Is this true? What the hell happened that got him wilding out on Twitter?
Rob Liefeld predicts the collapse of DC Comics a lot sooner
Other urls found in this thread:
>Bounding Into Comics
There are numerous articles of Rob claiming this. Anyway is it true or he's just pissed off?
DC is a shitty company and it only got worse after the AT&T's acquisition, i hope he is right.
DC is already dead we've known this for like a year
>What the hell happened that got him wilding out on Twitter?
Maybe he read Heroes in Crisis, Superman, Batman...
Liefeld is deflecting over getting blasted for not delivering on his kickstarter.
>What the hell happened that got him wilding out on Twitter?
He's trying to distract people from ragging on him for not refunding Kickstarter pledges.
He's just pissed off.
He is absolutely correct about the Batman thing.
It's *got* to play out at some point- not that Batman will stop selling, but that readership will retreat to two titles and not 20 like we have now. And then where will they be? Almost everything else they have sells middling at best.
>What the hell happened that got him wilding out on Twitter?
They hired him to do a couple JL variant covers.
They haven't ordered anymore, so now he's pissed
A broken clock is right twice a day, too bad it ain't the time yet.
Lets hope marvel too!!! That would be epic!!!
pissed off. Apparently he had pitches for OMAC and new gods and they both were rejected.
years of bad writing and sjw/feminist take over has destroyed any sense of community and fandom.
Comics no longer increase the popularity of supeheroes. they actually hurt it.
DC neither has the talent nor will to win back their old fans. they only care about pushing leftwing propaganda
>citation needed
>DC moves operations for Mad Magazine to Burbank, forcing several editors to retire after 20-30 years with the mag.
>9 issues and less than a year and a half later, half of the original editorial team has left or been fired by DC, including the lead editor.
Just what in hell is up with DC? I've never seen this much executive tomfuckery even when Levitz was CEO
Well how does that mean DC is going off a cliff?
Mark disagree
Apparently DC requires properly drawn characters with normal looking feet.
Liefeld is a hack, thief and retard.
Rob then replied that batman is the only brand giving them sales.....which he's right. Look how many batman comics series DC make to get some money dude.
Wow, comic company with less popular movie department could collapse soon, what a shocker
That's on the consumers. You could be buying Hawkman or Naomi or Wonder woman or any other character or any other comic. DC is supplying other comics besides Batman so there goes that idea.
>That's on the consumers.
Because batman the only interesting thing on DC sadly and this is coming from a green latern fan myself.
>executive tomfuckery even when Levitz was CEO
Levitz had DC hidden in WB's Toy and Marketing Department.
After he was gone, WB installed their own people. Diane Nelson planned the move to Burbank in 2010, but delayed it to 2015 (when they launched Covergence to take over 2 months). She, guided by Lee and Didio, triggered The New 52. This also coincided with DC Comics being merged with DC Films under DC Entertainment.
Nelson took a leave of absence in 2017, and was replaced by Pam Lifford in 2018. Lifford has a background in shoe marketing. DC is now under "Warner Bros. Global Brands and Experiences."
AT&T recently bought WB, and is gutting everything.
TL;dr Suits being Suits
>this is coming from a green latern fan myself.
Fucking bullshit you are. Green lantern stories are way more interesting than some street vigilante.
Yes they fucking are and I love them to death but it's doesn't solve the fact that bats making the money in the sales chart than most characters dude.
Making money doesn't mean Batman is the only interesting thing about DC.
That's me throwing your own fucking words back at you. You fucking said Batman is the only interesting thing about DC.
Marvel does the same shit In an even worse way.
He should get his foot out of his mouth and go back to licking goats.
I don't like Batman dude,
Why the hell are you so triggered?
I actually like Green Lantern.Also when I say Batman is interesting I meant the "other consumers" not me. Don't put words in my mouth.
>Don't put words in my mouth
I didn't, those are your own fucking words.
Liefeld is now out of Twitter:
I think it's more of marvel making huge cash in filming while dc is falling behind and it's not impressing at&t
>Neither Marvel or DC is going anywhere, anytime soon
What a change of heart.
yeah but they have the movies to relay on
Warnbros meanwhile is not really impressed with the performance of DC properties
There's nothing interesting about a green colored character fighting different colored characters every issue.
performance wise they're doing great< DC is like the most profitable branch of WB.
You stupid mother fucker, he's saying Batman is the only thing making DC money! He's not saying Batman's better!
O however shall we overcome this loss?
Christ what a spaz. Knew this latest meltdown was something special. Bring called out on the Kickstarter, Pamiotti taking him to task, embarrassment and backtracking over the DC diss...
He's an asshole but I'll miss him. For a couple hours bc let's face it he'll be back by tonight playing victim like "can't let the haters win!!"
>DC is like the most profitable branch of WB.
