Attached: 1559679912917.jpg (509x615, 76K)
Levi Richardson
Other urls found in this thread:
Gabriel Turner
Fuck off
Robert Martin
I love her bros, even more than chipettes
Isaac Rivera
Reminder that she wears pushup bra.
Dominic Hernandez
Lucas Reyes
Ryan Edwards
I will draw your waifu maybe if you give me your (you) and a pic of her.
Cameron Rogers
Aaron Russell
Draw her cute
Xavier Rivera
Do I get to specify anything about the drawing other than my waifu being involved?
Eli Evans
Jose Hughes
Tyler Bailey
How lewd.
Jonathan Parker
Connor Howard
Caleb Foster
Do rocks collect stink?
Ayden Perry
did the last one get deleted or just die? we have these so often yet they barely last a day.
Cooper Scott
It's that time again I see.
Connor Peterson
Jayden Cooper
Deleted by an angry janny it seems.
Charles Reyes
Parker Allen
go back to bed Zuko you are drunk
Elijah White
Draw her naked pls
Henry Young
Aw shit here we go again
Dominic Sanders
Im sorry about jackie lynn, user
Luke Sanchez
Some of the jannies on this board are just weird.
Nathaniel Powell
Incest is not my fetish, user. Aggressive dominant women on the other hand.
Yeah, they can't to seem agree on what to keep and what to get rid off. Oh well, can't win them all.
Thomas Ramirez
Evan Martin
It still hurts, man. It still hurts.
Evan Bell
>let countless bait and spam threads shit up the place
>Godzilla deleted consistently
We're more on topic than Brie Larson thread #475937 you kaiju-racists!
Samuel Lewis
Seriously, I’m not posting her until I get an answer.
Evan Martinez
I don't understand either. Godzilla has had comics and a cartoon, he should be allowed on Yea Forums considering what else is allowed on this board.
Evan Kelly
Most mods are just autistic control freaks who specifically sought out the power of a moderator so they could abuse it to sate petty feelings of inadequacy inherited from their childhoods.
Jayden Barnes
I only jerked off to her porn but i felt really bad for all the die hard jackie fans
You have my sympathies
Hudson Barnes
go figure.
Angel Brown
Just remember that your Jackie is still alive in your heart and mind. I may be going the same path as you when Netflix brings out the live action Avatar.
Makes sense.
Robert Collins
Carson Martin
Benjamin Adams
Michael Ramirez
fake news, cotugno.
Cooper Rivera
I sure hope jannies aren't posting, that's against the rules!
Kevin Jones
Do you have the middle one image of the asian chick from trollhunters? Im gonna request porn using it in the /aco/ drawthread if you have it.
Tyler Jackson
Only her.
Kayden Barnes
fuck i hope they do.
Christian Clark
Something lewd or cute please.
Blake Jones
>Rocks get moss
>Moss has a smell
You're good to go, mate.
Aaron Moore
Jaxon Gomez
Jaxon Myers
Lincoln Watson
I can't help but imagine her being oddly enchanted by The Game of Life
Evan Garcia
Xavier Price
why not
Ryder Morgan
she would play Go
Ryan Torres
here you go bro
Caleb Lee
Good choice
Jack Rodriguez
Thanks nigga
Caleb Thomas
>dat booty
Caleb Allen
Noah Gray
Of course Peridot would wear blue and white striped panties.
Liam Sanchez
Noah Richardson
That’s racist.
Jackson Lewis
Yeah, you're right. Forgot about Go.
Bentley Perez
Oliver Butler
You fucking deserve your suffering you stupid fucking cunt. Fuck you.
Easton Cook
Woah, that looks great!. Thanks, dude.
Carter Turner
Nathan Anderson
Jack Morales
It has nothing to do with her presumed ethnicity as it would appear in our reality. It has everything to do with her arrogant nature and need to exert authority over others through the use of manipulation, deceit and strategy while also gaining social status while doing so.
Because of its difficulty, her mastery of Go would make her seem even more skilled and impressive in the eyes of others. Somehting she wouldn't get from "Risk" or something else like "Settlers of Catan". So for hers it has to be something she can lord over others and the choices are Chess or Go, and Go is harder.
I like to think though theta in private she plays UNO or something.
Asher Carter
Who hurt you?
Juan Robinson
Please draw Wuya
Mason Foster
Sure, why not?
Let's be honest - Godzilla threads have a token discussion of the comics and cartoons at best, and always end up as discussion about the movies
I'unno, La Loteria? I'd probably try and get her onto simple dice games like Bang! and Luchadore Dice
Jaxson Rogers
Eli Watson
Noah Davis
You'll get used to it.
Sure, why not.
Connor Long
Xavier Lopez
Caleb Nguyen
Jacob Edwards
>he actually delivered
Elijah Lewis
he's probs using this as a speed drawing exercise user.
Andrew Gomez
Can I request something specific?
Nathan Garcia
>Let's be honest - Godzilla threads have a token discussion of the comics and cartoons at best, and always end up as discussion about the movies
90% of every thread on this god forsaken board is token discussion about the topic and ends up with faggots screaming at each other about something completely unrelated
Ethan Rogers
You can try.
