Both billionaires

>both billionaires
>both geniuses
>both don't have superpowers

And yet Batman is the only one that gets the "no superpower" angle. They're both geniuses and Batman has built power suits before. Why not constantly use it to fight crime in Gotham? Why use grappling hooks when you have actual personal jets and stuff?

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_Body_Count

Tony can't beat an army to near-death with his bare hands.

>Batman has built power suits before. Why not constantly use it to fight crime in Gotham? Why use grappling hooks when you have actual personal jets and stuff?

Cuz that just makes Batman boring.

Batman who has modest tech and relies on his wits and abilities >>> just making Batman into Iron Man

Pretty much this The answer is themes. Cape characters (and if you get meta enough, all fictional characters ever) exist as variations of thematic archetypes; the kinds of stories that are told about them are just as important as the characters identity.

Tony Stark is a man who used to build weapons of war, and now builds an incredible weapon to fight for peace. This is a core theme of his character. His stories often involve him facing challenges that force him to invent bigger and better weapons to overcome them.

Bruce Wayne is a victim of crime, and so now he solves crimes. This is the core theme of his character. His stories involve him facing challenges that force him to use his wits, to investigate clues and catch criminals that the cops can't.

They both draw on some of the same character elements, but they follow very different themes. Batman does indeed invent a bunch of cool toys, but the more he relies on big armored suits and fancy technology the more his stories drift from his core archetype. Iron Man does indeed solve mysteries and rely on his wits, sometimes without the benefit of weapons at all, but at the end of the day he's always going to end up flying a robot suit because that's part of his character identity.

It's similar to why there's rarely a satisfying answer for if Goku could beat Superman, because in addition to some narrative similarities (both being powerful aliens from a dying race adopted by humans, etc) their core archetypes are almost the same: They're both the Best Good Guy who Always Wins In The End (Even If It Takes A Few Tries).

Whether it always makes sense or not isn't as important on whether or not it's consistent. Stories exist to entertain, not to be realistic.

Because Batman want to infiltrate bases and then capture the boss without causing damage.

>What about escalation?
>You start wearing power armor, they start using nanotech. You start flying a jet, they use stolen alien weaponry.

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>I dont have super power
>Except when i dont
>But i do most of the time

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>why not use your suits to fight crime
Same reason he doesn't kill the Joker, Batman is a dumb character. Also that's the reason Tony isn't played up as a "normal human", his base kit is a superpowered suit of armor.

Batman fags love to play up the whole normal guy stuff but then wank over Batman defeating gods and metahumans thanks to massive plot armor and pis.

Batman has a deathwish and Tony enjoys living.

>Why the superhero didn't murder his villains??
Hi ladderfag, here's your (you)

I thought bout this earlier and the answer I came up with: Tony Stark is an arms manufacturer who went public with his superhero persona. He can build the biggest suits ever because went people see Stark tech, they know its Iron Man. He doesn't have to hide his suits or secretly take money out of his accounts, he just has to tell his secretary "Take $50M out of the company assets, I need to build new suits for an Avengers mission."

Now I know Bruce somehow acquired armored tanks and personal jets, but even with the Wayne Industries personal finances at his finger, I don't think Bruce has unlimited access to money and resources for dozens of power suits the way Tony does. Bruce still has to protect his secret identity and maintain his public life. Eventually someone will notice all these resources and money missing from Wayne finances.
Food for thought. answer works very well too.

because he's supposed to be a detective desu. If he was like Tony he'd would be pretty gimmicky.

Nothing wrong with killing a psychopathic mass murderer.

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So fucking stupid.

fuck off tom

you know I'm right

Murder is wrong you underage edgelord, everyone deserve to be judged in a fair trail, you're probably one of those retards that think The Punisher is right.

The Gotham justice system has let Joker kill thousands. It's broken and someone needs to take one for the team and just kill Joker.

Joker tries/succeeds in murdering people all the time. Killing him would be self defense in most situations.

There is no justice system in America that wouldn't immediately rule Joker to a death sentence, especially like after 3 years of him constantly terrorizing Gotham and breaking out of jail.

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It’s not murder so it’s not wrong to kill the joker. It’s a just killing in defense of innocent lives. There’s nothing “edgy” about a 2500 year long philosophy of justice related to the common good, and proportional response to harmful acts committed against innocents.

