Good evening owls,
time to pick this back up
Good evening owls,
time to pick this back up
Chelsea Cain wins fuck-up of the week because no matter what you think of the critique, directly addressing people in your comic like that makes you look like the whiny baby
It's wild. and i was the cain defender! I like how people keep finding really bad stuff in those books. there's always something about a book with a lot of hype that sorta dies down and then people read the book and it's like "There's WHAT in here" i had examples earlier .
didn't she also do some real bad "Woe is me in the comics industry reviewers are awful" stuff on twitter about maneaters?
On the bright side, I saw several people re-read some of her stuff due to it and realize that they were only really vibing with the flashiness
I didn't see that, there was some "this is expensive and we can't keep it up" crying
But I had 100% called her attitude to criticism based on how she treated the actual Mockingbird fans who went "what the shit" at the retcon, before the cover blowup
>some "this is expensive and we can't keep it up" crying
yeah I think that's what it was.
i feel like there's been a lot of low simmering image drama going on
yes, there was one thread of "Aha, she does this graphics stuff when she loses the thread of the story", and the older Comicosity piece had also been accurately brutal about the storytelling problems of the book
but again, it's one thing to caricature your critics, but a direct copypaste of tweets into the comic itself? that's fucking stupid.
the pros and demerits of "Image doesn't have editors, you have one for yourself or not" are very clear
Hello, Storyteller.
Y'know, I'm really glad that EA always has their conference first. Means we can get all their meaningless bullshit out of the way. And godDAMN does Fallen Order look boring as piss.
>Gen 13
Oh, and also I guess the gals have been kidnapped, and it's up to the guys to save them. Because of course.
oh yes, the big strong mans!
The Fiendish Man-Baby!
speaking of the mockingbird retcon that Mcelroys War of the Realms tie in is becoming a Magnificent Number riff with some old western heroes so they are good comic writers
Lynch speaks for us all
spoonfeed me
>superintelligent man with not-Webster's decides his genius should be used to create toys, and now wants to find a superwoman that he can breed with to create a race of super beings that will take over the world
... Comic books are fucking stupid.
Oh, so he's one of the Infinity Inc Helix kids
In the latest issue, our heroine has been sent to a re-education camp; part of the wallpaper there is word-for-word reproductions of critical tweets Cain got sent by people who wanted engagement with trans and other gender binary issues, but seemed to be into the book itself
is this /d/?
Sarah would fit in in this thread
dat ass
And I guess the fuck up of last week was that Luna brother losing it
So, is there any reason why Luv doesn't just hook up with Ms. Poppins? She seems pretty down with all this nonsense.
>In the latest issue, our heroine has been sent to a re-education camp; part of the wallpaper there is word-for-word reproductions of critical tweets Cain got sent by people who wanted engagement with trans and other gender binary issues, but seemed to be into the book itself
As the kids these days like to say, that's gonna be a yikes from me. Don't do that.
I feel like there's a lot of bullshit that passes under the rubric of "punching up/punching down", but this was punching down, and again it just makes Cain look really fucking petty, which she is
yeah and this isn't even getting into the actual issues people have. it's just a petty low blow.
like to not even try and rephrase them good god cmon
so...what did Roxy's imagination conjure?
Is it just me or are the Coda just kind of a weird concept? They're clearly a riff on the DC Amazons, but always seem to ping-pong between being loyal servants of Kherubim, or work as mercenaries.
That's got me conflicted. On one hand, westerns are my favorite thing. On the other hand, Justin McElroy is my least favorite thing.
They're Amazons but assholes for hire
it's not too western yet desu. they go to a ghost town and it's got a bunch of ghosts of old west heroes. Next issue seems like the team up and showdown.
it's the first time i've been upset it's kate in the book because I want to see my Clint/Two Gun Kid OTP again
some rogue amazons starting a private military company sounds like a cool story idea desu. those Artemis ones i can't remember their name maybe
Bana-Mighdall were pretty mercenary, yes
have a vintage ad!
Did we talk about Ewing's Quaser story wednesday?
DC does next to nothing with the Themyscirans, and they do even less with the Bana. The last time the Bana even appeared was during Artemis' arc in RHATO, and them apparently making peace with Qurac was never followed up on.
my pussy is quaking right now
Oh yeah, Scud had a game
is that an actual Ewing story with Wendell in it I see
>that sad Caitlin in the label
I don't like seeing best girl feeling bad. I mean, I'll talk shit about her book til I run out of breath, but I got nothing against her, specifically.
Also, I kinda dig these armor designs.
it's a couple of pages in the annuals
Wendell was optimistic things in the universe would work out, Nova yelled at him for being an idealist, he was like "Nah thing's will work out" then he saw nuQuaser calling for him to help her and it ended. I know I say this every time he writes something new but it made me want a space politics book from Ewing
Hey Storyteller
I've enjoyed these so much I grabbed a Gen 13 trade I saw at a convention today. Not in great shape so I might look on ebay to see if I can do better. It was relatively cheap though so it's not a big deal. Anyway I love you storyteller.
