Archie Sonic was goo-

>Archie Sonic was goo-

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Other urls found in this thread:

congrats! you got your "no relationships, eternal status quo" comic

How many autists killed themselves because of this? I’d say at least 5.

Who are you arguing with?
Even at it’s most boring, at least IDW sonic isn’t absolute Cancer like this.

Better than the autism goldmine Archie sonic was lol.

A bad drama can be entertaining. A bland comedy has nothing to offer.

>a bad drama can be entertaining
No, it’s awful the whole way through.

This was considered some of the "good" art during the Dark Ages, FYI. You don't want to see the "bad".

Archie Sonic would've been good if Bartleby from Sonic Underground was in it and they made Bardonic canon.

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Archie Sonic was good, but only after Flynn took over.

I have no idea what this is, context?

>I have no idea what this is, context?

>Sonic goes to outer space to fight ayylmaos for a protracted story arc, leaving Sally behind on Mobius
>Sonic finally comes back from saving the universe after a long time
>Sally slaps him because "What about MY FEELINGS!?" and broke up with him

It was bad writing even by the standards of the Archie Sonic comic, which ought to tell you something.

Only when Flynn was cleaning up Penders' messes. Once he had to start coming up with his own material, he started sucking.


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I miss the drama, if not only for the laughs.

Sonic losing to this Eggman mech is a vastly overexaggerated scene.
>Sonic gets right back up after the beatdown and still boasts with a smile that he's going to win anyway despite having his ass handed to him
>The mech jobs horribly once Sonic discovers it was only designed to counter him, allowing everybody else to tear it apart like paper
>Later down the line, Sonic outright mocks Eggman for this fight by saying his one win didn't mean a fucking thing in the long run

The sonic comics were fucking INSANE dude.

Eggman killed his nephew, turned insane, and reset reality. I have no idea what the context for those things are either.

>that time Sonic cucked Tails

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>Any iteration of le Autism Rodent
Shouldn't even be on this board tbqh.

I feel masochistic today. Post em.

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Sonic likes it

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>Look how big I can open my MOUTH

>I feel masochistic today. Post em.

Dare I?

Attached: Dare I.png (684x603, 1001K)

"You're welcome!

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There should definitely be an edit that takes this Sonic and captions it with "I had to step up the romance"

Why is the very concept of "girl is angry at guy" enough to make Yea Forums hate something? Do they just want everything to be escapism fantasies where the protag slays all the pussy and never faces any problems?

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You're cherrypicking one of the issues written during the Pendering epoch.

You're not understanding what's he saying. He's affirming that the awful and terrible eccentric drama Archie Sonic has gone through before is so bad, that it can't be taken serious, and rather, you may most likely find it hilarious and stupid to laugh it instead, despite not being the intention. That's also the genuine reason people like the Shadow's game and 06.

The Penders issues, especially the ones made during the lowest point of quality that Penders has managed in the past, were absolutely terribad, but it's so bad, that it's good to laugh at.

He's right to say that in comparison, IDW Sonic has nothing to offer, not even at the matter that it's so bad that it's good, because it's mediocre. Only mediocre, only more or less, only not bad but not good, and that's it. That's all i t has to offer: just mediocrity, just tedious, boring and bland stuff. Mr. Tinker is the only good thing to come out of this so-so issues, and I still miss immensely Archie Sonic.

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It's not that she's angry that's the main issue but what lead to that moment that makes Sally look like the real selfish one.

Sally was a drama device for almost a decade. You had a character who never really did shit getting whiny and mopey and angry and having conflicting motivations in the middle of the children's video game adventure comic, taking a huge chunk of the page space on garbage melodrama. The writers tried to give her some depth while refusing to dedicate the necessary time to it or considering context, so when she projects on to Sonic it just makes her sound like an annoying, self-absorned bitch.

TL;DR, if you're gonna add drama to your goofy cartoon animal comic, at least do it well instead of making it a crutch.

>Zoomers don't respect gag strips and only find value in self-deprecating epic adventures.
Pretty sad. The best issues were in the first few years.


I love what he did with Shadow. Too bad the IDW version is so boring.

The Gallagher era was about the only time Archie Sonic was actually tolerable, because they had no ambitions and were just churning out a silly licensed comic.

The Saturn dry spell was a slog to get through and hamfist Sonic Adventure into the comics made things worse.

Was this story even canon? It made no sense at all.

Archie sonic was good for the first ten issues and when Ian Flynn took over, and some issues here and there.

