ITT: your favourite Spider-man suit

For me, it's the Scarlet Spider

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Gotta admit I also like the original black suit.
I don't even remember how those web-shooters work on the back of his hands.

Pretty sure that was symbiote strands and not webbing

It just works better with more arms.

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This will never not freak me the fuck out

Still pissed we never got it in the PS4 game

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Are you sure? I saw pics of that, but they might be photoshops.

There you go:

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The suits were the best thing to come out of the Clone Saga

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What Noir stories are worth it?

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All of them, you can get both volumes for one low price.


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Mcfarlane's version of the classic suit.

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I'm personally a big fan of the Edge of Time suit.

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I love his dynamic art-style, but I'm still not very fond of his overly long spaghetti webs

This was a brief appearance in a Wolverine book, it's an alternative timeline where Roxxon controls the future. It was nice.

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Never read spiderman
Can you give me a Yea Forums approved list?

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Check the name of the artists, if it says:
>Steve Ditko
>John Romita (sr)
>Todd McFarlane
Then you're good to go, those are patrician comics, 10/10, I'm gonna go read them again

Thanks for making me remember them, user, this is going to be a comfy night for me.

>I'm still not very fond of his overly long spaghetti webs

Don't know why, but I really liked them. Those details, man! It's quality stuff.

>Amazing Fantasy #15
>Amazing Spider-Man #1-149
>Amazing Spider-Man #206-300 with Spider-Man vs. Wolverine #1 and ASM Annual #21
>Web of Spider-Man #1-32
>Spectacular Spider-Man #103-132
>Spectacular Spider-Man #178-203
>Spectacular Spider-Man #241-257
>Spectacular Spider-Man vol. 2 #1-22
>Amazing Spider-Man #430-508
That should take you through all of the good Spider-Man books. Do NOT read any further than #508, if you really want more Spider-Man after all this read MC2 Spider-Girl by Tom Defalco or Renew Your Vows and just pretend one of those are the canon Spidey books. There's some good modern Spidey books but you're better off with the ones listed above.

I don't care what you'll say.

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It's ok.

I meant the Sensational suit brother, Scarlet Spider being in was nice though

Hell yeah

im getting a bart allen vibe here so i dig it