/dpg/- Dark PhoeniX general

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Rewatching these movies made me realize how sad I'm going to be when the MCU's X-Men gets released. No more complex relationships and mutant politics. Now it's just gonna be the X-Men vs Magneto because Magneto bad.

A wild mess, but an entertainingly wild one.
Some of the character scenes were still done as great as ever, Hoult actually kinda surprised me, and the final act is kinda awesome.

Sophie's acting is pretty bad at times though, and the Skrulls are just so badly written it's pretty painful. Plus it just feels so fucking rushed.

>Plus it just feels so fucking rushed.
But user, they pushed it back twice.

>hahah it's okay i'll just remove the trauma instead of help you deal with it
pure trash movie

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More like FoX-Men hugspace general

>No more complex relationships
That's a really fucking good joke

>A wild mess, but an entertainingly wild one.
No, that's Venom. Not this. This is just boring garbage

The only boring parts are every time the Skrulls open their mouths.
The rest isn't as energetic as Venom was, but it's still got a good bleaker tone and actually hits some of those notes, even if a fair amount also fall flat.

Were they really skrulls. I thought they were more of a Phalanx adaptation. Then again, considering the movie adapts shit from AvsX of all fucking things I wonder who they actually are.

>Behaving as if Black Panther didn't address race issues

There will be plenty of mutant politics

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The movie called them D'bari but they were so totally Skrulls.


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So do they all die at the end or something?

Well, the reasoning isn't wrong but the context is.

No, only Mystique dies. Thank God

Nah. Professor X takes a sabbatical from the school, Storm starts teaching, Beast decides to live full time in his furry form, and Magneto offers Professor X a home on Genosha. The movie ends without him answering but they do play chess.

The Phoenix is seen streaking across the sky.

We can at least acknowledge he was the best Magneto, right?

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Not only that but Vulture and Killmonger were portrayed as sympathetic villains, and I didn't even like Homecoming.

You contrarians are getting a bit crazy

>is a dumb bitch
What did they mean by that?

Honestly thought it wasn't that bad. Better than captain marvel

I just dont understand. They like movies for the supposed themes rather than the actual content of the movie


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No way in hell is Dark PhoeniX Better than Captain Marvel.

user, no.

That's because these brain dead bitches only care about a message rather than content. It's all just a vehicle to them so they can feel fucking special. It's fucking laughable, because they don't even understand what a strong female character is anymore.

This was awful. How did they manage to fuck up this story twice? You can't split the phoenix force between two people. Why is Mystique a good guy? The only X-Men movie fro. The reboot that was any good was DOFP

>most reviewers are men and just don't find women trying to control power and trauma a compelling concept
They do, just not when its done very, very badly.
Also, wasn't she a man at one point? Why does she hate men so much?

>can't split the Phoenix
This isn't true, unfortunately.

It's posts like this and "it's better than X3/Origins/Apocalypse" that are why it's currently bombing


>Score by Zimmer
>Train battle
>Space rescue
>McAvoy & Fassbender (as usual)
>Dazzler cameo
>Enjoyed Storm and Cyclops this movie (still aren’t given enough to do though)
>Nice little ending for Prof. X & Magneto


>Bland shapeshifting alien villains/Jessica Chastain
>Repeating stuff from X-Men: The Last Stand
>Dropping Quicksilver fast
>Not using the costumes from end of Apocalypse
>Too short

Overall I thought it was a bit dull but an okay conclusion to the X-Men franchise. Sophie Turner is okay but inconsistent - she can’t be a lead. I liked the smaller scale and character focus feel it had in comparison to other superhero films. However, it’s clear that Kinberg is/was the franchise’s biggest problem.

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it sucked. 3/10. I want my money back

This looked like they had the budget of three Flash episodes and the equivalent directing style.

I should have seen Rocketman or Godzilla again. I give it a 4 but a 3 seems fair too.

X2, DOFP, and Logan are good
Everything else is shit

Disney will be sanitized shit and completely miss the point of the IP tho

Especially strange since Apocalypse was good and this was only a little worse than that.

You cant adapt the pheonix force period
its a shit storyline that killed the last stand and killed this movie

Jessica Chastain was fucking awful in this, what the fuck

I enjoyed the movie but holy fuck were the Skrulls absolutely terrible. They were only good in their first scene, which was actually pretty spooky, and in the action set pieces. Because they used their abilities in a pretty fun way.

But jesus the writing gave them nothing.

I don't understand why people say this was a mess. It was entirely fine. They did the dark phoenix storyline surprisingly well while keeping it cosmic, and I appreciated that they still managed to keep everything reasonably grounded. This didn't have to be another epic scale apocalyptic movie, it was a smaller personal story about Jean and Xavier's failure and despite that they still managed to put in political elements so it also addressed ramifications of Jean going out of control and made the relationship between mutants and humans tense.

Dunno why but this scene was unintentionally hilarious to me

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>but an okay conclusion to the X-Men franchise.
How the fuck is this even a remotely okay conclusion to this franchise?

>They did the dark phoenix storyline surprisingly well
I already know this isn't true because they are lacking the "Phoenix" part of the story of Dark Phoenix. The audacity to think the whole story can be done in one movie is laughable

>while keeping it cosmic
Aliens show up on Earth is not cosmic. In fact, it feels weird to randomly have aliens with 0 introduction when the whole franchise has been grounded and earth based up till no

Not that user but because it doesn't do anything that tries to be a conclusion really. It more or less ends but with enough of a sense of closure for itself. If it had attempted to shoehorn in a grand finale that would have been worse. Instead it goes for something smaller and lands it. Not really stepping over the DOFP epilogue or Logan, and kinda explaining why Jean is alive and all Phoenix looking in the former.

It's not an amazing bookend but it is a nice place to leave it

>they didn't even use X-Men's main theme in the movie
Shit's fucking disappointing

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A cosmic force seeks out Jean, powers her up and messes with her mind and in the end she turns into a cosmic fire bird entity. If that isn't cosmic, nothing is.

And there is nothing wrong with the aliens and how they were introduced. They are an outside party trying to steal Phoenix force for themselves. They don't need much introduction.

Yeah it's okay if you watch it knowing that they reshot it due to the Disney deal. As an adaptation, meh. As a reboot, slightly betterish than X3. As a movie itself, it's lacking but a good 3/5 for me.

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meant remake.

some folks are exaggerating. this movie wasn’t bad at all. the only complaint is that it’s under 2 hours long.

