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Did you like it?

Attached: TheAmazingWorldOfGumballBritishAnimationAwards.png (975x1360, 523K)

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It's fine I guess.

Y'know, for a show with as many styles of animation as it had, you'd think it would be kino.

Until about halfway through season five, yes.

what was the turning point?

unironically the best cartoon of the last decade

normies will disagree cause all they can think about is fat nicole watterson ass and dont want to admit they're closet furries or something.

I can't remember precisely when, but at some point in the second half of season five, I realised that the show wasn't making me laugh or even smile anymore.

Yes, very much.

it's pretty chill.

Season one an two are the best. The rest are just meme faces and "durr let's troll tumblr xd"

I Liked it because of the Background and the Background looks like it's from Real Life.

>loved it from the start
>nice humor and great mix of animation styles
>nicole milf of the year all years
>penny and gumball suddenly get together
>the hero's quest is done
>lose interest in show
Haven't watched since.

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Your taste is way too good.

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t. furry

First two seasons, it was bad after that.

I mean, the youngest people legally able to use Yea Forums were 10(?) when it came out, I was 12 iirc and watched almost as religiously as I did Spongebob even. I loved it because of how interesting it was to see all these different animation forms being tossed together into one show, and especially got a kick out of the insane plots from the first couple of seasons.

Did Gumball ever wear this outfit? I kind of like it and wish he did
He looks hot in it


Attached: Human Penny.png (269x277, 152K)

show was good until the end but season 2 was god tier

No. That outfit is only used for promotional purposes in some regions like Japan. And yes, he looks way better. He looks like a cool kid instead of an annoying loser youtu.be/IxD116ZjcVg

Yes i did.

the show confused wit for humor very often. most times it would just elicit a 'huh' from my part when I could very clearly tell they wanted me to laugh.

My top five episodes
1. The Sweaters
2. The Flakers
3. The Matchmaker
4. The Shippening
5. The Allergy

>The Sweaters
patrician choice

My are:
1. The Remote
2.The Sweaters
3.The Fridge
4.The Web
5.The Ape

I wanna shove something to her dirty mouth to make her shut the fuck up.

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Carrie needed more lewds.

what the fuck is this, I haven't watched the show in ages and it looks like it changed alot.

The Sweaters plot is so totally random and that's why I love this one so much. That's how every Gumball episode should've been.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 15K)

>The Sweaters
>The Flakers
>The Matchmaker
>The Shippening
>The Allergy

concept art for the film

yeah but some references especially in the later seasons are going to be really dated

They redid the art a couple of times, and replaced the voices several times.




>3 better than 2


season 1 and 2 were my favorites, and then I only liked a few episodes from the rest of the seasons. I absolutely hated their soulless circle tool eyes

Yeah but I got tired of it.

this and Gravity Falls
and The Looney Tunes Show
maybe Mystery Incorporated

probably the best cartoons of the 10s

Gumball is black

Darwin's black

They both are. Gumball and Anais are mixed.

Kill yourself

HOw do you know


Heck no.

The episode where they spoofed the 2016 election.

That's just how it comes off to me but they're animals it really doesn't fucking matter
But even my mom thought they were supposed to be black after seeing a couple episodes


Good list but i'd remove The Matchmaker. It was a literal cringe ship episode (The Shippening doesn't count)

i haven't watched this since season 3 so someone recap me what has happened

v o i d

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 142K)

eww what is this

Rob gets used a bit more than most characters and becomes a bit of a villain. He becomes more or less an anti-hero once he realizes that he is the only person that knows how to save the world from the void. He fails drastically.
Penny gets downplayed to being another character that Gumball mistreats due to his ego.
Gumball becomes a horrible person. He's always been a bit of a fuck up but now he's someone that you can't really root for anymore.
Darwin and Carrie get together because Darwin needs more characterization and Carrie is a pet character for some reason. It's really half-assed and it does neither character justice.
Nicole has issues with her parents but she gets over it.
A Donald Trump parody and a 2016 election parody happen.
The show emphasizes humor a lot more starting at around season 5. It's a bit relentless how quick the jokes go by.
Nobody knows if there will be a movie that will explore the void.

gumball's humanized family from "the nuisance"

>Nobody knows if there will be a movie that will explore the void.
Seems pretty obvious that something's coming in the future about it.
I bet there'll be a short preview after the proper airing of the finale.

Yes but I shit on it when I'm here to fit in.

why would they look like THAT

Because lmao fuck Trump and fuck nostalgia.
I'm not joking either.

Because they don't. The joke was they became a poster 50s family.

>fuck nostalgia

Yes, it's fun and cute.

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oh okay I guess

The remote is the episode that got me into the show and the sweaters is pure gold. You got some solid taste, nigga.

Thanks bro.

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Still the best episode for me.




Yes. And I'll miss it.

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>Darwin is not a black boy
Diversity when?

This show was great.
It's just shame it ended this way. Honnestly if they had salvaged few good episodes and ideas from seasons 5 i 6 and put them into one decent season it would have left so much better impresion.

Shove Fried Chicken up her dirty mouth.


Gumball should say that he is in the Kute Kat Klub.

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exactly this. first few seasons were goat but it went on for slightly too long

I hope the r34 keep strong for some time tho.

Attached: 1094491_crazedg_gumballs_fatass.png (455x602, 288K)

I missed when penny was cute
what happened?

She stopped being a character once she got together with Gumball.

Her new design was shit

Your opinion.

yes, season 3 is my favorite

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I like it quite a bit.

