So, why is Marvel still pushing C.M as the new face of the MCU when Black Panther was such a smash hit and General Audience's love Tom's Spider-Man and Dr Strange. Why push for diversity if some White woman is gonna be the face? Why does Marvel keep pushing Carol when Black Panther exists?
So, why is Marvel still pushing C...
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becouse when people complain about something it's almost the same as getting free advertising
Fuck off
Cope harder faggot, no one cares about your wh*toid w*man when BP exists
Her hero name being "Captain Marvel" likely has something to do with it.
But user, its at the point where even normal fags on Facebook and Instagram are expressing how much they dislike her on the comments of Marvel's posts
I'm pretty sure they've said that Peter Parker is spearheading the MCU from here on out
I don't care because I'm done with the MCU anyways.
This is so wrong, we finally have a MCU and see such a skinny actress
with these legs without muscles
It seems like a joke, a bad joke for those who love comics.
I will never see any movie with the female protagonist with a skeleton body like this
Because CM was a smash hit, their main fanbase loves her too, and they said their cosmic side will become more relevant.
>black man
ok Obama
Because no one gives a shit about pandering to blacks when its more popular to pander to women. Welcome to the bottom of the totem poll.
>Why push for diversity if some White woman is gonna be the face?
Because the people that complain the loudest about diversity and get to define what it means are white women.
>Black Panther - Box office: 1.344 billion USD (As of May 22, 2018)
>Captain Marvel - Box office: 1.127 billion USD
>"Black Panther" is the world's 10th-highest-grossing film of all time.
>Captain Marvel gets to be the face
Gee I wonder what's going on here.
More people seemed to care about Killmonger and Shuri than BP himself.
Because she slept with Kevin Feige.
then they'll probably minimize her in future movies
All of those actors except one have let the fame go to their heads. Ironically Bendydick Cucumberpatch seems like the most down to Earth of the newer cast.
>All of those actors except one have let the fame go to their heads
What? The cast of BP have been incredibly humble.
>1 post by this ID
>Marvel still pushing C.M as the new face of the MCU
Nobody is actually doing this
If I link the interview where Feige says this is his plan what will you do in response?
Feel free.
>So, why is Marvel still pushing C.M as the new face of the MCU
My theory, is they don't want to make the same mistake they did with Inhumans. They pushed the Inhumans HARD in recent years, & when they finally got a live adaptation, that shit flopped like a mother fucker. They've been pushing Carol hard like they were pushing Inhumans in recent years. But with Carol, she's got white feminism/girl power backing her, along with a billion dollar movie. So Marvel is playing it safe by having her be the new face now that they've got a taste of success with her
>when Black Panther was such a smash hit
They don't have to worry about pushing Black Panther as much. He was a fan favorite in Civil War, he's got a billion dollar movie, the woke audience, the black audience, and the black audience that doesn't even care for Marvel movies backing him.
>General Audience's love Tom's Spider-Man and Dr Strange
Spider-Man's still got one foot in with Sony, so Disney/Marvel really can't make him the face of "their" franchise. Dr. Strange was originally supposed to be the new "face". Remember 4-5 years ago how they were saying that Benedict Cumberbatch's Dr. Stange was supposed to be the new Tony Stark/Iron Man/Face of the MCU? But his movie kind of under-performed, so that put a stop to that.
>So, why is Marvel still pushing C.M as the new face of the MCU
CM is Captain america with titties
Okay let's hear it.
Let's hear why this doesn't count and I'm an incel.
Carol was positioned as being the new head before her movie made a billion though.
They aren't, really. If Endgame is anything to go by, chances are Antman or Spider-Man or is gonna be the mascot of the MCU from here on out.
BP: 1.4 billion
CM: 1.1 billion
Oh that's what you meant? Pure spin to get attention for her movie.
Has he even got a third movie confirmed? Spider-Man has way more evidence to support him than Ant-Man
Say you're so strong that you can lift a house. How do you exercise to gain muscle? Any gym weight is too light for you.
Ant-Man was treated as a joke and normies dont go flock to see his movies.
Doctor Strange is meant to be the Stark replacement, and T'Challa will play a big role going forward too.
BP never got that spin.
Neither did Strange, IIRC.