It when Penders took the helm he turned the echidnas into Kryptonians when they're actually Mayans/Ainu

>SEGA of Japan had to look at every issue of the Archie comic and approve it before it could be published
>They approved this art

SEGA of Japan is as much to blame for the god awful Archie Sonic comic as Archie is. SEGA could've said no at any time, but let it all slide for years until they saw Sonic crying on a cover and THAT was their breaking point. (and yet they still approved the cover)

I think a good chunk of 11-40 was better than the first year. It hit a stride.

I think SoJ wasn't paying attention at all, they just assumed the comic was being the good little advert it was meant to be and probably had some intern doing the approval.
They didn't freak out about the crying Sonic cover until after the fact.

How would you fix it?

A lot of people praise Spaz's art, but it was just that he was drawing the characters dynamically at a time when artists like Manak were drawing them in a newspaper comic strip ultra simplistic style. Go back and actually read a Spaz issue (and there aren't that many, maybe 6 or 7; his work is 99% covers) and you'll notice that the characters are almost ALWAYS looking up. For no fucking reason. You get to see the undersides of everybody's chin, in every panel. Why?

Spaz is tremendously overrated, but like said, the bar for Archie Sonic comic art was so low, pretty much anyone halfway competent could look good by comparison.

Attached: Spaz.png (1024x509, 1.32M)

>This is considered the Bad Archie Sonic Art

>This is considered the Good Archie Sonic Art

lol there's like half a notch of quality separating them, are you furries kidding me?

I mean you say that, but Manak's art was pretty good. Flat, sure, but it was some fluid, fun cartooning. He was honestly better than Scott Shaw in many respects despite basing his art heavily on Scott's.

I liked Manak; he was good for what the comic was trying to do (be a funny animal book) and his art was perfectly serviceable for that level of tone and ambition.

When the book transitioned into being a sci-fi furry dystopian epic, though? Not a good fit.

No, this is.

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Maybe, but it sure was better than the rest. It didn't fit the (bad) writing, but it was decent cartooning. More than I can say for the Marvel artists that scribbled some stuff for an easy check.

If I recall, he made the Mayan-esque echidnas from Sonic Adventure into a race of retards who (Tikal notwithstanding) devolved completely into hunt-and-gather mentality after leaving Angel Island.

That art isn't vintage; it wasn't made at the time those issues were published.

THIS, on the other hand, is what the book ACTUALLY looked like in the 90s...

Attached: The faces.png (862x700, 1.46M)

They weren't retards, they just went the sci-fi "YOU OVERSTEP THE REACH OF MAN" route and were treated as basically being right.

based tamers poster

Point was neither is "good" art from the comic.

Isn't that Knuckles and Sally one from Mecha Madness, which most Archie fans hold up as having the best art in the series?

I think Penders refused to let SEGA's canon echidna lore overwrite his own, so he made Pacachamac's tribe an outcast among even the outcasts.

Wow. He was that salty?

Sonic the Comic was better. And wasn't tainted by Ken "I have candy and puppies in my windowless van" Penders. We got Mark fucking Millar instead.

Why did the comics make Sally so unlikable again? In SatAM she was just sort of bland, not this much of a turbocunt.

Fleetway was better

That's bad spaz. His mobians are hit and miss, but the rest is gold.

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I'm sure some people think the art is great. I don't, it's just a fun story.

Sonic and the Tales of Terror > Archietrash

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Penders wanted to kill her off, so that could be part of the reason. There is also a rumor that the artist of that issue was a SonAmy fan who did the panel and lied about the writers pulling this stunt, there's a (fairly long) video about it here:

So, like, these two pages. The monstrous human characters like Naugus and Robotnik look fantastic. But good god, that Sonic and Tails.

I think in the 90s, Archie just had a problem grabbing superhero artist who could draw people and monsters and assigned them to this cutesy anime cartoon animal book and they could NOT adapt.

It's the context that matters you dingus.

Here Sonic is being Sonic and out saving the world.

But Sally is angry that he'd rather do what's right than stay at home banging her

Not really, Archie Sally is just SatAM Sally stretched over a much longer time, so the cunt factor became less and less tolerable.

Rewatching SatAM earlier in the year and having gone through the comics again recently for the sake of comparing to IDW, I'm really not sad Sally's gone for good.

