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Yea Forums hates it because Ashi killed their waifu
>Ashi killed their waifu
Who alien loli dog? or alien moth princess?
>dude violence lmao
such a childish concept coming from a supposed adult cartoon.
I'm excited. It will remain to be seen if Grug there can be utilized as effectively as some of Genndy's other works, but I'm excited
>writing off a clearly visually impressive action cartoon because of blood
it's easy to do because it's all superficial shit and I don't expect a good story from mr.samurai jack season 5
The first half of season 5 was great
The animation and design looks great, I'm looking forward to it.
Man, you don't matter. Bleed out of your ass.
Back in my day trolling wasn't just saying stupid shit it was convincing the other person that your stupid shit was right
The last episode was kino
Unironically Genndy is the hero Western animation needs. Season 5 of samurai jack tastefully kept blood to a minimum so it wouldn't clash too hard with the first four seasons, but having a show that's ultraviolence and not another fucking "adult comedy" is sorely needed as the West lacks any kind of action adult animated shows.
Stretch that joke out for fifteen minutes and you have most adult cartoons these days
literally the one instance of this
Best joke
Wow, what a freak.
Head looks like a penis.
Scaramouche was the hero we needed
Violence is cool, faggot.
such a childish concept coming from a supposed adult cartoon.
It's Adult Swim.
Why doesn't Genndy work with Adult Swim and Bethseda and make a DOOM Cartoon already? It's clearly what he wants to do.
Looks awesome t.bh
>such a childish concept coming from a supposed adult cartoon.
Right, because anything worth while was achieved through sniffing one's own farts
>but having a show that's ultraviolence and not another fucking "adult comedy" is sorely needed as the West lacks any kind of action adult animated shows.
Right on. This show will also have no dialogue at all. Purely primitive story and I'm in high anticipation. We missed out on a full series of KORGOTH, but this makes up for that.
Imagine, Genndy Tartakovsky's Wolverine: a TV14/MA Animated Wolverine Series created by Genndy Tartakovsky with a ongoing narrative and Hugh Jackman returning as Wolverine on FXX
The delivery on it was hilarious in because the show had never touched upon anything like that before.
Interested to see if there is no dialogue
He's a hack and fucked up the ending of Samurai Jack. Hard fucking pass
Aku, duh
filthy language
deserved to die
That'd be the fucking hypest shit
It's been 2 years already and you're still upset. I guess it was the "right" ending after all.
>it was right to shit on the fans and his legacy
Smooth brain, please
We better get some full on tits and ass
Cause damn Genndy knows what's good
have sex
>Symbionic Titan will never be continued
[guess I'll die.jpg]
Monkey's paw. We'll get Grug tier floppy, flabby, hairy UNGA WUNGA with naught left to the imagination
Alien moth princess would be fine.
She'd just arrive on a different earth.
>samurai jack but caveman
It's literally the same exact shit, just more money thrown at it.
I'm fine with that
>sniffing one's own farts
I guarantee that will happen in this caveman show too. Genndy loves fart joke levels of humor. It's easy and doesn't require thinking.
This show will get canceled within a few episodes anyway.
Hey everybody, get a load of this moron!
Yeah me too, I just hope he doesn't try to get artsy and put some bullshit attempt at a story or philosophical meaning, because he's a terrible at that line of stuff. Just stick him on art and it'll be great.
The army of thicc ginger bitches
You may not agree with his decisions but it's his show not yours. So he did what he thought as right way to end the story.
It's also funny to see 2 years later autistic fucks here are still losing their shit if Samurai Jack's 5th season is mentioned.
That would be absolute kino.
LOL you're such a fucking little crying baby. Hwe wuined mwy shwoh
I'd rather have a Duke Nukem cartoon
>i dont know what the phrase means but instead of doing even a google search i will respond as if I do
Ok retard
Well the oldest recorded joke is about a fart
>inb4 the caveman gets a cavewoman gf and the rest of the series is their awkward romantic encounters
Please don't jinx this show.
>gets Cave Ashi and they just fuck right there in the dirt an hour after they meet and the series continues unobstructed by wavering romantic suspense.
So is it pronounced Genndy like .gif?
Or Genndy like .gif?
Something about the animation looks weird. Very... how do I put it... Toon Boom-y? Internet-y?
On the same vein i'd love to see Genndy do a warhammer 40k cartoon series in the same vein as that clone wars minisseries.
>I just hope he doesn't try to get artsy and put some bullshit attempt at a story or philosophical meaning,
Why not some of samurai jack's bes episodes had some philosophical meaning behind, or at the very least made you think
Nah, Horus Heresy mang
Shut up, tranny.
I mean, that'd be a weird spin-off, but I'd be in for it.
Horus heresy woud be even more hype
>hurr violence is bad
>a crying fat kid befriending space Hitlers is a patritian show that stimulates the encephalic functions
Imma shove my fist up your ass and push your organs through your gay mouth.
Not him but please share.
Man, you are really asspained about Season 5.
It’s a teaser
Fucking kino
Why don't you go knit yourself a new dress faggot
Where are the feathers? Dinosaurs are suppose to be feathered.
Dinosaurs are supposed to be fucking DEAD as well you humongous faggot
Not everyone disappointed with the progression of Season 5 was a horny incel, I believe she should've died with her sisters.
Fuck off featherfag always trying to ruin dino "coolness"
Yeah. mhm. go on.
Don't you also have a local TV station's mailbox to spam about Mortal Kombat too, church lady?
Featherfag rectumrage gives me life
>A gendy Doom Cartoon
Not event a remote posibility and I already can feel it.
Seeing as how Samurai Jack is some of the best visual storytelling, not only in terms of animation, but in terms of TV and movies in general, I'll gladly take it.
Genndy is a fucking hack who couldn't even end his supposed magnum opus without copying the ending of a twelve year old anime but with absolutely none the impact, logic and resolution that said anime had. You'd have to be retarded to be excited for anything he shits out.
They also don't live around humans
Feathered dinosaurs are cool, but not all fictional dinosaurs have to be them
Genndy is a genius that has created some of the best cartoons of the last 30 years and all you faggots can hold against him are 5 episodes out of a 5 seasons hit series. This man created the best thing to come from Star Wars since Empire Strikes Back and transformed a mess of a movie that had chewed through 6 directors into a trilogy of box office hits that reached the billion dollars.
Even if you don't go that far, I still think he's had more good runs than failures
He also made the only salvageable part of Iron Man 2. You know which one.
Can't wait for this to drop it looks incredible. The faggotry in this thread is unbelievable. There has to be something seriously wrong if you believe genndy is a hack. You wish you had even a drop of his talent.
I honestly can't remember, what did he do?
He helped create the fight scene between Ironman and War machine against the drones.
Maybe, but I was talking about the first fight against Whiplash with the Mark V.
He choreographed both of those action sequences.
Then he's based, since, outside of a select few, most fight sequences in the MCU are ass.
Aku tells them that it was him who told their enemies to attack them for the shits and giggles. With Aku being gone they're planet wouldn't get invaded.
"I have no idea what i'm saying but i want to complainy"
But she did die, just later on
I just want a fucking conclusion for SBT brehs
why are there humans? humans and dinosaurs aren't supposed to exist together
>It is a saying of the Sumerians, who lived in what is now southern Iraq and goes: “Something which has never occurred since time immemorial; a young woman did not fart in her husband’s lap.”
Ancient brapfags.