How many questions does it take Akinator to find your waifu?
How many questions does it take Akinator to find your waifu?
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Probably 4-8
None, she's too obscure for him.
>Early on, it had a pretty good track record
>Now that everyone uploads every single character of every single shitty webcomic in the internet he's more prone to failure
Funny and sad if you ask me, uploading questions was a bad idea
Its a metaphor for life.
Eventually you live long enough that senility kicks in.
my waifu aint no slut. turban boy don't know nuthin bout her
> Took him 25 questions
> Guessed wrong but close enough
Talia shouldn't take that much.
>Choose Shaak TI
>Gives me Ahsoka Tano quite early
>Then gives me Aayla Secura
>Then gives me some Mon Cala from TCW2008
>Get to las guess around question 80
>Fucking Pearl from Steven Universe
Being best girl is suffering
41 questions, my dude. Not a Yea Forums waifu tho Chiana from Farscape
Took him 30 questions and almost got it right.
Laegjarn and Fjorm ain’t no sluts genie boy.
22 questions
78 questions and it didn't guess Laira.
It couldn't.
Excellent taste
78 questions until giving up. Fuck I thought one of you fags would of tried it before me.
45, with one incorrect guess.
3 wrong guesses and then he gave up.
I was thinking of that female anthro Giraffe from the Orgina commercial who kidnaps that guy, and it was 45 or so questions before Akinator gave up and told me to buy more credits. To its credit it did guess some female anthro giraffe from some web comic.
None because she doesnt exist
A man of culture
Sigrun a cute!
Surprisingly, he guessed Rosianna Rabbit in only 26 guesses.
8 questions
I Didn't think ROD the tv was that obscure
I went through the full 100 questions and he didn't guess the character I was thinking of.
Many of the questions are redundant.
Character is Misaka Mikoto
After 25 it guessed Ochako
after 50 it guessed that my character was My Waifu
After 60~ it guess 10032 and i took pity on it.
the most best
31 with one wrong guess
Problem is it stopped being a fad so he stopped getting new information reliably. All he is is one big data map. Probably not even shitty early-generation neurtal networ; probably just a statistical incident weight-map. Without the data that the guesses and responses give him, he's useless.
Last time I tried it took 18 questions.
Rollgods told me my waifu is Mousse from One Piece, Akinator didn't know her.
>after 50 it guessed that my character was My Waifu
Technically not wrong.
Huh it only took him 17 for me.
All the questions and he didn't guess her.
Akinator is terrible at handling the subtle differences in characters featured in Azur Lane.
It took him 58 questions.
Don't have a Yea Forums waifu, so I tried Harvey Beaks. Somehow this stumped him even though the list had like ten correct answers.
That's how the algorithm works. It learned from the past people in this thread whose waifu was Amy and got better determining how and when to narrow down to Amy. If Yea Forums continued using Akinator en masse and got your twitter and reddit buddies in on it, then pretty soon it'd be back to its old levels of "guess-in 5 or if it's REALLY obscure then up to 20 at most." But the fact that someone as fucking oversaturated as Amy was at 21 guesses should tell you how out of date old Aki's data is.
He didn't. He gave up after 76 questions. Usually recent Yea Forums shows lose within 15 questions, I'm surprised he'd lose to a goddamned elf.
YMMV I think he got me at 18 with Ryoko. Can't blame Toonami for trying though.
He couldn't guess it.
He was able to guess Jane, and I answered yes to her having been in a Disney flick, but the Jane that was pictured on the result page was from one of the old black and white Tarzan movies if that counts.
Question 15 was "Has your character been to space", he was done by Question 20.
That's nothing. It took 13 questions to get to Mickey Mouse.
I stumped him with Polly Esther from Samurai Pizza Cats. I remember him correctly guessing her years ago, but with the database getting bigger and more complex over the years from more and more people using the site, it's probably getting harder for more obscure characters like her to get guessed correctly.
Akniator logic
>Question 5ish: Is your character in any way related to Pokemon?
>Question 14ish: Is your character from the Alien franchise?
Why would he need to ask that?
defeated, something is up the machine kept back tracking questions, i answered the is your character on nickelodeon" thing about 4 different times. and i used the cannon design to have him guess off of, not personal preference.