>Dropping Quicksilver fast
>Too short
I'd consider it a pro since I doubt they'd be able to do a coherent adaptation without a part 2 sequel

Well at least I can pretend that Logan was the Xverse's best conclusion movie in the series.

I was actually surprised they restrained themselves from doing a Deadpool scene. Yes, that includes even a tiny scene with best guy Colossus.

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Underacting vs Overacting
Michael's stil one of the better parts of this movie.

Haven't watched this yet but is that Slipknot from suicide squad in the bottom left.

they were skrulls?!

>Now it's just gonna be the X-Men vs Magneto because Magneto bad.

So, just like FoX-Men?

Not officially, but I think they were originally supposed to be until Marvel took them back. They're the alien race Jean destroys in the comics. Or they're supposed to be

I just pretend everything stopped with DOFP and Logan was a rad epilogue

>and completely miss the point of the IP tho
Yes, Disney is going to miss the point of the IP compared to Fox which only seriously cared about 3 characters for 20 years and ignored that whole "team" aspect.

Please put this phoenixfag out of his misery and tell me whether there is any decent phoenix action? Or does it look like she just has fire veins for the entire film

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there's some cool bits. she disintergrates some dudes at the end and it's pretty gory. not a lot of flames or phoenix imagery though. when magneto gets stuff to do it's pretty baller

If you want bird imagery, there's really only one at the end. But Jean is literally atomizing people left and right in the climax, it's pretty baller.

i kind of hope marvel sidelines the already done characters and just goes with lesser known modern characters as the mains. it worked for them with guardians of the galaxy.

I didn't think it was bad at all, but the past X-Men movies may have lowered my expectations so much I just don't give a fuck any more. All of these movies feel like they have the same spirit as the comics, in the sense that characterization is inconsistent, things are constantly retconned, and I barely remember what happened the last movie (or 25 issues ago). So looking at it like that, I enjoyed it.

>Charles is portrayed as a self-absorbed asshole desperate for acceptance
>Team working together and showing off their powers
>Mystique's death was pretty good, not overacted
>Kurt going sicko mode was cool

>They didn't change the name to X-Women
>20 years of X-Men movies and Storm still doesn't have a personality lol
>knife hair is dumb
>not enough cool new mutants walking around when going to Genosha
>A lot of these fights were just psychic/telepathic straining battles, which look pretty silly

I don't know why but the mediocre plot and characters didn't bother me too much with this movie. I thought DOFP and Apocalypse were both shit, but this one was alright.

Is it time to finally admit we should have invested more in Doom Patrol than X-Men?

I like how they set up a final JEEEAAAAN at the very end, but hold back.
It's like when Mystique is dying and she's clearly going to say "I love you" but all that comes are garbled syllables.

There was some nice stuff like that it this. Finely riding the line of corny as fuck.

>They didn't change the name to X-Women
that was funny.
>20 years of X-Men movies and Storm still doesn't have a personality lol
i think making storm younger was a mistake. she's usually old enough to be a credible leader

Yep. I'm not sure what that line was, but they somehow found a good tone without being self-aware or deprecating like a lot of these movies end up being. Didn't even stoop so low as to use the Marvel formula.

>Didn't even stoop so low as to use the Marvel formula.
It probably could have used some of that given it's critical and financial reception right now

i thought having a really boring all destroying alien villain was the marvel formula

People just need to accept the fact that Jean is an awful character and The Phoenix Force ruins everything it exists in.

>but they somehow found a good tone
No they did not
>Didn't even stoop so low as to use the Marvel formula.
Is it better or worse that they used their own formula from a previous movie except it made the movie bomb this time?

what even is her character? she just a generic nice person as far as these movies have shown

I've just watched it. What can I say? I disagree with: The film is not really a mess. The pacing is fine, the actors were okay, the story is serviceable. Yes, yes, well done Fox, well done.
HOWEVER! There is not a single memorable moment in the film. None. And that is the bane for an X-Men film. Aside from Magneto, none of the characters have shown any cool powers that we haven't seen before. Almost no Quicksilver. Better use of Cyclops and Nightcrawler, but, again, nothing uber-interesting. A boring, meaningless ending. Jean's pathetic response to the villain doesn't sell the ending at all. The stakes are supposed to be huge, but you'd never guess: the battles are very much low-key, after the near-nuclear disaster of First Class and the Apocalypse finale. Magneto was completely unneeded. Little memorable music.
It's not bet for a director's debut (which it is), it is a serviceable movie, but for the finale of the FoX-Men franchise? It's forgettable and mediocre. Sad!

i think a big problem with this movie is that it introduces aliens. you'd expect some sort of 'holy shit, we are not alone in the universe' reaction from at least someone, some sense of wonder or horror, but none of them seem interested and i can't even remember if they found out what Vux was.

It's actually interesting to compare it with Venom. Venom was much more "messy". But it had a strong atmosphere and memorable moments.
None in this film, aside from the X-Men being praised after saving the astronauts.

Professor X tells them when they're all on the train. Well, he vaguely references it. And they all seem to understand immediately.

Apocalypse was better.

Actually, not a bad comparison. Not even the finale episodes, too, the mediocre filler ones.

I honestly doubted the existence of chills in this website until this was posted. Thanks for making me aware.

I literally said Apocalypse was better.
But I'm also saying that Apocalypse was also generally decent.

This was somewhere between decent and a total fiasco. Not as bad as First Class though.

>it feels weird to randomly have aliens with 0 introduction when the whole franchise has been grounded and earth based
They should’ve made the aliens super-advanced mutants capable of space travel who left Earth ages ago.

Or you know not over reuse fucking Magneto again.

>Logan was a rad epilogue
Logan was a sadsack crap future.

They've fought a thousands of years old pharaoh before. Aliens, weird, but hardly world shattering.

Because its clear no one with passion or care made these movies. the last good FoX-men movie was Logan, should have really ended there.

The Pharaoh was actually literally world-shattering. The aliens were strong, but ultimately a footnote.

Yes it was, but it ends on a hopeful note for mutants. It's the perfect place to have stopped

You know damn well that Marvel Studios will do it like they did with Spidey, and contrarians will scream and hate it.

left: 1992
right: 2000

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>"Wait up Charles! You picked a child abandoned from his shitbag of a parent, raised her and made her cope with the trauma the best way you could with your psychic powers instead of sending her to a shrink the rest of her life? What a monster! APOLOGIZE YOU MAN!"

