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Dan Dare: Part XXV
Jordan Morris
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Angel Anderson
Luis Bailey
Camden Wright
Leo Ward
Christopher Miller
Josiah Long
Blake Wright
Parker Price
Ethan Torres
Gavin Sanchez
Jeremiah Garcia
Leo Sanchez
Hudson Ward
Asher Fisher
Cooper Lee
Lucas Davis
Isaiah Harris
Lucas Parker
Christian Phillips
Dominic Nguyen
Nolan Perry
Ryan Lopez
Michael Jackson
Luke Garcia
Joshua Nguyen
Lincoln Lewis
Hunter Roberts
Jayden Watson
Gabriel Powell
Kayden King
Jose Bell
Leo Cook
Mason Sanchez
Mason Mitchell
Eli Brown
James Cox
Andrew Lee
Lucas Bennett
James Parker
Parker Hill
Jaxon Parker
Henry Murphy
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John Morales
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Jace Mitchell
Caleb King
Isaiah Morris
Hudson Carter
Samuel Moore
Liam Green
Samuel Collins
Luis Foster
Brayden Fisher
Camden Bell
Jordan James
Christopher Williams
Elijah Nguyen
Jaxon Stewart
David Brown
Christopher Harris
Matthew Torres
Robert Phillips
Caleb Lewis
Christopher Scott
William Nguyen
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Easton Campbell
Oliver Bennett
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Hunter Butler
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Isaac Ward
Adam Perez
Welp, see you tomorrow. Got some Marvel for you.
Connor Walker
Thanks mini
Joshua Ross
Logan Morris
Tyler Jackson
Jaxon Nguyen
Andrew Rodriguez
Wyatt Perry
Christopher Perez
Easton Roberts
bumping for OP
Andrew Roberts
Christian Rogers
Well, I guess it's time for some Silver Age!
So, how was your weekend?
Christian Parker
Jackson Morgan
Nicholas Hill
Connor Price
Charles Perry
Colton Cox
Nathaniel Gray
Elijah Sullivan
Julian Scott
Isaac Hernandez
Elijah Reed
Juan Gray
Carter Wood
Owen Adams
Dylan Bell
Zachary Nguyen
Kevin Smith
Parker Rivera
Jordan Nguyen
Mason Stewart
Joseph Campbell
Hudson Ramirez
James Rivera
Jace Garcia
Chase Harris
Anthony Brown
Logan Taylor
Logan Nelson
Chase Bennett
Easton Torres
Aiden James
Aaron Howard
Adam Nguyen
Lincoln Harris
Ryder Brooks
Austin Russell
Cooper Cruz
Brayden Hall
Landon Wood
Luke Gomez
Robert Morgan
Xavier Ward
Elijah Anderson
Connor Turner
Jacob Howard
Jason Powell
James Moore
Jose Rogers
Hunter Morris
Chase Gray
Carter Perez
Oliver Martinez
Daniel Bennett
Levi Evans
John Murphy
Anthony James
Matthew Hernandez
Grayson Clark
Dylan Thompson
Andrew Stewart
Carter Sullivan
Nicholas Ortiz
Andrew Lee
Daniel Bell
Jayden Carter
Connor Morales
Nathaniel Harris
Alexander Foster
Ryder Cox
Julian Anderson
Gavin Parker
Jacob Hernandez
Lincoln Price
Luke Ross
Ayden Gonzalez
Jordan Perry
Sebastian Davis
Samuel Stewart
Thomas Foster
Isaiah Johnson
Thomas Barnes
Blake Martinez
Austin Fisher
Gavin Rogers
Ryan Miller
Michael Bell
Aaron Baker
Luis Flores
Mason Long
Brandon Ramirez
James Ward
Austin Campbell
Ayden Butler
Dylan Davis
Liam Hernandez
Nolan Sanders
Jonathan Howard
Cooper Ross
Julian Allen
Gavin Perez
Gabriel Smith
Angel Powell
Jaxon Cook
Benjamin Rivera
Jason Clark
John Wright
Wyatt Turner
Joshua Nguyen
Liam Morris
Matthew Gray
Liam Bennett
William Young
Landon Watson
Tyler Wood
Liam Gonzalez
Eli Peterson
Camden Thomas
Nolan Wright
Logan Garcia
James Powell
Noah Morgan
Henry Perry
Juan Hall
Blake Moore
Eli Bailey
Logan Perry
Brody Lee
Cameron Roberts
Christian Powell
Julian Smith
Benjamin Green
Nathaniel Ward
Kevin Wilson
As always, my storytimes of Silver Age X-Men will be accompanied with commentary from now-defunct comic review blog The X-Axis
>Well, there's a group of villains called The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. That's about as Silver Age as you can get. To be fair, though, they don't actually call themselves by that name. It's just the title of the story. The name first appears in an actual story in Strange Tales vol 1 #120, where it was a newspaper headline - so perhaps that's where Magneto got the name. Some later writers have tried to explain it as ironic.
