What the fuck is his problem?

What the fuck is his problem?

Attached: inloicqfjx821.png (774x515, 453K)

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Being an adultman is hard

Rolling joke

He's actually just one person.

Working at the business factory is not easy dude.

coolest guy in the show
back when Bojack had SOUL and actual jokes/funny shit going in the background instead of
>muh success and muh depression

This is literally what Bojack was since day one bruh.

Your faggotry is getting out of control, user

you dense fuckers
Bojack had depression since day 1, ok, but at least it wasn't the only thing around the show

now it's like a giant inside joke only people from hollywoo(d) can relate to

business is hard

He's having trouble getting in touch with his inner child.

I feel like a killjoy to say it, but I think the comedy is easily the weakest part of the show after season one. It becomes increasingly separated from anything relevant to Bojack's story, and just became the goofy things that Todd was doing in the show's B-Plot.

He got a blowjob from a cat

The best /ss/ doujin.


>inb4 some dumb fuckhole comes around saying he's actually three kids in a trenchcoat

Attached: 1550856640068.jpg (484x476, 90K)

>What the fuck is his problem?
That isn't his stock portfolio on his computer there, that's his escalating debt load.


I've always hated this character and felt that he was allowed to exist for entirely too long. He's a one-note gag character that only serves to take me out of every scene he's in.

He made me quit the show.

I thought his first few scenes were funny, but the joke went on too long. Especially since Princess Carolyn was the one always dealing with him and she's supposed to be one of the smarter characters. Or at least not blatantly stupid like Todd or Mister Peanutbutter.