Thor 4, Ant-Man 3 and NOVA possibly confirmed
>The news comes from the mysterious “Roger Wardell” who has been hailed by Marvel fans as the most trusted source since he accurately revealed key Avengers: Endgame plot points back in December.

>If Wardell is to be trusted, the recurring villain for the former will be Norman Osborn, who is expected to be introduced in Spider-Man: Far From Home.

>So, the films – according to Wardell, Marvel is developing Black Widow, The Eternals, Black Panther 2, Shang-Chi, Doctor Strange 2, Nova and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3. He adds that there are plans to make new Thor, Ant-Man and Captain Marvel sequels and suggests there could even be New Avengers, Young Avengers and Dark Avengers films.

And here we go

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Other urls found in this thread:

>and Captain Marvel sequels
Cant wait to see those fail

Just like the first one right

Yeah, just like the first one

>Young Avengers film

I will only accept a Young Avengers film if it is the original version. It’s really hard to believe that despite SJWs Marvel has never pushed Patriot more. I mean he has a lot of untapped potential, hell they could bring back Agent Carter on Disney+ for a season to introduce Isaiah Bradley

There has been theories that the Disney+ Marvel shows are actually to set up the Young Avengers. Hawkeye with Hawkeye II, Falcon and WS with Patriot, Loki with Young Loki, WandaVision with their kids

I can’t wait to see Loki as a meek, Shy Genderfluid character with voices in his head who constantly accuses Thor of being a misogynist!!!!!! Wooo! Or a crybaby child who constantly whines about how sorry he is!!!

I don't read Thor but doesn't Asgard and asgardians go through cycles of reincarnation? I wonder if Odin and all the other Odinsons will ever come back.

There will never be a Nova film, and the OP will continue to fail to generate "buzz" for one.

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I believe you.

>possibly confirmed
So...not confirmed
For fuck's sake, words have meaning.

Why are people still writing this kind of thing off after Guardians?

They can't use anything Bradley related and they don't feel that the copyrights are worth putting a fight
Also any line-up with &Hulkling stuck with Wiccan sucks

>possibly confirmed
Its either confirmed or its not. You fucking clickbait pricks.

Captain Marvel sequel will do well only because normies will continue to eat that shit regardless of how good the movie is. It'll still be the weakest part of the Marvel cinematic universe.

Guardians on paper has broad appeal, a team of goofy oddballs, aliens, talking creatures, romance, ect.
Ronnie flying through space playing Green Lantern II: Don't Ask Me How the Nova Corp Got Powers, is a shit pitch and no one takes it seriously, least of all Feige. And they already have a white earthling flying around space kicking ass and grossing a billion dollars.

Again, your efforts to generate "buzz" for it are futile. Sure, YOU probably hate her but your little opinion matters for jack-all.

Anyhoo. They aren't going to remake Green Lantern/Captain Marvel when they've already succeeded beyond Johns' hopes for a space hero.

Roger Wardell is not that reliable. He was right about Endgame, but got a lot wrong over the years.

>Dick Riders still think their shitty ripoff movie will happen
Get over it already.
Another billion, baby!

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>Guardians on paper has broad appeal, a team of goofy oddballs, aliens, talking creatures, romance, ect.

Literally nobody expected this at the time. Resistance is futile, Marvel Fever is real.

Years ago I thought a likely route for a Nova film was to use Sam rather than Rich, as it'd allow the character to contribute a USP of "young hero" and occupy an unfilled niche in the roster. The MCU version of Soidey shot that idea between the eyes.

Now, with the advent of Captain Marvel, having a second space-based laser-fisting hero seems far too unlikely to ever happen.

>Guardians on paper has broad appeal, a team of goofy oddballs, aliens, talking creatures, romance, ect.
It was also incredibly risky and prompted a great deal of scepticism and incredulity. Don't be a revisionist.