I'm waiting for one of these armored mooks to have a Samus reveal moment.
>School Shooting Survivors Become Superheroes In IGNITED from WAID, OSAJYEFO, BRIONES
Waid nooooooo
I'm glad you find something fun!
This is more fun than I thought it would be
second page of spread
>And I guess the fuck up of last week was that Luna brother losing it
I missed this one, details?
what's wild is they were tweets that weren't even that critical, they were just calling out their issues with the book
when you get harassed by a lot of actual dickwads why would some legit, tame critics be the ones you go after?
now we're onto pseudo-apology tour!
Is it "I was only joshing in good faith"?
I bet it would be.
It's actually more "this hurt me and I wanted to explore how I felt", which is not the best look either
like: you're a creative artist, you've had bad reviews before, did you write all of them into your work??
And, like, how does that explore it?
What about just pasting the tweets into the literal background is a delving or dialogue?
Holy shit what a bad response Cain
That's up there with the
>american students secretly want to be shot at school
from Ennis
>american students secretly want to be shot at school
... Pardon?
that was Ellis. It reads like a terrible issue BEFORE DC pulled it
There is probably a comic to be made about school shootings but "becomes superheroes" is 99.9% Not It
It's amazing she defends it by saying it was "meant to echo a voice".
it's not an really an echo the way you're implying when you use it VERBATIM.
the comic was Hard Time and everyone else can go home
I'll post it when OP is finished. It was an issue of Hellblazer by Ellis.
DC refused to publish it after columbine, so Ellis quit
Gerber, right? We should read that some time
>I just wanted to acknowledge the really painful criticisms of the work
"it hurts my feelings when people call me the TERF slur"
>that Very Special Issueâ„¢ of Champions about school shootings literally titled "Trigger Warning"
What is with Waid's fetish with writing teenagers lately
Shit, shit, shit. I spaced and forgot the time.
wasn't that zub?
;"My Feminist Agenda" was the same kind of idiotic attack on critics, so it should not be surprising.
Chelsea Cain may legitimately have gone tampons insane.
Yeah, it's kinda funny how most have forgotten. I guess Rosenberg stole the spotlight at Marvel with his X-Men snuff comic.
We call that a mid-life crisis.
say, does anyone have that page from Mockingbird where she's all "Clint knew I hadn't been brainwashed"
Celbulski saying that Marvel will no longer have any shock or meaningless deaths from now on is really funny considered that they have that "x-men snuff comic" running and are advertising that Carnage event as "Carnage kills everyone"
I want to quote it accurately but don't actually have it at hand
FabNic used that tweet to be bitchy about Nomad, which I appreciated
That name is cursed. That girl using the name died young too
Would his 8 year old body even produce semen to need with?
oh noes!
thanks for reading, come back tomorrow for more!
Luv Toys still sound speed to me.
I choose to give all credit to Clint, the Best McElroy.
See ya tomorrow Storyteller
I might be a bit late because I'm supposed to go see Godzilla.
you can do the school shooting thing in like a teen book if you do it in metaphor because that's the whole point of superheroes.
So like are all the X-Men in a Mojo dream? I'm excited to see Hickman wipe it all away
thanks OP!
Alright, this is the issue that had Ellis quit Hellblazer after less than a year.
There was also a miniseries called "Finals" (a Jill Thompson project) that had to be altered due to Columbine
I've seen some theories like that, because of all the Age of X-Man stuff that's happening
Guess the artist
DC eventually did publish this around 2010 when they were reprinting old Vertigo miniseries as 80-page giants
Based on the in progress preview, Grunge. Possibly Grunge without the wandering eye.
PAD did it in Young Justice
I wish editors would stop saying dumb shit like that
No one believes it, please stop, it's a waste of time
>Tit guns
Truly, this comic knew it's audience.
>My Love is Your Love, 1998
F. I hope Lynch had a backup copy.
Thanks for running, OP.
Still can't believing they're still pushing Quire.
Time for a lecture from the writer, using Constantine as the voice (as is tradition)
Give the little weirdo credit, he backs off on Sarah once he finds out she's gay. More than I can say for Bobby.
That's an inaccurate account of Jonestown. Some people resisted drinking the poison and got machine gunned.
Given Coda arebasically Amazons, the same reason he gave up on Sarah.
And it was flavor-aid
Buckle in for more of that
The End!
Can't imagine why DC didn't want to publish that at all after Columbine
A number of them were also shot with a handgun, possibly as a mercy killing. I share a birthdate with it, so the whole mess holds a morbid fascination for me.
yes, such a shock they'd pull it! thanks for sharing user