This didn't get posted last night, for whatever reason.
Questionable Content
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She needs to come out of the closet and get a shirt that says “I like bread”
>Roko in those shorts and a low-cut top
Are we supposed to care or feel bad for this blue cunt?
Roko showing a lot of skin for someone not comfortable in their own body.
Or whatever robots have instead of skin.
>11 years
Since when do things in QC take place in real time?
Care, she has a point in that not only did she not remember that Momo had a crush on Sven, she had that crush for 11 years and never acted upon her feelings.
It’s just old joke where webcomics with fucked pacing say shit like “Man, I know I’ve only been in town for 5 days but it feels like I’ve been here for 2,962 days!” It’s not a funny joke but it’s not like it’s never been made before.
Identity issues =/= self esteem issues
>Or whatever robots have instead of skin.
Probably some silicon or latex based substitute.
>Crushbot destroyed a military-grade chassis
>on accident
>Military grade
If her chassis was issued by anyone, instead of just hers, it was the local police. Which would mean it was at best a grade up from May's.
> t. Rich autist who like overrated Wonder Bread
She's the closest thing this series has to a likable character.
Only because Hannelore was written out.
>eleven years without making the move
The bro code/gal code has an expiration date.
It was 11 years our time, but it was probably more like 2 years in-universe. Otherwise Marten would be like in his forties now, if the characters were actually aging and progressing in real-time. May just temporarily got so pissy and sarcastic she managed to break the fourth wall for a sec.
Fuck wrong post. meant to reply to
Careful there. We don’t want Roko’s fetish mistakenly associated with that other famous bread fetish.
God Damnit May
I'm surprised May is so angry about this.
I'd sort of expect her to not give a fuck what Momo thinks.
A lot of May’s bravado is clearly just her overcompensating for her own insecurities. She’s demonstrated a couple of times now that she very much cares about what her close friends think of her, and she doesn’t want them to hate her because she’s afraid of ending up alone again.
If you think about it practically too, May can be very screwed if she’s on too bad of terms with Momo. The better part of May’s support network is made up of Momo, Marigold, and Dale. And all three of them have every reason to side with Momo over May about pretty much everything. Since they’re her roommates as well as her closest friends, she could actually wind up homeless if they get pissed at her enough to kick her out.
So why hasn't Pintsize gotten a new body yet?
He did once in a patreon exclusive reward strip, but all of the other characters reacted violently and immediately dismantled him.
His owner isn't that retarded
I appreciate the insight, Jeph.
If you're going to keep making these threads then we should bring back Handy Jay's.
Handy Jay's was good for a laugh but quickly veered into the "kinda creepy" as do all porn settings if you think about them for too long.
This comic is terrible.
Actually, that could be a story: Pintsize wants to try a new body, but everybody else is preventing him from doing so, and so he has to go behind their backs at night and transfer his brain to a new body in a remote location just to feel comfortable with himself.
It was the only thing that really made QC thread worth being in if you ask me.
Handy Jay's was a microcosm of how people fuck up a webcomic.
What is that? Fucking Jeph's hand?
I thought blue was a lesbo
May is the kind of bisexual that will fuck pretty much anyone or anything.
Actually, that has me wondering if any of Jeph’s fans have called out her character for being a “biphobic” stereotype in that regard. Or maybe they’d be too afraid of slutshaming in doing so- I can never keep track of their hypocrisy of the week.
You can't really call her out as biphobic, as May isn't human and requiring non-human characters to adhere to human notions of sexuality is...I'm not really sure what the correct term would be but I'm going to go with stupid.
I checked on my dinner thanks to you.
Was it okay? You didn't burn anything did you?
Ordinarily I would agree, but at this point the comic’s use of robots is really more like an excuse to give basically human characters inhuman skin colors so that the sameface isn’t as obvious.
T-wait a minute
And yet it is still more entertaining than the subject matter of this thread.
No one fucking cares.
See yourself the fuck out
As a masshole, I fucking hate when Jeph tries to write a Boston accent. Not because it’s that particularly wrong, but it’s just kind of obnoxious he thinks he needs to emphasize the exact pronunciation of practically every syllable. If the reader knows what a Boston accent sounds like, he could reign it in a lot more and let them fill in the blanks. If they don’t, it will be nearly unintelligible anyways.