Jesus christ what a shitfest. Charles did literally nothing wrong.

I legitimately can't believe I'm seeing posts thinking this was a good movie, let alone a good adaptation of Dark Phoenix

> Turns one if the strongest mutants into a henchwoman of Magneto and dies. Fuck you Fox

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How is it not a good adaptation? Protip: it doesn't have be 1:1 recreation of the comic in order to be good.

They did the iconic space mission in a well executed modernized re-enactment, the phoenix force is an actual cosmic energy thing that can either destroy or bring life, the center of the story is very much Jean unable to control her powers and getting a bit crazy while being manipulated, what else do you want? I also liked that she didn't kill herself and instead evolved to a higher being in the end.

I dont read the comics. Is scott supposed to be a manlet and a white knight in those too?

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How is she able to control her powers at the end? Friendship?

Pretty much.

The Good
>Space mission scene
>Hans Zimmer score
>Train fight scene
>Jean disintegrating people at the end
>Dazzler cameo
>Fassbender still being the best part of this reboot

The Bad
>Quicksilver in a coma for 90% of the movie
>Mystique death scene telegraphed from the beginning and barely comes as a surprise
>Storm still doesn't have any real character traits and the accent they decided to give her in Apocalypse is worse
>Magneto's new mutant followers powers are fucking dumb as shit - there's a mental fight between one of the telepaths and Xavier where she's standing still holding a knife while Nightcrawler teleports around her and a guy whose fucking hair braids are whips
>Xavier mentally blocking Jean's trauma instead of actually helping her makes no sense
>Xavier acting like it's not his fault Jean blew up after finding out he mentally blocked her childhood trauma for 18 years makes no sense
>Jean just kind of conveniently learns how to control the Phoenix force, there's no real reason given why she is able to master it by the end of the movie
>31 years are supposed to have passed since First Class and Beast, Xavier, Fassbender and Lawrence look like they've barely aged
>No John Ottoman theme or Cerebro tunnel opening

and the Ugly
>Mystique makeup is fucking godawful this time
>Jennifer Lawrence barely even phoning it in
>"You should change the name of the team to X-Women"
>Jessica Chastain and her band of not-Skrulls are barely given any motivation or explanation at all
>Chastain is just a bad villain in general, delivers some of the worst lines in the movie - "The question isn't who am I. It's who are you?"
>The scene where Jean makes Xavier climb a flight of stairs, meant to be dramatic and show how strong she is, ends up being unintentionally hilarious
>The fight scene in front of the alien embassy in NY is all over the place and barely makes any sense
>CGI is godawful at times, especially during the final act
This scene in general

he lied to her her whole life and borderline lobotomized her without her consent. whereas jean literally apologizes for reading hanks mind by accident.

>white knight

>Mystique makeup is fucking godawful this time
I'm sure she doesnt even wear the makeup and it's just bad cgi

>Protip: it doesn't have be 1:1 recreation of the comic in order to be good.
It needs to be good in order to be good

>the phoenix force is an actual cosmic energy thing that can either destroy or bring life, the center of the story is very much Jean unable to control her powers and getting a bit crazy while being manipulated, what else do you want?
Well besides all of those things already being in Last Stand and shit, I kinda want to actually give a shit about this Jean. Or at least anybody in these movies other than Charles and Erik, the former of which was completely shat on as a character. I want a proper buildup for Phoenix AS Phoenix for a while and not her immediately going crazy.

But more importantly, I just wanted this story done as a proper saga with an actual story and properly grown charactres and not as a one and done. You know why people aren't going to see this? It's because nobody fucking cares about these characters. You can ape all the plot points you want but if you don't care about the characters along with a pisspoor story, it's not going to work

She got over her trauma and regained her confidence that Charles had embedded in her through his years of teaching her to control her powers. When she got past her shit and remembered what Cuck told her, she wasn't broken. The issue was entirely that Xavier walled up all her trauma and guilt behind a wall when she was a child, so she never dealt with it, and when those barriers broke, it overwhelmed her, she could not handle the flood of bent up emotions like shame, guilt and fear of being a freak, atop of the realization that she had been lied for most of her life. Notice how initially she's just scared of her powers, then she gets exponentially angrier as she realized what Charles did and how her dad basically hates her and intentionally abandoned her. She starts lashing out, is kind of drunk of power, is easily manipulated when someone feigns to sympathize and strokes her ego, and then ultimately she regains her composure when she no longer lets her emotions control her because she's afraid and instead uses her emotions, such as her love for Scott and concern over the safety of others to be her strength.

It's basically a metahuman metaphor for going through puberty on steroids.

Glad I wasnt the only one who thiugh the Skrull shit was stupid and meaningless. Why not just make Dark Phoenix a second personality and then make her the villain?
In the end we got a "men-in-black-II" villain from nowhere , just so they could shift the blame to them and make Jean not look bad.

>>Xavier mentally blocking Jean's trauma instead of actually helping her makes no sense
i think it could kind of have made sense if we saw more of disturbed youth jean. like maybe she was more of a carrie or ariana dumbledore thing where her trauma was coming out through her powers. but the film was sort of objective and not really filtered through jean.

>I want a proper buildup for Phoenix AS Phoenix as a saga

Yeah, that's never going to happen. It's way too convoluted and complex to build up in the background as a character arc.

>Why not just make Dark Phoenix a second personality and then make her the villain?

Because that was one of the shittiest parts of X3, Jean just turns nuts.

I knew this was going to be worse than X3 when I read a synopsis and saw that Holocaust survivor, master of magnetism, and militant mutant-rights activist Magneto was running a government-sanctioned mutant camp.

Idk about the comics, but in X3 this actually made more sense since Charles was always legit afraid of Jean and her powers. This movie just made Charles look like a raging asshole for no reason.

Ah yes and it was done so much better here.

But Jean is still guilty of her actions. She simply redeemed herself by saving the world from them in the end. And part of the blame belongs to Charles for fucking with her mind without consent. The not-skrulls are largely a plot device, sure, but that's okay as they're largely an exterior threat simply to give Jean a vehicle to turn good again and give explanation to Jean's power up. They don't need to be particularly deep villains, they simply need to be a third party so the underlying humans vs mutants conflict doesn't get muddled by either side being the real bad guy in the end.

>Xavier mentally blocking Jean's trauma instead of actually helping her makes no sense
You aren't really familiar with Xavier as a character, are you?