>Sally is the leader of the Freedom Fighters
>Robotnik destroyed her father's kingdom and exiled him to the fucking phantom zone
>Robotnik basically had her murdered and framed Sonic for it.
>But she cares less about stopping Robotnik than getting Sonic's quilly dick that's the size of this walnut except way smaller.
I basically stopped reading Archie somewhere in the 70s, but that is some fucking next level character assassination.

The comic's atmosphere had kind changed a bit by then, by then it was less about "retake the planet" and more "repel Eggman's plot of the day", so the characters became more relaxed.

It’s the reason why she is angry that makes it gloriously retarded, which gets even better given her background.

>Bunnie wakes up from getting KTFO by Metal Sonic because she heard gossip.
Man, Bunnie was the fuckin' best.

I guess, but like. Given everything Eggman did to her, I really don't think she should ever relax off of it. Both because he did some truly horrible things to her and the people she cares about most, and as a good princess, it's probably a good idea to never let up on the dude that destroyed your kingdom and almost took over the whole world once already. One way or the other, the idea of her taking Sonic focusing on doing Sonic shit and stopping Eggman over a relationship with her as a slight is pretty offensive to me.

Why was this so bad? I don't ready Archie Sonic.

The reboot was the greatest thing to have happened to the Archie comic, and honestly, should have happened sooner.
Would have helped if that hack editor at the time remembered he wasn't publishing for the big two, and didn't shove horrible, plot halting crossovers into the stories every year.

You absolute buffoon. The whole reason for the slap was that Bollers was pushing Sonic x Mina hard, and it just so happened that Gray did the art where Bollers wrote them into essentially breaking up. I seriously hope you're not taking a youtube "commentator" with an axe to grind seriously.

It's bad in context but the comic spanned some 20 years so once a new writer took over it became irrelevant. There is a shocking amount of misinformation peddled in every thread on Yea Forums involving Sonic comics, and this thread is no exception.

They're both considered shit. If you want decent art look up the period of time when Ben Bates was doing are for the book.

>The whole reason for the slap was that Bollers was pushing Sonic x Mina hard

Good fucking God, Mina

She literally existed for no other reason than to create drama one way or another.

I'd contest that, it brought some nice new characters in, but it's hard to look past the original characters getting shaved down to their core personality and basically losing all character development from the last decade, in addition to redesigns straight out of the mind of Brian Beaubien.

I read more about the drama going on behind the scenes with Archie than the comics itself so that makes sense. I should've mentioned the biases in the video since the Youtuber has Alex Hedgefox in the video (who is an actual Pender Defender).

I thought that was his evil twin.

wrong story. There was a story where Evil Sonic (later Scourge) disguised himself as Sonic and hit on all the women in the comic just to fuck with Sonic. The panel from the comic is something else entirely and nobody came out of that well.

Ah, Penders art. Always good for a laugh.

Nah but evil Sonic was whole other kettle of fish.
>MFW Penders, as one of his last, greatest strokes of """genius""" on Archie Sonic, wrote evil Sonic unambiguously sleeping around with various female characters in the comic.

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>She literally existed for no other reason than to create drama one way or another.
Which continued into Flynn's run, incidentally, cementing her position as the book's least likable female character.

I thought that was actually supposed to be Sonic, and it got later retconned to be Evil Sonic. I may be wrong though.

And one of the first things Ian did when he took over was turn Evil Sonic into Scourge so that nobody could ever again use the "evil twin impostor" plot that defined his whole character up to then.

Sorry but yeah you're wrong, it was a one-issue story that had Evil Sonic revealed at the end.

It was 100% evil Sonic.
Exactly and Scourge ended up becoming a much better character out of it.

>Archie Sonic was good
fix that for you

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>Exactly and Scourge ended up becoming a much better character out of it.

Wasn't there hints of trying to deconstruct Scourge when Sonic's robot dad showed up? I'm a bit fuzzy on that one.

Sort of. Scourge elaborates to Jules on why he does what he does and states that he more or less killed his own dad. Jules then tells him that he's a nobody that picked on weak dudes his entire life and now that he's in normal Sonic's home turf he's going to have a tough time doing the same shit. I'll see if I can dig up the pages, its always good for a read.

>Rewatch SatAM after not having seen it for nearly a decade
>Realize it's more the Sally show, with Sonic as the show's Scooby Doo.

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She's pretty boring, at that.

I think at this point, most people are looking back and realizing that this show really has nothing to do with Sonic at all and only has him as a marketing ploy for what is otherwise a fairly-generic "save the environment" 90s cartoon.