>Welcome to part 500 in my ongoing series entitled REEEEEE TRANNIES
Is this literally the only thing the American right wing stands for anymore?
Literally all of her problems are her own fault, why should I feel bad?
Seriously the "Roko having a Boston accent when she's pissed" thing is so fucking cringey.
It doesn't even make sense. It's not cute or quirky or "unique." I wish he'd just stop. Watching him try to write it in is nearly unbearable.
Because cute girl
Characters whose problems are all their own fault are typically meant to be relatable. Doesn’t always work though.
Has anyone asked if May is having dysphoria in her body that is literally falling apart?
I would hire her to be a prostitute desu
She’s canonically a transfighterjet so it would make sense if she did. I hope Jeph doesn’t go there, though, because even though May constantly complains she’d like some upgrades, she doesn’t seem particularly uncomfortable. More like a person with a legit physical impairment like severe backpain or a broken leg being annoyed by the inconvenience of their shit broken body rather than somebody with dysphoria.
Does this guy literally make new tranny comics every single day?
Considering she's an AI, it'd more than likely be indicative of a severe problem with her programming. At least Faye has the excuse of codeswitching.
It's basically Futurama except it awkwardly brings up all the setting's issues and fails to resolve them instead of simply running with it or joking about it.
I can't tell if you are joking or never seen these.
Seriously, if it weren't for the weird bread thing she'd be 10/10 robo waifu.
She's a bread slut, user. She's into all kinds. Did you not read the strips where she goes to the bakery?
>human abs
>If it's in my head I don't have to worry about an ethics panel inquiry.
Ah yes, the old lolicon argument.
Oh boy, is Jeph finally going to write an interpersonal conflict where both characters have a good point, the tension isn't immediately resolved, and there's no obvious analogy to his hobbyhorse opinions?
>Oh boy, is Jeph finally going to
Fuck you and fuck this boring comic
Fuck you for coming here mining for shitty ideas you intellectually bankrupt retard.
why is her nose so big
Who knew Satan was anti-Semitic?
Stop insinuating my waifu is jewish, satan.
holy shit Faye was fired 4 years ago??? And Jeph is JUST NOW starting to get her in social situations with alcohol again?
thought this was a loss edit for a second, and i'm not very happy you made me hover over this poop to get a better look
She identifies as a Gerudo.
Unlikely. His fanbase gets mad at him when he does anything other than write milquetoast scenarios where the characters win great victories against non-issues. Ffs they bitched at him once for giving a character nice tits and for making her look good in a bikini.
That's not even remotely funny, it's awkward and painful to look at.
She's a Jew-bot, Satan.
May literally identifies as a fighter jet, and was prevented from transitioning. Now that Jeph is trying to seriously use robot bodies as a trans metaphor he'll be crucified if he ever brings up that plot point again.
Haven't posted in these threads in a while (better part of a year or more) but just wanted to say that Momo still sucks.
that's a nice butt, LM
he's not wrong
In comics time scale, it hasn't been 4 years yet.
It still doesn't excuse anything.
WHO CARES? Let's go back to the robocucking!
May respects and likes Momo even though she is a know-it-all, sanctimonious c word.
Momo suuuucks!
Yeah, but I'd still hit it
>This didn't get posted last night, for whatever reason.
probably because no one cared
who dat
>Sven canonically has a huge cock, but is flabbergasted by the mere implication he could suck his own, meaning he hasn't even tried it
Forget all the pandering, THIS is the most retarded thing Jeph has written.
I'm not as good an artist as Liquid but I really liked this post from last thread
I kinda ripped off you Momo, Liquid, pls don't sue me.
Maybe he's only medium long and his monster status comes from being impossibly girthy.
momo deserves better
momo deserves worse
Since I found this recurring thread thing recently, I was hoping for a chance to ask about Roko: did she retire because the fanbase hates cops? Or is there any chance that was the plan all along? It felt kind of forced and given the examples of caving, it seemed like this might fit too.
So, were these robots invented as a way to drape human-like qualities onto characters that have implied superior emotional intelligence and make the artist feel smart about how progressive and sexually charged his not-humans are, or is it just an excuse to write the slowest moving clang story in the universe to con people out of money? I feel like those are the only to options, because any other option outside those two makes the artist look incompetent, and I'm trying to give him benefit of doubt.