Dylan Gutierrez
Alright. Any rules for what I can ask for?
Samuel Adams
Nothing lewd or over complicated.
Camden Rivera
Something based on
But not flatchested.
That’s all I have to say, and I get it if you decline.
William Long
Carter Morris
Kayden Davis
Good taste
Michael Powell
Not you again
Evan Adams
Could be a copycat.
Probably isn’t.
But it could be.
Carson Lee
Owen Nelson
>Becky Prim
Andrew Brown
Cooper Peterson
Why do tranny jannies hate gwen?
Lucas Clark
Requesting demencia as a T800 terminator with parts of her skin missing like in the movie
Christopher Cook
It's not Gwen, but incestfags/benfags spamming their threads non stop.
Levi Lopez
Yeah, i posted that thread and they came in posting links to incest porn
Samuel Lee
go for it
Andrew King
Gavin Reyes
Leo Reyes
She gets infinitely hotter without the lipstick, and with her hair down.
Chase Barnes
More of a fan of her mother. Really sucks we didn't see much of her in the show.
Cameron Bell
>Entrapta is locked up
>She can free herself whenever she wants, she just doesn't want to
10/10 best waifu material
Jeremiah Davis
That episode kick-started puberty in me, and gave me my love for dark-skinned anime girls.
Benjamin Hughes
Christopher King
Went from "Ugh, why" to waifu.
Angel Sanchez
>Not Pai Sho, favouring an aggresive playstyle
This is true
Gavin Allen
>Best gem is also best waifu
Kevin Garcia
Kayden Wood
Carson Baker
Alexander Morris
How about both?
Carson Anderson
>blue hair
>yellow eyes
>big fucking nerd
she's perfect
Christopher Price
Matthew Phillips
Can't post my waifu or I'll get banned.
Ayden Jones
Is that a no?
Connor Scott
fuck, i kekked
Julian Diaz
Im glad that hekapoo still lives on in waifu threads. Where my heka lads at?
Isaac Ortiz
somebody tell me the rules of fapping to your waifu
Jaxon Moore
reporting for duty.
Brody Hill
Cameron Gutierrez
God bless you my man.
Jace Campbell
dead, just like her
Hudson Hall
Blake Murphy
Fair enough. No one will ever replace Kitty for me though, she's a precious treasure.
Brandon Martin
Is she allowed?
Austin Hall
Goes too far on the furry scale, only appeared in two episodes (one of which was someone else posing as her), and is implied to be a horrible mother.
Hunter White
Alexander Lee
Jace Green
Good tastes.
William Reyes
Always a pleasure.
Aiden Hall
Isaiah Ward
Absolutely based.
Justin Flores
I’m afraid so user. I hope you get your request fulfilled one of these days.
Dominic Miller
Joseph Ortiz
Please be good to her, user.
Chess is the only game she was ever shown playing.
Christian Rogers
Implied is the key word. Which is why I wish we saw more of the REAL Mrs. K, so we could see the cracks in her and Kitty relationship.
John Campbell
Good taste.
Kevin Morgan
I don’t suppose anybody else in this thread has the artistic capabilities and willingness to draw it?
Asher Ross
Please. My waifu. She's very obscure.
It's Esther De Groot from Giant Days.
Carson Lee
Angel Walker
Wasn't this made on /trash/?
Brayden Cooper
Julian Howard
perky goth girl ftw
Andrew Sullivan
Owen Lee
Brody Collins
>Jessica Cruz gets caught by a Black Mercy plant
She'd probably live in a world where her friends didn't get murdered, and where she became an anxiety-free lantern who becomes a respected member of the Justice League and the GL Corps, not on par with the trinity but close. A more positive and carefree world of fun heroics, where Batman eats pancakes.
Oliver Jenkins
Would've been amazing if you just posted a blank piece of paper.
Eli Wright
I wish she'd stab that spear through my balls and then use her magic scissors to cut my dick off
Benjamin Thompson
Jose Morales
Are there any perky goths irl?
Jaxon Hall
I wouldn't call her that, really. Not likes she's grim all the time, though. But goddamn! What a big fat goth butt!
John Gray
Yes. Where do you live?
It's mostly the "sad goths" the ones that are going through a phase, and stop being goth.
Hunter Lee
Hunter Brooks
>Oh shit, Vixen's found lewds of herself online? How badly does she freak out?
Honestly, I think she'd be fine. There'd be concern over fallout in either her day job or the League, but she'd probably be amused more than anything.
I only knew one goth irl, and we didn't really hang out; I knew she visited graveyards a lot, but that's it.
Easton Davis
Angel Price
Too many vampires and furries.
Kevin Phillips
Dominic Murphy
>What's it like to hug Volcana?
Well, she probably won't want to hug when she's in any of her forms, so probably just a nice, affectionate hug from a generously proportioned lady. She'd be very careful about perfumes - something nice, but not too pricey.