Defense of others at bare minimum anyway.

>Same reason he doesn't kill the Joker, Batman is a dumb character.
This can be said for every single superhero.
>Spider-man not murdering Osborn
>Superman and Lex Luthor
>Reed and Doom
>X-men not killing Magneto and friends
etc etc etc

It is tho you third world vigilante.

I agree with the "murder is wrong" part but the fucking Joker should really be given a death sentence, it's just fucking stupid the government hasn't done anything.

That's not Batman fault, and does not make making justice with your own hands right.

Sorry you’re wrong

>does not make making justice with your own hands right
Batman does that every night. He's a vigilante. The difference is that he's not willing to follow his philosophy to its logical conclusion.

>Reed doesn't try to kill doom
T. Hasn't read a single FF comic. They fuck Dooms shit up constantly, leave him flying through space, trap him in a different time/reality all kinds of shit. The fucker just gets out or it was a doombot. Also half the time Doom has diplomatic immunity and they legally can't do shit to him.

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>*wheeezing and gasping breaths after years of pointless fights with thugs in a bat costume*
>if... *coughing* if I killed the joker.. I’d be just as bad as he is
>*loud fart and heavy breathing*
>Batman fades into the shadows to continue his patrol

They never directly tried to murder him and they don't really give a fuck about laws, that's why Sue fucking assaulted him and took off his clothes without him doing anything and the country goverment ordered them to leave.

Yeah no. If you know that someone is going to kill others you have a duty to kill them

They have lots of trials for him, he just escapes every time and murders tons innocent civilians over and over and over. After the second or third time he would logically get the death penalty

>After the second or third time he would logically get the death penalty

After the second time I'm fairly certain they wouldn't even bother arresting him and would probably straight up tell armed civvies to take a shot at him themselves whenever and wherever he's found.

No user true justice is letting the Joker murder hundreds of plebs and doing everything you can to protect him after the fact.

>>Spider-man not murdering Osborn

No idea, beyond it just not being something Peter would seem naturally inclined to do, though in extreme circumstances, who knows?

>>Superman and Lex Luthor

With Superman, it's ideological. He believes that nobody should have the power to kill unilaterally, which is to say outside of self defense, which goes double for somebody with his abilities. He feels that with his power, he could never be placed in a situation where he MUST kill, and thus he has no right to. Though of course, Man of Steel arguably shows a potential flaw in that rationale.

>>Reed and Doom

I confess to knowing almost shit-all about the Fantastic Four and their dynamic with Doom, but I always got the sense that Reed was more of a rival of sorts than a mortal enemy. I'm likely wrong about that though.

>>X-men not killing Magneto and friends

Why Wolverine of all people has any compunctions about offing bad guys escapes me

Ok but seriously no, don't murder people.

Eh they care about the laws, at least sometimes. But yeah they don't directly try to kill him, but they also frequently incap him in a way that would mean certain death for most characters. They have much better excuses for the guy getting away at least
>How the fuck were we supposed to know he would get picked up off a meteor hurtling towards the sun by fucking aliens and learn body swapping magic?

Joker and most other cape villains for the matter have the right to a trial on their first, second big offense.
When they've reached the point that they've escaped jail 2-3 times and have committed mass killings/crimes whenever they're loose, there is not one cop alive who wouldn't just shoot them on sight, regardless of the judicial system. And you better believe the public would applaud them for getting rid of a dangerous criminal permanently.

Stop posting here Bruce or i`ll tell Alfred about it

>Cuz that just makes Batman boring.
Science ninja batman (the kind you see in crazier JLA comics) is the only version I don't find boring.

It’s not fucking murder you retards.

It's not self defense if you go hunting him down, user

The public would be disgusted that you would ignore red tape that allows the Joker to murder them in droves and all fight for Jokers right to a cushy unguarded cell in Arkham.

>>X-men not killing Magneto and friends
This is actually a pretty valid point since the X-men do a lot of awful shit all the time.

It absolutely is defense of innocents considering the Joker is going to kill hundreds of people if you don’t. That isn’t murder.

But user, Iron Man isn't Marvel's Batman...

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The X-Men and their stories have never done anything but justify mankind hating and fearing mutants. If a teenager could spontaneously develop the power to level a city block by mistake I’d want the government to exterminate anyone with that gene too.