>did she retire because the fanbase hates cops
>Or is there any chance that was the plan all along?
>It felt kind of forced and given the examples of caving, it seemed like this might fit too.
Anything that resembles deliberate character arc or thoughtful storytelling in QC is either accident or your mind trying to make sense of the mess that is the narrative.
Jeph has a strip where characters flat out state it's a retarded thing to do. I don't think it's a "Jeph's fanbase hates cops" thing in its entirety, I think it's more that Jeph has no idea what being a cop actually entails and didn't want to have a no fun character.
It's much simpler than that. QC was created at a time when non-human sidekick characters were the rage and they're more or less a legacy. The switch from cat-sized AnthroPCs to robot bodies is due to narrative convenience.
That has seemed to be true, but Roko seemed to have been introduced as the cop solely for the robot fighting ring arc, and then after that I wasn't sure if he only kept her around because poeple like her character but didn't want to write cops anymore, or if he wanted to keep her around after that arc wrapped up and we needed reasons to actually interact with her still, which as a cop would be difficult to write in (for him maybe, anyway).
Large chunks of his cast are only barely associated with the rest of it. Pretty much everything involving Brun, Clinton, and the Secret Bakery crew is a sidestory.
Is getting exactly what she wants and deserves in that image, and it's both better and worse than you could imagine.
I'm pretty sure she said it was big length wise. Also, even 6" guys can do it if they're flexible enough.
It's the crown that makes it work so well.
Momo deserves to sit there in voyeuristic self-loathing, awash in unrequited lust and humiliation, the agony making her desire death but a sexual arousal more potent than any drug forcing her to return time after time to sit their and smile through the tears of painful ecstasy.
She also deserves a big hug from Sven and May as they thank her for taking part in their sex life, letting her know that they value her as a person and friend.
>I'm not gonna *pay* you to swear at me in a stupid Boston accent
Yeah, Roko will at least have to step on May, too.
I missed my chance to get a look at this before it was removed apparently.
That makes no sense. Your sense of worth derives from your identity.
Should've seen that coming
>I'm offensive for the sake of being offensive, but I still claim the moral high ground
Fuck me, people like this are insufferable.
Yikes and dabbing on you
I don't get it. What's the issue ?
How? There are plenty if things that I see eye-to-eye with when it comes to Stonetoss. I'm conservative. I'm just not tasteless and in the deep end. I completely agree that transpeople are just self-mutilating people with mental illness that should be treated and not reinforced, but making a joke about the incompetence of a flight stewardess and the dead dog of a woman who didn't deserve to lose it is just childish, and it's likely the real reason why he doesn't share his name.
May's still a parasite, though. She freeloads and consumes resources while providing nothing in return. The attempt at "an asshole with a heart of gold" fails because it's merely narcissism.
And it took, what, a dozen strips?
The robots increasingly act as low-risk proxies for real life issues. Jeph wrote himself into a corner by boasting he'd never use Claire's transgender status as a plot point and as a result has effectively decommissioned her. But he can do the body dysmorphia thing with the robot now and no one will yell at him.
This is probably funnier than any of the 4000+ QC strips. Not the highest bar, I realize, but still.
Do you have the strip? I don't remember that.
I'd assume that May pitches in for rent and bills, considering she has a job. Which becomes an issue in and of itself, May's personal expenditures outside bills have to be minimal so her getting a better chassis shouldn't be that much of an issue. Given rents in Northhampton, she's probably paying ~$850 a month in rent, and lets just round it up to $1000 a month for other bills. Assuming May works minimum wage and gets 40 a week, after taxes she makes ~$1536 a month. So after bills she has $536 of discretionary income a month. Even if she wastes half of it she'd still be able to save $268 a month, or ~$3200 a year, which is more than enough to pay for a new chassis on a payment plan unless a robot chassis is stupidly expensive.
I don't even know who this is but she is very punchable.
Nah, utilities for a robot household are going to be much more expensive due to the need to recharge. There is no way that isn't horribly energy intensive.
Not really. An electric car only averages an additional $550 a year in electricity costs. Plus we already know that May charges at work too.
An electric car can charge as it travels using brake recovery. In addition its more efficient as it moves due to being wheeled rather than bipedal in motivation. Robots would be more energy intensive than that.