What's irrational is there isn't even a premise for Annihilation-era Dick Rider, the only iteration of Nova that isn't dull as fuck.
Thanos blew up Xandar, which was a bunch of nimrods in space-patrol cars anyway. There's no revenge arc, and no basis for him getting "collective" Nova powers.
He'll never tell off Tony Star for his registration bullshit while Annihilation Wave was going on, Tony is dead.
They won't use the comics canon Annihilators, Ronan is dead as shit, and they won't push this sausage fest.

In an Annihilation movie Carol would likely kill Annihilous, and the OP just needs to get over it.

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So we probably won’t see Silver Surfer either, huh?

Surfer has a lot of existential angst going on.

>Again, your efforts to generate "buzz" for it are futile. Sure, YOU probably hate her but your little opinion matters for jack-all.
Do you think I'm OP or something?

Comic book movies in general are risky, unless they have the Joker in them.
They failed to sell the Hulk to audiences twice, and Hulk was one of the best known heroes in the Marvel stable.
Black Panther was regarded as "risky" from the moment it was announced til the month it opened huge.
There's just no rationale for creating a Nova movie. His big foes are either shit or borrowed from other properties. He had one big Event run that was decent.

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No one has EVER given a shit about the Hulk

How does it benefit you to lie?

An adaptation needn't be a 1:1 thing to be a success, as we've seen from many MCU films. They just need to get the core of the character right and, as you say, the most popular version of Rich!Nova is post-Annihilation Starlin/DnA. They've just got to make him brash, cocky and obstinate as fuck amidst a crazy space world.

However, I do see him being sidelined in favour of Brie Larson.

>They've just got to make him brash, cocky and obstinate as fuck amidst a crazy space world.
That's Captain Marvel in the MCU exactly.

>Comic book movies in general are risky, unless they have the Joker in them.
Seems arbitrary, but OK. I'd sooner say Batman rather than Joker.

>th-this time for sure!

Batman movies have failed to perform on multiple occasions, falling well below expectations.
No movie featuring the Joker has been less that a stellar success.

I take your point, but Brie as she was in her solo film came off more stoic than anything else.

>but Brie as she was in her solo film came off more stoic than anything else.
Did we watch the same movie? She was impulsive, headstrong, overconfident, aggressive then bewildered and eventually brash again, but she wasn't stoic by the dictionary definition of the word at all.
I have to assume your familiarity with the movie is from reading posts on Yea Forums.

It's the truth, Hulk is a literal nothing character that has never been liked ever because there's nothing to him beyond a big strong retard

>Guardians on paper has broad appeal, a team of goofy oddballs, aliens, talking creatures, romance, ect.

shut the fuck up, barely anyone expected it to be as good as it was

This is some kind of weird bait, isn't it? I'm going to guess this is meant to segue into false flag Carolfagging, but I'm not sure how.

Yup, just like the first one

>the recurring villain for the former will be Norman Osborn,
I find it hard to believe they'd put all their chips on a character that Sony could up and say "no u cannot has" at any point for.

That's what contracts are for.

this seethe will carry on for generations


What are you talking about? Captain Marvel failed spectacularly and only incels deny it.

Disney money doesnt make it a success, retards

This is a talking point I've never heard before, what the fuck do you even mean?

>Guardians on paper has broad appeal, a team of goofy oddballs, aliens, talking creatures, romance, ect.
I like how you're saying this now compared to back then when people were 100% sure this would be Marvel's first flop because nobody cared about the Guardians or who they are. This is "Iron Man was always going to be a success" levels of revisionism

I'd bet he's talking about the "Disney purchased theater seats" meme.

"possibly confirmed" means "not confirmed".

What’s the appeal of Richard Rider?

A lot of people can identify with a Dick Rider.

Ant-Man 3 is going to be a Kaiju Movie

I want Moon Knight and I don't want Nova. It is going to be Sam.

imagine because this deluded.


Shiny guy flying through space and visiting different worlds.
Maybe the growing into a leader too.

you type like a woman

Cool space cop

thanks user, you gave me a laugh

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>muh shitty jeckle and hyde ripoff

Fing Fang Foom?

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Thank god there doing Nova the space side of the MCU has too many different things going on now. Hopefully Nova can share some that load.