This thread has me thinking, what was the most people Joker killed in a crime that was, undoubtedly and immediately in police knowledge, caused by him? Aside from some generic bank heists-type scenes, I can't remember a specific time Joker was just mowing people down. I can only remember him killing bad guy henchmens in back alley type deals, stuff that would be hard to prove he did without a long investigation.'s_Body_Count

based and doompilled

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X-men is a completely inconsistent comic even by DC/Marvel standards.

>It’s not murder
It is murder
>I will execute you because you will probably kill people later lol, bang bang
Murder and yes it is edgy to claim that acting as the judge, jury and executioner is not savagery.

t. Ivory tower faggot who doesn’t actually give a shit about justice or people

>Why not constantly use it to fight crime in Gotham?

Because he would be boring, like Iron Fag.

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Wolverine kills bad guys, but if he tries to kill the big name ones, especially Magneto, something always happens to stop him from doing so. Supervillains who face off against Wolverine seem to get a major boost to plot armor automatically.

Kinda helps that Magneto specifically can fuck Wolverine's shit up with literally zero effort.

>Wolverine kills bad guys, but if he tries to kill the big name ones, especially Magneto, something always happens to stop him from doing so.

Yeah, like trying to take on Magneto, his direct and most perfect counter.

>could easily use a super suit to crush his enemies
Sounds like a retard

Batman’s a good guy. Stark’s ultimately evil.

Oh come now, have a seat.

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I’m not even talking about Superior Tony. Mainline Stark is evil.

Stolen money

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Osborn got retconned into having a regenerative-healing factor comparable to Wolverine and Hulk.

No excuse for Lex. Especially with the shit he pulled in current Justice League book.

Doom isn't a mass murder that goes around killing innocents.

The X-men already kill most of their enemies with exception to the popular ones. Can't go off killing their future potential teammates. Even if they are mass murders and terrorists.

This has always confused me considering Tony has done more to help his world than Bruce has.

Sort of like how Lex despite being the most intelligent man on Earth is a massive fuck-up that does more harm than good.

tony isnt the same type of obsessive billionaire like bruce is.

Both Batman and Lex are the most dangerous beings in DC. Both had nearly destroyed the Earth and doomed their universe because of their stupidity. Makes you think if their universe would be better off without them in it.

Does Batman do magic?

Batman prefers stealth. Something you have to remember about Batman and Iron Man is that they're not really the same category of vigilante. Iron Man fights terrorists and monsters with lasers and explosions. Batman fights, like, criminals, mobsters, serial killers, etc. The scale is different. A lot of the time, Batman just prefers to sneak into places, find evidence or whatever and sneak back out while eliminating any evidence that he was there.


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in a world with that level of technology, the only thing keeping batman's villains from using it is plot armor. "escalation", ha.

Really solid post, good stuff user.

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>Batman just prefers to sneak into places, find evidence or whatever and sneak back out while eliminating any evidence that he was there.
Batman hasn’t been that for decades.

You're not wrong. One of the running gags in alternate-universe storylines is that across the multiverse, Tony Stark is a Villain in almost every universe in which he appears, and it is only in a small number of universes where he experiences JUST the right series of events for him to happen to wind up on the right side of justice.

Something similar about both Batman and Iron Man is actually the rejection of a savage or villainous nature. Bruce never kills despite wanting to and having to tamp down hard on anger and violence, Tony has to keep himself in check hard because his brain is on some kind of evolved level where it constantly evaluates the future and urges him to be the dictator of Earth for the greater good.

Both of them have a huge amount of unchecked social power in their universes that they have to watch themselves for, whether it’s prep for killing the Justice League, worldwide surveillance or knowing how to literally evolve humanity with extremis/build weapons of cosmic unchecked power.

Superior Iron Man is a moral inversion of Tony. Meaning he's the exact opposite of what Tony normally is. He has some issues but he isn't "ultimately evil".

>One of the running gags in alternate-universe storylines is that across the multiverse, Tony Stark is a Villain in almost every universe in which he appears,
This only became a lot more common after Civil War. The same event where every character acted out of pocket to make Millar's retarded story work.

Batman is a Scorpio- solider of the night.
Iron man is an Aries- solider of the day.