Jayden Watson
She needs to be happy user
Jaxon Long
interesting decision though i prefer friend bear myself
David Wilson
It's worth a try
Jaxon Williams
Here. She’s in need of love.
William Parker
Daddy needs a new pair of shoes baby come on
Grayson Barnes
She thicc.
Carter Bennett
I want to 3 some with her and noble heart.
Connor Morris
Based taste
Luke Rivera
friend bear and secret bear are already a thing. maybe you can 3some with them
Julian Nelson
Kayden Carter
I love my Soraka but Riot is sure as hell making it difficult for me with their new champ reveal.
Isaac Thomas
John Hughes
I don't think the artist is here anymore
Nolan Kelly
Joseph Mitchell
secret bear's a guy though
Jason Campbell
>believing someone offering art in a random thread will actually deliver
Sebastian Evans
they did a few drawings though
William Rogers
Stay pure for her, user. One day every waifu will be real.
Jaxon Ross
uh no... secret bear is female. where the hell did you get that shit?
Juan Mitchell
aw shit, i was thinking of tender heart
Bentley Davis
ah yeah tenderheart is male. I would hit that too
Kevin Mitchell
Robert Morales
I have a 28" care bear that I do that to frequently LOL
Juan Hall
i would make fun of you, but i was even worse. i used to do it to a dog toy
Josiah Butler
cute feet
Jason Richardson
Carter Sanchez
Daily reminder that if you can't draw your waifu she doesn't belong to you
Jackson Taylor
>Jenny, Ahsoka, Lana,
Top tier, user. 8/10
Benjamin Diaz
i can draw her eyes. is that good enough?
Zachary Adams
Levi Cook
hey whatever works for ya
Robert Perry
Fucking done son!
Luke Long
Learn to draw man
Bentley Howard
Robert Hill
I tried.
Jayden Williams
Zachary Miller
reminder that you will always belong to your waifu, even if you can't draw
Kevin Johnson
hells yeah
Jayden Hall
Logan Perez
Adam Lee
Well, its not drawn WELL, but its something...
Joseph Long
Are you saying that we are our waifu's husbando?
Gavin Turner
Jackson Green
>so loyal she went to war with the gods in an attempt to bring her husband back to life
>waited for countless years for his return
>had 4 daughters with him shortly after
Ryder Gomez
Jonathan Nguyen
Noah Edwards
I love Ava.
Christian Reed
reply image is good, but your image is shit
Brandon Barnes
>never delete blatant/a/ threads
Daniel Wright
I know it's (You), you autist. Does your vocabulary for "bad" only consist of the word "shit"?
Justin Perry
Justin Walker
Is it a sign?
Tyler Watson
Grayson Bailey
Is Star your waifu and you're accepting she's with Marco, or are you self inserting as him?
Hudson Kelly
isnt she with danny though? how do you feel about it
Nicholas Gonzalez
Andrew Martin
Jackson Fisher
dammit star
not that user but in my case its both.
Caleb Wood
good taste
Asher Baker
I will draw all your waifus gettig blacked
Isaiah Hall
I'm already black. Draw away.
Luke Jones
no you're not whiteoid
Hunter Taylor
You still doing this?
Levi Gray
no thanks
Joshua Carter
Adam Gomez
I love her!
Colton Morris
It's a two year old piece but I still like it.
Kevin Cruz
Kaoru is dangerously becoming more and more of a top tier waifu.
Carter Bailey
Same. I've been watching through it and she is an absolute doll. I love her!
Joseph Green
Speaking of dolls, stop motion shows could really cash in with some great merch - you're already working with dolls, you practically have a 1:1 model figurine ready for production.
Would buy a replica Kaoru figurine.
Joshua Watson
Jonathan Brown
Fuck yes, that would be amazing!
David Foster
kino taste fellas
Adrian Phillips
can't share it here;
Ryder Perez
You too!
Mason Collins
Thanks man, also love a girl that can kick my ass.
Dylan Bell
I was just thinking about muscle cats
Tyler Peterson
Thanks, you too buddy
Caleb Taylor
shit drawing is still shit, though
Chase White
she is too precious
Jonathan Scott
Yeah I have a lot.
Jayden Morales
what do you think you're going to accomplish by whining about me? I mean, really?
Joshua Allen
When you say it like that it sounds crazy, but let's fight negativity and say "yes". Instead of talking about not being good enough for your waifu, let her inspire you to be the best you can be. Believe that you have a waifu and you love her and she loves you, let that love bring joy to the best times and comfort you through the bad times.
Nicholas Gomez
is she wearing a bathing suit?
Christopher Wood
The closer to the center, the less filler they are.
Thomas Hughes
Colton Gray
>The closer to the center, the less filler they are.
I apply this principle as well, is it common to all chartfags?
Adrian Gomez
What side does your waifu choose?
Justin Morales
order because she is a monarch
Charles Cox
I feel she leans more towards chaos
Grayson Martin
Jose Anderson
3 weeks left
Christopher Jackson
Brayden Perry
Totally forgot about this
Asher Bennett
>What food does Twintelle love?