>Thor 4
Now where's my Cap 3?

>grossed over a billion dollars worldwide
Even though everything said is correct it was undeniably a financial success. I do agree that her movies will likely only be average at best and that a large chunk of ticket sales will be to "spite trolls" or whatever the narrative is.

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Right here bro.

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>Perlman wrote Rich into the first script of GotG
>Marcus and McFeely tried to make the opening scene of IW into Rich's origin
>Roseman practically begged Fiege over Twitter to let him help make a movie for Rich
>Adam McKay, a huge fan of Rich, was in talks with Marvel Studios
All signs point to Rich. Jeph Loeb ain't getting royalties from Fiege

Disney cant afford buying out ticket seats forever, user

They are fast to course correct. Cast was great even Maria and Carol's daughter was adorable, the movie only needed a better script, just having glimpses of her struggles and Carol being space winter soldier was during half of the movie was stupid. But it's a better start than Thor imo.

Nova will be a Carol fanboy. Like Peter and Tony buy IN SPACE.

They won't fail. I hope the next CM movie will have Jude Law's character again, the deleted scenes with him made him look way more interesting than what we got in the final product I don't get why all the MCU deleted scenes are so good.

Doesn’t sound too special

I want to know if Gunn's back as the head of cosmic MCU or just to do Guardians 3. Anything from the leaks?

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How do you even do Nova correctly with Captain Marvel existing? They're too similar, that and Nova has pulled off shit that is equal to or has even surpassed Captain Marvel, I doubt they will let a man be as powerful as their precious Fungus.

Focus on some of the stuff Nova can do that Carol can't, like opening portals. Hell, I bet if you make the villain be in his weight class, people would think he's different enough

that's the main problem, Nova should have Carol's spot as cosmic cop and they have that also in GotG somehow, I think he should be introduced in these movies first as secondary character,`and from there to Disney +, he could have a movie after they remove Carol, but by that time Nova will be Sam.

This. I honestly think this is why Feige was against Nova for the longest time. He already had plans to masturbate all over Carol. I think even if he goes forward with Nova, it'll be begrudgingly and he won't give too much of a shit about it; on top of trying to find a way to keep him different enough from Carol.

I wasn't a fan of Iron Man 5, user. I want Cap 3.

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Why are you so butthurt about Nova? You get over it, it's pretty sad how you're really denying it.

>They've just got to make him brash, cocky and obstinate as fuck amidst a crazy space world.
He can be cocky which is mostly used as a front but in reality he's a character that doesn't exactly like himself that much. He's more wreckless with his own well being (again low self esteem issues) but but he wouldn't blindly risk others. He isn't obstinate at all. He probably would be with a villain trying to convince him to do something but Rich can change his mind about things and isn't as stubborn as someone like Carol or Cap.

Jesusfuck we already been over this with how their powers differ and so do their personalities. When the MCU does you fags are just going to fold over anyway like the rest.

>Thor 4
Thor is worthless without Loki.

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When did Feige said he was against Nova? He did wank off Carol but more than anything Wacker sold her to him and he just wanted a top female character for Marvel.

>"I'm still worthy!"

Fucking based. I was afraid the Russos were going to pull an Aaron.

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There are a lot of cosmic heavy hitters and space is huge. If anything having Nova, Quasar, and others patrolling space gives Carol more time to rest and possibly visit Maria and Monica.

Also one of thr supposed verified MSSpoilers source says CM2 will take place in the past so they can explore the present with Nova and whatever characters take over GotG.

An average earth joe in a cosmic setting, even Carol and Peter were used to all the crazy shit when we met them in the MCU. In the comics Rich goes through crazy shit as well but simple things like a talking animal still surprise him.

He's not a super genius character but not exactly an idiot either, he's more astute and wings it as it goes kind of guy. Also he never really was much of a space cop as much as he was the lone ranger and Xandar was gone when he became Nova and when the Nov corps reinstated itself he wasn't the best at obeying and called out corruption within the corps itself, even clashed with Garthan Saal for being blindly loyal to his superiors.

