she is not even muslim
She is not even muslim
Yep. It is retarded that she is wearing the hijab. I heard it is a cultural thing too, but she is also not culturally Middle Eastern either since she is a corpse with the soul of a Motherbox in it.
she's a snuff baby
Literally who is this ? Why isn't he kissing Raven ????
Perdita, Raven isnt in the series. But we're all sure shes gonna die
New episodes when?
Don't exist Muslims in the big animations, only bastardized versions
Isn't she from Qurac, that in the comics it was a stand-in for Iraq?
I don't read comics, why are you asking me
Black muslim motherbox women were made for royal white cock.
As a Kamalafag, I can't tell you no
to the paheal
Gabrielle Daou is from Qurac, but Halo is actually a Motherbox's soul possessing Gabrielle's corpse and refuses to identify as her dead host. So, not a Muslim.
It’s...not Terra? Isn’t Markovia a thing in this new season?
it is, but Perdita is queen of Vlatava and niece of Vertigo
>using cucked paheal instead of superior sankaku
Fuck off Weisman
kamalafags are not a myth?
All the benefits of a brown hijab wearing qt3.14 but none of the awful religious baggage?
Best of both worlds waifu.
>implying you have to be a Muslim in order to wear a hijab
Nah, it's a pretty fashionable article, and there's nothing actually stopping anyone from wearing one. Assuming you live somewhere not full of psychotic ultra-conservative retards who desperately try to control other people's lives, of course.
She's a box? Why is it sentient ?
So what's her power? She can't die and just keep on coming back>
cuz she took the body of a dead teenage girl
Why does Yea Forums love brown girls so much?
Because they are yum
I don't think it's really that. I believe that the white boys on here love brown girls because they see them to exotic. For brown anons, all we want are some white chicks.
Yea Forums just wants to protect an accident prone sheltered girl.
>”Halo, we need you to take enemy fire while we flank from the left”
>”She fell and broke her neck, so we need a new plan”
July 2nd
I like girls in Hijab getting forcefully converted for some reason.
There's not much of her there, it's not my fault
no, we will always be here for what you need
They couldn't handle a blonde girl for some reason. This is straight up prejudice against white people with blonde hair, being afraid to adapt the original character and replacing them with something, one political faction, seems to like over the looks of the original character...
Because liberals sexually fetishize everything, including their politics.
Has Halo showed up in Rebirth or New 52?
>even had her in an orange hood during one of her deaths
Wiesmann, you madman
It's a supercomputer build by full fledged gods. Being sentient is the least of the shit they can pull off
Spoonfeed me on Motherboxes.
What is up with them and Element X?
There is no white and brown, just brown, all humans are a shade of brown including white people.
It's meaningless distinction
Yes, on Batman Inc. and some Suicide Squad issues.
I'm against race changes, too, most of the time. But, when it's a Z list character like Halo Girl (who I have never heard of until YJ), it's fine, unless the original character's origin would conflict with it, somehow.
The race is part of the character design. She's a light-being fused with a human body. The human body they choose is blonde and girly because it's supposed to be "light-hearted and bright" both as a character and aesthetic feature.
Dark skin is the opposite of "bright light being"...
Get in there.
>justifying some boomer's shitty writing
>Brown is a bright color
Go back to kindergarten.
>Wanting to replace white people with non-white people because social media told you so.
I like watching girls in hijab getting willingly penetrated by big white cock
>laughing at some boomer's poor justification for his blonde fetish is wanting to replace wypepo
Is it a hijab, or the hood from her costume?
I'm surprised that they didn't just go with making her an asian girl, since Halo already has built in hair color streaks.
Well, that kills the boner. Without the corruption angle, I cannot into a boner like I can with Kamala. Nothing gets my motor running quite like tempting a normally religious person into a life of sin, particularly Islam because even good wholesome fun is haram.
Reconversion and Deconversion would be cool.
It's not cool, it's hot! The same reason that I like nuns and hijabs; it's defiling a religious practice with something as small as a kiss.
Will Weisman somehow ship Beast Boy and Terra this season?
Oh shit it's the princess Wally saved
I'm just hoping Weisman doesn't just do the same Judas contract that we always see with Terra. It's like Jean Grey and the Phoenix, yes it's interesting but do we have to see it ever incarnation. If anything just makes the character extremely one note.
Is it? That was a great episode, now I actually like the ship.
So the Hijab represents "a light being" how exactly?
I kek'd, I was actually wondering the same thing. How come they didn't keep her color streaked hair? That's pretty SJW-safe now no?
she wears a hijab in her "civilian" clothes as well.
Being fair, what else can you do with her when she was created just to betray the Teen Titans? She was essentially just a living plot-device for the development of 3 male characters (BB, Nightwing and Deathstroke) and Wolfman's way of saying "I'M NOT RIPPING-OFF X-MEN".
People said the same shit about Conner since a ton of his shit was tied to his relationship with Tim and Cassie. And yet he literally has no relationship to them in YJ besides being on the same team.
Uh, she is a traitor working for Deathstroke in this version too, so I don't get what you are arguing.
>laughing at non-white Yea Forums's veiled racist attacks against white people.