutesy eyes and falling over in the rain (reminds me of mable), the first one i'm not sure how they'll make work but the 2nd will probably be better when we can hear what's being said.

I think he's cute.

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That's my new son and I'm not sharing!

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2 to beat now

No one should go on twitter
The world would be better


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This thread was a perfect blend of everything wrong on this board. It's beautiful how something can contain the perfect blend of racism, sexism, homophobia, rampant PC culture, pedophiles, etc. You have truly outdone yourself this time Yea Forums

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It's pretty much a stock image dude. You might as well get mad at someone stroking their chin or scratching their head to represent them thinking.

New here, summerfag?

>Implying it's wrong to groan at cliche acting like that

I'm just saying. Seriously. The thread got derailed a lot of times.

Yeah, I think Amphibia has more under it's skin than people might think, but The Owl House is a lot flashier at first sight.

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That's every Owl House thread. Again, new here, summerfag?

No. I'm not a summerfag. It just never fails to surprise me how fast these threads hit the fan. Especially ones like this where there was something to talk about.

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You're on a board that got an entire fucking show added to the global rules because of the cancer posting.

Face it, this place has always sucked. That's the nature of any entertainment-based anonymous boards on this site.

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It can be fun sometimes.

I feel like that came out in the same tone as an abuse victim justifying their abuser's actions

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To be honest, nothing would make me happier if Star's successor's managed to build upon what made the show great while avoiding the pitfalls that tarnished it. I have more hopes for Amphibia in this case, because I'm afraid Owl House will eventually wind up having some hamfisted morals or try to handle "mature" topics in a cringy way like Star's later seasons did.

At least so far it doesn't look like shipping will become a plot tumor, unless that green bitch turns out to be Luz's Marco. I hope Luz doesn't turn out to be a dyke though. I'm not gonna try to justify it with /pol/itical bullshit, I'm just not that crazy about yurishipping.

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Peridot > Pearl desu

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I want to rip his nigger elf ears off

Based taste for once, misha

Lol that looks nothing like Cotungo

That elf needs protection from scum like (You)!

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He looks like an especially annoying black character, the sooner that nigelf gets lynched the better

I'm getting more of a "David from Hilda" vibe. Either way, stay away from that cute little elf!

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I don’t know where these lesbian rumors started but the slight delay on production with this show is because the crew didn’t like the animation they were getting back from overseas.

Disney has REALLY high hopes for this show and a lot is being done internally to make sure it’s everywhere next year, they really want this to be the next Gravity Falls because they haven’t gotten over the fact that they weren’t able to get another season out of Hirsch or content for their streaming service (that might have changed since I last heard)
Funny to see so much bitching, you lorefags are going to eat Owl House the fuck up next year.

>he slight delay on production with this show is because the crew didn’t like the animation they were getting back from overseas.
How do you know this?
>Disney has REALLY high hopes for this show and a lot is being done internally to make sure it’s everywhere next year, they really want this to be the next Gravity Falls because they haven’t gotten over the fact that they weren’t able to get another season out of Hirsch or content for their streaming service (that might have changed since I last heard)
Again, how do you know this
Oh, so its going to fail in the same ways star vs did