Is it weird but I can't think of a mainstream western cartoon, aside from Final Space, that was story driven...

Is it weird but I can't think of a mainstream western cartoon, aside from Final Space, that was story driven. Can anyone help me with this?
>And before you say Avatar, that was episodic with an over arching plot. I can watch 2 random episodes and I'd be able to understand it while if I did that with an anime with a plot, I'd be super confussed.

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Pirates of Dark Water.

The Dragon Prince?

W.I.T.C.H. had a continuous storyline from beginning to end, with zero true filler episodes.

I call it Avatar done right for a reason.

Spider-Man: The Animated Series.

I did enjoy W.I.T.C.H when I was younger. Is it actually worth rewatching?

I like W.I.T.C.H. as much as you do, but you just can't resist to bring up Avatar in every reply you make about W.I.T.C.H.

>those season long story arcs
>based Kingpin
>lizard actually sympathetic
>best incarnation of flash thompson

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>Dragon Prince
>Scooby Doo, Mystery Incorporated
>Gravity Falls, to an extent
>Steven Universe, to an extent

Absolutely. It's by far my favorite cartoon of all time, with Avatar a very distant second.

OP brought up Avatar. I wouldn't have mentioned it otherwise in this case.

Almost all of those are worse than Avatar for what OP *isn't* looking for (though GF is definitely worth a watch anyways). Most of them also have pretty shit-tier writing overall.

Bojack Horseman
F is for Family
Nu She-Ra
The Dragon Prince

Basically most Netflix cartoons. Netflix prefers things with serialized stories to encourage binge watching. Whereas networks like to be able to play reruns randomly so viewers won't be lost because they tuned in in the middle of some complicated arc.

I feel like you have a weird definition of story driven because Bojack doesn’t feel very story driven
I’ve never seen F for family except a few episodes, so I guess it’s possible it was, but I’d be interested to see what story comes out of a cartoon about a guys childhood other than just recollecting memories

oh shit anons theyre back

He absorbed murrlogic1.

The plot progresses from episode to episode on Bojack. Each one continues where the last one left off. They're not just standalone stories that you could watch out of order without it being confusing.
F is for Family is also serialized, each season deals with a different issue, like Frank being unemployed, and then builds to an epic season finale, like Frank getting caught up in a terrorist attack at his old workplace. It's only loosely based on his life.

too bad the plot is full of holes

ur welcome

What about BoJack Horseman?

Not really a tv show, though, more like a miniseries.

Also OTGW a shit writing-wise, it doesn't even have writers except for one episode.

frisky dingo

Legend of Korra. Quality aside, it's still one of the most plot focused western cartoons out there that isn't a miniseries. Castlevania also comes to mind.

One of LOK's biggest problems is that its episodes aren't standalone *enough*. Pretty unusual for a cartoon (not that that makes it better)

iunno but Detentionaire is basically this dude trying to find who framed him in the whole school "for the biggest prank in the school history" then as the show goes on and some stuff start to feel out of place it shows that the framing/prank is the least of his problems and the real problem may go deeper than this with secret black ops programs and stuff

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Learn punctuation.

Detentionaire is worth a watch, but the first 3 seasons are almost unbearably heavy on the most generic cartoon cliches and stereotypes you can think of.
If you can get through that and focus on the mystery side, then season 4 is quite the reward

It certainly passes OP's continuity criterion with flying colors, though.

For example?


Why do you weebs try to push this shit like a 13 year old asking why so few movies are much longer than 2 hours. Because no one wants to sit through 3 hours of garbage?

Even the recent seasons of Archer are story-driven.

venture bros, the new seasons in particular which I think sucks because it definetly feels like they sacrificed alot of comedy to keep up the story

People under 30 probably have no idea that this existed. This is officially the worst timeline, Exo-squad was too good for us.

Attached: Exo-squad.jpg (1200x900, 270K)

except movies are becoming long slogs now. engame is fucking 3 hours long and the top box office grossers are now 2 hours+

Beast Wars

Fuckin' based my son. Well done.

I remember being so sad that there were only 2 seasons, and then one day going on YouTube and seeing "Season 3, Episode 1 - Return of the Ping". It was probably one of the happiest days of my life.

Seasons 1 and 2 are pretty shitty but still enjoyable, 3 is when the kino begins. End of 3 and 4 are the best. [Spoiler]Too bad it ended on a giant cliffhanger that will forever haunt me since it's pretty much garunteed that we'll never get a fifth season[/Spoiler]

>Fucking badass toys
>martian clone breeds
>Bronski being badass

Too good for us confirmed. It was a real war story.

andddddd I'm a retard who failed to use spoiler tags, nice.



Ctrl + S in the reply box.

Eh, it's hardly a cliffhanger. All the big mysteries were revealed (just in time - I was seriously starting to worry before watching the finale).
I'd actually say it ended in a great place for fanfics

12oz Mouse. It's basically one long movie cut in to 15 minute segments. If you don't watch them all in order you probably have no idea what is going on in the story.

The second season looks like it going to be neat.