When she's eating out, delicate and fancy stuff. When she's at home, she will gladly send me out to get some junk food - she'll burn it off in her next A.R.M.S. fight anyway. She sometimes buys stuff in bulk, like 48 Cadbury creme eggs because she knows I prefer caramel eggs, so more for her.
You the guy who's been commissioning Felina porn in recent years? If so, good job soldier.
The side that isn't complete douchebags.
Carson Gonzalez
Chaos maybe?
Chase Barnes
>The side that isn't complete douchebags.
So neutral?
Cameron Kelly
Definitely Chaos
Benjamin Howard
Would Azula play Yugioh, Chaotic or any other TCG? A girl that plays card games and/or video games is a real turn on for me.
Jack Rivera
I treasure her always.
Wyatt Morris
Looma was great.
Sebastian Torres
The best and only gem waifu
Aaron Clark
Based and greenpilled
Zachary Gutierrez
You have a better resolution version of this pic?
Ryder Robinson
What can I say, dubs? I love my Symbiote gals!
Lincoln Gonzalez
>We live in an era where She-Venom made it into a major motion picture
What a great time we live in.
Jaxon Reed
>Yea Forums "waifu" threads
Jackson Parker
fact: anime sucks
Luis Anderson
Indeed! Let’s hope for more symbiotes!
Sebastian Hernandez
MY waifu~!
Brody Carter
Is shit
Isaiah Clark
>he says, as he posts overrated CN /trash/
Git gud
Gabriel Smith
I have no shame.
Thomas Sanchez
waifu threads/posting should be considered as spamming/flooding
Hunter Clark
Puta que es fea Demencia por la chucha
hasta la symbionte es mas bonita que tu wea horrenda
Ian Bell
Fuck off mestizo mutt. Demencia is castizo master race
Thomas Rodriguez
good choice picking her
Samuel Watson
Look at those feet
Jordan Cooper
Carter Hughes
traps are gay, user.
Ian Hernandez
>he fell for the meme
Carter Clark
Young Kentucky girl in a push-up bra
Fallin' all over myself to lick your heart and taste your health 'cause
Leo Allen
David Young
Thomas Nguyen
God I hate the NuDisney art style
Robert Thomas
And into the it goes.
Owen Hughes
In the impossible case that you guys get an IRL girlfriend.
Would you tell her about your waifu? Would you make her cosplay as your waifu?
Nathan Collins
Since most people here are not autists seriously obsessing over their waifus, yes, why not.
Daniel Miller
Lincoln Ward
user have you see the posts?
All those charts, the rolling charts.
People here are turbo autists.
They may even have porn folders about their waifus and they masturbate to it.
Jason Rivera
Nice projecting user, but I'll answer. Yes, she knows and yes she's cosplayed as her.
Blake Bell
Whatever helps you to sleep at night user.
Eli Ortiz
I've wondered for quite some time.
How old are the people of the waifu threads?
Ryan Price
You want a survey?
Daniel Campbell
>Still projecting
Whatever helps you to sleep at night user.
Levi Gray
No, just wondered the age of having a waifu.
I see characters from todays cartoons but also 80's, 90's 2000 cartoons. I just felt curuosity.
Ryan Baker
I am 27 years old and still a virgin!
Andrew Rodriguez
Sometimes when you understand that you don't have any appealing to attract women. You have to use anything to fill the void and help you to feel a little less miserable.
Ian Hall
At least you graduated from college and you have a job right?
William Turner
Not him, but I do.
Gabriel Sanchez
Elijah Torres
Then why do you have a waifu?
What motivates you to be attracted to fictional character?
Cameron Stewart
fictional women will never betray you :(
Jeremiah Butler
For me it’s therapeutic reasons. She’s sorta like a stress ball to me.
Jackson Rogers
She's hot. I like hot girls.
Brandon Mitchell
Why not?
Asher Mitchell
Of course not. If I had irl girlfriend, I would hide everything asap.
Christian Rivera
faget, nothing good will come out of such relationships
Kayden Wilson
Because I can.
Jack Butler
i know that
Justin Sanchez
Telling her you have a waifu is like telling her you like the pastel colored horses show. She may be okay with it or even join you on it. But more likely will react negatively.
Robert Robinson
t. Star
Brody Clark
>so naturally hot that make up is actually a limiter
And people wonder why Azula is so damn popular.
Camden Walker
why do I enjoy girls looking at me like a piece of human garbage?
Jose Gutierrez
Luke Clark
Because deep down you know you are
Eli Rivera
Very nice pants
Hunter Harris
>Flame Princess
Guys, I'm noticing a pattern within myself.
Hudson Robinson
either of them is fine by me
Ayden Murphy
Gotta love a gal who can take a foot-long
Nathan Torres
This man gets it
Jack Green
Lincoln Gomez
Xavier Wright
>settling for anyone other than your waifu
Who would even do this?
Brayden Stewart
How you guys deal with shipping involving your waifus?
are you a cuck for accepting it?
are you pathetic enough to self insert?
you don't take it as bullshit since it's non canon?
or what are you thoughts if it's in fact canon?