That and the fact most people misremember it as being about the whole Freedom Fighters team, when in reality characters like Bunnie and Rotor barely do a damn thing and Antoine is just there to be a laughable loser.

they didn't, SoJ had nothing to do with archie for years

For the uninitiated, these pages are the backup to Archie Sonic 192.

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To Archie's detriment. That said, increased Sega oversight is not necessarily a good thing, if we go by what the IDW comics are like.

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Why does this art feel like a drug trip?

>in reality characters like Bunnie and Rotor barely do a damn thing and Antoine is just there to be a laughable loser.
It's funny how people bitch out at Flynn when he was the guy who actually bothered expanding on their characters.

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SatAM originally had nothing to do with Sonic. DiC pulled an old cartoon concept out of their vault, about some kind of pixie princess fighting an evil wizard, who in later remodels was drawn as a robot pirate, reworked the concept, and shoved Sonic and Tails into it.

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I wouldn't say that. For all Penders' bullshit he did make efforts to make actual fleshed-out characters out of Bunnie Rotor and Antoine.

It's Jon Gray, the same guy that did He has a unique style, but I don't think it suits Sonic very well. Its better suited for off-panels and other more cartoony strips.

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>For all Penders' bullshit he did make efforts to make actual fleshed-out characters out of Bunnie Rotor and Antoine.
Give me one example of his "fleshing out" being to the benefit of those characters. I want to see your reasoning.

Whatever the origins, at least it gave me a comic that I enjoyed for a few years.

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>you got your "no relationships, eternal status quo"
And that's a good thing, no one fucking wants romance in sonic

Tell that to Ian Flynn and his soon-to-be-revealed plans to make Tangle and Whisper lesbians together and dedicate one issue around them and their romance.

The sheer amount of people that stayed subscribed to Archie after 20 years begs to differ. In any case, Antoine and Bunnie was handled tastefully and didn't overstay its welcome. "Some" romance is fine. Relationship drama involving Sonic isn't.
Ultimately Archie Sonic was its own beast and there were plenty of reasons as to why Sonic would be in some kind of relationship, romantic or otherwise, with other characters.

Rotor's backstory of his enslaved family, his stance against making weapons and his back injury forcing him into retirement from action and rethinking his involvement.

Bunnie had two incidents of "flesh vs machine", one of which forced her to choose between risking deroboticizing herself or give up any chance of being restored by being upgraded, which she had to run by Antoine (at that point her lover) to see if he'd be able to stand by her if she was always that way, which lead to skinny Bunnie.

Antoine had his backup story that changed him from a hopeless coward into a legitimate hero, and rediscovering his roboticized dad forced him to confront past demons.

Then again maybe Penders didn't write these stories and I'm just plain misremembering. It's still loads more than anything anybody who wasn't Sally did in SatAM.

The man is going to forever be tarred by that brush after stating that Sally x Nicole was a thing that he was trying to slip past the radar. I like Flynn and all but that is probably one of his greatest blunders.

>Ian Flynn and his soon-to-be-revealed plans to make Tangle and Whisper lesbians together

You're a bit behind on things. Tangle was already revealed to be a lesbian with a different character, her "best friend since childhood".

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The fuck did he start crying for?

>The sheer amount of people that stayed subscribed to Archie after 20 years begs to differ.
im sure you have numbers somewhere
>"Some" romance is fine
No it isnt>Ultimately Archie Sonic was its own beast and there were plenty of reasons as to why Sonic would be in some kind of relationship, romantic or otherwise, with other characters
Because it was thoroughly trash

no one cares about your headcanon

Haha imagine Jewel's blobs haha

Someone's not familiar with IDW's history.

>Rotor's backstory of his enslaved family, his stance against making weapons and his back injury forcing him into retirement from action and rethinking his involvement.
Even if Penders wrote this it went fucking nowhere and he was responsible for the "Freedom Fighters don't use weapons" hypocrisy anyways.
>Bunnie had two incidents of "flesh vs machine", one of which forced her to choose between risking deroboticizing herself or give up any chance of being restored by being upgraded, which she had to run by Antoine (at that point her lover) to see if he'd be able to stand by her if she was always that way, which lead to skinny Bunnie.
I believe I recall the second story, which was during the Flynn era. The first I don't recall but I think was early in the Archie run, and indeed, Penders may have written it. However, Penders would have eventually discarded Bunnie because she was less interesting that his vague Star Trek ripoff characters and numerous echidnas.
>Antoine had his backup story that changed him from a hopeless coward into a legitimate hero, and rediscovering his roboticized dad forced him to confront past demons.
Thing is, Antoine constantly got the "becoming a great hero" story over the course of the Archie run. It never seemed to stick until later. I do remember several instances of this, and most of them were in middle Archie, with one backup involving the death of Antoine's father occurring in Flynn's run.