The movies making money doesn't affect the comics branch, and people keep saying movies don't even bump comic sales that much anymore. The problem is really the comic sales in the toilet and maybe they're worried about brand damage.
Even in that sense he's wrong, Batman may make more money but it's not the only thing making money.
Do you know how many batman series are being made mad as well as spinoff show and despite that it still sells. I'm not even going to talk about the arkham game series or the constant movies being made.....stop
Stop what? Making you look like a fucking moron?
I mean... DC's got 6 books in the top ten, 4 of them are Batman. Another 4 in the top 20, two of them are Bats again.
It's true tho. Movies, Video games, tv shows, toys, and comics are all making money.
Your obviously triggered about the truth. Are you fucking 12? No grown man wouldn't be this triggered about a comic book character....
>CW shows profiting hundreds of millions per year
>DCEU profiting hundreds of millions as well
Inb4 Justice League, only actual flop and Wonder Woman covered the losses easily.
I see doomsday clock and Dceased, which isn't a batman book, I see heroes in crisis, I see Justice league, I see Superman, I see the Flash, I see green lantern.
All of those in the top 30, making money.
So you know what that means?
You're wrong.
you need math in your life
>Your obviously triggered about the truth.
That Batman isn't the only thing that makes money for DC? Because that's what's true. What's not true is to say that Batman is the only thing making money for DC.
I need math? You're the one counting one Batman title as two.
Two issues, the same month, still making into the top ten by name alone because King is still sinking it.
Who has the most movies,
Who has the most games,
Who has the most animated shows,
Who has the most films in DC Comics,
Who the leading character in injustice series,
Who's film made over a billion dollars in the Nolan trilogy?
Batman is the one carrying DC.
If you can't understand that then you deliberately trolling or your a youngling who just watch the recent DC Cinematic brand.
Enough with the foolishness.
>Really? I think it's their strongest line-up since the 80s. All their big characters have really strong teams and all at the same time. Is there something on the horizon???
> “Mark, you’re reading your DC best of the 80’s collection again… happens to me too sometimes…”
>I understand my DC honesty will cost me a potential opportunity but who cares! C’mon… they should fire everybody in management and refresh. Batman will still be there for the next group.
Holy fucking based.
Who cares? He's wrong.
its fking happening
Fucking brutal. At least now Millar has something clever in his twitter, and of course it wouldn't be written by himself.
I love it when casuals insist they understand the comic book industry because they see Batman at the top of a meaningless list.
The problem is that Warner's has insane expectations for those movies. Critically they've all been at least okay and financially they do pretty well but the board can't handle the idea of a moderately successful Batman movie.
On the comics side the industry is changing. The days when they could rely on nerds to troop down to their FLCS every Wednesday and by 10 variant covers of whatever the big 2 are pushing are long gone. DC and Marvel are at least trying to adapt even if they don't always get it right.
Read some First Comics from the 80s and not just keeping up with the cesspit that is modern Big Two output before you call anyone a casual.
>your a youngling who just watch the recent DC Cinematic brand.
Except in the 90s Superman was carrying DC and in the mid 2000s it was green lantern carrying DC.
You're the fucking casual in this equation.
>even if they don't always get it right
seldom, really
>*insists sales dictate quality*
Casual fuck.
>Batman is the one carrying DC.
Except most others characters make profit for DC so that's an untrue statement. Is Batman overexposed? Probably but that isn't him carrying DC, it's the other way around.
>I love it when casuals insist they understand the comic book industry because they see Batman at the top of a meaningless list.
Yeah I know. That's basically how you know someone on here is a casual, if they keep insisting that Batman was always a Top 10 seller.
You couldn't even fix you FLCL typo you fucking weeb. Floppies still make up most of the sales in the industry. The big two cannot exist without monthly cash flow, creator rights would leave them unable to use many characters because they simply wouldn't be worth it.
You can't actually think this can you?
Why not? All the facts support it.
user it isn't difficult they simply DO NOT WANT to sell what fans want to buy. Nobody needs Tom king's Batman. Nobody. They could put some literal who and have him pump out monster if the week and fans would eat it up. Lee and Didio won't do it because they don't want to. That's "boring" and "stale" and they seem to think their idea of what they'd like to read trumps sales.
Lee and Didio do not care about sales. They care about perception, specifically being told they're the backers of amazing avant garden comics. They aren't that, of course. they simply publish garbage that doesn't even disguise its loathing of capes and their fans and imagine it's high art.
If they were replaced with publishers who loved capes for being silly childish stories they'd find their audience again in less than a year.
>Bounding Into Comics
Yes? It's one of the new comic news sites that isn't a SJW infested shithole.
What facts? That one issue of Batman sells as much as 3-4 times what C listers are selling? That the events and one shots and minis all do 6 figures?