How many people actually see a Scorpion before it injects it’s venom into you? Power suit would be drawing too much attention as the night is the land of the spy.

I can’t think of any significant ones where he’s an outright villain, though, unless we’re talking about like, marvel zombies or Age of X where the whole team are pretty evil but he ultimately dies to save mutant kiddies anyway.

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>everyone deserve to be judged in a fair trail
Yet it is always unfair in favour of the Joker.

Self defense counts for ongoing attacks, not for future one. There is no such thing as pre-emptive self defense.

Shit excuses m8

In the case of murderous supervillains, I doubt anyone will give a shit about the legal distinction and will just be glad that they're dead.

Batman #1: Joker fails to kill Batman BECAUSE HIS SUIT IS ARMORED
read comics you fags

Like you said yourself, he gets better armor when the situation requires. Most of his operations, however, wouldbe hindered by a loud power armor that shoots rockets and causes unneeded damage to the surroundings. No "superhero clean-up teams" needed for Batman.

Except there is, if the police suspected you of being about to do a terrorist attack they wouldn't go "well he hasn't actually done it yet lol", they'd arrest you and blow your brains out if you resisted.

because bats fights exclusively non-lethally and mostly on a street-level where you cant fire lasers and missiles about

If the police find your plans murdering someone it's attempted murder.

Murder is wrong because it's the unlawful killing of a person.
Joker isn't a person; he's a dog, and dogs get put down.

Dogs are cute. He is worse than a dog.

Wrong; if a guy is threatening you with a knife, and has stated his intention to stab you, but still hasn't made a move to actively stab you, you're justified in shooting him dead.

Fair. I'd say he's a rat, but rats are cute too.

What animal is ugly, harmful, and often exterminated?

Nope the real reason is because using a power suit on city level criminals is a waste of power and time. There's a reason why you'll hardly see Tony taking down petty crooks.

>Murder is wrong you underage edgelord
>What is the death sentence
>What is Standing your ground
>What is the greater good

Must I really go on

Roaches, but then the Turks would complain... Japanese Wasps?

no you aren't, you retard

The only FF that could straight up kill Doom is Sue, assuming he hasn't created some sort of anti force field device in his suit. All she would have to do is create a bubble in his head. Either way most of time its better to leave Doom alive than to kill him, as he isn't just some homicidal monster. A lot of the villains that the FF fight are either just way out of their league, run by a alien set of rules, or have a legitimate reason for what they do. In the original run from what i've read there's hardly any reoccurring enemies worth outright killing, save for the skrulls and whatever abominations that come from the negative zone.

>whines about murder and self defense
>doesn't actually know the law
If someone is threatening to kill or assault you, and has the means or ability to imminently start doing so, and has indicated their intention to imminently start doing so, then you are justified.

I.E. a guy with a knife threatening to kill you, and is currently crossing the street towards you.

>Spider-man and Osborn
Peter has personal stakes with Norman with Harry being his best friend and all, not to mention he knew Osborn before he lost his mind. Too him it would be like killing his best friend's mentally ill father.

>Superman and Lex Luthor
Superman is a symbol of justice, and for some reason Lex Luthor is always able to get immunity for his actions. If Superman killed him(which I believe would be right thing for most irredeemable villains, and I don't think Lex is one of those), he'd be feared and hated the entire public.

>Reed and Doom
Mr Fantastic hardly kills, and based on his fighting style of trying to envelop his enemies instead of forming a mallet with spikes and crushing them, he probably is also adverse to violence. His relationship with doom is a mixture of pity and rivalry honestly.

>X-men not killing Magneto
Its because Magneto and Xavier are butt buddies, so he'd be sad if magnet man dies. Also barring the overly OP X-men who warp reality, I doubt an all out attack would work well, and even if it did there would be too many casualties. Its like why we don't nuke countries we don't like.

They have to suspect you based on a specific plan, not on your personhood and past actions

What a pathetic post. Can't you understand that Batman was defined by his parents murder in a way that he values all life? He had someone in his life taken away from him and he can't bring himself to do the same to others.
All those characters have had the villains personally attack them in a much worse way and yet you give stupid excuses of "oh hurf it's okay for this mass murdering psychopath to kill everyone and steal my girlfriend's virginity and get her preggars because I'm butt buddies with his son".