I can appreciate the style, but season 1 have such a innocent feeling about it's style.

What would she look like if she was still a peanut?

Same but fat and with brown-ish clothes.

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Why didn't they make human characters look like this ?

Dat P on her crouch tho

They should do a re-run with all the episodes done with this style.

what, in the finale?
Don't get me wrong those are some decent designs but the whole point of that ep was to make them generic as fuck.

>Darwin is white.

Such a simple way to ruin an entire pic.

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wouldn't even be gumball anymore without the imagination and extreme juxtaposition.

>tfw youll never sniff gumball’s musk

Reminder that this is canon

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Yiff in Hell Furfag!!!



Attached: D3aJIugXoAE8nV3.jpg (1200x960, 347K)

>black redhead
yeah, no

Will it Only be Penny Sniffing Gumball's Musk?

those are autistic looking western furries

Who made all of The Gumball Porn: Horny Gumball fans or Fucking Furfags

That pic is from before the stupid "darwin is black" meme was a thing

Hey, I'm only into good furry art
I'm not part of that whole fursona erp fursuit cringe

He is just a newfag trying really hard to fit. Ignore him.

I'm Talking about The Furries that make Erotic Artwork, i.e: Fursona Porn

Do you Want to Lewd The Fairy?

Attached: _rq__penny_underwater_by_ivoanimations_dd8o6bs-pre.jpg (892x896, 97K)

No. She is ugly.

Most certainly.

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Eye hurting colors

At least to me, the fall of gumball also signalled the end of the cartoon renaissance we enjoyed for a short while. Weird how things could go from 4-5 amazing shows to 0 in no time at all.

Characters can be cartoony even if humans.

It's a good cartoon. As far as 10's shows goes, I'd rank it pretty high up there. It's not one of my personal favorites, but it's still preddy gud. Animation and VAs save the show where the story sorta lacks a bit. It's fun to watch every now and then but not really binge worthy.

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What is this?

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Of course, Nicole was very fappable

Reminder chinese political cartoons pioneered the gumball aesthetic years before it existed

Attached: kuanger.png (920x637, 840K)

>That contrast

Looks like the smog really did its part on the cels.

Cel animation hasn't been used since the the late 90s.


Looks depressing.

why live then?

Attached: b1cf9eae8049897b1f8f0831f5ac31c8.jpg (255x303, 16K)

So it was actually the Chinese who got ripped off by Gumball? Huge fucking twist.

A copyright symbol.

Ben's seal of approval.

This. It's a real disappointment when you compare the early episodes of the show to now, and it really narrowed down to a bunch of simple cartoon characters, all sharing the same style like the ones in OP's pic ( excluding teri of course ) in a hyper realistic backgrounds and lazily photoshopped to be there.

Would still be interesting to see a show where half the kids in the class are ghosts, plants, or robots

This happened once.

Attached: Kaboom! Summer Blast 022.jpg (1988x3046, 1006K)

Penny is a Muslim. The peanut was a metaphor for a hijab.

Attached: g1.png (930x503, 716K)

but the dad wears the peanut as well

The Chinese = based

Attached: Chinese Nicole.jpg (900x1229, 365K)

he's trans

that's even more haram

>good furry art

No such thing.

Not if he's pakistanian


wait, it is over?




THIS was the best episode.

Attached: media.io_ezgif-2-ccbf59b5c133 (1).webm (700x394, 2.28M)

Fuck off, weeb

Did you even watch the video you mouth breathing autistic faggot?

Stupid weeb

Are you new?

Whatever you say mouth breather. Enjoy your
perperoni hotpackets.

>perperoni hotpackets

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>actual screenshot from gumball episode
so this either proves that cartoons are getting too inappropriate for children, or it proves even cartoons too adult for Yea Forums mods

it's a decensor edit

they censor butts in that show?

I liked that one porn thing that manyakis did. That was pretty cool.

sometimes, yeah

Became shit after Season 2.


hey now my post was deleted... what does THIS prove?

It only proves that mods are hacks.

Yes, it was a masterpiece


my removed post
Yeah, you don't need to tell me.

I always get bad vibes coming from mr. smalls.
Wouldn't trust my son to a school with someone like him working on it.

You wouldn't trust any kind of hippie, for starters.

Basically, yes. But I get the kind of "charming, harmless" predator vibe from him towards students, specially male students.

>Mr. Small
Can someone post his hooman version?

Is Gumball Calarts

Attached: Clipboard02.jpg (1829x890, 238K)

No, but Gumball has the most flawed design out of all those characters shown in that pic considering that his cheek tumor is always visible, even if he does look at the viewer.

That's fucking disgusting

True, Nicole is not the hot milf I would expect in human version.

don't worry friend
I will always be able to see your posts

Anthro > Human


More like decent design > ugly design

Why do People Call Gumball a Kid's Show if it features Gumball Naked, Even his shlong is Censored?

It's because any nudity is okay as long as it is male.

white darwin is cute


Specially if it's Gumball's

I miss Rachel



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no, but calarts is a buzzword at this point

Gumball is kind of ugly desu

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they're Irish

also I know a guy called Patrick Fitzgerald in real life.

Explains his Liam Neeson impression.


It's the only purely comedy cartoon I've seen in years that I find genuinely funny.

First season was great, second season was good, everything past that I could do without

I'll say this: it may, at least artistically, be one of the best series this decade. It definitely stands out when compared to the rest of this dreadful decade.