In the comics, Xavier has wiped the memories of Cyclops, Wolverine, anyone that ever knew Beast, himself (more than a few times)...it's basically how he solves problems.

That and send under-qualified human WMDs to die.

It's more like a commune on sovereign land the US let them have.

Based Rob knows what's up, this garbage doesn't deserve a general, fuck off


IMO, it was. Dark Phoenix is essentially a small character lead story, not an epic blockbuster, and that's why it works because it centered and grounded story about characters and relationships and Jean's journey from a scared girl to a lashing out villain to a redeemed hero.

why does magneto keep giving up? at the end of futures past he was doing pretty well with no reason to stop, then for a couple movies he just fucked off to some forests.

>It's more like a commune on sovereign land the US let them have.
So like a reservation. That's MUCH BETTER.

Oh my fucking god you are such a shill. We already had a small character lead story, it was called Logan. You're saying this is on the level of that?

Because he became a good person and was done with vengean.... wait

>Friday Box Office $14 million
>$35 mil if it's lucky
X-Men is worse than DC!

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Bullshit. Phoenix can be done with proper build up and lead in, something that none of these "adaptations" even attempted. Every single time they have jean as the Phoenix for like 5 mins before she goes dark side, when the comics has several plotlines in between. I hope so bad that the MCU does this properly and has jean get her Phoenix power in an early film, and slow burn to that power making her go dark side so we can get a huge payoff in a big payoff film

Genosha as a self-sufficient small community centered around isolationism from human conflicts on donated land from the US government, partially based on the idea that as long as Magneto lives on his hippy commune and doesn't cause trouble he's left alone, is actually a pretty neat idea. It's basically a compromise containment where Magneto isn't allowed to become an Osama bin Laden type mutant militant propaganda icon.

Magneto is stupid to agree to this. Why doesnt he just declare the island an independent country? What is the point on even going there if the US army can just drop down and terrorize the people there at any point?

>It's basically a compromise
And Magneto gets out of this...? It's a fucking mutant camp. Live here and we won't fuck with you isn't a compromise. It's a prison.

It's basically a WWII era ghetto, but for mutants.

isn't frozen basically the same plotline

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How would the mcu x men set of movies and crossovers go? wishful thinking.
>Mr sinister
>Avengers vs x men

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No. But since you brought up Logan, that movie suffered from having to contrive a halfassed third act climax where he dies fighting himself in order to give it a bigger superheroesque ending. While Pierce, the face of the bad guys, just gets quickly killed by kids in the sidelines and the whole evil corporation side left untouched. Logan messes up by trying to make it too much about the kids and the future they represent, which to a degree derails and undermines the effectiveness of Logan's cynical and death in slow motion theme, where as XDP avoids that by never putting emphasis on the Skrulls as major bad guys, they're just somebody trying to exploit Jean in an opportunistic way. The story is entirely on Jean's journey. Logan centers around an evil corporation doing bad shit and it's never satisfactorily resolved because it tries to be two fundamentally different things at once, both a small character story as well as a bigger cape story of a conspiracy and evil corporation exploiting mutants.

>MCU Phoenix

not happening ever, Fox already burned out that story, which is sad because it could potentially be a big event like Endgame

Because Eric is sick and tired of conflict and running. It's a compromise of leave me alone and I won't be your problem anymore. That's why he's pissy and confrontational when the military shows up. There's a delicate ceasefire and the military flying in unannounced threatens that , but he's willing to leave it at that because he doesn't want to fight and kill people anymore, especially when Jean is the cause of it. That only changes when he finds out Jean murdered Mystique and he once again lets his anger and lust for revenge overcome him, which is fundamentally his defining character flaw as a character.

the first 30 min of the film (up to the student party scene in the woods) was some of the best Comic book movie i have watched. Really nailed the x-men

the reshoots in the second half ruined it.

also the soundtrack is amazing


Wait, so Mystique is really dead? I though she was supposed to turn into a villain, and all this "active member of x-men" shit was just part of her character development.

Him conquering a foreign country or an island or whatever would only paint a target over his head, because humans would retaliate, and the entire population of mutations living there would be under constant threat. Magneto just wants to be left alone and be with his people in peace now, this is why he had began a new conflict-free life at the beginning of Apocalypse. If it has to be a reservation, he's willing to take it because any other option to have his free mutant community is tied to more bloodshed and mutants dying.

Okay so I'm legitimately seeing a post saying this movie is better than Logan and that it gave Jean a proper character journey

This is pathetic

>Magneto just wants to be left alone and be with his people in peace now
which would be fine, but we never really saw him change his mind. he just randomly decides to stop doing it after futures past.

Still, it seems that the only reason he went unbothered until.mow was because of the Xmen and charles being chummy with the president. The moment it dropped it would be only a matter of time until the army came swinging their dicks around.

That's why the island clearly has people working as a security force ready to spring to action and has shit like a small watchtower. He's not stupid. Like I said, it's a delicate ceasefire compromise, he knows the threat of war is still there, he just doesn't want to be the guy to ignite it anymore due to being fed up with death and conflict. He's trying to follow Charles' dream in his own way, because his militant mutant supremacy has repeatedly failed.

>Charles is portrayed as a self-absorbed asshole desperate for acceptance

Miss me with that shit.

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Just saw it, don't know why it's getting so much hate on RT. I think it's around a 4/10 critic average? Some silly parts and overly predictable dialogue aside, this was definitely watchable. The biggest problem to me is that the true villains aren't very interesting. They wasted Jessica Chastain on a very bland role - I liked her more in that 10 seconds where she was a real human, vs. the rest of the entire movie.

I gotta admit though, they did a good job showing off how fucked up the timeline is. They didn't even try to make this fit with the other movies, even their own flashback series. Beast and Quicksilver can't be the same age 30/20 years later. Mystique has an excuse, Xavier and Erik both felt age-appropriate because they were too old in First Class, but other characters? Yeah...

>Just saw it, don't know why it's getting so much hate on RT.
Because nobody gives a shit about it

i think there are so many superhero movies these days, mediocre ones are getting less of a pass. people didn't really want another of these films.

>mediocre ones are getting less of a pass
>Endgame made 2.7 billion

More like it's another case of "but it's not similar enough to the MCU!"

This is exactly why people don't want to debate this stuff with you. You're so deluded you don't realize that the MCU is the golden standard for capes right now and everybody else trying is fucking up

Explain Logan and Deadpool then?

