Would you talk to her Yea Forums?
Would you talk to her Yea Forums?
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nah i prefer androgynous cat boys
Just to end faster.
theres worse ways to find out im dead, so yeah
nice quads
was she ever boned during one of her human days?
Whatever she's selling, I ain't buying.
she is so sweet it hurts
For a few minutes yeah.
She seems like the type to give you a good lay before you die if you’re nice about it.
Only to tell her that she is shot at her job. I would then kill myself and then come back just to prove my point.
Depends on if she lets me cum
Of course I would. You only see her when there's no one else to talk to.
Besides, it's only courteous for the service she provides.
It's DC, mate. She's not a sloven whore like Marvel's Death. If Thanos had been at DC instead of Marvel, she'd have laughed at him, once, and then nobody would ever have heard of him again.
When I die, sure.
Yes, Death. I would talk to you.
Nice quads too.
"you don't wear a bra, do you?"
We both know how this is going to end, so might as well not waste any more time.
You could do a lot worse than her when it comes to someone to talk to when you're dead. She's probably heard it all, too, so she'd likely be very understanding of any blubbering you'll no doubt be spewing from regret or distress.
based Hob
Talking to her right now guys, AMA.
She is a sweet girl. I always wanted to ask her out but never had the courage.
Nice digits.
Is your name Matilda? Allways so happy? Are there angels? Are angels warm and fluffy when you hug them?
I would have to ask the Gayman for permission first. Does anyone know if her bare feet ever appeared in Sandman or her own comic?
Maybe in the Sandman Orpheus special.
Hob does talk to her at one point, but politely says no thanks.
It's probably one of the most interesting forms of immortality, and one of the best ones. Death won't come for him as long as he doesn't want to. No blood sacrifice, no ancient magic, no weird science. Just Death agreeing and deciding she won't. Although he will say yes eventually, since Destiny was the last thing Death collected in Books of Magic and even Hob was gone by then.
would ruffle hair
floof floof
How can one man be so based, Yea Forums?
>Death as a Waifu
Fuck no, get that trash out of here.
She doesn't care if some people check out, because she knows eventually, everyone stays.
yes, but I'd probably be all nervous and compliment how pretty she is in an awkward way
So do all humans see her as a hot chick or do I have to be some alien to view her differently?
does Death post on Yea Forums?
Her brother Dream appeared as a floating flaming head to Martian Manhunter that one time, so the same species-divergent principle might apply to her.
Yes - Death is fucking cute.
Everything perceives her differently. All the Endless have different manifestations or avatars that appear to different things. For example, Dream will appear as a plant to plants, and the same goes for cats, lovecraftian gods, stars, planets, and living mathematics.
Death is only perceived as her human form by us. She'll have uncountable other manifestations for everything else.
What does she see in a mirror?
what the comic shows us
im guessing anyways since destiny asks her to changer into something more appropriate and we see her clothes change
Herself, obviously.
Probably. /x/ most likely too
She is a tulpa after all so /x/ makes sense. How do I summon a qt waifu tulpa?
She's more of a psychopomp.
She is Gayman's tulpa
I wonder if she appears as a midget when she collects misget souls
Would hang out with her
Doesn't she say oblivion isn't an option? I'd probably chat her up about ancient history.
Nobody but her will ever know.
How does Resurrection Man see her? Or, how does she see him? Every now and then she just notices him, helps him up, dusts off his coat and let him go again with a gentle pat on the ass?
death doesn't like batman
I imagine seeing Resurrection Man and Doomsday kind of make her a bit sad. Because they go through all the pain of dying, but never get the release.
So, what happens after that? She just chill in her crib for the rest of eternity or she dies as well
start again and repeat
An excellent question.
What's this now?
And this! Wait, is this from 'The Dreaming'?
Ah. I headcanoned that the true identity of the Time Trapper was Destiny after all stories are over and he goes nuts because his book is gone, and he keeps trying to create new stories, but all he can do is retread what has been done before.
>dangerous ritual casting
>"I mean, you could have just asked nicely."
Nobody knows. Only she does, as far as we know. It's the great mystery, the what comes after. Philosophically, when the story ends, it kind of dies. So maybe she ushers herself to own death as she leaves?
Destiny passes away his book in the Brave and the Bold first major arc. Highly recommend.
Isn't that the comic where Hal is trying to keep himself from trying to bang Supergirl?
yeah i would, and i hope i may talk with her soon
Believing that the afterlife might involve Death of the Endless makes me unafraid.
I wish she'd come for me already.
Fuckin based.
Shes the worst shitposter of us all, since she sees it as a hobby.
I'd hope that when I die I'm able to regress my age to something younger than when I will be at the time. It'd be kind of awkward to try and woo Death while I'm in my 70s and she's eternally in her 20s.
If it follows our current understanding of how universe dies, pretty much yes. Everything else is gone except Death, she sits in her realm and twiddles her thumbs and nothing changes anymore, for all eternity. That or she ceases to exist herself because nobody else is capable of dying or ending anymore, then its just unchanging void for all eternity.
But new beginning is always possible, when you have inifnite amount of time, even the most extremely unlikely things that can still happen, will happen eventually. Probably takes like 10 times the amount of time Universe itself existed, some obscene near-infinite amount of time.
>dates the great great great great grandaughter of the woman he brought over on a slaveship