I'm no batfag but you don't know what the fuck you're talking about if you claim other comic sales are keeping him afloat. Batman sales, specifically when the ongoing is soaring, keeps the C list books from being cancelled when they drop below 20K.
Each floppy costs like 10K to make. A Six figure Batbook with an event or two each month is keeping anything below 20K units shipped going. This is why they couldn't let king go any lower on double shipping.
>That one issue of Batman sells as much as 3-4 times what C listers are selling?
See, you keep implying those C listers don't sell at all when really they just sell less than Batman's pandering shit. And I'm fine with that as long as the issues keep coming out.
This triggers you because this isn't the way manga and anime work, where literally every single week is a fight for survival. Meanwhile, Morrison just confirmed 12 more issues of his TGL series, and I've NEVER checked the sales.
Just like the last 4000 times you said it, right Ladderbro?
>hurr ladderbro
can't you DC "people" take one bit of criticism without sperging out?
TGL does somewhere between 40-50. I know this becaue I don't talk out of my ass like you.
I never implied they "don't sell" but Hal isn't a C-Lister especially with Morrison writing his book. You also ignored the 10K per issue figure which is VERY important. Below 20k units you aren't making much money which is why you need blue chips like events and Batman to keep those afloat.
Really what you've done here is attack me while I've told you why the "math" you referred to isn't any brand of calculus and rather jus your baseless opinion.
If no comic sold over 6 figures in any given month the books below 15-20K lost money for them.
That faggot wasn't critcizing.
>Sup Ladderbro
You give yourself away too easily, Tommy Ladderbro
Can you fuck off?
Seriously. I get so sick of you ladderbro faggots derailing threads. If you're naming anons you need to hang yiurself.
>inb4 hey ladderbro
Nah. You fucking faggots need to fuck off.
not talking about that guy, i'm talking that if you say one bad thing about DC, specifically the movies, you retards instantly sperg out
>Sup Ladderbro
>You're obviously Ladderbro
I think all you've been doing is talking out your ass
I'm not that user dumbass.
Which post did you make on a phone?
The fact that Rob Liefeld deflecting maneuver about his kickstarter is successful, only reinforces the statement of how the capecomics are braindead.
>that doesn't even disguise its loathing of capes and their fans and imagine it's high art.
Talk about casualgate logic.
You literally just said you don't even look at sales. Meanwhile I explained to you why a blue chip book offsets the losses of a ooorky selling title and you've told me the poorly selling titles are the ones keeping the blue chips going.
The car doesn't keep the gas tank running, the gas keeps the car running. Your appraisal of which titles/sales are benefitting which reads more like you think gas runs on cars.
>TGL does somewhere between 40-50
Still less than Batman, which by your own ridiculous standards means GL is bleeding DC dry and on the verge of cancellation. But this isn't the case and you've yet to admit it.
>brings up CG for no reason
Why shitpost like this?
You disagreed with user, cool. Why bring up some twitter faggots? Why can't you use your big boy words and explain your view?
>You literally just said you don't even look at sales
Different user. You're just spewing bullshit nonsense and trying to pass it off as being knowledgeable
You've literally said over and over again that Batman alone is carrying DC comics and time and time again you've been proven wrong.
>claiming samefag
the absolute state of (You)
I said a book selling below 20K.
You know this but you won't admit it.
Proof is here:
>Batman sales, specifically when the ongoing is soaring, keeps the C list books from being cancelled when they drop below 20K.
>I never implied they "don't sell" but Hal isn't a C-Lister especially with Morrison writing his book. You also ignored the 10K per issue figure which is VERY important. Below 20k units you aren't making much money which is why you need blue chips like events and Batman to keep those afloat.
Fuck off if you're just here to shitpost.
I just wanna say that every user except for me, is a colossal faggot
Quote one time where I said that.
Green text it too. Go find the post and quote it for me.
For someone shitting on Mark Millar for being a dumb man, you sure think we're all dumb for not realizing you stole a Stan Lee joke.
Not even a fan of neither btw
>Liefeld New Gods
>Liefeld OMAC
Fuck no, that would have been terrible. Unless you give him just Orion but it'd still miss the point of the character.
It used to be that DC sat comfortably and was able to do as it pleased. Then AT&T bought WB and they've been trying to move things around to maximize profits. AT&T is of course fucking inept at everything so they're essentially throwing changes at the wall and seeing what sticks. Also they cut back on reprinting older books because they're cunts and out of touch with what the consumer wants.
>a title that provides profit allows a company to keep a title that loses money alive
This isn't bullshit and I can't imagine what's so offensive about that fact that it would make you faggots sperg out like this.
Well, Nobody knows how to run a comicbook publisher into the ground like Rob Liefeld.
>no reason
OP linkes Bounding into comic which is a website exclusively used by casualgate. Casualgate, like Gamergate, is all about trying to paint the industry as on the the verge of self destruction. The whole "that doesn't even disguise its loathing of capes and their fans and imagine it's high art" is exactly the kinda arguments used by gamergate.