Wolverine is one of the few exceptions where people always wanted it to be more violen and gritty, specifically because he stabs people to death as a core gimmick and the PG-13 censorship was always seen as negative, because it felt cheap. Just look at the Wolverine's backlash when you barely see blood. Deadpool is highly comedic so it still adheres to comedy heavy MCU formula to certain extent, which people predominantly want from cape movies because they've been programmed to it for the past decade.

It's a good thing that fox has let to tell the actual story, so it'll be fresh if Disney tells it

>You can't split the phoenix force between two people

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Did we really need to have Charles doing the whole "I have the best intentions but do things you don't like" thing AGAIN?

Fucking hell, it's like the writers really, actually hate the character. For once, can other people just be responsible for being dicks and not use Xavier as nothing more than an excuse for other people to do shitty things?

Because they're unstable narcissists who view everything through the lens of their own emotions and opinions. It's how they can seemingly imagine things to be offended about as easily as they can imagine things to enjoy. They see the world as an aggregate of emotional triggers which is how you end up with shit like "sushi is cultural appropriation."

truth. i'm happy this mess of a franchise is officially over.

Just saw it an hour or two ago and it wasn't bad like I was expecting. Wished that the X-men fought Magneto and gang longer, the aliens were shit except for the nice train scene. Storm and Cyclops still didn't have anything to do but Nightcrawler took a step in badassery. Quicksilver was pointless, how could they keep reducing one of the better characters like this? Magneto was fucking great like always but watching the movies all in such a short period, you realize that Magneto has done the same gun thing in four movies in a row. Decent flick.

people kept shilling shazam and alita just because they weren't captain marvel, people are unstable faggots desperate to belong to a tribe

Didn't they just fight a blue, overacting pharaoh motivational speaker who almost destroyed the world by telling Magneto he could do it? Everything seems normal after that.

I agree with this

Wellcome to Genosha

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Should have been two movies.

XMen Dark Phoenix - Jean gets possessed by the Phoenix Force during space rescue. Brainwashed shortly after into the Hellfire Club's Black Queen. Xmen battle hellfire club and Jean, to rescue her and save the peace between mutants and humans. Jean dies and reassures as Dark Phoenix. Battling the chaos within. Jean flees off Into deep space.

Xmen Phoenix. - Jean blows up a planet and angers the Shiar Empire. Jean wins her struggle against the darkness and returns to earth as the Phoenix. The shiar show up and want to kill Jean for what she did. Professor Xavier exploits their honor and the xmen battle them for Jean's life. The shiar beat the xmen badly. Jean decides to kill herself in order to save the xmen. The releasing of Phoenix Force heals the xmen, rings forth a boom in mutant populations on earth, and creates new life across the cosmos.

How do you feel knowing that Disney will not adapt Dark Phoenix instead should make an movie Avengers VS X-men

Instead of having Jean as Dark Phoenix for the third time, we'll have the avengers versus x-men

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>How do you feel knowing that Disney will not adapt Dark Phoenix
That sounds like a good thing to me. There's other X-Men stories out there

Its more like, live here and please don't fuck with us.

Same. Captain Marvel was pretty bland and Sam jackson carries that movie. It opens up after the skrull flip. Dark phoenix had good tension and pacing and natural settings. Everything in captain marvel felt forced. The action in DP was way better too.

Can't you worry about your own movies being good without having to make MCU comparisons for every single little thing? Why not compare to DCEU movies or something?

Who, what, and why?

Endgame > Aquaman > Shazam > Dark Phoenix > Antman and Wasp > Captain Marvel

From the last few superhero movies I have watched, I enjoyed Endgame the most and Captain Marvel the least.

Producer of every X-Men movie since X1, wife of Richard Donner. She's a big deal at Fox and pulling a Trank (Fant4stic director) by distancing herself from it like he did

X-men shouldn't do space shit too fast anyway. If they do jean in the movies don't do phoenix till like 5 movies in. Don't touch the shi'ar for a while.

Trank fucked up Fant4stic though. That was entirely upon him, and his Tweet was him trying to save face more than anything.

Magneto was great and Genosha is always nice.
The movie was solid but not amazing. Simon Kinberg isn't a bad director.
Also Zimmer's score was phoned in IMO.

Nightcrawler going apeshit had me on the edge of my seat. The rest was fairly boring.

Nightcrawler apeshit was metal as fuck, Magneto was savage as fuck too, especially the train crushing, glad he got to do his gun thing like he does every fucking movie.

don't embarrass yourself, sophie

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say what you will about the ending, but i'm glad we didn't have one where the teenage girl kills herself.

>Phoenix Saga
>Clone Saga
>Judas Contract

Are these the things that can never be adapted right?

It's like those images of presidents from the start and end of their term.

Shit, y2k was real.

As another poster reminded a thread earlier, the original X-Men movie is not set in 2000.

That got thrown out the window when they started to set down a timeline and you know it.

Why in the hell would you ever want to adapt the Clone Saga?

Idk brah I just remember that the first movie said something like "...in the not so distant future".

Because all movie executives care about are big named events that people remember.



Dark Phoenix was better directed

JLaw cost too much.

>also the soundtrack is amazing
It's a great track in itself, but it didn't manage to stand out in the movie itself

>Charles did literally nothing wrong.

That was implied somewhat in the final sequence when she reads his mind

That was Selene??

I thought it was Callisto.

>Producer of every X-Men movie since X1, wife of Richard Donner.

How much of that movie money went into her face?


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Magneto combining his power with some punches and kicks was pretty fun actually
Is this the first time he did that in the franchise?

>Zimmer's score was phoned in IMO.
This. It drowned the movie in my opinion.

zimmers insanely overrated

So she isn't a dumb bitch?

What? Where did I imply that?
JLaw cost too much to have in the movie, so they only had her show up, act like a dummy, and get merc'd.

>Why not compare to DCEU movies or something?
>my thing isn't as bad as this actual shit!
What a worthless comparison that would be.

Good. The Carol Corps don't want Brianna Cancer

It did.

It was "Selene" in the sense of she was originally Psylocke until Olivia Munn didn't return thus resulting in this character who is anyone but Selene.

The movie was actually pretty decent and it feels like a X-Men's comic book story, I wonder why the critics hated it.

Something like this?

Regardless, I'm going to really miss the main theme

The part where magneto was trying to save the soldiers and get them on the helicopter was the best part of the entire movie

everything is better than captain marvel. my poop is better and sexier than brie

>thinks poop is sexy
Get out, scatfag.

