DA comic storytime: A View To Paris

Alright Yea Forums, I've been waiting a while for this one to be long enough to storytime and here we finally are.

They said Infinity War was the most ambitious crossover ever, I scoff at that. This is A View To Paris.

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As usual, all I ask is that if you seek out the creator somewhere else, please be nice.

But feel free to rip this to shreds here.

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There are only 50 pages so far, but I am keeping a close eye on this and will do another storytime again in the future.

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Also, try not to think too hard about anything you see. You'll only end up hurting yourself.

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If you haven't caught on yet, don't expect anyone to be in character.

Honestly, I have trouble telling who is or isn't an OC.

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This page has a small mistake.
I saved it before the creator could upload a fixed version.

Seems fitting to use this instead of the corrected page.

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Somehow, seeing American Dad in this just breaks me inside.
I don't even like the show, yet I still feel offended that the character is being used this way.

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This page really came out of nowhere.

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Man, I had to do a bit of censoring to avoid being banned.

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I don't know how to process this.

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Yep, this is happening.

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I guess that is happening too.

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More characters!

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Page 7?
Hummm, even if no one is here I might as well finish anyway.

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And that's it for now.
I'll be keeping an eye on it, but it's honestly a bit of a letdown, I was hoping for a bigger shitshow of a comic, but I guess they can't all be winners.

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