Was it racist?

Was it racist?

Attached: Enter_the_Bullies.jpg (451x338, 52K)

Accurate depictions can't be racist.

Yeah man, fuck those blue people.

is this the blue family from kentucky ?

No, it was ashy.




I always thought they were zombies or something

in my head cannon their father was Ashy Larry


>team dark skin

Thanks for reminding me this existed, I guess.

considering its really a pg version of the boondocks but with a female protag....no?

Why does that kid in the right always have her hand out?

Why did they have blue skin?

They ashy.

cause the main character is tanned so making them ebony they decided to make them blue.

Of blue people? Damn right, inbreds deserve nothing but scorn.

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Literally it's because they're so fucking ashy.

Need lotion.

>>Need some milk

North america is too cold for blacks

they were just some ashy niggas with attitudes.

They're related to this nigga.

honk honk

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a real black user here
and the answer is no.
none of their features are grossly exaggerated it's honestly pretty good cartoon depiction of black people especially when you compare it to old disney cartoons.


Remember when Olei got a makeover?

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