God, What a shitty movie
I'm going to pretend that DoFP and Logan were the last movies of the saga and this movie and Apocalypse never existed

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If you're going to criticise FoX-Men at least be accurate and make fun of the fact that every movie is the X-Men trusting Magneto for some reason only for him to betray them again.

All these people saying that she shouldnt be a feminist for disliking captain marvel.

what the fuck lmao

''How dare her to not support soulless filmmaking''

The now proper x-men watching order

First Class > Apocalypse > Dark Phoenix > X-men 1 > X2 United > The Wolverine > Logan/DOFP

This honestly felt like revenge of the sith in a way, where it ended and looped the series back together. I know everyone is gonna be like "How do you explain mystique and jean in x1 and 2 if you watch dark phoenix first" and I say....I don't care.

Magneto was the Villain in xmen, xmen3, First class he became a villain, Days of future past (Past) he was a villain, and Age of Apocalypse he was a villain. So... Whats that about them over using magneto. If anything be prepared to have more interesting/underused villains brought to light.

It's not X3/Origin bad. It's still fucking medrocore as hell. I cannot undrestand why people bother to defend this movie. Fox made better X-men movies in the past(First Class, X2, Origins, Logan, Wolverine 2, DeadPool) , but this is just supbar in every level.

Also Vuk and the alien plot is dumb as hell. Hell I argued that they have ruined the entire movie. There is no reason why the Aliens need to exist because the conflict of Dark Phoenix is Jean Grey herself. Her path to villainy was due to people manipulating her.. All of those bullshit alien scenes could have been spent on explaining the Phoenix Force or Jean Grey fighting the Phoenix Force.
Thank God.

Fundamentally the problem is that Dark Phoenix is a stupid fucking X-men Arc to adapt in the FOXmen verse. I don't really undrestand why Executives think it's a good idea. Nobody fucking wants to watch full god damn movie about a underdeveloped character . It's make no sense from branding respective to try Dark Phoenix adaption twice when the first attempt was utter disaster. A movie dedicated to Magneto would have at least make sense

That panels cute, what’s the comic?

The good
>that space scene
>Cyclops was pretty well acted
>Kurt fucking up those goons

The bad
>Fassbender was surprisingly terrible this time around
>>also Beast going TELL ME YOU WERE WRONG CMON
>Jean is a fucking monster and shouldn’t be forgiven for the shit she does.
>also she says “I DONT KNOW WHATS HAPPENING TO ME” every 12 minutes

The ugly

I forgot benching quicksilver cause he could easily end this

>Jean is a fucking monster and shouldn’t be forgiven for the shit she does.
Just like my funny picture books

>Quicksilver was pointless, how could they keep reducing one of the better characters like this?

For two movies people complained how OP Quicksilver is, and when the movies finally takes him off the table in a logical way, people still complain. Come on!

>As another poster reminded a thread earlier, the original X-Men movie is not set in 2000.
His official DOB in the films is 1930. He references his memories of the Holocaust in First Class.

>I cannot undrestand why people bother to defend this movie. Fox made better X-men movies in the past
Yeah seriously, why are people defending this?

You don't even have to say "durr, better than MCU", this movie fails as a part of it's own goddamn franchise because we have actually SEEN better and more iconic films from this universe. It doesn't measure up to it's own goddamn standards

It's simply not that bad.

First Class was shit, man.

The thing is, these movies keep adding characters that they have no way to write for. Darwin and Quicksilver are too OP but they put them in anyway. Storm and Cyclops are two more characters they don't seem to know how to use or write.

They don't know how to write anybody that isn't Charles, Erik or Logan. And in Erik's case, the only way they know how to write him for his younger self is to keep flipflopping all over the place

I liked the movie. It has the usual FoxMen faults, but frankly, it was nice to see x-men as heroes, and quicksilver should stay with x-men rather than avengers

oh no, fuck the avengers

>they didnt like dark pheonix because they're men and don't find women trying to control power and trauma a compelling concept
Guess thats why he didn't like Captain Marvel

They can't write Charles or Erik either. Not only are their powers inconsistent, half the time I don't even know their motives in these films.

Quicksilver had two great moments in three movies, that's pretty good. He's also arguably one of the best things in DoFP. I have no issues with him being written out of XDP simply because his powers would break the story and he doesn't really add anything to it being there. They most likely kept him in the beginning roster just for continuity's sake. Storm could have used more focus but I liked that she had that moment where she put her foot down and said she wouldn't be left behind and her fight scenes were actually great, so it balances out.

The isdue with Scott is that he needs to be a main character for to him to be interesting, he's too much of a straight man otherwise.

That's accurate for comic Magneto.

So this is never going to get released then.

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It's better that way. Even if it was good then we'd have to live without the Warlock and Inferno sequels.

>half the time I don't even know their motives in these films.
that's a retarded criticism. of all the things you could shit on, this one doesn't make sense

The thing is that Quicksilver is there, there was no attempts at removing him from the equation, so him being in a coma for the rid of the movie looks like bullshit and smells like bullshit. They have have just kept in him Future Past and left him alone in the other two.About Storm, her and Nightcrawler are introduced in the same movie and yet Nightcrawler is more developed and better used. Storm does some cool shit, I will admit but its kind of empty when I don't know her for shit here.

It certainly will in some form

>there was no attempts at removing him from the equation

Getting badly injured when fighting Jean doesn't count how exactly?

We have been with Charles and Erik for four films and they are inconsistent characters. Magneto goes through the same character arc every film. Charles is a complete and utter dick and that's who he's been for three films. Also what the fuck was Beast even doing in the fight scene outside the New York house fight? He was just jumping from car to car, wasting fucking time?

I guess that you are not familiar with the x-men, aren't you?

Wasn't he fighting Cyclops?

Beast was buying Magneto time by keeping everyone else occupied, dummy. He knows he can't do jackshit against Jean himself, that's why he went to Magneto in the first place.

No, I mean he shouldn't have been in the movies at all after Future Past. He didn't get hurt any worse then Nightcrawler but he's in a coma for the rest of the film because otherwise he would have broke the film.

Just because Magneto is a flip flop in the comics and Professor X is an asshole in the comics doesn't make it okay in the films.

>Just because Magneto is a flip flop in the comics and Professor X is an asshole in the comics doesn't make it okay in the films.
but it makes it respectable to the source material. I only wish they had more respect to the other characters

Was he because all I saw him doing is jump between cars and not do a thing to Cyclops. He was aiming for the house but at the same time he wasn't actually getting any closer to it despite jumping towards it.

