What the fuck was his problem?
What the fuck was his problem?
I just realized that he was portrayed as an arrogant jerk in every single cameo he ever had.
Being dead
Friendly reminder that Hawking Radiation is complete and utter bullshit that has absolutely no fucking data to back it up.
Well, the only reason he wasn't showered in punches was because he was the king of the cripples.
Because he's kind of an arrogant jerk in real life. I think a number of his theories have even been debunked. He was on a television program once where he was trying to prove another professor wrong, and basically the deadline ran out on a physics conference with Hawking being unable to find math that supported his position. So he called up the conference, asked them to make room for him in their schedule, and then went on stage to tell everyone that he's not wrong in an alternate dimension.
He dressed it up with some scientific-sounding language but in essence it was just a man being too arrogant to admit he'd been corrected.
Literally not a single single cosmologist doubts it, you moron. Every piece of experimental mathematical evidence supports it. In fact, the nature of quantum mechanics itself makes it functionally impossible for it not to exist in some form without rewriting the concrete laws of physics we have understood for decades. You're so fucking stupid, I wish Hawking radiation actually wasn't real, so we could throw you into a black hole, and never have to deal with evidence of you ever having existed escape back into the observable universe ever again, you absolute waste of mass.
But that's pretty much all modern scientific theories. Supersymmetry, M-theory, String Theory, WIMPs, Dark matter, Dark energy, etc.
>he's kind of an arrogant jerk
*was, he croaked, remember?
The only problem is that FLESH IS WEAK
He was cool on Star Trek
I still can't believe Einstein is Bishop Brennan.
Starred in a bad episode.
I only just recently realized that this ep was from the pre-Savino era. It was so lame & funny I always remembered it as happening after the show got weaker.
*so lame and unfunny
He had a bunch of nerds for fans
Nicely done.
I thought he was a bill gate/steve job parody, mostly because the episode was about computer stuff
>tell everyone that he's not wrong in an alternate dimension.
I got to use that line next time
Do you wanna actually back that up or are you just gonna be an Internet tough guy and shit your pants while browsing /r/science.