You know guys, it's completely fine to admit Joker and other supervillains are alive simply for meta reasons, cause they're popular. You don't have to try so hard to argue against it.

I want to share some thoughts on these two, Bruce and Tony.
They both have a childishness to them.
Tony essentially plays with oversized action figures (and thanks to MCU and shitty writers, he also has the geek/nerd part of him, so you can see him playing vidya).
Bruce on the other hand has the mark of zorro, , styling himself inspired by that (or grey ghost in the DCAU) his
>muh broken childhood, muh parents
things, there's also a childishness there.
Now, it's often shown that marvel and dc comics exist as comics (with the exact names, or equivalents) in the others universe. For example, I distinctly remember a page with Wade and Parker shitting on BvS.
So, it stands to reason that these two, Bruce and Tony, might read comics of the other universe. Bruce hides it more than Tony, but they both do.
And here's the amusing part. There's no doubt Bruce is Tony's favorite character. Genius playboy, billionaire philanthropist orphan who fights alongside gods and superpowered folks just with his wits and gadgets? Tony would be all over that. And whenever Bruce goes full control freak, like with Brother EYE or Babel, Tony would totally identify and be like
>yeah, show them who's boss, Batman
On the other hand, there's no way in hell that Bruce likes Tony. With his impulsiveness, addiction, arms-dealer days, no no-kill rule, Bruce hates Tony. Hates him. His favorite hero is spider-man.

No, only Joker the others being alive makes perfect sense in story if you bothered to read a comic. Joekr should be dead tho but he isn't because edgy kids love him.

I said defense of innocents you mongoloid. I know you Batman apologists think only about yourselves, the same way Bruce does, but when you have absolute certainty that a man won’t be contained and will kill people you have a duty to fucking kill him.

>Like you said yourself, he gets better armor when the situation requires. Most of his operations, however, wouldbe hindered by a loud power armor that shoots rockets and causes unneeded damage to the surroundings. No "superhero clean-up teams" needed for Batman.
I fucking love how this is such a common thing. One of my favorite parts of the sayian arc is Goku tells Vegeta to fight it out in the wasteland, as to prevent causalites

Or in this case a clown who planted bombs across town after shooting up a charity gala and is now broadcasting his plan to kill everyone.

Defense concerns actions, not persons. You defend against an act. Not against the fact that joker's evil.

Imagine being a Joker apologist. Yeah Joker has never once performed an action to justify killing him :^)
Except you’re wrong prima facie. Putting down a murderous dog that just broke out of Arkham for the 1247th time to continue committing crime is defending against actions.

Your idea of justice is bad and isn’t concerned with protecting real human beings. You are as evil as the joker for holding these beliefs and legitimately should be locked up.

>Defense concerns actions, not persons. You defend against an act. Not against the fact that joker's evil.
This is the mindset of a coward at best, or an accomplice to injustice at worst.
Righteousness demands the destruction of evil.

Because Batman is canonically an idiot. You're talking about a guy who became an atheist because his girlfriend dumped him, despite having met angels and demons before.

Justice is arbitrary. Hence, no serious person is concerned with justice. This is the problem with you idiots that usually like frank. You claim he is better than bats because he protects innocents with what he does, more than bruce, but this isn't what you are actually about. It's about "justice". It's about bringing "justice" down on bad people. You don't want innocents protected, you want people that are bad to suffer. Meanies have to feel bad, otherwise, it's not a good story. You genuinely believe crap like karmic comeuppance have a point and aren't just arbitrary self-righteousness.
It's not about justice, because justice, as you define it, in the form of righteous revenge, is a hollow concept. It's not real. It doesn't respond to anything objectively true.
It's fine for heroes to kill and it's fine for heroes not to kill. Both Bruce who doesn't kill and Tony who kills, are fine. This isn't the point.
The point is it's not about justice. It's about stopping evil acts.
Acts. Not people. A hero puts an end to an act they deem bad. What their method of doing that is, depends on the hero but it always has to be about stopping an evil act. Not exacting punishment.

Nice shitpost but you’re objectively wrong. Joker needs to die because he’s a proven threat to innocents who can’t be contained or reformed. When you have people like that you kill them because they have forfeited their lives through their actions. GG faggot.

You can't prove he can't be contained or reformed in a universe with science of the dc-verse and literal magic.
Next wrong point?

