South Park episodes that didn't age well

South Park episodes that didn't age well.

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But it's always a good idea to put down your phone when you're president.

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I still find the part where he's yelling CONFESS to be really fucking funny even knowing what we now know.

Just replace them in your head with Casey Anthony.

I dont get it?

Weren’t Matt and Trey extremely butthurt about being wrong too?

i still find the whole episode funny desu

The vast majority of them.

Why this didn't aged well?

Poor Ramsays

>a minority screaming about North Korea, a delusional state led by a truly delusional man, developing nukes
>everyone else assuming it will amount to nothing, and they're probably right. Probably

This thread is for stuff that DIDN'T age well.

The parents of Jonbonnet didn’t have anything to do with it. A known pedophile that lived nearby broke in and killed her, then called a friend confessing to the accident and killing a little girl.

The police never looked into it because they fucked up the investigation and the DNA evidence didn’t match up. So they gave up the investigation

Highly relevant

So kind of similar to the McCann case a little?

Fuck off Gerry

And the senetor who was in the episode also didn't do anything thanks to DNA evidence. OJ on the other hand is still up in the air.

do they still stand by this one?

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The Randy Lorde episode was their "apology" in a way.

that seemed to parody it even more though, he only dressed up to use the womens restroom

can anyone explain what was their political msg in these? I never saw one when watching them bc I turned my mind off

I'm not American so I hardly get the references for things going on in USA but I still find their humor and storylines funny.

They made fun of Caitlin Jenner and had a tranny rape a kid in recent seasons. There was also the episode about trans bathrooms which made fun of gender snowflakes which triggered the fuck out of tumblr.

Tweek isn't a minority despite how many middle school girls want him to be a fag, they're still canonically faking it

Because everyone thought President Trump was going to start a war with North Korea, but now our relationship with them is better than it's ever been.

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They had Caitlyn Jenner look like Frakenstein's monster and a running gag with him running over people

Good thing that isn't what he was talking about then.

The one where they thought Pokémon was a fad.
Also every episode where a character beats up some celebrity Matt and Trey don’t like.

>Tweek isn't gay
>Still believing this even after TFBW

But it was a fad. It was huge in the 90s but then never reached the same mainstream notoriety besides that one time it happened for a few weeks with Pokemon Go. Being a fad doesnt mean it has to die out once it's over, just that it's something a lot of people jump on all at once.

This episode aged so poorly, that it was spoiled upon screenplay.

I thought the brother did it and they covered it up?

Either way, that whole case was a shitshow in regards to how it was handled.

Mr. Garrison trying to claim himself as a woman but really being a narcissistic degenerate was really ahead of its time, though

Not really. The message in the episode wasn't for or against being trans instead it was to not be a fucking asshole about it to everyone.

how the fuck did they make this episode

Um. Almost ALL of the episodes have not aged well, and ALL of the latest seasoned episode will not age well in the future. This thread is pointless.

Imaginationland is still good despite the lame ending, and I have a soft spot for the WoW episode (even if just for nostalgia)

An insane dictator with access to nuclear weapons getting along with Kim Jong-un is nothing to be happy about

Obviously Tweek was formerly non-gay because you see him turn into a neanderthal in "Bebe's boobs destroy society"
But later on the Japanese turned him gay as vengeance for the rape of Don King! It's the only reasonable explanation!

Rainforest Schmainforest
Fuck it,every episode about Trey and Matt poo-pooing ecological concerns
And yes,i know they changed their mind

That's good

do you write for a late night show?

Calling it "better" is a stretch, i'm not bashing Trump nor do i blame him for trying the hard way here but Kim Jong Un didnt budge

You edit frog and Wojak,shut up

OJ didn't kill anybody either.

Though he is covering for his son, who did kill them.

>Yea Forumstist complaining about references making shows dated

unironically Team America. While there is lot of funny jokes at the end it is a vindicationto of Bush/neocons interventionist wars. I have no problem with the idea of "you need a bad guys to deal with evil guys" but the finall message of TA:WP is still "we must destroy anybody who threatens USA dominance by force and because we see ourself as a good guys you cant shame us"

No, they just apologized and moved on.

Matt and Trey said they weren't really gay during the commentary


Took my comment

It didn't trigger them, it was pretty in favor of Tumblr identity schemes

That episode was one of the best, the fact that people are still angry about it shows how it stood the test of time.

Plus that was the episode that really began to flesh out the South Park world, introducing a lot of the background students and giving all four boys equal air time.

You sound like a pussy turning into an asswhole.

That's funny user

Nobody is really angry about a dumb episode from 20 years ago guest starring Jennifer Anniston. Matt and Trey were just fucking morons in regards to the environment for decades.

Sounds like you still can’t take a joke even after 20 years.

