Is working for Disney cursed ?

Is working for Disney cursed ?

>miley cyrus lost her mind
>shia leboeuf lost his lost
>raven symone became a lesbian drug addict
>lindsay lohan became a lesbian drug addict
>brandy norwood killed someone
>phill lewis killed someone
>lee thomson young killed himself
>andi mack raped a child

and now this

Attached: Cory_122412_7131854.jpg (640x1100, 147K)

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Being an actor is a curse.
All celebrites are fucked by definition.
You try staying sane when people treat you like a diety while also doing all they can to photographically prove how small your penis is.

This, and it goes double for child actors. Child actors mentally, socially and financially fall apart once they get too old to play child roles and discover they have no actual marketable skills to speak of, and only very few manage to pick themselves back up after that.

I think it's more of the fucked up shit that happens behind closed doors that everyone knows that happens but will never talk about them.
I'm not talking about le zion vampires that steal child blood tho.

Jake lloyd seems fine

There are obviously exceptions, usually those with sensible parents that make sure they get a normal life and education in addition to their acting career (see also the Harry Potter kids for example), but unfortunately those are a minority.

>see also the Harry Potter kids for example
Ah yes, the guy who did a naked photoshoot with a horse.

The Harry Potter kids were super lucky, Emma got fucked up later but all the others came out normal since everyone on set has gone on record saying they tried as hard as they could to make sure they had normal childhoods.

>cites a weird photoshoot from ten years ago
I do think he had an alcohol issue, but he's since gotten over it

Doesn't help when the cults get to them

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It's weird, but still not as weird as the shit some other celebrities do.
He was just trying to be Oh So Deep

Imagine if he’d been on a Nick show and Snyder had inducted him into his inner circle.

>andi mack raped a child

I think you meant a 48 year old actor on the show Andi Mack, raped a child. Pretty sure the currently 15 year old girl who plays the lead didn't actually rape another child.

What a busta

and now because of that they deleted an entire episode

Yeah, for a moment I thought that the main girl raped someone and I died a little inside

Which one?

Then what's this ?

Season 3 episode 18

Will Friedle seems okay

He's in a psychiatric hospital for schizophrenia now.

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I think the fact that they spent the majority of their childhoods in england on set filming the harry potter movies away from hollywood and the usual ring of pedos played a part in keeping them sane.

This makes his point that it wasn’t the girl who plays Andi Mack that raped someone

A misleading headline. The actor pictured is the one who was arrested for trying to hook up with a 13 year old boy. He plays Ham Mack, Andi Mack's grandfather. Andi mack is a 13 year old asain girl. Read the article next time, the headline does make it sound like he's the titular character.

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No, they were all molested.

Why do molested women turn lesbians while molested men turn child rapists ?

He stopped acting on camera because he was diagnosed with anxiety disorder and became depressed and suicidal and gained a bunch of weight. There's a reason why he only ever did voice over work after Boy Meets World until recently.

Now exactly what happened to him on the show to trigger those mental illnesses is another question

>leaving out Orlando Brown

Don’t some lesbians go for underage girls?

Isn't one or both of the kids from Suite Life a Smash tourneyfag?

Yea Forums

I think I saw one of them once in NYC near NYU

My god, they forgot how to bathe?

Women are taught to define themselves as lifelong victims and decide all men are the enemy, men are told to never acknowledge what happened to them and need to fetishize/re-enact their molestation to cope.

This isn't Yea Forums.

Mr. Howard being a prime example of the few that escaped the fallout

Yeah. Paula Poundstone comes to mind.

Just like gay klmen a lot of lesbians date older women as teenagers but are given a pass because lesbians

literally millions of individuals have worked for disney over the period in which those people worked for disney up to the present day

if anything working for disney must be blessed, that's a much lower rate of mental illness/drug addiction/murder/suicide/rape and other serious problems than any general population you care to name

No as Eric Goldberg is still doing excellently, and Mark Kausler had a solid retirement.

You forgot Cole "Ranger Danger" Evans.

Attached: cole.jpg (815x611, 70K)

Acting as a kid mentally fucks you up. It's not just a Disney thing.