>I’m so above it all by not caring about justice. Only a teenager could really accept a 2500 year old concept with mountains of philosophy behind it. I am very smart and reject it. The idea of proportional response to actions of individuals is smelly and dumb.

>Justice is arbitrary. Hence, no serious person is concerned with justice.
>litterally the rest of your post's sophomoric drivel

Harmful acts must be stopped AND evil people ought be punished.
To not punish an evil person IS an evil act.
Imagine being this much of an edgy child

Honestly, I see Tony Stark as more of a Green Lantern kinda guy, the sheer imagination, flashiness and creativity of lanterns and their tech is way more Stark.

However, like you said Stark and Wayne are just too opposed (despite extreme similarity) to ever truly get on, even though Stark would consider Batman to be extremely cool and Wayne would admire his tech genius. Even though like how Batman is more of the ‘true’ Bruce. Wayne, Iron Man has always been a persona.

Their butlers, however, would get on like a house on fire. Imagine finding another kindred spirit, somebody who has also looked after a man child billionaire crime fighter who fucks relentlessly, is incredibly stubborn, fights/has weird addictions, is difficult to help and lets trauma rule a portion of his life. What are the chances?

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>You can't prove he can't be contained or reformed
Why should he?
Why waste resources on containing an evil man?
What has he done to deserve a second chance, of reformation?

Well said user.

>evil people ought to be punished
Prove it.

>Why should he?
Because he claimed Joker can't be contained or reformed. Why shouldn't user prove his claim?

I’m sorry that your IQ is lower than that of a paper cup and you seriously think a man who has canonically broken out of the only place the legal system can send him to hundreds of times, and carried out murders every time, while often publicly broadcasting terrorist plans to Batman or the general public is a public danger that has proven death is the only viable solution to his horrors. Imagine how horrible Gotham would be if the Joker was dead? Why that just wouldn’t be trial by Jury and the people that aren’t murdered by him after his death would be very sad about this breach of conduct that saved so many lives.

>Prove it.
It's self evident to anyone who isn't evil
Sorry user, guess you're just a rotten apple ;^)

Plenty of stories have shown Joker refuses treatment to be rehabilitated, he loves being a psycho. And while there SHOULD be prisons to contain Joker, everyone seems to think Arkham and Blackgate should be just fine no matter how much he breaks out of them.

Also he'll never be rehabilitated because that'd give the character a definitive end, can't have that in my never ending comic universe. And he can never be locked up because then who'll be the main villain of my INSANE, GROUND BREAKING, GENERATION CHANGING, CHARACTER DEFINING Batman story?

>Ha I’m so smart. Bet suggesting that the Joker really can be changed will turn them on their heads.
Nah you just look like a faggot who lives in his own asshole instead of reality.

user, from a meta point, we know why Joker won't stop. Ever. Because people like him. But in universe, there's no reason for Bruce to not believe eventually he won't find a way to improve Arkham to contain him, or that there won't be a drug that'll cure him. In the recent lolbats series, James Gordon JR has been shown to be somewhat getting help and fixing his brain, even though he's a sociopath with a new drug. In theory, Bruce can expect for something similar for the Joker.

>self evident
Eh, user. The earth being flat had been self evident for ages, except it never was. Perception is faulty.

Justice is equitable reaction to a man’s actions by definition. The only thing equitable to what the Joker has done is execution. If you kill someone, or thousands as Joker has, you deserve to die. It’s the only proportional response that can be given. Sorry you want to throw thousands of years of philosophy of Justice out to seem 2deep, but even kindergarteners could understand this.

>The earth being flat
Glad you outted yourself as a retard. The earth has never been “self-evidently flat”. It’s curvature is visible to the naked eye, and it has been know for thousands of years that it’s round, and even the exact dimensions of the planet.

Justice is about what people deserve, but since we don't actually have a deserve-o-meter, it's all arbitrary crap.

>fix joker
But that's not fixing joker, that's killing his ego with medicine and replacing it with a new, stable ego.

Continue being wrong. Proportional response to actions is justice. Objectively. Nothing more.

Based on what objective morality? Who decided that?

>Toney, you must rape the Mandarin


I agree with you but i still like to give readers an in universe explanation because that aspect shouldnt be dismissed either

Right on, Jim.