That episode was a farce, most of the older episodes didn't think they were supposed to be secretly serious

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I watched this one the other day on Hulu. Wasn't that bad, a few moments were worth a chuckle, but nowhere near the top of the barrel.

I wonder if the writers chose Hiedy to be the pedestal girl for season 20 because of past moments like this.
she was designated cartman girl since follow that egg and established as a lead bitch in marjorie
bonus fact a red haired heidi sided with cartman in the children of the corn episode and heidi was front and center when cartman served scott tenorman his parents up as chili
she knew darn well what she got into

>A known pedophile that lived nearby broke in and killed her, then called a friend confessing to the accident and killing a little girl.
t. some blogspot

How is it better? That fucking lump lifted a bunch of embargos and they're still threatening to nuke south korea every week, and shooting missiles over Japan.
What kind of asbestos do they put in your food?

They already have nukes, had them since the 70's. What kind of disinfo are you trying to run here?

>they smile and walk together that means it's all better :D
Kim is like the Sauds, if you smile and treat the president like a genius you can do whatever you want and he won't lift a finger to stop you. N. Korea is still making nukes, Saudi government is getting away with war crimes and pushing the US to finally declare war on Iran, if you think things are better you're either delusional or retarded.

If you have the leader of the US and the leader of North Korea sitting in the same room together and making jokes about people they equally don't like, when previously relations were so hostile that the leaders of those nations have never even met before, then things are getting better not worse.

>If Kim is sucking Donald's dick to get the sanctions to drop so he can make more weapons that means things are good :D
It really makes me think why oh why we were so hostile to a nation led by a literal psychopath that prioritizes weapon production, militarization, and distributing wealth to it's oligarchic upper class over actually caring for it's people all while threatening death and destruction to everyone near it's borders. I mean those are the same reasons Trump is trying to invade Iran right now over. Just so strange and weird he couldn't relate to them the same way.

What would you prefer? Nuclear war? That's the option besides negotiations, and it's what the SP episode was complaining President Trump was going to do.

The dolphin one is trannies can't be real
The OP is JeanBennets parents who were suspected of murdering her but I guess they found the real killer.
The last is just a wacky story about a guy being frozen for a few months but being treated like a caveman.

It has been 14 years since N. Korea got nukes, all they do is prevent the US from couping them. At this point we should continue the sanctions and continue supporting our ally South Korea. That's it. Being nice to them led to them getting nukes, being mean to them makes everyone edgy and increases the chance of nuclear war. South Korea has made much more progress than we have in this never ending circle of
"We lifted sanctions get rid of the nukes."
"How about THESE sanctions?"
"We lifted sanctions get rid of the nukes."
"Ok, but what about THESE sanctions?"

The point of sanctions isn't to get North Korea to get rid of their nukes, it's to get into negotiation talks. We're already at that point, so we don't need sanctions, and President Trump did it in a way that you claimed would "increases the chance of nuclear war."

>The US relationship with the DPRK is better than ever
It's the same as it's always been. North Korea goes in cycles and plays games diplomatically. They ask for an easing of sanctions and promise to give up nukes or take on some humanitarian cause in their own nation, and then after sanctions are eased they claim to have been offended by something and drop their end of the bargain.

What Trump did was:
1. Legitimized their nuclear program on a public stage by being the first US president to visit with a DPRK official. No president visited before they built a nuke.
2. Eased sanctions on the DPRK.
3. Weirdly praised Kim and his beachfront property potential.

Politically, all this was either the status quo or a step backwards. Nothing was gained towards the US's objectives, and South Korea did most of the heavy lifting to try to salvage it into something worthwhile, to no avail.

The episode wasn't about North Korea being a threat, Craig points out the facts of the situation. It was about Craig being wrong to just constantly 'solve' Tweek's emotions.

"You only fight these causes 'cos caring sells
All you activists can go fuck yourselves."

This was just a bland forgettable episode, they made a few of them in the first couple seasons. Matt and Trey just did not have any real ideas a lot of the time.

Mark fucking Furman did it. And he never saw a minute of jailtime or even scrutiny because white cop.

isn't that like all the episodes?

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This episode is still pretty relevant. He made a step backwards in the subject of North Korea and his praising of Kim is also odd.

This user summed it up best:

I thought it was still unsolved

>Detective said some mean words
>It means he obviously killed two people with no motive to do so

So basically he did nothing different than the past 3 presidents, far less than previous SK administrations, and is too weak on NK despite everyone saying he was being too hawkish and sabre-rattling towards NK 2 years ago?

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Haha its funny cause you called Trump a dictator Haha. Well memed my friend!

Anyone have good episodes to watch? I've been on a south park binge. Watching the one with the people who have butta for heads rn

Rainforest Shmainforest
Mr. Garrison's Fancy New Vagina
Mystery of the Urinal Deuce

But rainforest schmainforest is still hilarious

Looking back, did Seasons 7-10 accurately predict the crazy future? I'm starting to think it did.