Follow up:
>Question 49: Does your character have over 500k subscribers?
He also guessed my character was my Imaginary Friend...
What if Akinator is my waifu?
>more obscure is better
If they have weird shit about them it is not, sometimes he will use that to break things down. I've had him guess things that have only been tried 120 times in under 25 guesses.
follow up he got it at 25 desu, don't know if that's something to do with me manually entering the name after the defeat screen.
He's having problems
You'd think that, but I answered yes to plenty of questions that should have sent in in the right direction, like "Is your character a robot," "Is your character an animal," "Does your character have cat ears," "Is your character linked with cats," "Does your character fight with a sword," "Is your character the main characters' partner," etc. And he still couldn't get it.
What if the question
>Does your character have human skin?
It always confuses me even though it shouldn't.
I take it as a way to specify whether they have scales, fur, are made of metal or some other substance, etc. As opposed to just normal skin.
>asks the same question multiple times
Akinator is fucked
It confuses me.
Does it mean is it real? Does it mean is a person in fiction? Does it mean are we drawing a line at furries? Slimes, dragons, holograms, and dryads not allowed? The fuck am I reading?
24 for Nightcrawler.
Some of the questions were straight retarded though.
Like, after it asked if it was a superhero, and then asking if it was a Marvel character, it asked if the character was from Step Brothers.
No, it's worse when it asks you if the character originated in a video game and after you say yes it asks if your character is a real person.
18. I chose my husband instead.
>question 60 was if she lives in Riverdale
>he guessed Veronica at 82 before giving up
>this was proceeded by two "is she blond" and two "does she have black hair" questions
Sometimes he guesses the weirdest shit and sometimes he can't guess the fucking obvious.
22 for Spider-Gwen. I'm surprised.
21. i had to go twice because i forgot how many questions the first time lul
Never guessed her
Absolutely patrician taste. I miss that show every damn day.
Damn, Satan’s got some real good Waifu taste.
Half of me is surprised, half isn't. I guess by this point she isn't really obscure.
The game crashed here.
Guessed Wuya after 50 questions.
>does your character play for the Carolina Panthers
Interesting line of reasoning there.
Jesus, that is sad, especially since a lot of these things are subjective (whether your character is an "animal").
Here's who I picked, btw.
Huh? Isn't her name Laverne?
24, not bad
>"Is your character from the Loud House?"
Ha, this chump's om Q18 and he still has to figure out which sis-
FUCK you sand nigger AND your fuckin turban.
Good point. Got the picture right though.
Patrician and festive taste
Did her too, couldn't guess.
Then again Akinator is completely fucking broken and will ask the exact same questions like three times, they need to program some sort of branching path for his questions or something.
There's no logic to how it picks questions, and it doesn't even seem to remember the answers sometimes. I got asked twice if she was a Youtuber and three times if she was a Disney character.
33 to get Jubilee.
Went over 70s question and beat with Lydia Deetz. Some of the questions are... offbeat and stupid. Is your character a running back? Does your character have skin? Is your character a famous youtuber? Does your character often use a ruler? What?
It's the problem with randomly picked questions where users can add questions, shit starts to become so specific it's utterly useless.
I don't have a Yea Forums waifu so I used my current favorite character Hilda. It took 30+ and then asked me to pay
Is your character a fireworks expert?
Does your character play Garry's Mod?
Have you ever shook hands with your character?
Does your character personally know you?
Is your character associated with butter?
He gave up, but his last guess was a character from the same series.
80 questions and didn't guess her. I really thought he'd get it after asking about using magic, Cartoon Network and pink hair, but nope. Guessed fucking Jinx from Teen Titans. Later he even guessed a generic witch.
He failed. He is much dumber now than before.
He wasn't able to guess Hannah at all
Two different ones and he failed them both.
>pretty much 90% of all his guesses are "your OC" because you have to say no for the 15th time he asks "does your character play FNAF2 while jumping through flaming hoops with a pogo stick and singing the Finnish anthem"
Shit's completely broken yo
Welp, that's 2 fails out of 2 (I was thinking of Glimmer from She-Ra). I guess Akinator is really useless now.
Wound up guessing all her sisters strangely enough.