ATT has been handling things for less than 6 months dumb ass. Every acquisition starts with layoffs DC was actually spared far too many if we're being honest.
It's pretty clear you can't argue and simply want to label people who disagree with you.
Comicsgate is a group of faggots. No go back to my post and reply properly or fuck off.
Batman literally sold like shit during the entirety if the 00s. Batman only started selling well when Morrison's "Batman RIP" started.
The fact that no one here knows this is pretty telling.
But GL isn't losing money.
In happy you agree with me.
I said books below 15-20K lose money. Since TGL (there's a The in the title you fucking casual) is twice as much as that it's in pretty good shape for today's market.
Quote where I said anything else.
>one user says a thing so the didiofag uses it to cast aspersion on the entire thread
I hate you fucking faggots. ATT will eventually see through this tactic.
Try badmouthing the MCU, see which people you get
>It's pretty clear you can't argue
Ok Master debater, I sure the fact OP used a casualgate website has absolutely nothing to do with Casualgate nor the fact that you use the exact kinda logic that gamergate used to radicalize US GAMERS have nothing in common.
Are you implying that McDonalds in't the best place to eat in the universe?!
>I said books below 15-20K lose money.
But that's also not true you pedantic cunt.
I've only seen people shit on the MCU, I rarely see anyone defending it
On the other hand I see more people defending DC than shitting on it, and btw this is Yea Forums(nel) that i'm talking about, in the real world everyone shits on DC
>I said a book selling below 20K.
And selling 40k while Batman is selling 3 times as much wouldn't put it in the verge of cancellation, if we are to follow your stupid standards? Hell, if DC truly can't afford to print anything but Batman selling over 100k, why is TGL getting renewed?
Could it be because numbers are meaningless? Nah, DC IS DYING BRUH
Based DC.
I've thought for a while that a company committed to telling quality superhero stories in the Silver/Bronze Age mold committed to an apolitical approach could do well. I feel like there are a lot of people that are exhausted by the constant virtue signalling.
>only interesting thing
I think you meant most
>you sure think we're all dumb for not realizing you stole a Stan Lee joke
Not really, glad you caught it. And it still applies, more than for Slott, even.
This crap phone doesn't let me see the link. Did he close the account or was he banned?
I don't even know what you are talking about.
The fact that Yea Forums believes that Batman is some sort of evergreen seller is telling, though.
The first half of Morrison's run sold like shit. Batman as a whole only started selling well during the later half of Morrison's run. Then Scott Snyder came and his run sold over 100k for every issue during 5 years. Then King came and his run wasn't as popular as Snyder's.
It has never been about Batman. It has always been about the writer.
That's absolutely true. Art costs 100 a page, writing can approach that as well depending on the writer. Add in printing editing, coloring and lettering and yeah, each floppy comes to about 10K minimum. The Big 2 print enough that printing costs are lowered but a book only printing 20K costs more to print per issue than one selling twice that.
It really just seems you want to say "not uh" rather than discuss anything though.
>And selling 40k while Batman is selling 3 times as much wouldn't put it in the verge of cancellation, if we are to follow your stupid standards?
Why would it? They have a lot of profit in that case.
What are you even disputing anymore. You keep telling me I said TGL would be cancelled and that isn't true.
And I didn't say DC was dying. Please stop assuming I'm "that user" you clearly had a significant disagreement with. I never said that.
>guy pulls something out of his ass without any link that proves it
>DC drones take it as the absolute truth
It can be that people simply don't like DC you know, not everyone is eager to get paid only to do a book a year and to see his own work getting shat on by the hacks that run the company.
Then you aren't living I reality. The MCU is defended just as much as DC's comics around here.
Good thing Liefeld has Marvel to publish his awesome stories.
How is Major X going?
Nobody said this. Go quote it.
This user is being stingy with that 100 per page figure too. That's low. Do people really not know how much this shit costs? Go get a commission done and ask for the price. Hundreds to a thousand. No panels, no story just a random picture. Now tell that artist you plan on selling it commercially. The price just tripled.
Art is very expensive.
I have yet to see that, if you shit on DC you get your posts deleted and possibly banned, if you shit on Marvel nothing happens
We're talking about liefeld right?
>retardon thinks that artists charge for pages the same they charge for comissions
He's quitting (taking a break?) and sticking to Instagram.
You're just pulling these numbers out your ass.
>anything selling out 15k is losing money
Fucking bullshit Yea Forums accountants.
>You keep telling me I said TGL would be cancelled and that isn't true.
How can a comic book be in the verge of cancellation at 20k but making 'plenty of profit' at a mere 20k difference? How does any of this matter when Batman is selling 3 or 4 times as much and therefore should (by your own admitted stupid standards) displace other series to the chopping block?
