Sparse updates

Sparse updates
Posted June 10, 2019 at 01:00 am
Lately I've only been updating about twice a week or fewer, and I'm sorry about that.

As much as I'd like to make excuses like, "I haven't had time" or "I've been sick," it's much more that I have simply not been producing the quality of humor that is up to my standards, and I don't like posting a joke that is on par with open mic night at the senior citizens' club.

I love you very much, and I hope you still visit here often.

Much love,

Ronnie has finally done it, he's reached the bottom of the barrel, and unlike every other webcomic author he actually decided to stop updating instead of putting out uninspired garbage
good for him

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such is life

Same feeling here, better that he only post comics that are up to his standards than crap out garbage on a strict schedule.

Also, he should get working on that horror side project he's always wanted to do, it couldn't possibly do worse than Otaku Dad did.

If you're reading this Ronnie, take all the time you need. You've given us a great deal of really excellent strips and you don't owe us anything more. Your comic has been a gift

I mean you can't just keep going forever. If you want to take a break or just stop, it's way better than the alternative. Props.

>it couldn't possibly do worse than Otaku Dad did.
you say that as if otaku dad had bad
at it's worst it was mediocre, if anything

>It's a "respectable and honest webcomic author hand-picks a strip from more inspired age to make up for lack of updates" epsiode
I wish you luck Ronnie

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I didn't even notice the posts have been becoming fewer.

That one strip alone made me feel things I tried to bury and forget to regret.

Ronnie be well.

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Does she kiss her hand over his mouth or does she just pull him closer?

It was a matter of time, the last few have been good, but felt weaker than normal.

She put her hand over his mouth, I think because she didn't have the guts to kiss him fo' real. They're like 14 so that makes sense.

At least he didn't go full KC Green

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>that horror side project
I thought Whomp! was the horror side project.

This is what college felt like to me. I somehow graduated but I never knew what I was doing.

You never go full KC Green.

Frankly I'm impressed someone publicly recognized a quality drop. So few creators actually own up to that shit. Hopefully he can find something fresh to do.

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It was nice of him to bring along his crab assistant as he advanced through the company. Not everyone would be willing to do that.

Was about to post about Nedroid, I miss these comics a lot. What's the artist working on?

What happened to KC green?

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Although Ronnie "only" makes around $550 a month on Patreon, I'm fairly certain he has an actual full time job, so that hopefully helps him to avoid the pressure of producing more comics.

Anthony works full time as the illustrator for another web comic.

We fixed one of his comics by making it based and redpilled and he had the audacity not to thank us.

I'm going to regret this... But can I see it?

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Well I never heard about thaaat, but his twitter was one step away from a psychotic break last I checked several years ago. Also when the anime club got popular on Yea Forums he went fucking nuts. I'm like 99% sure hes bipolar schizophrenic with some depression mixed in. Compared to Ronnie which is plain old depression.

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Sure. Here’s the original comic

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And here’s the edit. Although personally I think has the better idea of what’s wrong with him

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I feel like that was the start of it but his descent into madness happened long after the amazing atheist posted the edit

Ronnie is fucking based. Quality over quantity.

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that's how i feel everyday. i get praise from people and don't know what to say i realized long ago that EVERYONE from the janitor to the president is just flying by the seat of their pants

>tfw ronnie makes comics that hit too close to home
take your time ronnie, no one will rush art

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I know that feel. The exact same thing happened to me when I was in the eleventh grade.

looking back at my time in high school I did a lot of "exceptional" things that year.

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I think he meant in terms of popularity

>Ronnie isn't just mass producing jokes that Mcdonalds mass produce burgers and nuggets
While I'm sad at the loss of a potential meta-joke, I am happy that he cares about quality. This really endears Ronnie to me.

If you're reading this my man, take all the time you need. I'll gladly wait even a month for a new comic. Good things take time, as another jolly fat man once said.

>Also when the anime club got popular on Yea Forums he went fucking nuts.
Is that why he (literally) killed it? lol, imagine disowning your own creation because some people you don't like enjoy it. KC is pretty open about being pathetic but that's something else.

Huh, I've been absent mindedly checking whomp for the last few days, but never scrolled down to see that post. The last one was the "just want to push the other post down, because there's nothing interesting and I don't want to inconvenience you" which is classic Ronnie. That post has been like that for months.

I resent Ronnie's comic, for the same reason I do not identify with this.
I try hard in life, and I like to think I have it pretty good. But for some reason this caricature of a pathetic man is so much better than me. he has had girls into him, has a good friend, has a real talent. And he wastes it, acting like he is reprehensible.
What then, does that make me?

A human being.

The edit could do without the bottom half

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>better that he only post comics that are up to his standards
What the fuck are you talking about, every single one of his comics is
It's literally Garfield for weebs.

But nothing is ever up to his standards...