Alexander Wilson
Well if you just ship the waifus...
Carson Flores
I just pair them with another character I like
Alexander Ward
I don't really think about it. And it makes for cute fanart either way.
Jeremiah Brown
If it's not canon then no problem.
If they made a canon ship then I just find another waifu.
Aaron Campbell
i mostly ignore shipping bullshit unless it's canon. and yes i self insert, but not in the way you expect.
Tyler Cooper
First Avatar Kyoshi, now this...
Will the gay never end?
David White
Where is this from? 3Below?
Colton Gray
No user. Making characters gay give a boost in audience to any show. Gay is the new straight.
Carson Mitchell
They keep putting chemicals in the water that turn the freaking children gay!
They need to be stopped!
Julian Allen
Found the gay guy who gets assblasted when someone is not okay with gay characters in cartoons.
Sebastian Watson
Isaiah Thompson
James King
>How you guys deal with shipping involving your waifus?
Just ignore it who cares.
>are you pathetic enough to self insert?
Charles Lewis
how's that way then?
Aiden Hughes
i insert myself as my waifu's pet
Jayden Peterson
Ignore the shipping. Yes, I'm pathetic enough to self insert. I don't care though, because it makes me happy.
Jordan Russell
How do you self-insert?
Alexander Fisher
I guess I wasn't clear enough, I meant self inserting as the character involved with your girl as a ship. It also applies for harems I think.
Colton Bell
tell me more, Im interested now
James Garcia
>Would you get along with Pantha's friends and family?
Pantha's origin in the comics was that she didn't have any family, so that's one issue awkwardly sidestepped. I imagine I'd get on okay with the Teen Titans, and presumably anybody in her lucha promotion who she's on good terms with.
Sure, why not.
>Would you tell her about your waifu?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA no. Absolutely not. The most I would admit is maybe having a crush on Asuka, and that'd be IT.
>Would you make her cosplay as your waifu?
If she wanted to, sure. I couldn't make her do jack shit, because she's an autonomous person.
I don't think any of the ladies on my chart are shipped with anyone (a deliberate choice) apart from Zarya, but that's Overwatch for you - hell, I have a few Zarya/Mei lewds in my fap folder. There's also a guy on deviantART who draws comics of Pantha and Red Star... but he draws Pantha as her comic version in a vaguely anime style, so what's the point?
Either way, I can't stop shippers, so I just ignore them.
Elijah Davis
It would be like writing a fanfic? or you mean that the person concentrates to visualize himself as the partner of the waifu on tv/comic/any media?
Evan Powell
what would you like to know?
Michael Ramirez
Zarya is shipped with who? it's fandom ship or canon ship?
Bentley Hughes
Its...its her normal outfit...
Xavier Ortiz
>How you guys deal with shipping involving your waifus?
Ignore it.
>are you a cuck for accepting it?
>are you pathetic enough to self insert?
>you don't take it as bullshit since it's non canon?
Depends on who she's shipped with.
>or what are you thoughts if it's in fact canon?
Its not, thankfully.
Zachary Williams
Just like Paul Dini
Noah Brooks
Try this.
Jackson Davis
>How you guys deal with shipping involving your waifus?
>are you a cuck for accepting it?
Unless you can shut down the Internet permanently, or track down the perpetrators and shame them into leaving your waifu alone, you can't really stop them. If you were married to someone famous, you wouldn't be able to stop people from writing about her, drawing her, or making fake nudes. Accepting that you can't control what people upload online doesn't make you a cuck.
>are you pathetic enough to self insert?
Or is it just easier than imagining ourselves, as ourselves, actually being in a relationship?
>you don't take it as bullshit since it's non canon?
Non-canon shipping is easy to ignore when if it's just one person on Deviantart, if it picks up momentum and they make a serious push to get it made canon, it gets harder to ignore them.
>or what are you thoughts if it's in fact canon?
That all depends on whether you self-insert or not. If you do, it's all good, until they end it for no reason and pair her with someone else and you have to try to ignore it.
Cooper Ross
>I meant self inserting as the character involved with your girl as a ship.
Oh hell no. I'm always me, no matter what.
Julian White
Nathan Hall
>Another pure Azula chart
My brother!
David Miller
Christian Morgan
>First date with DCAU Vixen?
Probably at a nice restaurant (not too fancy) but kinda quiet at first - her, because this is technically a rebound date after John dumped her to go back to Shiera, and me because holy SHIT I'm on a date with a freakin' supermodel. Things get more lively when some supervillains attack (let's saaaaay... Body Doubles). The one with stupid glasses hits on me only to immediately get clowned on by Vixen. There's a fight that doesn't last long (she's fighting Body Doubles, ffs) and Vixen immediately goes back to her date as though nothing happened. She teases me about the one who supervillainess hitting on me; I explain that I'm not into "evil chicks"... plus, her glasses were way too goofy. Fade out, with it clear that the date goes much better from then on, maybe have a montage of us having more dates.
Levi Sullivan
How would your waifu handle Professor Chaos?