Why do you keep backtracking your arguments this blatantly?
Liefeld was ladderbro all along.
Then lurk more newfag. I shit on both and am called either a ladderfag or dcuck all the time by company warring faggots.
Disney spends more on movie shills and Warners spent on comic shills for DC and CN/Adult Swim/TBS shills for cartoons.
Anyone who disagrees is new here or one of the three types above.
What crazy world are you living in?
This is Yea Forums, Ladderbro's playground, extension of /r/marvelstudios, Donny Cates' fanclub.
Because any comic being printed at a loss is on the verge of cancellation and making double that can out you into profit territory.
Why are you retards acting like simple business is retarded and your shitpost replies are brilliant?
Quote me backtracking.
I didn't say this. I said the price would triple. Which is why interiors aren't cheap. The same principal but I never claimed a commission is the same cost as interiors.
You, like the other user, seem more inaterested in proving me wrong than disagreeing and moving on.
Nothing I've said is even controversial.
Yes, Ladderbro, whatever you say, Ladderbro
>Because any comic being printed at a loss is on the verge of cancellation and making double that can out you into profit territory.
Explain to me how a mere 20k difference in sales shifts a series from 'imminent cancellation' status to 'plenty of profit coming in'.
Also this:
>How does any of this matter when Batman is selling 3 or 4 times as much and therefore should (by your own admitted stupid standards) displace other series to the chopping block?
Is exactly what I said here:
You claim I've backtracked and have now changed your view to agree that Batman keeps lower selling books alive.
The difference is you're claiming I said 40K was cancellation level when I didn't and never claimed anything within that zone (specifically TGL) would be cancelled.
Batman keeps lower sellers afloat.
>quote me backtracking
That's all you've been doing as soon as people called you out for saying Batman is carrying DC.
bullshit it wasn't.
We really need thread specific IDs
Not just writer. It's the combination of Batman + Snyder + Capullo.
Batman + mid/low level talent would be around 50,000s or so.
Snyder on American Vampire did about as well as an average creator-owned title (was around the 10,000's) I should also point out that Snyder on Detective actually raised sales on the title, which is unusual because vast majority of titles have a decline in sales month-to-month.
Capullo on Millar's Reborn was doing around the 30,000's-40,000's on average.
But I too am getting tired of seeing all the people on Yea Forums who insist that Batman was an evergreen seller in the 2000's. It wasn't even an evergreen seller in the late 90's and made the 2000's from Hush onwards look like better sales.
So do you agree that Batman sales keep shitty selling books from being cancelled or no?
I've made my case it's okay if you disagree.
user that isn't a small number. It represents 80-100k revenue.
Even Busiek shat on him.
>Mousecuck has no idea what he is talking about
This. It's pretty damn obvious.
>people actually paid Liefeld’s Kickstarter
>surprised when they are scammed
>Batman keeps lower selling books alive
Considering your entire argument in this thread is that Batman was carrying DC alone, it sure as fuck reeks of desperation to switch to this asinine claim in the middle of getting buttfucked for your other ignorant claims.
Last (You). You're out of your fucking element and it shows. Back to you YouTube comments you go.
>I've made my case
Did you?
>Carrying DC alone
Quote me saying this.
I've asked multiple times for you to quote your claims and you don't. Why are you doing this?
Is this just to anger me? I don't understand what you gain from this. I just want to discuss sales and I've spent an hour trying to just get you to stop derailing the conversation. Please just stop.
I never claimed that Batman shouldered DC. Please stop saying that and just reply honestly or fuck off. This is so damn frustrating.
>'it isn't a small number'
>it's actually miniscule all things considered
Please stop.
He's what what we call a shitposter user.
Don't respond to him.
He's just wants attention and (yous)
I heard it is actually doing pretty well.
Wow. You genuinely believe we can’t recognize your posting style and match against the posts in the same reply chain.
>Liefeld being a cunt online again
Thank you, o Marvel, for making this guy rich and famous.
>pls stop exposing me as a casual shitposter
Maybe in online but i don't know where does that whole rumour of him being asshole in real came from because at least in cons he is nice guy.
>Today, the comics community, nay, the entire world mourns the tragic loss of one of the internet’s greatest Twitter accounts. Yes, superstar comic book creator Rob Liefeld has left Twitter.
The only shitposter is you.
Quit trying to get some half ass (yous)
This is true, no matter if they delete the post.
Actually their production is the most profitable of what is now Warner Media and there are parts of WM that do as well as if not better than DC Entertainment.
Well he's obviously correct, whether you like him or not. Frankly I'm surprised DC exists at all in comic form anymore. Rebirth was really their last chance to straighten themselves and they aborted it after it had barely started for seemingly no reason other than that editors didn't like it.
You prefer BleedingAsshole?