He wasn't keeping anyone occupied between Nightcrawler and Storm were already occupied by the other two mutants and Cyclops just stand there for awhile doing jackshit besides damage to the surroundings.

>He didn't get hurt any worse then Nightcrawler

Getting hurdled at super speed is going to fuck him up pretty badly due to the momentum he had.

>Jean uses the Pheonix Force in Apocalypse
>she gains the power of the Pheonix Force in DP, which takes place after the events of Apocalypse

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I stopped reading capeshit in 1996 so my knowledge of X-Men stuff ends around Uncanny X-Men #350. Who was the dude whose mutant power was dreadlocks? That was also retarded.

You can't just pass off every negative aspect people bring up with "BUT THE COMICS". They are two different mediums. This is exactly why people don't care about these movies anymore

>You can't just pass off every negative aspect people bring
Oh really? Then watch me do exactly that.

The movie tries to frame it a little like a mix. It's her flame, and the force is never called a Phoenix.

All in all it's not a bad movie on its own, I expected much worse, but then again it's not really a good X-Men movie. I really enjoyed Apocalypse, and the criticism of that movie flabbergasted me, because it was a very MCU-esque movie, but for the first time I thought that maybe now, when the X-men are back at marvel, then they can have a better budget and become a priority again, so at least me, the fan might probably be finally satisfied. Obviously, there is an even bigger chance that MCU X-Men will suck even worse

Yet one of the kids calls her the Phoenix

Yeah she is.
The force is never called it

>>The scene where Jean makes Xavier climb a flight of stairs, meant to be dramatic and show how strong she is, ends up being unintentionally hilarious
Is there a webm?

Magneto being the pacifist was the biggest twist of the movie

I wonder what the helmet is made of. Is it padded?
I like first class with that night crawler guy, Azazel I think.

Fuck no.

I really really wish McAvoy and Fassbender could have stayed for MCU X-Men

I really doubt that they even want to get involved in capeshit anymore

Maybe they will...

Ehh doubtful. MCU will probably want to do a hard reboot. I only hope that they won't make Iron Man and his company secretly funding the X-Men, because that would be infuriating

why wasn't magneto the character to manipulate jean instead of mystery blonde woman? it's not like it would be out of character for him and he's a better villain anyway.

Also, is it me, or did the Phoenix movie felt very quiet? There wasn't much action or flare, or explosions, it just felt much more of a personal drama than a big blockbuster movie

because it was already done, it sucked, and the aliens were part of the original story, albeit they had different role

That's why I liked it.

Because it would have been more boring.

yeah, there is something sad and tragic about the x-men. god knows, I always go home depressed after seeing the x-men movie. I do wonder if the tone of the new movies is going to be cheerful and happy.

at least magneto's a character people care about. i don't think Vux or whatever her name is would even pass the plinkett test.

I think you are the only person in the world who would prefer Magneto going full devil AGAIN

That just sounds like Endgame's first 2 1/2 hours

I wouldn't know, I don't like Avengers and I don't watch them

>, it just felt much more of a personal drama than a big blockbuster movie

It should be because it's Jean Grey story, her life and death. The fucking aliens ruined the entire theme of the movie. At least the original plot would have the save movie .

Why did they do Dark Phoenix directly after Jean gets introduced. Thats like killing Superman in his second appearance, it has no meaning. Phoenix sucked in X-Men: Apoc, she literally just appeared as a plot device. That final act sucked ass

>That final act sucked ass
This is wrong for either Apocalypse or Dark Phoenix.

It's the middle acts that suck.

Magneto isn't complex, he's inconsistent

>At least the original plot would have the save movie .
user there was literally zero enthusiasm towards this movie. it felt more like contractual obligation

Because they think Dark Phoenix is the only story they know but don't want to do any of the setup and legwork that made it such a classic story.

It's called Dark Phoenix SAGA for a reason. Nobody calls DOFP a "saga" because it was really short and you actually could do that story in one movie.

I realize that a lot of those posts are just anti-Disney/MCU posters, but its really dumb to think they would intentionally tank the movie.

See if Dark Phoenix did well and ended up profitable enough, then they could still use those characters at some point in the future even if the X-men are going to be rebooted for the MCU. FFH is introducing multiverse aspect, they can really cash in on having a movie down the line where the Fox-men crossover for a movie, maybe even keep some of the really beloved ones in the MCU that way. They already seem to be having plans to letting Venom from Sony be able to make an appearances for Spider-man 3.

Also by having a bad stink on the X-men franchise, that would mean they'd have to hold off from using any characters from them for even longer. Audiences are morons, I still heard people that were wondering where were the Avengers when I was watching Dark Phoenix.

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It doesn't matter how well DP will do. The ship had sailed. Everyone is curious how much MCU will fuck up the X-Men.

You mean 'save'

>they fear what they don't understand

It's like biting into something and there's a rock and it breaks your teeth.

This movie is horrible.

more like 'serve' as in mcdonalds

There's literally no way of doing Dark Phoenix saga accurately in movies without spending several movies simply setting it up. It's only sensible to make it one and done. Just look at how superfluous and poorly conceived the build up to Infinity Gauntlet was.

>no way
>ignore how they did it previously set up the current "trilogy"

None of it was well set up.

I was shocked this movie didn't look like ass. Does Kinberg actually know something about pointing a camera or did he just let his DP do everything?


Well the DP is an Oscar winner so possibly.

>. Just look at how superfluous and poorly conceived the build up to Infinity Gauntlet was.
It turned out extremely well, highly rated and made a lot of money?


Which was built on empty hype, not on any kind of well written and decade running long term planning that foreshadowed and organically built every step of the journey. They just threw shit against the wall and people gobbled it up because OMG they're doing IG that in the end was next to nothing like IG.

>empty hype
Yeah, that's why people marched in droves to watch 10 years worth of films one after the other.

Yes, they did. They completely forgave shitty movies like Thor 2 due to the hype.

Poor Magik

Nigga, it's a movie. Your either like it or you don't. It holds no personal value besides my fleeting entertainment.