I don't think Penders wrote any of those stories.
In fact, Rotor's back injury was Flynn.

No point in complaining. Just hope SEGA doesn't pull a Konami

>inb4 two panel transformers line out of 100+ issue series

>he was the guy who actually bothered expanding on their characters.
He didn't do piss with Bunnie or Antoine in a decade. He followed editor notes and married them, they did something of value in like two stories, got sidelined for a retooling, then did a bunch of mass in the reboot. DeCesare did more with Antoine and Bunnie than anyone else, and he only wrote them a few times.

Why are you guys so angry about things that haven't happened?

>No it isnt
Care to state why?
>Because it was thoroughly trash
That's a hot opinion you have there, please leave it by the door when the adults are talking.

>if we go by what the IDW comics are like.
Better in every conceivable way?

The first and best one was all the way in the Gallagher era where Antoine decides he's had enough of being a joke and performs a intel-gathering mission in Robotropoils to prove he can be helpful. Bunnie secretly helps him from the sidelines, but it's teased at the end that he knew she was there the whole time watching out for him.

Really glad the AOSTH characters weren't put through relationshit drama

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Serious romance doesn't belong in Sonic, prove me wrong.
Protip: You Can Do Anything

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>I believe I recall the second story, which was during the Flynn era

Nope. The first bit was a mini very early in the comic where Bunnie was having a nightmare about becoming totally roboticized. The second was during the "All Girls" Sonic Super Special where Bunnie's body was shutting down because her roboticized bits and flesh bits couldn't work together anymore so she got new limbs that meant she couldn't be deroboticized (modifications post-roboticization pose a huge risk to restoration, hence why they never tried it) but she had a sleek new "sexy" body that wouldn't fail on her.

Attached: Bunnie_upgrade01.png (700x792, 1.09M)

You mispelled duller, and I'm someone that likes the book.

It had good moments whenever Penders wasn’t fucking it into the dirt. The later issues were good.

I’ll always remember the story where Eggman reveals that his entire rivalry with Sonic has been out of boredom, and he could’ve won at any time if he didn’t restrict himself. Which leads to him giving Sonic a humiliating beatdown, and deciding to turn everyone’s bodies into fuel.

I also liked how Snively got more character development, and even fell in love.

Why that guy's bravado suddenly vanished? He conquered a fucking planet, it's not the kind of guy who's all bark but no bite. It it just because the plot says so? That's so retarded holy shit.

The art is fucked, but Jules confronting Scourge and getting him to fuck off is honestly pretty great.

Presumably he feels a bit guilter about killing his dad than he lets on and Jules can tell.

Look how cartoony the art is compared to the dialogue. That doesn’t irk you?

>Care to state why?
Why would you ever care about the romantic involvement of random characters in a Sonic comic? How could it possibly better the story?
For that matter why would you care about the romantic involvement of actually important Sonic characters. At best it's a worthless waste of panel, at it's worse it's annoying to read and ruins otherwise interesting character dynamics.
This isn't even unique to Sonic comics, it happens in shit like Spider-man, Batman, or even fucking children's cartoons.

Ah yes, I remember now. Those are decent stories but they were marred later on by Penders doing anything he could to draw focus from the original Freedom Fighters and onto whatever hot thing he was writing.

That issue gave me a hard on as a kid. Eggman was scary as shit.

>He conquered a fucking planet, it's not the kind of guy who's all bark but no bite.
Because no one bothered to fight back; they never had a great war. Did you even read the story?

Scourge had daddy issues.
Seeing a version of his father that cared about his son shook him.

Antoine and Bunnie worked.

I figured the assumption was that Eggman went back to the cat and mouse game.

That issue honestly should’ve been the finale of the whole comic series. Would’ve fit perfectly.

>I’ll always remember the story where Eggman reveals that his entire rivalry with Sonic has been out of boredom, and he could’ve won at any time if he didn’t restrict himself. Which leads to him giving Sonic a humiliating beatdown, and deciding to turn everyone’s bodies into fuel.
Not that it mattered to Sonic. He just dusted himself off, freed everybody, and together they tore Eggman's whole mech apart (because it was only meant to counter Sonic, NOT everybody else). The fact that Sonic doesn't even take his defeat remotely seriously nullifies any actual drama it served.