>new IP
Are you really that paranoid? You sound more like a disgruntled Employee of DC.
Knock it off
I know this. I've been here for years I'm simply hoping jannies will finally step in and accept this is a true derailment and not just a silly child shitposting.
"Lol fuck off ladderbro" is one thing. Hour ling drawn out "not uh not uh not uh, what no you said so not uh not uh not uh that's not what you said" escapades are too much. This place has been ruined by these faggots.
There is no we. Go quote one of my posts from another thread.
>an user enters a thread
>nutcase claims this is odd
Fuck off.
Jude's a fucking faggot.
>Well he's obviously correct,
But he's not.
The New 104
God, maybe Disney will buy DC and Earth-1984 can be a thing.
ATT could buy Disney twice though so that will never happen.
The post was deleted, so...
I hope this happens soon.
>muh shota Jon
Fuck off, Superman isn’t anywhere near as bad as those other two. It’s also one of the best looking books out there right now.
Swamp Thing S2 is already canceled.
writing is a little retarded tho
yes, it's all Geoff Johns' fault
Mark doesn't read any modern comics
Why was this post deleted?
he's being realistic
DC is going to collapse. They are losing relevance to the general public and WB is grossly mismanaging them.
Didn't mean to respond to you user. Ignore.
>I take it all the deleted posts are from people who said true things that upset DC fans like they usually are?
Double trips of truth lost to the void.
>gets banned again
>evades ban again
Some people cannot just stop, can they?
Nah not all
Poster was probably banned for other stuff
>Marvel is licensing out their characters to other publishers
>DC gonna collapse I swear
>AFTER rob liefield Kickstarter failed
Why is Yea Forums sucking off rob liefield? He didn’t gave Deadpool his personality.
Most of the thread was one user trying to claim that Batman wasn't keeping other books from being cancelled. The shills simply don't want anyone to discuss how dire their situation is.
The "Disney will buy them" soon anons are just as bad but the "you must be ladderbro" peolke are delusional. DC is on thin fucking ice and the fact that the dumbass publishers are left while it seems Harras has finally bent the knee to fans shows me the latter is positioning for a new job and the two former names are simply riding the ship into the sea.
>Yea Forums
>the "you must be ladderbro" people are delusional
I wonder who is behind this post?
>user is pulling shit out of his ass again
This is so sad.
Uh, Marvel is more left-wing.
Just give up user, trying to talk with a DCfag is like trying to teach pigs how to read.
They'll just reply to you with buzzwords and will crawl back to their delusional view of the world.
SJW shit is not left wing.
Not him but Nah they're both pretty leftist.
>inb4 eurofag laments the American political system and its misnomers
Cant wait for you to get banned again
>he's being realistic
Nah, he's just lashing out because his kickstarter fell through.
>is a loser
>shits on DC to feel relevant
Sounds familiar...
he's stated multiple times that in the past few years he hasn't read a single modern comic, except when other writers use do sequels to his properties (Kingsmen with Williams, Kick-Ass with Niles, Hit-Girl with various)
DC isn't getting sold, but it might be refocused to the Scholastic and YA markets, with the traditional (older) fans only be served by a handful of monthlies and nostalgia bait Mini-Series/trades.
AT&T is not run by losers who fail upward like Warner Brothers. They have warned the execs to get their shit together ASAP. The Didiot doesn't have long to keep failing before AT&T steps in. They value the media IPs and have no interest in making comics.
Warner Brothers can't blame DC for its own stupidity. If WB is blaming DC, that's just absurd.
>Young Adult market
DC is deader than dead now. And the aggravating thing is, I can see exactly what DC did wrong for decades (coasting on Batman and Superman).
This. People should blame WB more for these fuckups in the last decade. DC shares blame, but people keep sidestepping placing the blame on WB when you consider WB fucked up the movies and Cartoon Network.
DC is gonna make RWBY comics because they are owned by the same parent company.
ATT owns everything user. They could fart out a new comic company that circumvents diamond in less than a few months to print comics if they wanted.
As the other user said just above, expect that be ramped down sadly. They don't want to spend the time learning why the fuck them or Disney who are both the size of entire GDPs have to deal with a single distribution company they could forget they had if they owned it. They'd much rather let this shit make what little money it can to self sustain itself and farm IP and stories (even if they just use them for other shit not even direct adaptations) from writers who will still sell their souls to work with these characters.
What's with all the DC critiscism being banned? What the in the world?
I don't know but I'm confused
It's been a long time coming and will happen within the next two decades at the latest, but that's largely because print is generally dead, the online models that were supposed to replace it have basically failed for comic books (representing 10% of the value of paper sales), costs are going up thanks to the lower production of paper in general, etc etc. It'll happen to all the publishers eventually.
