Do you think Matter Eater Lad could utilize his powers to be powerful?

Do you think Matter Eater Lad could utilize his powers to be powerful?

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Probably not. His powers seem limited to the usage of his mouth. That's a street prostitute level power

One Piece did it better

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he could powerfully eat saturn girl's ass and pusspuss

He already has. He ate the miracle machine and saved the universe.

Maybe in Japan, where hunger and eating can be weaponized.

He could rid the world of vore fans

He could dispose of Omega level villains if he could get his teeth on them, indestructible foes, Omega weapons,

He could simply eat the ultimate nullifier, or the infinity stones

quite based

Eatman already was made though.

While inspiring more

He would if the dumb people who owns him wouldn't spend too much time finding ways to make Superman even more powerful.

Then eating them, perfectly recycled.

There's an Isekai manga about a guy that gets the powers of anything (or anyone) he eats.

Planets are made of matter. Potential Galactus-tier threat if he wanted to be.

Re:monster? That one was weird. He already came from a super-powered Earth and had that ability. Then he gets reincarnated as a goblin while maintaining the power.


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fuck off nazi scum

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If only Stonetoss had a Stonetoss containment tread....

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>Matter eater lad eats an unstable shrinkray from Lexcorp
>begins to grow
>as he eats, he grows more and more
>eventually he becomes godzilla size, eating entire cities to sate his immense hunger


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Anyone that can tear out superman's throat with his teeth alone has more than enough superpower.

Stonetoss has a whole containment board, it's called /pol/, go there.

So if his jaw and teeth are powerful enough to go through rock can he just block things with his smile?