Zoomers are scared of Disney movies

the absolute state of Zoomers

Attached: Raspy+clever+quetzal_678259_7132027.jpg (1200x1159, 227K)

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Lion King is shit, good for him

>Why don't Zoomers have normal phobias like CLOWN WORLD HONK HONK?
Why indeed?

>non sequitur

Go back

Pretty sure the caption and the picture have nothing to do with each other.

Much better than being afraid of dolls, puppets or clowns.


Kids are usually scared of dumb shit.

Dreadfully obvious.

This doesn't look like scar

The phobia of clown meymey is literally only American.

Chuckie, ???, Pennywise

>white supremacist trashing noble African Kang"
Imagine how easily could this become the new "Victory sign is nazi"

the fear of dolls and puppet is actually just a form of uncanny valley, it has rational explanation, just like the fear of animal predators.

How is watching an animated film more scary than being chased by a murderous clown ?
I don't understand you

Wrong. The fear of clowns didn't enter public notoriety until after IT released

You queers are too young to know about the Bozo Show.

As a kid I was scared of media that depicted natural disasters (flooding), flushing toilets, overflowing toilers, violent dogs, people being sick, vomiting, and loud sounds.

>uncanny valley
Yes, and that's for pussies. It's not universal like having a giant ass cat in front of you that can paralyze you with his roar. Dolls and clowns are fun, they won't kill you. Hire a clown and you'll see. Hire more clowns.

>uncanny valley isn't real because I'm an adult, and kids can't be different from myself!
uh oh, a badass but also probably a pedo is there.

That's pretty funny considering all the threads we get here of anons recalling how they pissed themselves after watching childhood cartoons.

Attached: eORX7SQ.png (1440x1215, 1.14M)

Watch "The Impossible".

Oh it's real , but if you're scared of them you may as well pass out if a mouse enters your room.
>clowns are pedos meme
Clowns don't touch kids. A child's safer with 10 fat clowns than with a priest.

Attached: topo gigio and lovers.jpg (250x368, 22K)

being scared of big cats is a pretty primal fear

>uncanny valley

A meme.

High IQ poster, your mommy must be proud.

I remember being scared of the lion king back in the early 90s though

Pretty sure everyone understands clown phobia as a joke anyway.

le boomerzoomerdoomeryoomerpoomerloomerqoomervoomergoomer

You ain't seen nothing. NOTHING.

I’ve literally never heard “starching”...am I old?

I was scared of lion king as a kid. First movie I ever saw in the theater and them roars is loud

pretty cool of him to do this teebeeaych, hope he hangs it up on a wall to let visitors know he cares about his kids fear instead of ignoring like so many parents

I'm pretty sure this is a lie. Someone saw a funny picture and thought it needed a caption.

>Zoomers growing up on bootleg versions of Disney movies made by Disney themselves

How sad.



Why are zoomers so violent?

According to what I always see people are either scared of clowns or want to fuck them.
Are there people that actually find them funny?

People on tv tell them it's okay to hit people you don't like.

What the fuck how is it scary?


Clown World refers to the bizarre state of affairs the world is in, not anything to do with actual clowns.

Who the fuck let Mac knock them up

>I am a millennial and the world did not begin before I was born

Little My from the stop motion moomins terrified me as a kid so y'know... each to their own

can you really not understand how any of the scenes or imagery in the lion king could frighten a 6 year old?

Attached: 1436895550589.jpg (243x180, 9K)

Give a example, im sure you're not a hypocrite.

That painting is unironically based. Would want one of me leg-dropping a Kodiak mountain bear.

I want one of me like this only instead of demons it's geese. Fuck geese.

Attached: doom1.jpg (1920x1080, 523K)

That’s adorable of course Yea Forums would hate it


On the topic of deep seeded fears.

As a kid, and even into well on into adulthood I had an uncontrollable fear of Tornados and Nuclear Bombs. Up until a point where I realized there is no use being deathly afraid of things out of my control. If a Tornado trashes my home, or an h-bomb drop. Those things are out of my control, so why constantly live in fear of them.

Wrong it was because of John Wayne Gacy who was arrested 8 years before IT was published

That's mainly because zoomers are coddled by their mothers and thus, they are a lot less daring and a lot more scared of trying new things.

I don’t understand what’s wrong, did you think that’s the son in the picture?

I can relate hard to this one. I had a hard phobia of Chucky. like running opposite direction if i saw the doll in person. I was afraid of most scary movies in high school. Around college I knew it was getting ridiculous, so when when SyFy had a slasher marathon I forced myself to watch them, this includes all the Chucky at the time, which curse and cult were not made yet.

So now, I have the opposite problem I'm way to into slasher mythos, I get excited any new horror movie comes out, and yes I will see the reboot n theatres.

When I was 3 my cousin's playing mortal kombat on the genesis gave me a nightmare, it was the fatalities.

I was playing mk3 on snes when I was 5 so it didn't stick very long. Sharks and open water still scare me, but finding nemo and shit came out when I was 11, and it's a cartoon.

Assuming one kid represents an entire generation is a little much don’t you think?