With DC, they've had a rough decade with some questionable decisions, so it's likely to be that much sooner that someone says from now on they only do reprint or exist as an IP holding company. On the other hand, Liefeld thinks it's imminent, so it's probably still 10 years away.
At 2 titles they'd be able to go back to mainstream periodicals retailers - supermarkets, drugstores, whatever - and that would probably increase their reach significantly, so long as they weren't trying to publish weird shit all the time. No more crossovers, no more decade-long wank about Green Lantern mythology, no more shock-tactic stories and no more variant covers.
>taking advice from Rob fucking Liefeld
No one is seriously this stupid are they?
>Marvel has a variety of families that provide them with sales options.
By that does he mean flooding the market with double the books DC does, constant relaunches and event books and still fucking selling less that DC?
>DC Comics Trounces Marvel on Marketshare-Per Capita in May 2019
>okay in this scene the X-Men travel to the forests of the Pacific North West
>...hmm how about instead of that...they go to an empty mall
based Rob
movies barely have any effect on comics
In terms of comic sales yes but do you really think Disney gives a fuck about how well Marvel comics are selling when they have at least 2 billion dollar movies every year?
Movies don't mean shit for comic sales. What do you think sells better, Captain Marvel or Shazam? I'll stop you there, It's Shazam
No shit dumbass but they mean a lot for the comic company
>Warnbros meanwhile is not really impressed with the performance of DC properties
A DC movie has been the highest grossing film for WB for the past 3 years. But no WB is going to sell DC and replace it with their immensely popular Flopsterverse
>Who's film made over a billion dollars in the Nolan trilogy?
I like how you had to add the Nolan part so you could ignore that Aquaman just made a billion and more than any Batman movie
>>Marvel has a variety of families that provide them with sales options.
Have any of you seen the X-Men line lately?
Isn't this the second time he's blasted DC on social media? And yet DC still asked him to do variant covers. Idiots.
>they should fire everybody in management
And literally no one disagrees with him on this.
The Marvel and DC comic divisions are entirely separate from the movies
What could DC do to promote other heroes. Doomsday Clock is about Superman. HiC was about Wally West. Superman has a big event coming with Leviathan and it's special sold poorly.
I'd like to see some ideas that would actually work because a sad truth about western comics readers is that we're huge characterfags
The archived Bleedingcool link up at goes into a long history of him being a dick on twitter. And to answer your question, yes.
Jude Terror can't write an article to save his life, but these are all twitter examples
>Liefeld implying his editor has a small penis after quitting his New 52 work
>Liefeld shitting on every creative team when Rebirth was announced
>What could DC do to promote other heroes.
>HiC was about Wally West.
Well for starters, do better stories instead of the shitshow that was?
Obviously that wouldn't hurt but a lot of what they put out for Batman is also trash
Is Batman even in that many books? It seems there's way more Spider books than Batman ones.
>Who's film made over a billion dollars
>in the Nolan Trilogy
In that case Batman, BUT those films made money because they were good, NOT because of Batman. If it was just Batman, then Batman and Robin would’ve made a lot of money. It didn’t. You’re a retard.
Is "Jude Terror" really just Rich putting on a different handle to shitpost?
>Is Batman even in that many books?
Compared to how it's been in the past? No, not really. If you ignore books with the Justice League I think there's only 5. Batman, Tec, The Outsiders, Beyond and the one where he has Joker's head in a jar.
Even the first Nolan movie made fuck all. World wide it made less than Superman Returns
"Jude Terror" used to write for The Outhousers, and linked his old articles about Liefeld's behavior.
One of the links actually has Terror shitting all over Rich as a person.
DC should o back to the New 52 model of 'families". Remember when Green Lantern had 6 books running at once?
well he's absolutely right about DC only ever pushing Batman. It will be the death of them that no other character gets the limelight.
The cost of production vs the gross is highly risky.
DC can barely afford what they have now
I thought the subject was comic books.
this. Disney and Marvel are smart in getting their characters out there. Why else are we getting Eternals and Shang-Chi movies?
After what they did to all their new DC Streaming shows, I wouldn't be fucking surprised.
Theyre too ashamed of them.
This the same people that fucked up something as easy as Jonah Hex
Marvel/DC who cares? I just want it to burn.
Why don't they just go full digital at this point? I'm too lazy to go to a comic book store and end up pirating all the comics I read.
>b-but MARBLE
You idiots this came around during a time before China included the us box office. Batman Nolan made a BILLION dollars on its own without foreign box office sales alone. That shows how Batman carries it. Stop using aquaman. That movie was made a billion by a combinations overseas box office with China heavily supporting it.
>>Liefeld implying his editor has a small penis after quitting his New 52 work
To be fair: he'd know. I mean, it *IS* the dick he had to suck to get the gig in the first place.