Brandon Perry
Mason Ramirez
Aaron Perry
Carson Miller
>This one features the debut of two very major characters indeed, and so it's guaranteed to be remembered for that alone. It's also a fun little introduction to the Brotherhood, the X-Men's opposite numbers, who quickly set about squabbling in typical Silver Age Marvel fashion.
>The other two members of the Brotherhood are Mastermind and the Toad, both of whom have appeared regularly over the years as somewhat second-tier villains. The Toad is a perennial henchman, and the name is pretty much self-explanatory. Mastermind casts mental illusions; he goes on to be fairly significant in the Dark Phoenix Saga, and then drifted rather aimlessly before being killed off in Uncanny X-Men Annual #17.
Aaron Nelson
>At this stage, Quicksilver's clearly established as a speedster. The Scarlet Witch's powers are much more vaguely defined; we're told that when she points at something, it "causes a disaster to occur." Since "disaster" apparently includes "spilling your drink", that has to be interpreted somewhat broadly.
Robert Cruz
Justin Butler
Cameron Jenkins
Alexander Martin
>The mob scene is shown briefly in flashback, giving the first part of what turned out to be very complicated origins for Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch. Both characters were turned into heroes fairly quickly, and went on to long careers as regular characters in Avengers. Much later, in issue #125, Chris Claremont revealed that Magneto was actually their real father (after an earlier storyline had tried to make them the children of a golden age hero, the Whizzer). None of that, of course, was in contemplation at this point.
Oliver Sanders
>Xavier and Magneto have a telepathic conversation for the first time. Of course, it's decades before Claremont gave them a long history together, but fortunately nothing here really contradicts it.
Oliver Gonzalez
>Santo Marco, a South American republic, is inhabited entirely by white Europeans.
Jaxson Reyes
>For some reason Santo Marco always reminds me of Switzerland. It couldn't be much less hispanic if it tried.
Nathaniel Barnes
Jason Gomez
Kayden Scott
Isaac Howard
Christian Scott
Gabriel Green
Zachary Butler
Jace Jenkins
Elijah Gutierrez
Charles Miller
Jonathan Edwards
>Putting Wanda and Pietro on the other team makes them more than just a bunch of raving lunatics (though the other three aren't exactly complex, let's be honest), and Lee and Kirby have plenty of fun with Mastermind's powers.
>Xavier claims to have lost his powers as a result of the battle with the Brotherhood. Next issue, it turns out that he's lying in order to make them go into battle on their own. Xavier was strangely keen on this sort of thing in the early days.
That's enough of Marvel for today...
Jaxon Bell
... CC Beck was born 109 years ago on the 8th...
Charles Nelson
Dominic Williams
Xavier Carter
Hudson Martinez
Michael Thomas
Liam Harris
Luis Diaz
Colton Watson
What did Golden Age heroes have against cars?
Always picking them up and shaking out the occupants.
Here Cap has 6 sleeve-bands. I think they stabilized on just 3 later. Easier to draw.
How many stripes does a "genuine" Captain have?
BTW: Keep up the good work with Spaceship Away! They really seem to re-capture early Eagle.
Matthew Nelson
Dylan Morales
Christian Wright
>how was your weekend
so far so good!
Robert Martin
>How many stripes does a "genuine" Captain have?
Four in the US Navy, although it is three in most armies
>Keep up the good work with Spaceship Away! They really seem to re-capture early Eagle.
Thanks, I'll be posting more Spaceship Away this weekend. It is nice to see a passion project like theirs still going to this day; Part 47 is out right now. Admittedly, I do find it rather quaint that they've still got their web 1.0 website running where you still can't buy their back issues with Paypal, and the only concession to modernity being a link to their facebook page squirreled away at the bottom. Still, as long as they're trundling along...
Oliver Jackson
>later writers
I read that as "LAME writers" in my mind at first glance then had to go back and re-read it for accuracy.
Aaron Foster
Carson Richardson
David Diaz
Angel Martinez
Mason Garcia
Joseph Ramirez