They were no jokes.Subsequent episode (especially ManBearPig) showed they were genuine in their disdain for environemental concern. It's a shitty episode that is contrarian for contrarianism sake,with no good arguments presented against the "saving the rainforest" schtick except "it suck lol fuk u hippy"

Something happened to their whole rainforest stance?

NK still tested missile above Japan and they reached no agreement.There's slight progress,that can be argued but dont hang the "Mission Accomplished" banner yet,Georgie

ManBearPig was a specific criticism of An Inconvenient Truth, which was wildly overblown and sensationalist. Gore himself even had the good humor to poke fun of it in Bender's Big Score.

>Rainforest Shmainforest
Holds up, white environmentalism still hasn't stopped brown deforestation
Even better now with sanctuary cities
>Mr. Garrison's Fancy New Vagina
A thousand times better now
>Mystery of the Urinal Deuce
Now you're just implying that it was good

Really the last several seasons since they got Trump Derangement Syndrome don't age even a week. We're looking at the last few seasons of South Park before it's all over.

The one where they try to redefine the word faggot. They even recognize faggot = gay = bad when Butters comes out as bike curious.

I always thought that The F Word was an unconscious inspiration from us and how we use the word faggot.

Garrison Trump is funny though. Mr. Slave calling him a faggot was funny. Fucking people to death was funny. How is this Trump derangement syndrome?

If that's the case they missed the mark pretty hard. The way we use it is neutral in that it's synonymous with "fan" like waifufag though the connotation can be negative. In the episode though, it was completely negative.

Seasons 12 and 13 are now time capsules.

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Motive was to get some level of idiot revenge a year after the riots

so a year later he kills the USA's best liked Sports star wife and the person she was cheating with?

I can't think of any poorly aged episodes.
I've only watched up to at least season 4, maybe 5, and even then, I haven't seen a few of them, I have a very short attention span.

Yes, laws tell us what we can and cannot do, even in the workplace. You can sexually harrass out of work too. That's some pretty brainlet tier "enlightenment".

Who was the family supposed to be?

All laws and rules, by definition, tell you what you are and are not allowed to do.

That's not fascism, that's just how fucking rules work.

>*puts you in a gas chamber due to rules

>*executes you for war crimes

>the south park episode about smoking

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That one made it clear that a lot of what they do is edgy contrarianism, part of the mentality that made them so aggressively anti-climate change.

It is, plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons (aka, trying to pretend something you aren't) is a ridiculous joke

Rules specifically made for the work place instead of the umbrella law for the land are two different things.

For another entity not apart of the company to make specific rules for the workers is dangerously close to fascism... in some cases is it, but we don’t say it’s fascism.

You sound like a tool that’s been brainwashed to hate whatever the activists tell you to.

Sexual harrassment is illegal outside the workplace too.

Fascist rules will (usually) create a fascist environment. But that doesn't mean all rules are fascist. Or that we should get rid of rules.

Putting a red light in a room will make things seem redder. Are all lights therefore red?

Don't be retarded.

And by that token you've been brainwashed by a cartoon.

Writers/Matt & Trey have said that they feel ashamed over:

>Mr. Garrison's Fancy New Vagina
>Chef Goes Nanners
>Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow
>Butt Out

There's your actual answer

>>Chef Goes Nanners
Why? This episode is hilarious
>>Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow
Not a great episode but why? I know Matt and Trey basically hate most of season 1 and 2 and they said if they could redo any episode it'd be A Million Little Fibers

Oh yeah, the flag episode. When I first saw it, the morality of it was so bad, I thought that was part of the joke. It was one of the first episode I saw, so I hadn't realized that there was little irony in the resolution and it could easily be taken the wrong way by the audience.

Weird that they don't regret Chef's last episode since they learned that the voice actor didn't leave by choice, but through someone speaking on his behalf after getting brain damaged by a stroke. He died about two years after that episode.

Chef was right to be mad and the resolution was akin to everyone being cool with a big black power fist in front of the confederate flag or making it rainbow for gay confederate pride; you're still changing history and the compromise is unrealistic all while SP's ending being worse in that now the ethnicities of Earth come together to lynch the blacks. If you live in Blacks aren't Human and we Should Kill Them Town a name change isn't too much to ask. Being angry about that doesn't make you the real racist.

The whole point of the South park joke is not that it's literally fascistic, just that it's overbearing, you absolute mongoloid.

The hypocrisy they're pointing out is that America is supposed to have a strong regard for free speech and free expression yet regulations punish people for what they say and have an overbearing stance on what actions are acceptable even if all parties find it acceptable.

