Even for a ToH this was one
Cringe Yea Forums scenes
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any moment involving Moe
nuMoe and his suicidal attempts, yes
i forgot this artist draws prime porn. and best of all, they're all legal adult dudes
Was there supposed to be like, a joke or something?
God ToH keep getting worse and worse.
nope, no way anyone would be looking at a naked redhead in the middle of a crowd, lmao
Yes, it was the whole segment
>The one where Homer’s stuck in a coma, and can only communicate through farting
I legit hate Simpsons writers as people.
>That's a ToH episode
God I forgot about that detail, I know is for a paycheck, but please put some soul on it
It seems the whole episode was for this joke
It was to lead up to this joke.
I haven't even watched the scene yet and it hurts
why did she need to take her underwear off
>El pollo homo
An unfunny set up for an unfunny joke that was done way better seasons before.
Yeah, sounds like Nu-Simpsons
Didn't want people seeing her pantyline through the suit.
Same with the 911 joke
>She's commando under the suit
I'm okay with that
Don't forget, baby powder in the suit, heavy on the joints
were they trying to get cancelled or something?
only explanation I have
Fuck you that's funny
Wait what the fuck is that an actual episode??? I haven’t watched in years.
They did a Dr. Seuss parody where Homer injects the kids' butts with a hypodermic needle.
>knuckle sandwiches
>She could've had her entire family and her future set for life, especially with her high intelligence and savviness to keep the remaining money in investments to keep making them more money.
There's being morally upright, and then theres just sheer stupidity.
She's underage, she has no power to accept or refuse a check.
Was the company really that evil? It was a fishing company which relied on recycled materials. I know Lisa is a vegetarian but she doesn't call her family evil for eating meat.
thats the episode who killed lisa
>But we really could've used that $12,000
>Dad, 10% of $120 million isn't $12,000. it's...
She REALLY need to tell him that, don't?
Imagine knowing you greatly crippled or killed your father because you refused to take a no-strings attached check.
Also reminder how much he sacrificed...
And yet Bart is the only child to ever get strangled...
it dredged the ocean with a giant net and just ground up everything it pulled in.
how is that not abhorrent
On the same point, don't forget when Homer chose to turn down enough cash to financially secure the family's future so the baby could hold on to a teddy bear
Only modern TOH that's actually somewhat decent was the rage zombie one that had a krusty burger with mad cow disease causing the outbreak.
Ohhh, legit fucking yikes!
I refuse to believe this is a thing, not even season 2 South Park would do this
this might be possible
there was an earthquake a few years back in my city which sent people running and panicking for their lives due to a fear of a tsunami
i only realize that some of the girls were half dressed and even naked after running for 4km
I don't get the whole moral thing of refusing dirty money, just because it came from a bad place doesn't mean you can't do something twice as good with it
Was that supposed to be a Duckman reference or something? I haven't seen the episode.
It's honestly really stupid when you think about it
>don't take money from the amoral corporation
>they keep it and go and spend it on something else, probably something amoral
what the fuck were they even doing
is this incest?
This and also the baby head jokes from phineas and ferb.
Found the Jew
But this was the last good Simpsons episode and the only post season 6 episode to justify the simpsons not going to the grave in the 90's.
Why do you hate babies?
Reminder that she returned the bear for nothing at the end anyway.
You think only a Jew would choose to make his family wealthy over letting his baby keep a specific teddy bear?
She's not going to be too happy about her father's decision when she's working two jobs to pay for college.
>"money isn't important" says billion dollar entertainment industry
>"what a great lesson" says dumbass as he hands over his money to the entertainment industry
Depends on how you get it. If you get dirty money in exchange for a service, it encourages whoever paid you to make even more dirty money, to replace what they paid you and possibly buy your services again.
Thus, you become responsible for it in a roundabaut way.
Well Lisa wasn't directly responsible for what Burns did, she could of even taken it and spent it on saving the ocean
That shit and Dumptown made me done with the serie at least with the Mordecai episodes
It's a reference to a book/movie called The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, written by a man that suffered a stroke that resulted in paralyzed with "locked-in syndrome" where he is completely aware of his surroundings but can't move or speak. He wrote the book by blinking.
Why the writers would take this man's story and turn it into a fart joke and lame reference to the Spider-Man musical I have no fucking idea.
I was feeling really ashamed that moment for some reason
I mean, the damage has already been done. People will already know/recognize her as the "Slurry girl" if things were more realistic. The pragmatic thing to do is to take the money, be financially secure for life, and spend the rest of that time doing more good than ever before.
It also helped that for all his evil, Mr. Burns was a surprisingly honorable businessman this episode.
Just imagine her kids finding out her past partnership with Mr. Burns and finding out she turned down money that could've made them set for life.
that's actually pretty based