Dylan Martin
Seconds was a good comic
Isaac Jenkins
Roadhog, Mei, Doomfist, McCree
Parker Martinez
Blow him until he falls unconssious while I masturbate on them.
Wyatt Howard
bully then ignoring
Nathan Clark
picks him up and kicks him away like a little football.
Gavin Peterson
Jack Lopez
>What food does Cass like?
Probably the stuff she serves in her cafe. Oh, and donuts, obviously.
Probably play along for laughs, but if he gets too boisterous she might try and bring things to an end if need be.
Xavier Walker
Get's zapped like a bug.
Noah Edwards
all your waifus are mean
Ryder James
I think she'd take it as a complement.
Nicholas Allen
And that's okay
Oliver Phillips
I want to fuck my waifu.
Robert Perry
>Could Volcana have become a Jedi? If so, which color would her lightsaber be?
She's probably got the best shot at it, given the right teacher. If she did make it, I'd say green.
Buddy, I specifically eschewed all villainesses from my chart. I know Volcana recently got back into the supervillain game, but that's just one issue from a run nobody bought.
Aaron Reed
Nathan Rodriguez
Christian Thomas
Blake Myers
>What Lantern Corps would recruit Pantha?
Green, no doubt.
Dylan Ward
Jackson Richardson
how you get to be her pet, is it while she's with the mc, or you and her alone with femdom included?
Samuel Evans
If the girl has a potential partner in the series, do you self insert as him?
Zachary Rogers
>how i got to be her pet
through a series of hypnosis sessions
>is it while she's with the mc, or you and her alone with femdom included
we first start out just together, but later she gets me to be okay around him
Jacob Young
>Would Tomoko-chan get hypnotised?
If it was a stage magician, sure. I don't think Japan has a negative attitude to hypnotism.
Landon Watson
What if my waifu is a loli?
Not a daughterfu, but an actual waifu.
William Peterson
completely normal
Connor Jones
No, if that happens then I will just find another waifu.
Logan Morgan
Who is it user.
Tell us, you can trust us.
Dylan Robinson
>Lily needs your help with something! How badly do you fail?
The closest thing I can think of would be marking homework. Depending on the subject, I'd probably be okay.
Ignore dipshits like , they're just enablers. Said enablers will give you the "It's just drawings!" bullshit, but at the end of the day you have a sexual paraphilia that society doesn't like for some pretty good reasons. If you honestly believe there's no chance of you acting on this bullshit in real life, fine. But if you think that you might act on it, then there are organisations that will give you the help you need.
Luke Wood
user you can waifu a loli because 2D looks pretty. When you look at a 3D "loli" they are horrible and terribly unappealing.
It's the same reason why a furry would never bang a dog or even a 3D werewolf.
Jordan Long
>Are you a bad enough dude to rescue Cass?
Not really. Best I could hope for is to "borrow" some of Hiro's tech and Inspector Clouseau my way to a rescue long enough to give Big Hero 6 enough of a gap to actually save the day
>just gives a wordier version of the "it's just drawings" argument
My point still stands. If the user who asked feels they can live a normal life without acting on it, then that's okay.
Levi Adams
I like to believe that there is no waifufag from here that would go and bang a child or at least there haven't been any police reports of someone from here to do that. Every waifu here looks good and hot but if they were 3D girls most of them would look horrible.
Nicholas Miller
Dominic Sanchez
>It's just drawings bullshit
Are really moralfags this stupid?
Ayden Martin
I guess so, thanks.
It was already posted, but since co isn't what it used to be, maybe most people aren't into lolis now.
Ryan Rodriguez
Tell that to the police fucking pedo.
Easton Bailey
>Great, you got your dumb ass captured. Now Volcana's got to bail you out. How does she do?
Probably pretty well. She's actually kinda OP in most of her forms, so unless it was some really powerful supervillain like Kang or Ultron then she'd get me out pretty quickly.
>Are ad hominems really this ad hominem?
(You) could at least use proper grammar for your non-argument.
I said DON'T listen to the enabler.
Hunter Allen
Just tell us who it is faggot. Ignore the moralfags they are /pol/ tumors.
Ryder Williams
Wanting to fuck Volcanica isn't a paraphilia too?
You want to stick your dick inside solidifyed lava.
Colton Myers
>police will arrest you
LOL get a load of this fucking idiot
Aiden Cook
>not being a pedo is /pol/ now
Connor Miller
Soraka a good girl!
Liam Williams
I have conflicted feelings over my Yea Forums waifu. Half of me wants to punch her in the face, and the other half wants to give her the biggest, warmest hug ever.
Thomas Cook
The show may get cancelled but at least I saw her for one last time.
Josiah Allen
jerk off
Caleb Howard
Brody Diaz
>Lily seems upset, how do you cheer her up?
I dunno, by talking to her like she's an adult? If that fails, we could just watch old anime together
No, I want to make passionate, tender love to a woman who turns herself into plasma, rock and ash if she so chooses (but not in the bedroom because OW). Pretty big difference to sexualising children.