*if I had to guess.
I really don't know what their reasons are. Maybe making Chef call white people crackers to shoehorn some guilt on him.

Maybe I am giving the South Park writers too much credit but I though the fact that the ending as so warped and the kids had no idea what even happened was the joke

Why Butt Out? They sounded pretty confident in the commentary that they felt people would understand it wasn't pro-smoking, it was just a funny role-reversal and to shit on Rob Reiner.

Except blacks get offended by literally everything to the point where in a decade you won't be able to call blacks black in decent society.

But let's just keep changing everything because all that matters is negro feelings because they are a very rational and intelligent breed of human.

Fuck, let's just throw cops in jail for shooting violent black criminals because the family said dey was a good boy.

Yes, getting mad about your town flag celebrating the murder of your people is just like getting mad at some made up example you just pulled out of your ass. You are so mature and level headed.

>embarressed by their best episodes
Hollywood really is a cancer

>pulled out of my ass

You understand that in the USA a black robbed a store on camera, attacked a cop inside his car to the point where the cop discharged rounds inside his vehicle and ended up shooting the black dead after a short pursuit AND THAT was the start of the black lives matter movement right?

That black has a physical plaque dedicated to his name paid for by the city of St. Louis. This event caused mass scale rioting by blacks causing millions in damage and multiple racially related attacks where groups of blacks swarmed the streets looking for whites to attack. There is a popular image of a white guy with his head bandaged due to be hit in the head with a hammer by one the oppressed blacks he was trying to protest for.

But I've just made all this up. The court system is in a grand conspiracy to oppress innocent blacks for no reason. We must always believe in the feelings of blacks.

Also, that South park episode is making the argument that the confederate flag is offensive and should be removed for the reasons you mentioned.

I don't know why retarded autists like you watch a satirical show when you can't even comprehend the joke.

I thought the joke was the kids saw it as an issue over murder and didn't see it as a race issue as adults always do.

Hey spaz, I was talking about

>Except blacks get offended by literally everything to the point where in a decade you won't be able to call blacks black in decent society.

You're playing time traveling mind reader because being upset aboufmt a flag depicting a lynching is just "literally anything" to you.

The episode ended with everyone concluding that the kids are colored blind and that's good so let's change the flag to show all the races lynching a black guy. Since there's no lynching of the confederate flag, it's fair to say that the episode tells us not to change it.

1. The response was to the "pulled out of your ass" because you live in a fantasy land of ignorance
2. You're an idiot. The point of the ending was a mockery of the idea that the flag doesn't have any real negative connotations. HOW ARE YOU THIS AUTISTIC?

It wasn't the joke, it was the moral. The kids just saw people, not a historical event of white people killing a black guy. The moral is "I don't know shit about the bad things my people did to you and that's good". Shallow white guilt is bad, but then there's complete historical erasure and disregard. It's an episode that values ignorance.

1. You pulled "in ten years the word 'black' will be offensive" out of your ass if not your time machine.

2. Yeah it's possible it was all ironic, but then why would they regret it? Because the town keeping the flag and Chef learning not to be racist means we should take down confederate flags?

Black is offensive NOW in some contexts. The correct term is African-American or person of colour. It's the progression of the terms. Savage -> Nigger -> Negro -> coloured -> black -> African-American -> person of colour

You think It's going to stop?

Your head is so far in the sand and you're incredibly low IQ.

MLK used the term "person of color" in 1963 and no one is really stressing about it now. If you're really sweating about having to say "African Americans" you're so far out of touch I don't think I can help you much here.


>Black is offensive NOW in some contexts.
What contexts?

Not that user but here is one, 'Godammit, why can't we just torture blacks to death for looking at me wrong?'

Show me on the map one (1) gay concentration camp you cunts _promised_ Trump would build.

Haha oh shit who promised Trump would build gay concentration camps?

Literally all of Twitter and anyone interviewed on the news. You'd think there would be jack booted Brownshirts patrolling the ghettos of every major city looking for blacks, undocumented immigrants, gays and transexuals, placing them in camps. Unless they are also neo-Nazi White Supremacist Death Squads that murder minorities in droves.

>Literally all of Twitter and anyone interviewed on the news.
I've never seen anyone say that. /pol/ loves to cherry pick and share shit like that but I hadn't seen that once. This might be a case of "it feels like they're saying it".

We should throw cops in jail anyways.

Don't talk shit about hero cops, user.

Should be easy to get me some proofs then faggot? Oh and you can just look at those border camps were they separate children and feed them spoiled food and deny them medical service.
>MUH illegal immigration
Yeah it’s just a civil offense with no jail time. If you believe what he is doing is just if you break the speed limit you should also be locked up and your children/property be confiscated, otherwise you’re a hypocrite.

Fuck off bootlicker, you're part of the problem

if black people dont want to die then they shouldn't get shot