>My theory, is they don't want to make the same mistake they did with Inhumans. They pushed the Inhumans HARD in recent years, & when they finally got a live adaptation, that shit flopped like a mother fucker
but that was by Marvel TV
>"Gentlemen, you can't talk about capeshit in here, this is the Comics and Cartoons board!"
This was before Feige pulled a chad move & made Marvel TV a separate thing after telling Perlmutter to fuck off
Seriously I wonder if deep down Feigie knows that Endgame is the 'getting off the bus' point for a pretty sizable amount of fans or if he's trying to push the lie that Brie is just as popular as RDJ & Evans.
everyone who’s commenting “haha wouldn’t that leave like 5 minutes of the movie then” is missing the point SO hard
no, it wouldn’t. cutting all the female characters, poc and gay “rep” is actually….pretty easy. this guy did it and it’s still a solid movie.
you guys are giving marvel WAY too much credit. They don’t give a shit about representation, they don’t give a shit about you - the only thing they care about is money and looking Woke™
they did that by advertising how “progressive” they are for adding the first openly gay character ever!! let’s see when we can get an openly gay main character. or at least, dare I suggest, one that has a name.
they did that by hyping carol the fuck up and then only using her for 3 scenes
they did that by putting all the female characters in one shot for a Girl Power UwU scene; “oh look at us! we have all these female characters in one shot! we don’t hate women” isn’t that sad? that you can fit all your girls into one single shot? that despite your claims, all the girls combined still only have 116 minutes of screentime while the men have almost 400? isn’t that fucking pathetic?
it is. and look at this douche, look at all the assholes out there, this doesn’t mean SHIT to them, they take half an hour out of their day and cut a few scenes and boom - everything marvel claims is “progressive” is gone. none of their fake wokeness is important to the plot.
the gay character? who even is he?
T'challa and his family? their ~ 1 minute of screentime is easily cut
Sam becoming Cap? Where will we see that? In the show? Right. This person cut the scene and did that change the plot of endgame? the answer is no.
Carol? not much to cut since she was barely there
Natasha? The only thing she was good for is to die
Pepper? housewife. All he needed to do was cut the scenes where Tony washes the dishes and talks to Pepper, and cut Rescue’s, what, 20 seconds of screentime? and boom. ideal female, right?
Valkyrie? Oh she’s there alright, in the background, doing jack shit until Thor calls her queen in one scene, but does that scene mean anything? Do any of her scenes mean anything? Not to them. 10 seconds is all it takes and her scenes are all gone.
Nebula? kidnapped. dead
Gamora? insignificant. cut
you can’t mock this dude because “haha he has no movie left now ”. you gotta mock, no, hate marvel because that’s just the thing - he does. not a single poc or woman or lgbt person did anything that, if they left it out, the movie would make no sense.
and that’s just what he did. and yes, he’s pathetic for it, but don’t think marvel gives a single fuck about you. they don’t.
every single time a dude can make such a cut and the movie still makes sense, the movie has failed.
New rule: If you can cut all minority characters and women without losing plot coherency it is a failure. We can call it the Rian-Russo effect.
well there is still Guardians, Black Panther, Strange sequels and possible new movies
>pushing identity politics to own the libs
You guys are clinging way too much to ultimately pointless interviews. You kick and scream about who gets to be "the face of the MCU" before anything is even close to happening, as if plans for this franchise don't change all the time
I don't really see how they're pushing her anymore than Black Panther. She was barely in Endgame. I can see the two of them being equally important.
after that 1b take nobody cares about the CM detractors baiting this late into the year.
shazam however? what a flop! *cue DC flop defenders*
Gender > Race. Women are apparently oppressed, and deserve more representation than men, regardless of color or background.
Then why isn't BP the head of Marvel going forward?
>Not trying to be adversarial. I would much prefer a BP led MCU. Slowly build towards the illuminati with Old Steve as a member. Would be perfect if Secret War was their new endgame.
Because China doesn’t like blacks
we don't know what the future holds. People are excited for BP and Strange sequels, but Captain Marvel is met with nothing.
Those aren't normalfags, they're the same butthurt retards who haven't been able to stop whining about this movie since its announcement
>Captain Marvel is met with nothing.
I think the movie would have been better as an adaptation of Brian Reed's Ms. Marvel series. They could do what Batman Begins did where he got shit done but also had flashbacks as to how he got there. I want to see soldier bloodlust Carol. Not what we got.
>incels STILL seething