It's all they have
No it's comic companies
But Rises had China
Considering no movie has ever made 1 billion domestic I have no idea wtf you are talking about, hell even you go by inflation The Dark Knight is still below Black Panther, The Avengers and Endgame in domestic gross.
>This the same people that fucked up something as easy as Jonah Hex
But DC gave Jonah Hex a great ending. There is no "DC" when it comes to how WB adapts their properties
I'm still placing the blame on the consumers. When you guys like a lesser known character do you support him? No, instead you guys talk about Batman. And make note that when I say "you guys" I'm not specifically talking about Yea Forums but in general.
Release date
>July 14, 2008 (New York City)
>July 18, 2008 (United States)
>July 25, 2008 (United Kingdom)
Box office
>$1.005 billion
Where did China help makes its sales?
Not one.
Meanwhile Aquaman needed help from China to boost it sells. If your going lie that straight up pathetic...
I mean I'd say Yea Forums specifically too. Fuckers here despise current Batman and Superman but that doesn't stop them from reading each and every issue solely to bitch about how bad they are while storytimes of other, smaller books struggle to make double digits in posts.
Kek, thanks for making me aware of his kickstarter. What a train wreck.
So of course Batman gets the multimedia push, there is nothing to suggest that people will have it any other way.
Nobody is saying China didn't give Aquaman a boost in sales. But if you take away the Chinese money completely Aquaman was still a highly successful movie and made over 840mil
But not on par with Batman,
Aquaman is good though and it's honestly interesting than Batman.
I didn't post that earlier one. You're the one insisting one sales.
You literally are doing nothing but screeching at him.
The only one exposed as a casual here is you.
>still manages to hide feet in that promo shot
oh g*d my sides
>But not on par with Batman,
Shit man what do you want? It is a shame that other DC heroes aren't as well promoted as Batman but he's just a very popular hero. Even with Chinese money most of the Marvel solo films can't make a billion and when you take it away then only Black Panther and Iron Man 3 managed it
I know user, its very upsetting to me. Believe me, I really wish there was some DC characters that give the same promotion as Batman. I don't enjoy him that much . I'm still waiting for my flash and green lantern movie (a better one this time)
>have the same promotion
Oh you back?
And in case you didn't notice - this kickstarter was from 2013. Aka SIX YEARS ago.
It was for a 22-page comic.
He still hasn't delivered.
22 pages. That's a normal monthly book. Six fucking years.
>Batman is the one carrying DC
Funny that you have to point towards a 10 year old movie to prove your point.
Justice League and BvS were both huge disappointments at the box office. Yet Aquaman and Wonder Woman made gangbusters. Hell, even Suicide Squad made more than Justice League.
>Batman the only interesting thing on DC
Not true at all.
>Doomsday Clock
>Dial H for Hero
The funniest part? He only got around to announcing he'd release the cover in May of this year...and still hasn't done it.
The other funniest part is that he's literally refunding people who don't even ask for refunds.
Your speaking circles the comparison is that one had the help from China Box Office while Batman Dark knight movie did not (China didn't sale the US Movie sales back then)
There are more comic books of Batman and batman spinoffs that have made sale. This was already addressed so once again your speaking in circles.
This is a clear example of cherrypicking just for shitposting. Not to mention moving the goalposts to attempt an asinine trolling to create even more frustration on the user or so forth. If youb cant understand that what is being given to you let alone explained i wont waste my time with trying to clarifying it to you like your in Pre-K. Either accept what is given or quit trying to make a last desperate attempt to grabbing (yous) to extend this thread. Either way I'm done explaining it you. So go on forth and pout like a fiver year old. It mean little to me but shows your foolishness.
I'm not trying to compare the two, you retard. I'm talking about what's affecting DC RIGHT NOW.
The Dark Knight has literally nothing to do with what's keeping DC alive at the moment. Your fascination with China's box office is baffling.
But if you really want to just talk about domestic box office - Aquaman made more in the US than Batman vs Superman did.
But go ahead - tell me why the 2008 movie is relevant to this conversation.
>talks about interesting books
>responds with sales figures
Wanna know how I know you don't read comics?
Mark is as big as a hack as Liefeld
At least Mark has done actual work in the industry in the past two decades without relying solely on the same gimmick he had in the 90s. Granted, his 90s/00s work was better, but that's beside the point.
>Theyre too ashamed of them.
Which is sad and confusing, because what is the point of owning all of these IPs if you aren't going to do anything with them? Just depreciating their value.
That’s because his work was being ghost written by Morrison
Hey, I started this meme. Doesn't mean it's true.
gee what a team
This is good shit....upboat
What I don't understand is why you would donate to a Kickstarter for Liefeld. If someone with his connection's and money can't find a publisher the idea was obviously shit
they can't all be winners like, say, Mosaic
I mean Mosaic is better than anything Liefeld promised in his Kickstarter by virtue of the fact that it actually exists.