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>you know what I call this nifty little cocksleeve, Old Boy?
>I call it, the AnusBuster!
>it's time the East moved a little bit South, Old Sport!

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Why would a cocksleeve be the anusbuster? Sleeve's aren't busters

>Superior Stark turns up and just rapes Arkham into submission in the Anusbuster

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I guess he could plug his dick into the sleeve and then the sleeve into a big metal cock?

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What said. Basically an Iron Condom.
>creates a Power Drill Iron CockSleeve
>goes to town on Killer Croc
>alternates between "lizard boy" and "swamp nigger" while tearing his anus apart

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The law isn't going to stop me from defending myself or others.
If I have the chance to terminate someone I know has, or will harm someone, I will take it, and deal with the legal consequences later.
Court is temporary, a life is forever.

Mostly it's a matter of scale, I think.

From what I remember, Ironman rarely concerns himself with street-level crime while Batman, at least in his own comics, is far less likely to likely to face threats more serious that a few henchmen with peashooter weapons.

Justice is blind, and evil often escapes it's sight because of this.

batman trained
he's peak human

As for in universe explanations... In some interpretations, Batman wants to maintain his status as an urban legend, something otherworldly whose reputation is enough to deter criminals, lower crime rate etc. That's why he opts for stealthy gadgets like grappling hooks and smoke bombs to simulate flight and the ability to disappear, and people's imagination does the rest.

Power armor and laser blasts wouldn't work in this approach, the science gives it away.

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Tony is posthuman at this point

Y'know, I never thought about it, but Stark's technically Prometheus at this point. He could be a Top-5 Martial Artist due to bullshit "lmao, I downloaded fighting moves onto my brain" tech, all the while using NANOMACHINES, SON for his body to harden it or whatever. Why has nobody done that?
>Stark in his undersuit cleaning out mooks with pinpoint accuracy, breaking bones and tanking hits
It'd be very fun.

I think he’s cleaned out most (?) of Extremis from his body by this point by just regrowing the damn thing and doesn't really know if he’s still himself at the core.
Gives a whole new meaning to the term‘self made man’, eh? Eh?

I think it’s because Toy Stark had that arc reactor in him. It didn’t exactly make him super human but it did make him “othered” in some way from just being a regular rich person

Yeah I know, I'm pulling the shitty Slott run. But theoretically with Extremis, he could be straight-up Midnighter. Even without it, due to all the brain swapping/uploading/downloading, he could load movesets and shit onto his brain and be a theoretical master martial artist. Or do that with languages and shit. Really, Extremis is a goddamn cheat code that'd turn you into UberGod, but they did very little with it.

Does he still have it?

Extremis? No, but that's not my point. I'm saying that if he had it, he could've done some Midnighter-Tier shit. As it stands, with all the brainswapping and such, I guess he could download some moves and stuff to his head, Extremis not required.

Batman isn't peak human. He is the best trained human in the world, but not necessarily a the possible limit.

I am listening.

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>when Tony restarted his brain he could have become an amnesiac cock hungry cyber vigilante using his brain computer to fight crime
We have been robbed.

>mention martial arts
>fujoshits have to come and make it about fags
Seriously, can you fucking admit that nobody can talk about Iron Man without you fuckers ruining everything? How fucking dense do you have to be to keep doing this shit?
New plan Jim, we gotta rape all the faggots. Call Mike Pence, I'm adding electrical ends...

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Because Batman is a outrageously skilled martial artist, ninja, detective. Powersuit not included unless plot calls for it like the shark-reppelent

I knew you were here, Starkfag. How ya doing?

So, you want Darkwarrior Duck?

Attached: Darkwarrior_Duck14.jpg (720x475, 39K)


Gee user, I was just fine and dandy having an Iron Man discussion and then you faggots showed up. Christ, I was talking about Martial Arts. Martial Arts! Fucking hell, can't you go one post without mentioning your faggotry?!

You’re the one who brought up Midnighter, man.

Batman Beyond is Batman but with a powersuit and it's actually really cool.

Yeah, as an analogy to the bloody powerset. I mentioned Prometheus first. Christ, you faggots can't think of anything other than fucking, can you?

Isn't Batman's armor super advanced in its own way, while still allowing him to move like a ninja? If his skillset is martial arts he would want something that wouldnt encumber him