You're autistic. They introduced the Infinity Gems and Thanos and it all payed off with Infinity War, a based movie

The middle was really bad but I really fucking hated the third act. The X-Men suited up with some generic ass black costumes and flew into a generic wasteland. It was boring action and bad CG in a set that was literally just dust. Apoc's death was lame because it was the bullshit with Jean pulling some Phoenix shit. Apoc died in a lazy ass way because Jean has no emotional connection with Apoc and she literally fucking killed him just to set up the next film. Iron Man had a connection with Thanos so him killing Thanos was satisfying. Jean just did the typical, "AAAAHHHHH, IM TOO FUCKING STRONG" and then Apoc just died in a unsatisfying way. It would have been better if Magneto, Cyclops, or Professor X got to kill Apoc because they actually had a connection

>B-but she saw the end of the world.
I swear I can quote that fucking trailer from memory. My brother hates me doing it. I don't give a shit.

Why wasn't Wolverine in this movie? I legitimately can't remember.


Story reason: He was weapon X and broke from his programming and he's now out in the wild.
Real reason: Jackman is out. He gave us one hell of a farewell, though.

for some reason, the shot of the space shuttle exploding, with the X-jet watching it, and the alien ship even further back watching it all was hilarious

Horrible mess. The Dark Phoenix but still focused on Mystique/Jennifer L.

In the sequel the camera will zoom out even more to reveal Captain Marvel watching the whole thing.

In the sequel after the sequel it will pan further back to show Annihillus and so and so on until it is Akuma or some other bloke to set up the movie I actually want to see.

>Didn't even stoop so low as to use the Marvel formula.

Omg there’s lots and lots of exposition and broody drama, it’s better than marvel. OMG OMG I’m so mature

you what? she was in it for about 3 scenes before dying

They still focused on her memory and everything revolved around what “Raven would’ve wanted”

The alien spaceship wasn't even that far away, and they weren't hiding behind anything lmao. In the empty void of space the X-Men didn't notice a fucking spaceship off to their right. Movie was alright though.

Not really the point I was making. I was referring more to the trademark dialogue style and rhythm that I see a lot of Superhero movies try to emulate. I can appreciate when one doesn't.

>A wild mess, but an entertainingly wild one.
Pretty much this.

Dark Phoenix was better than CM

Was Jean always so...big?

You mean 'boobs'? Not gonna lie, those were some fine boobs.

>Very true to the comics!

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>Kurt teleporting into the spaceship where debris is floating everywhere
Was he always capable of doing this? I thought teleporters can't do this or risk hurting themselves.

>risk hurting themselves.

I always thought that was dumb. Why is a wrench a bigger issue than air?

Isn't that a he/she?

I guess because then they'll be too OP as they're be able to teleport into solid matter like the bodies of other people and rip them apart instantly.

Maybe because it's a solid object.

The TV broadcast said that Jean devastated two communities, which communities were those? She broke her dad's house and that's it unless I missed something.

Jean just doesn't feel like she does much in the movie, honestly. And the finale didn't leave me feeling very hype. I didn't think it was a bad film, but most of it was just Jean standing around going "NOBODY UNDERSTANDS MEEEE!" and then occasionally crushing or throwing something. I wouldn't expect constant effects of her doing some crazy cosmic level stuff, but it just felt so underwhelming.

5/10 probably won't watch again.

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So how the fuck did they manage to get the US government to agree to hand over land to Magneto, a convicted terrorist who they think killed JFK, broke out of prison and then tried to kill Nixon. Did Charles mind-control the President?

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That's fine. They made a big deal of her in the previous movies so it makes sense to play on that when she's dead. It's just motivating and people talking about how her death affected them, rather than JLaw being on screen without make up and taking too much spotlight. Best of both worlds.

>And the finale didn't leave me feeling very hype

It's not supposed to.

One thing I also found dumb was how one incident of a mutant trashing cops is enough to tarnish all the good will the X-men got that have been enough for them to be seen as superheroes.

So your telling me, in those 10 years since Apocalypse, there's no mutant that fucked up the police either cause they couldn't control their powers or though they were some hot shot?

Well it's literally one of the X-men attacking innocent people and cops, as well as her own team mates. It's a bit different when one the celebrated faces of mutantkind goes off the leash and murders people.

I mean, telepathic mutants seem pretty common, couldn't they explain it that it was someone controlling Jean?

It tried to be infinity War and Endgame with almost zero build up. Dark Phoenix is a cosmic level storyline. That can't really be done in one movie without major changes. The movie leaves out more than 90% of the actual story. Thats fine, but it needed to make up for that in an interesting way. It doesn't help that the advertising was poorly handed, and hype got killed by the fact that X-Men got bought by Disney, meaning the actual movie has been downgraded to a "pre Marvel Universe" status in the minds of many potential viewers.

Honestly, why watch a 5/10 movie when Marvel will just reboot it all into a 8 or 9/10 part of the MCU?

In the end none of the X-Men ever knew about the phoenix force or what it was, did they? Charles guessed that it was an external force when he saw the skrull lady draining it, but he still had no idea what exactly it was. So how in the end did they explain what happened to Jean?

I liked first class...

Then they'd have to explain which telepathic mutant did it and hunt them down because that would make them stronger telepaths than Charles and Jean. Can't handwave it away.


>Beast decides to live full time in his furry form
I feel like we've been over this like ten times already. Do they really have no other character arc for Beast than having him come to term with his mutant appearance every fucking movie?

>So how in the end did they explain what happened to Jean?

They can point at the not-skrulls bodies and say they were behind everything. Twisting the truth, but that's nothing new.

Tbf, that's like Hank's one and only character arc in the comics, dealing and accepting his mutation.

>My guess is, most movie reviewers are men and just don’t find women trying to control power and trauma a compelling concept

Well this current Beast has his love for Mystique going for him I guess... which depending on whether the X-men still undergo dangerous missions, could be honoring or spitting on her face since she wanted to leave earlier in the film due to not wanting doing all the risky stuff.

>fuck the avengers

Avengers are now worldwide famous and iconic, while X-Men is a shit franchise. Top kek

Mystique is retarded and came off as a bitch in this movie, more than the other ones.

The MCU is garbage

MCU X-Men is going to have to rewrite Magneto's backstory, isn't it? Every movie is set in the year of release (though this might change post-Endgame with the 5 year timeskip), and Magneto can't keep being a Holocaust survivor forever unless he's been frozen in ice like Cap.

New thread

That shit literally only appeared in 1 and 2.

Yea Forums's bump limit is at 500, Yea Forums poster

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Why is nobody commenting on the fact that the mutants were literally being taken away and depowered by the MCU in the final act?


unfortunate abbreviation given what those Jonas boys get up to


yeah i expect MCU Magneto will deal with late 90s genocide instead of the holocaust.