How would Spider-man fare in places like (Eastern-)Europe, where there are no skyscrapers and really tall buildings?

How would Spider-man fare in places like (Eastern-)Europe, where there are no skyscrapers and really tall buildings?

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Poorly. There are several stories about this. Peter loses most of his advantage if there's nothing but the ground nearby.

spider slingshots mostly

I keep on saying, that writers should make jumping style or have Peter invent web portals.

Nevermind, jumpingstyle is more of a miles thing.

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In the current political climate he'd do fine.

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Spider mobile is kind of useless.

Unless you are in a jungle.

honestly you can just say all of Europe. Only the largest cities have real skyscrapers, and 90% of the time they're secluded to one or two specific business districts which are pretty low-crime already, like in Paris or Amsterdam.

can't spider-man just swing around and jump from branch to branh like Tarzan?

I'll forgive you for not reading slotts version, but it is far from useless in the city.

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It's, I mean it isn't sneaky and could leave property damages.

Just to catch one villian.

Spider-Man usually isn't sneaky and menaces like him don't care about property damage.

>it isn't sneaky
How about you read the text in that image. Really, really closely.

>Poorly. There are several stories about this.

Any sauces, user? I'm genuinely interested.

Kaine had a similar problem in his Scarlet Spider series. You get used to it and Peter would probably just parkour more like a faster and more agile Batman.

First fight with Conners in the Everglades.
PAD story about Peter getting stranded in a subdivision.
First Green Goblin story.

>Peter would probably just parkour more like a faster and more agile Batman.

Batman also uses hooks (or wires or ropes I don't know)

Based user delivers. Thanks, mate!

>web portals

Camel Spider-Man

It's also used in ASM #248 ("The Kid Who Collects Spider-Man"). The lead story had Peter struggling to fight Thunderball on the interstate due to the lack of objects to cling to.

>like a faster and more agile Batman

user, I...

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super jumping, acrobatics, webzipping?

Yes and what did he do when he couldn't do that? He jumped around on rooftops. You act like he can't get from one place to another without a grappling hook. They have these things called legs. Peter uses his quite a bit and in the absence of tall buildings he'll have to use them quite a bit more.

You act like his superpower is being able get to the tops of buildings faster than anyone else.

>Spider-Man, Spider-Man,
>Does whatever a spider can

Let's be honest here for a moment: spiders usually walk, and not swinging around. So the lyrics is perfectly accurate.

It must be extremely exhausting, tho.

Yeah, the web swinging is just to get places a lot faster. It's not like he can't get to where he needs to be at a faster rate than others but I can't see him entirely dependent on tall buildings to move around.

Spidey can go over 200mph if I'm correct

There was this one issue in ASM, where Spiderman is in the suburbs and he has to resort jumping on cars. Also for some reason I think he got sexually harassed in that same issue.

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Nope I wasn't crazy it did happen

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Isn't Spider-Man like really fast? I'm not talking about his quick reflexes nor am I claiming he's a speedster, but he should still fare pretty well in speed to get from place to place.
Do writers forget this power of his or do they intentionally not use it for retarded reasons?

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Oh, so we’re just talking about him chasing criminals. That’s really not that important. He’s not “useless” in the suburbs. If a crime happens, it’s usually pretty stationery for a while.

Nah Spider Man regardless of where he is will have far superior strength agility and speed, but a lot of his villains have access to unconventional transportation options. It would difficult to take down villains like the vulture and green goblin (on his glider) without some means to reach them.

>your butt's mine
>assume the position

Oh wow!

You get tired of running all the time.

I forgot to post the other part to it. Its such a great issue.

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Isn't this the issue with the bunny man?

Is it actually funny or just "Hurr superheroes couldn't exist in real life!!1!" posturing? I've heard a lot of people speak highly of the issue, but most of the excerpts I've seen just feel like Ennis-style smugness.

Nah senpai, I didn't even know Spider man fought a bunny guy (or maybe I forgot). This is ASM #167 where Spider Man got duped by some schlub and tracks him down to the suburbs.

Well I read and thoroughly enjoy it, and im only 23 so it can't be nostalgia. Its strange to since its one of those stories that doesn't really have a real fight, but seeing how Spiderman interacts in an environment like the suburbs is quite interesting.

It was also a suburb story, and there was this afro guy in a bunny suit. I kid you not.

If they stay there and fight him, no it wouldn’t. He has his web shooters or could latch on to the glider itself.

That's one of the cutest Spider-Man pics I've seen, oh my gosh.

Now that I think about it how far can his webs reach vertically. I know its somewhat far, but if the distance between Spider Man and the Vulture is equal to the height of say, the empire state building, I don't think they'll reach...

That's the PAD story mentioned in

Perhaps, but what reasoning would there be for them to ever be that far apart? Wouldn’t Vulture just be fleeing at that point?

Maybe instead of chasing after villains after a crime has been committed all the time, he could switch tactics and actually stay ahead of the curve, and lay traps for bad guys and lay and wait, like an actual spider.

It’s a pretty good read

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fuckin bitches love spiderman

Yes he would be since he has super strength which means his foot speed would be superior to most
The old MTV CGI show had him chase down buses or baddies in cars on foot a few times I think

Not with his webs he won’t. He has to stick to using gymnastics and vines.

Find out in the highly anticipated follow-up to Avengers: Endgame, Spider-Man Far from Home in Cinemas everywhere on the 2nd!

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