Any thoughts on Alfred Alfer and his creator Emily Youcis?
Alfred Alfer
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Alfred is the edgiest of the edge and Emily is the craziest of the crazy chicks.
But I will say I love her one cartoon of Alfred escaping a vet to avoid a neutering .
That part he blows his nuts a kiss had me dying.
Time for the popsicle
People used to ask her if she was a nazi, because of the nazi imagery with Alfer, and she used to tell them they were retarded for taking that seriously. I totally backed her up on that and used to argue in her comments back in the day that she was just doing edgelord nonsense humor.
Then like a year ago she said she was a white supremacist and we should gas jews or what the fuck ever and mocked everybody like me who defended her and took her word for it. Fuck her. And not literally, she's an ugly skank to boot.
I think she recently got married to a legit, card-carrying Neo-Nazi. She basically threw her whole life and career away so she could make IRL /pol/ shitposts and be on an FBI watchlist.
Don't go off your bipolar meds.
I love it because it's like staring into a void of insanity, like a cartoon from another dimension.
Based and redpilled
I expect suicide by cop within a few years.
Fuck off to Korea like that dumb cunt, loser.
>love the Jews or your life is over
basedgal and fuck you beta cuck
>thread about cartoons
>leddit already starts political shitposting
>tells others to go to /pol/
why are left tards so annoyingly hypocritical
She had a lot of potential but won't drop Alfred. Let him go, he's served his purpose. Move on and make something new. I think a year of travel and proper medication could do wonders for her.
she's a crazy furry with debatable talent.
heh, this was alright.
Fucking loser White Knight got upset and now you call her ugly, pathetic
she is literally a neo-Nazi you idiot
>Emily Youcis?
I hated her way before the nazi crap, because she came of as an impulsive cringelord who was just talking without thinking
@ 1:03:00
Funny how the US starts threatening any potential left-wing movement, while actual neo-nazis in Hungary and slavers in Libya get a free pass.
HMMMHMM. It's maybe as if the actual boogie man was the spectre that haunts, not only europe but the entire globe?
The fucking edgiest thing that I have ever seen.
So what is she even doing nowadays? Is she STILL working on that movie?
She decided that the movie was done after the segment she made in 2016, so it's only 40 minutes long now.
You can call out the Jews without becoming a Nazi, you dingus.
Yes yes, Hungary sure is Nazi, and the Slavers in Libya are there because the west decided to intervene in the first place
>Oh my god, this is it. I'm in a cringe video
>yanks understanding of the politics
burgers gonna burger
oney himself is cringe, and always was
Good god that's lazy, she didn't even string them together and post it, just has an ordered list with links that you literally have to email her for.
Go a be a braindead yank somewhere else
why was this entire video a magnet to cringe?