He's a guy riddled with self-esteem issues who puts his self worth on being Nova and without it he spirals into a mess. His life before Nova was also him being constantly picked on and bullied and him just taking the punishment but being Nova gave him some self worth. He likes it and without it he's nothing.

Carol is a pretty self assured person with nothing to prove. Rich isn't. He questions why out of everyone he got his powers (which he originally got by random) and he always tries to prove himself worthy of being Nova to his own impossibly high standards.

He's also shit at dealing with traumas and PTSD, he'll try to ignore something that bothers him and push past through it. He can get explosive when really upset.

>Thor: Journey into Mystery
>Has Kid Loki in it
What then?

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People want Hiddleston

>Disney uses the deaging tech to turn Hiddleston into Kid Loki
What then?

In that case they'll just get a kid, user.


>NOVA possibly confirmed

Young Avengers was always a very blatant and half assed "We really want some of that Teen titans money!" attempt

Does this mean Obbourne's SHIELD is going to try and siege Norway for Asgard stuff?

There might be a ships somewhere on the property I guess, not much else.

>Young Avengers was always a very blatant and half assed "We really want some of that Teen titans money!"
They should have used the New Warriors but Civil War completely fucked them so there was really no choice.

>Not hype for escalating feats of power in a Cosmic Marvel setting previously only focused on thieves and singular planets living in the wake of gods
>Not hype for Carol's Mar-accurate Endgame suit
>Not hype for the simple beauty of Brie Larsons smile
>Not being hype for a Kree-Skrull War that seems to be building with some actual motivational depth

Dude, I get it, you hate the wimmin or whatever, but you're just laughably incorrect.

>>The news comes from the mysterious “Roger Wardell” who has been hailed by Marvel fans as the most trusted source
Aaaand discarded

>buddy cop movie with Carol and Rich
>Carol is the seasoned one, Rich is the Rookie
>Carol's cocky assurance v. Rich's cautious self-reproach

I'd watch it

>Hawkeye with Hawkeye II,
Almost confirmed

>Falcon and WS with Patriot
They focuse mor eon Falcon accepting Caps role, also is mor elikely they'll introduce US Agent too.

>Loki with Young Loki

>WandaVision with their kids
Probably robo daughter

>Falcon and WS with Patriot
All I want is Zemo back and set up as Citizen V leading into a big crossover Thunderbolts movie, but I know it's a pipedream

Wouldn't be surprised if they do end up giving her a mentor role of some sorts.

>Le smug dog poster

>Imaging making this

Dick Rider fans are all faggots

no, Loki just faked his death in Infinity War which he could've after what happen in Thor: Dark World

he's right about Norman Osborn though, I don't think he'll appear in FFH but Oscorp will

>I honestly think this is why Feige was against Nova for the longest time.
Stop pulling shit out of your ass.

He thinks Disney paid themselves over a billion dollars

with every seething post you make about her, she grows stronger. remember this.

scenes that are often cut if they don't directly move the plot forward. characterization is usally the first on the chopping block unfortunately.

cast that de-aged kid from the umbrella academy netflix. klaus?

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i'm all for more loki, but at this point if he did pull off another death fakeout thor would be completely justified in breaking both his legs.

no it sucked

I hate the idea of Young Avengers

Feige was never against Nova. He never even brought up Nova. I think you're thinking of Gunn and the only thing he ever said about Nova was how he didn't like the helmet

It’s because women believe power comes from who you stand over not what you stand for. Dick unironocally would’ve been a better choice for the due ex machina in endgame since he would’ve had something carol completely lacked, emotional stakes in the fight against thanos

It's not a meme (pic related) when there is so much evidence that it was happening.

And personally I went to see the movie and there was only one other person in the entire theater.

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Is that why that anti-Richfag is all butthurt about? It's hard to tell, nit to mention there's a lot of cosmic characters and it seems silly to get buttblasted about Nova when they're nost likely going to introduce more characters.

Thor 4 should unironically be Thor Corps. I want to see Red Norvell and Eric Masterson.