>got your oc as an answer
>only guessed right after telling him my character is clumsy
26 questions
>Guesses Darkness
>It was Deedlit
>But Darkness is great too
He got Heles (granblue) wrong though. Eventually got to Narumeia.
Mary Jane. 12 questions.
Now with my actual waifu out of the way, i should try a more obscure one.
He still gets the job done when you sneed him to.
she was not even on the list
Not exactly Yea Forums but i wanted to see how long it'd take him to get Kid from Chrono Cross. 37 questions. After a wrong guess at 25 of Viola from The Witch's House, which is apparently some RPG Maker game i never heard of. I am surprised and dissapoint.
For funzies I just tried multiple rounds and on all of them it could never guess.
Migi (Parasyte)
Winston Durate (The expanse)
Tanya von Skrakenburg ( Domination of Draka)
Mollie Bean ( Guns of the South)
Lady Illganyag (Unsounded)
Shyni (Teraurge)
Hannah Dundee (Xenozoic)
Gobbet (Shadowrun: Hong Kong)
Tsumugi (Knights of Sidonia)
Goal (Deponia)
Yuna (Megaman Legends)
It's slipping
Bah. Couldn't even get Zone-Tan in 80 questions. Kept guessing real-life porn stars. Which i guess is kinda a fuzzy area in this case. But still.
I wanna be able to get one without one of the questions being is my character a fucking Youtuber. Or even just my first three questions. What the fuck.
Yes, I beat Akinator with her, and, yes, I'd be banned for posting her. Such is life.
He gave up after 70 questions
>Is your character from Marvel Comics?
>Two questions later
>Is your character from Pitch Perfect
Not unless a Pitch Perfect promotional comic was the one of the umpteen promotional comics they've produced that i didn't know about...
It sure seems like he just ignores half of the answers.
>Is your character from a video game?
>Is your character from the game Fortnite?
>Is your character a woman?
>Does your character have a goatee?
>more than 50 questions
>is from an horror video game
>uses knives
>has purple hair
>likes horror
And yet he still wasn't able to get it.
He guessed chiaki at first, but then crapped out and couldnt do it
It took him 47 questions to guess Jubilee. In 2013 he probably would've gotten it within 20, but it's gone the way of Cleverbot and any other user-generated algorithm that becomes mainstream.
80+ questions and he still failed
19 before he got her...
Couldn't even guess him.
I did this one with slightly less questions. I can't even find Professor Sunshine.
Curse cartoons for making me want to fuck clouds
Okay, finally went back and went more obscure, but kept it in the Spider-Family. Arana. He gave up after 80 questions. And guessing Black Cat. And Arana's not even in the list he gives me after putting in her name. And he doesn't let me upload a pic like whenever i beat him back in the day.
Then i did Mayday for comparison. Her he got in 32.
With how much this has been blowing up on v, I'm surprised he didn't get her.
Guys I'm worried about Akinator
I think he's getting the alzheimers
There is too many ocs as well
Even French Akinator can't guess her, what the fuck.
>Tried Ahsoka
>his first guess was Shaak Ti
Is this poetry?
second shot for Ahsoka was 20
he only knows nutting on her, your waifu is shit-tier dumpster slut
22 Guesses
over 300, and only guessed the right show ONCE!
shes probably not on the database, due to having no official name
yeah, hes been repeating questions alot lately
Also, I like the picture.
He didn't get even close. After a while he starts asking redundant questions and stupid shit.
The problem I'm seeing is that his order of questions is all fucking wrong.
Open with the question "is your character fictional?" then go from there.
Have movie, TV show, cartoon, comic book, and webcomic back-to-back to immediately narrow it.
Nah, that's the point, he was originally created to get the right answers with seemingly unrelated questions, and back when he became popular for the first time he did that.
He didn't know Polly, a Parrot witness from Ace Attorney.
The novelty doesn't work if he can no longer guess the character.
I beat his ass.
I remember using it years ago when it was able to guess some furry porn character I was thinking of at the time. Now that it got a lot more popular the algorithm is all fucky.
Nice. But it's been Claudia Black for me since Pitch Black.
It wasn't able to guess my character and kept repeating questions or asking questions it had already clearly ruled out.
Got Toph in 20, didn't manage to get Hekapoo despite maxing out twice, even though she is in te database.