Aiden Parker
Which chassis
Kayden Lopez
Sounds the same as wanting to make "passionate, tender love" to a female werewolf or a jelly woman or a Draider. Rephrasing it doesn't make it any more less paraphilic.
Leo Hernandez
Nice of you to sidestep the whole "sexualising a child" thing. Really brings home what duplicitous little shits lolifags are.
Jose Watson
moralfags in a nutshell
Yea Forumsmblr
Noah Lewis
Goth is love goth is life
Xavier Rivera
Look, people who aren't pedos are either /pol/ or we're /comblr, you can't have it both ways.
Oh wait, you're pedophiles. Of COURSE you believe you can have it both ways. That's why you pretend it's normal to jerk off to images of children then when people call you out on it you whine "J-j-j-j-just drawings!"
We're the waifu thread - we KNOW they're not just drawings. That's why these threads exist. The difference between the non-pedos and you mouthbreathers is that we don't pretend that jerking it to kids is okay.
Get help. I mean that sincerely.
Austin Roberts
>We're the waifu thread - we KNOW they're not just drawings
The most autistic comment I have read in all the waifu threads. Pedos need help and so do you user.
Aiden Hall
>Yeah, well... maybe YOU need the psychological help!
Nice projection, retard.
Jordan Mitchell
Joke's on you, I was diagnosed with Asperger's when I was 4!
Oliver Watson
>Sidesteping the fact that you trully have romantic feelings for a fictional character.
>Call it projecting.
user, you really need help.
Caleb Morgan
That's not what is important here what is important is that CARTOONS can't be "waifus" and CARTOONS can't be "lolis", they are not fucking Anime!
Hunter Smith
>Projecting this hard
(You) need to stop pretending it's okay to want to fuck children
Lincoln Lee
This kind of autistic flamewar is the reason mods keep deleting waifu threads. I am really surprised this one lasted this long.
Jack Allen
>CARTOONS can't be "lolis"
Tell that to Kaziklu, the tripfag for who filtering was made for.
Landon Martin
To be fair, the threads were getting deleted for no damn reason, without the help of pedos in denial who I kind of think might be falseflaggers trying to drag the threads down
Jeremiah Taylor
This has been a nice comfy waifu thread that lasted since Friday and they had to go and ruin everything.
Jeremiah Collins
You and the pedos are the cancer that kills this threads user, you're in every single damm thread calling everyone pedo and then it derails into a flamewar.
Can't you just keep your fucking mouth shut?
Nobody gives a fuck about in what waifu the user next to you wants to put his dick into.
Maybe the haters are right waifu threads trully belong in >>>/thrash/
Brayden Green
>A single random slav vs the entirety of the Otaku culture.
I think I know who has the upper hand in this argument.
Christopher Peterson
If have a question:
If there anything that would make you jump ship on your waifu? Like if a new reboot or sequel came out, what are some thing that would make you ditch her?
One for me would be getting a redempetion arc. Only really applies to the evil waifus I guess though.
Michael Bell
And the bullshit goes on and on.
Well, we are reaching bump limit anyway, go on kill this thread and please don't make another one until next month. Maybe then the anons will stop being ass-blasted and we can have a confy thread again until mods delet it
Dylan Wood
-Complete change of personality.
-Making her LGBT just for inclusive bullshit reasons.
-Throwing the established lore through the window (sequel case).
Basically that.
Brandon Wilson
But Hekapoo is dead.
Would it be necrophilia waifuing her now?
Bentley Richardson
>Why would Vixen like you?
I'm a pretty charming guy, and she'd probably like my sense of humor
Hell, my chart's been through plenty of revisions - I've removed waifus for how the companies that owns them have so badly mismanaged them (Chun-Li, She-Hulk), my wariness of having an actual villainess on my chart (Harley Quinn) to the simple fact that I don't feel anything for them any more (Storn, Vanessa from KOF, Gianna Michaels). It happens, but you just have to move on
David Miller
holy shit, you're way more stupid than I thought at first.
Isaac Rodriguez
>bringing up your retarded drama long after it had died down
Jack White
>we KNOW they're not just drawings.
Reminds me of that guy who wrote the complaint letter to Kevinsano for drawing porn of his wife- Twilight Sparkle
Luis Morales
Your first week here?
Cameron Scott
I wanted to fuck her when I was a kid 10 years ago, and I still want to fuck her now.
Nathan Morales
I was expecting Amazing stuff, user! Thanks for the delivery!
Matthew Morgan
Anime is japanese for cartoons, stupid.
If you want to draw a distinction between western cartoons and japanese cartoons, the correct term is japanimation.
Elijah Garcia
Joke’s on you, I drew this a couple weeks ago
Isaiah Lewis
Thats fucking false, Japanese call cartoons just that cartoons, as in " カートゥーン " that shit about Anime being the same as cartoons is a fucking huge lie, do you think Japanese people are imbeciles and cannot see which is the superior and extremely different type of product-media?
Michael Perez
Daniel Phillips
What's your deal? You're not going to convince anyone.
