I am enjoying it.

But why his face in the sky?
Who is he?

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Looks like Rick Berman, long-time producer, show runner, what have you, of TNG/DS9/VOY era. Maybe a weird easter egg?

forgot my image

Attached: Rick_Berman.jpg (602x820, 232K)

I got it. Thanks!

is that not sha-ka-ree?

Like Jack Kirby is One Above All?

so I just read this who are the male and female at the end?

Pretty sure that's the Greek God Apollo.

The male is Trelane, basically proto Q from TOS.
I'm assuming these are all God-like characters, with the other being an Organian, so Berman would count as a sort of meta-God.
He had a big beard.

I meant these two, also I never really considered the Prophets to be this powerful

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Q are retarded.

Infact Star Trek has waaaaay too many quite literal space gods in it.

I liked the space cloud lizard from TNG


why would the Organians be in on this?

There's a difference between god and inter-dimensional beings

Other Qs. The guy is from the episode Deja Q, and the girl is the one from True Q. Pretty good likenesses.
I haven't read it, but I guess they'll shove in all the Qs?

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Not in practice.

Its just too many gods in your sci-fi shit, even star wars doesn't do as much and that has literal space magic as a major gimmick of the setting.

Fucking this. The Organians literally stopped a Galactic war because they hate violence.

I love the idea that Q is the one asshole in the entire continuum

As if anyone writing Star Trek would even understand what the scale of a galaxy constitutes.

Who are the Q in conflict with?
Why don't their enemies just arm a bunch of humans with breech loaders? Instant victory.

God. She was so hot. I was actually jelous of Wesley for that episode


But she hits on Riker

Cause like all thing Q it is more a game than anything. He was basically just trying troll the Prophets

It works in the context of Star Trek. So many godlike beings they're a mundanity, with many of them being expressly stated to have originally been less advanced beings. Hell the TOS Enterprise can replicate many of the feats associated with gods.

in the relaunch novels the prophets are pretty much that powerful. they are described at least once almost on the level of being to the Q as the Q are to humanity.

Power Creep.

One on the far right is actually a dude, he’s that guy who made Kirk fist fight the Gorn, Arena is the episode he’s from I believe in TOS season one

This is the first time we’ve seen other Qs in this series, though it was implied at the beginning of the series that this was a war between the Q and these other beings

I wish Star Trek did more crossovers again. I want a comic of Logan and Worf finding criminals by "trying" to be undercover in bars

>that's Rick Berman
What the fuck? Who's the other Rick, the one from the Star Wars movies? The fatter, greasier one?

Kinda bummed Kevin isnt there. Well, hes a pacifist l, but I'd like to see his point of view in this.

Also more about the Qs relationship with Guina and whatever the fuck she was.

Rick McCallum produced the prequel trilogy, apparently, I had to look him up. Is that who you mean?

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>almost on the level of being to the Q as the Q are to humanity.
man fuck the Prophets they didn't do shit when the Dominion invaded or when Dukat starting dealing with the Pah Wraiths

Why is Q wearing that ridiculous judge outfit? He never wore that thing out of the context of the courtroom farce. It's not a trademark look or anything. It's stupid and I have to conclude that this comic is entirely stupid too, whatever it is.

He wore it many tines in TNG but mostky just in flashes for jokes. This is a game to him so why not

Yeah but how much of that is ignore especially by the IDW verse where they ignore a lot of the expanded Star Trek universe stuff that isn't theirs

that's actually no true

No, he worse it exactly twice m8. Both times in the 21'st century courtroom. It makes no sense for him to wear it unless he's very specifically fucking with Picard in that exact setting.

Blame Sisko. He taught them about linear time and that it was important. A "game" that should be left to unfold naturally. They interfered with the Nagus once and regretted it (Ferengi give them a headache) and when Sisko has to convince them to protect Bajor from Dominion reinforcements from the Gamma Quadrant (during the Federation retaking of DS9) they were so upset at him wanting to rig the game they enacted a "penance" from him.

For what it's worth they'd still mess with events for their own purpose. They brought a Bajoran from the past who briefly became the true Emissary, only the Prophets did that to convince Sisko to embrace the role. Of course they mostly fixed things. They sent the dude back with no memories of what happened, however left everyone in the present with their memories of meeting him and also he apparently finished some poem or some shit so taking him out of time had some small consequences.

They mostly just messed with Sisko but then he was part Prophet on his mother's side. Apparently they didn't do anything to stop Dukat nearly releasing the pah-wraiths because it was Sisko's job to deal with them, and afterward he had to join the Prophets to teach them something. Mostly I say fuck the Prophets because I never liked the religious crap and it felt really tacked on to the end of the Dominion War. Bajor is never shown to join the Federation (for some reason the producers felt it didn't matter despite that being Sisko's primary mission) and Sisko himself never returns leaving his fate open ended. They had fucking Janeway show up in a later TNG movie but never any mention of DS9.

It's certainly iconic for him. Whether you like it or not, it plays to his role as the judge of humanity's worthiness, bookending TNG. As he says the trial is NEVER over. In the context of just that panel and with his dialogue, it frankly seems fitting when he's talking like the judge of some game between them. In this case it makes more sense for him to wear the judge outfit than it does his most common look of the Starfleet uniform. That was just to piss off Picard who felt Q was disgracing everything the uniform stands for.

You want a goofy look for him, try that episode of Voyager with the Q civil war. Despite being the rebel faction Q naturally appeared as a Union soldier because no way they'd have Voyager's crew side with the side of the American Civil War that was supporting slavery.

>never any mention of DS9
Based. DS9 is for faggots who don't actually like Trek just DS9 version of Trek.

Sounds like butthurt Dominion talk to me.

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