Honestly I think what the carol fags are most worried about with rich is how he comes with a great story that can easily be used as the next avengers type movie, annihilation. At best carol has to borrow from lesser known avengers villains since she has no good stories of her own to adapt. Also Richard has a successor in Sam that he has a direct connection to and carol has literally nothing to do with kamala and they can’t write them in a story together since she has a superiority complex about earthlings it seems and has no presence on earth.

i ship it.

>It’s because women believe power comes from who you stand over not what you stand for.
are these the ravings of a madman?

>she has a superiority complex about earthlings it seems and has no presence on earth.
so good, she gets a character arc

Yeah they seem to be borrowing a lot from other characters with Carol, the latest rumor in reddit which is supposed to be legit (but you never know with these things) is that they're going to introduce Michael Korvac for Captain Marvel 2 and have him be an experiment of the Kree instead of the Badoon. Carol bonds with him because he has similar powers to her but he ends up going crazy and she gets upset because she trusted him.

That said Annihilation is Nova's biggest story and what redefined him but Annihilus would also be a borrowed villain. But I think the whole point there was to reinvent a lot of cosmic characters so it worked. Still Nova's most interesting villain was the Sphinx and he could be really good if given a proper update. Diamondhead is amusing and has potential to be Rich's Manta since he is sadistic and really hates him, but again they need to update him.

I would be down to see this being explored with Carol. Also Monica must certainly be angry that she didn't bother to see her and her mom all these decades.

we have reached peak shitposting on Yea Forums
we have a post about a clickbait post on the Independent, which is about another Yea Forums post.
what the fuck.

Brie has no charisma, that emotionless dullard can barely smile as it is. Oh, and no one even miles her, nice try mouse cuck
Yeah they will, disney had to save face by wasting billions into the first captain feminist agenda


if there's a young avengers film, it should include that kid from iron man 3.

I guarantee its all true.

New Warriors would have been the best for a Teen Titans analog

Please God. Please God, please protect Thor from the feminists.

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The truth is maddening

Have sex, see a doctor. Have sex with a doctor.

Tony's dead and Cap is Old. Thor, Hulk, Spider-man, Hawkeye, Antman and Captain Marvel are going to have to pull the whole MCU forwadd. The last "BIG NAME BRANDS" they have left from the old way of thinking, that pre-90s came are Fantastic Four.

*Black Panther and Doctor Strange

When I went to see Endgame half the seats were empty. Does that mean Endgame is suddenly a failure?

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Oh yeah. I forgot about Dr Strange.

This might be the coldest hot take I've ever seen.

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So Gaurdians 3000, Champions with Patriot Hawkeye and Winter Soldier calling on Dr Strange Hulk and Spider-man, Fantastic Four.
Eternal s keeps throwing me. It's supposedly the next movie right after Spider-man Far from Home, but how?

>Also Richard has a successor in Sam that he has a direct connection to and carol has literally nothing to do with kamala and they can’t write them in a story together since she has a superiority complex about earthlings it seems and has no presence on earth.
Sam has nothing to do with Rich. It was his dad who was part of some super secret bullshit that was never mentioned before who also happened to join the Nova Corp over a fucking decade before Rich did.

>Honestly I think what the carol fags are most worried about with rich...
Aside from the retards here he like to instigate drama, I have never seen a single person who likes Carol who's also against Nova. Only MCUfags who skim Wikipedia also think they're similar, when they really, REALLY aren't, not even movie-wise. Not even as a "space cop" or something.
>At best carol has to borrow from lesser known avengers villains since she has no good stories of her own to adapt.
And she actually does, specially now that they have the Fox rights... But either way, Richard and Carol are very different and there's absolutely nothing to be worried about. Only brainlets think every cosmic-tier hero is the same because they can fly in space and have photon blasts.

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Man, that's not even a scene from Captain Marvel, the movie didn't even start, this is normal everywhere. Why is it always this shit?

>Eternal s keeps throwing me. It's supposedly the next movie right after Spider-man Far from Home, but how?

Black Widow is next and then Eternals.