Lucas Ross
Sauce on that Mileena pic?
Lucas Perry
just watched it, recently acquired waifu
Ryder Bennett
>do you think Japanese people are imbeciles and cannot see which is the superior and extremely different type of product-media?
I don't think that Japanese people are weebs, no. It's all just cartoons to them.
Christopher Rodriguez
hi Gene
Benjamin Sanders
Hi Gene
Asher Lee
Hi Gerald
Alexander Jones
Dragon Granny could never be mean. Unless you don't like dragons.
Eli Stewart
Can't believe you fags haven't posted her yet.
Carson Walker
Hi Gene
Nathaniel Collins
the show is forgotten, therefore so is your waifu. sorry user
Leo Hernandez
Ian Taylor
Here's my unfinished chart because I'm honestly drawing a blank as far as remembering any other waifus I've had, and would like some recommendations too
I like tomboys and goths but apparently my main attraction is 'Gentle Femdom'
Anthony Jackson
Hi Benny
Christopher Morris
Good, that means she's all mine
Joshua Anderson
Jayden Cruz
sporty girls, alt girls, cowgirls, they're my favorite
I haven't posted a new one but I put in Orca from DC and Kefla from DBS
Owen White
But she's ungly as fuck
Isaac White
Hunter Anderson
She needs more love..
Nolan Campbell
I prefer my Peridots, plain
Michael Sullivan
Jeremiah Davis
Colton Miller
Bloody sux the they killed her off.
>I can have two, right?
Noah Flores
Multiple aspects of this image disturb me, and I watch ISIS killings.
John Jones
Ruski furritas are GOAT
Aiden Cook
They died because they were follish enough to get caught.
Peridot was wasted on that shit show though
Asher Robinson
Aiden Baker
When you can't decide just mix them together.
Carter Carter
>Could Pantha save your dumb ass?
Assuming she doesn't solo Slade or Trigon, then sure.
I use Paint.NET to resize pictures, because it doesn't leave everything pixelated. I know people recommend GIMP, but I can't wrap my head round that
James Flores
>Road trip with Marvel Adventures Tigra!
Mercifully brief montage of her dragging me to all kinds of roadside tourist traps (world's biggest thimble, that kind of crap) curtailed by us being attacked by... I dunno, The Recession Raiders or some other morons.
Robert Baker
>What do you think about Darkstalkers?
I've never played it, I just think the setting is really interesting
Eli Hernandez
Mason Watson
You lot forgot our fav trailer trash..
Jeremiah Young
The episode when Hayley was a sleeper assassin, that put her on the map for me.
Hudson Perry
>Volcana gets a wish from a genie! How ironically does she get screwed over?
She'd probably wish that she and Titania never got their powers... which would of course lead to the inevitable BAD END where everything went to shit as a result because butterfly effect, leading to her undoing the wish somehow.
Colton Wright
Anyone got the one with her wearing the Spider Gwen suite?
Jacob Rogers
here's an updated chart bois
Joshua Harris
wouldn't recommendations ruin the point of a waifu chart?
Henry Gonzalez
Eh, I meant more like recommend shows or comics with more girls I would like
Tyler Walker
Dylan White
now this is autism
Carter Fisher
thanks, I tried
Carter Perez
I want her snacks.
Matthew Rodriguez
Fuck off.
Ian Wood
John Cooper
Asher Gonzalez
why not just post one chart?
Kevin Hall
Too tired to make one, sun's down and about to hit the hay.
Logan Campbell
This precious bean.
Aiden Miller
Blake Young
Ryan Kelly
>You the guy who's been commissioning Felina porn in recent years? If so, good job soldier
perhaps it is I
Brayden Cook
name of 5th court noble from first row?
Landon Anderson
Please rate my tastes, Yea Forumsmrades.
William Hill
>another BW lover
Thomas Price
Who's the bottom left corner and the second one on the top row with the gun?
Ryan Rodriguez
Intress from chaotic
David Parker
Im thinking of of expanding my chart, tell me bros is 33 way too big or can I go further?
Adam Edwards
Anything above the standard chart means you just like collecting girls and don't actually have a waifu
Luke Stewart
Polly was my first furry crush.
Ethan Martin
I have one of those your waifu is in a big pic in the center and the other girls in smaller ones around her, the side girls change some times but the center girl never changed
Jace Jenkins
Maybe he believes in polygamy.
Jaxson Roberts
Painwheel from Skullgirls, and Rally Vincent from Gunsmith Cats.
William Smith
>monster allergy
woah, someone remembers
Caleb Long
Tyler Clark
Julian Jackson
Well it was a nice waifu thread. It wasn't deleted.
Hope next one has less autistic flammers.
Jace Gonzalez
>What do you have in common with Felicia?
We both want the world to be less shitty and are a little naive about how that should happen
Liam Sullivan
it'll probably be the same
Jonathan Murphy
I hope it will be a little less autistic.
Dylan Nelson
alright, then net thread ill make it the most autistic it's ever been
Nolan Barnes
Start it with "Pedo-waifu thread"