The job didn't come immediately and there was no on-screen discussion about paying rent. Given May's personality, she would have credibly rebuked such a request and/or would have intimidated Dale and Marigold from even asking.
Few electric cars are in operation 24/7 (minus whatever the "sleep" period is for these bots). A more realistic figure would be an electric autonomous freight vehicle, if such figures exist. Then, adjust by weight--kinda. The computing resources and kinetic motion of these AIs will be more costly than wheels.
There has to be some measure of efficiency considering we know that robots can go hours without charging while performing physical tasks.
That robots that we have that do those tasks do not do so via bipedal locomotion, they don't have the computational resource requirements necessary for AI, and they work in an environment they were specifically constructed and idealized for. QC robots are another thing all together and would have serious power requirements because of the above factors, at a minimum.
No, I mean that in-universe Bubbles can go all day without charging.
That's because Jeph hasn't considered all the ramifications of his human-robot society. I know it's a shocker, user, but Jeph is a hack.
>That's because Jeph hasn't considered all the ramifications of his human-robot society.
This. The power grid requirements for having a bunch of robots living in your cities would be massive. I don't even want to think about the rolling brownouts that have to take place during the summer there.
Based terrible poster
And then Jeph shows them charging via 12 watt USB cables, lol. That would probably take days or longer.
And remember it was a sudden thing, too, like someone flipped a switch. All of a sudden this planet has an exponentially higher power requirement and at the same time intense political pressure to provide this power as a "right". No discussion of fracking, nuclear, or so many dams, windmills, and solar farms that even hippies complain.
>And remember it was a sudden thing, too, like someone flipped a switch. All of a sudden this planet has an exponentially higher power requirement and at the same time intense political pressure to provide this power as a "right". No discussion of fracking, nuclear, or so many dams, windmills, and solar farms that even hippies complain.
Honestly the more you think about it the more the theory that QC is a post-robot apocalypse scenario makes sense. Humans are kept as pets more or less. You never see what happens outside of the designated human zone. Everyone works shitty jobs, except the cop, who fucking quit a six figure job whilst living in Boston ffs, but nobody is really hurting financially.
Has anyone even been under any financial pressure whatsoever? There have been characters unemployed for months and it's always NBD. Meanwhile the supposed breadwinners have jobs that can't possibly support multiple people in a high-rent college town. There was a time in this comic when Marten was supporting himself, Claire, Bubbles, Faye, and Pintsize from his library income, which is probably part time.
Actually, where did Faye and Bubbles get the starting capital for their business that basically has no customers? Is Marten bankrolling that, too?
Honestly, I've decided that Marten has to be using his moms connections to make gay porn. That's the only way he can afford what he's been doing for the last few years. That library job won't pay shit, especially since he isn't qualified for it.
Imagine Marten. You pine after your roommate, a complicated chick, read: bitch, who has some pretty great tits. She goes on and on about how she's not ready to get involved. Then she goes out and bangs some dude one night. You're involved with that dudes sister. She's a reasonably attractive, down to fuck successful young business owner. That goes sideways. Finally you go from fucking that reasonable attractive, successful woman to banging a neurotic, unattractive dude pretending he's a woman.
Just imagine.
You left out some of the worst parts! He's stuck with his old crush as a freeloading roommate who has moved her girlfriend in (oh yeah, she's a lesbian now all of a sudden) while going to work for someone who stole his girlfriend (who is also a lesbian now).
I'm actually somewhat surprised that Marten doesn't owe Dora half his income as a result of some sort of Massachusetts common law marriage statute that kicks in after dating for six months. Then he'd effectively be paying his boss to date his ex-girlfriend.
How the fuck Marten hasn't offed himself or run away to join some fucked up endeavor baffles me.
>Marten loses his shit
>runs off and joins the Marines
>comes back as a PMC-chad
>robots are low risk proxies
this is it, this is exactly it. the robots function as an all purpose oppressed minority that are nominally treated as second class citizens in the world of QC. Nevermind that they're immortal and don't need to eat or sleep, we're meant to sympathize with how May (a convicted felon who stole a billion dollar fighter jet) can't find a good job, or how Bubbles (a robot the size of a toyota) doesn't always blend into a crowd
Dora was even more insecure than Claire. Remember, they broke up because she violated his privacy by checking out his porn history.
I was not prepared for this post.
If you don't write user, you should.