>I also liked how Snively got more character development, and even fell in love.
Which ended with him being written out of the comic for good and to be replaced with Orbot and Cubot.

More like you're not understanding that it's not so bad it's good, it's just bad.


Archie Eggman doesn't play the cat-and-mouse game. He fights to kill and win, and the fact that Sonic doesn't just up and die makes him completely lose his mind later on.

>Why would you ever care about the romantic involvement of random characters in a Sonic comic? How could it possibly better the story?
Sonic having connections to other people turns him from a generic protagonist into a protagonist with depth and nuance. I'm not referring to romance, but I am referring to companionship and friends that he values.
>For that matter why would you care about the romantic involvement of actually important Sonic characters. At best it's a worthless waste of panel, at it's worse it's annoying to read and ruins otherwise interesting character dynamics.
Romances in Sonic are often poorly written, I'll give you that, but once again, characters expressing worry over whatever dangerous thing their friend is going through, or relief after making it through unscathed, colors the book with feelings that draw a reader in and get emotionally invested. A book that is all action is dry and substanceless.
>This isn't even unique to Sonic comics, it happens in shit like Spider-man, Batman, or even fucking children's cartoons.
If you have a problem with cartoon characters being close friends or Spiderman caring about Mary Jane's well being, then you might be a sociopath.

Duller isn't a word (at all) that can describe a comic that gets rid of the mass of melodramatic bullshit no one but a few retards actually wants in their Sonic stories and replaces it with more fun, streamlined plots that fit the characters far more.

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>Which ended with him being written out of the comic for good and to be replaced with Orbot and Cubot.
They are independent events, you imbecile.

I think you're confusing Sonic with Shadow there

Non-Ian examples for all three:

Basic personality and disposition, family, backstory, dynamics with cast.
Love of gizmos and gadgets and guns, being gay (not really positive or negative, just weird).
Character groundwork, sense of humor, arrogance (it's very different from the show), obliviousness/tunnel vision.
Self-doubt, conviction, dynamics with other characters, crush on Bunnie, charisma.
Backstory, competence, sense of priority and honor (handled poorly in-story, but not bad elements)
Basic characterization, especially the excitable, aggressive aspect.
Concern, empathy, observational (instead of standing quietly in the background she lets other people take the spotlight in discussion while thinking about her response, this is a very tiny, nuanced detail that changed her future characterization dramatically), modest.
Self-conscious, frets a lot without telling people.

I can't believe Charmy is fucking dead

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Why was she even a thing? I read the mini with Tails and the robot as a kid, such a weird thing to bring the real one in.

Sonic will rescue him (he's already infected, so he can safely grab Charmy) and take him to Tails, and then Charmy becomes the test subject in researching a cure.

This is that Steven universe shit

Neither of you remember these stories or who wrote them well at all.

Friendly reminder about Titan tails, the most powerful sonic character ever written - on a power scale equal to that of the pre-retcon Beyonder.

Also the most retarded character design of all time. He’s fucking 6

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*clears throat* I've come to make an announcement.

Forgot to mention that DeCesare also did a good bit of Bunnie's character dynamics within the group and Gallagher set up her tendency to jump the gun if something dire happens.

An out of context page does not help your argument. Once again, melodrama is bad. I will not argue that point. However, relationships, when written well, can end up clashing. These clashes give characters more facets and allow them to bounce off each other in different ways. Streamlining a plot where Sonic goes from point A to point B, beating up robots with Tails, Amy, Knuckles, whatever, means NOTHING if they don't grow closer as friends from it. Keeping a character in a static state makes them uninteresting. If you are trying to sell me a story with an uninteresting character, you have already failed because you never made your character interesting in the first place. People bitch out Forces for Sonic not even caring that he was locked up in the Death Egg, away from everyone, for months. In Forces, Sonic is a shallow, and therefore boring, character.

11 in those comics.


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> I'm not referring to romance, but I am referring to companionship and friends that he values.
Sonic has, and always has had friends. This is so far off the topic we're actually discussing. At no point, have I ever complained about friendship.
>but once again, characters expressing worry over whatever dangerous thing their friend is going through, or relief after making it through unscathed, colors the book with feelings that draw a reader in and get emotionally invested.
Still has nothing to do with romance.
>If you have a problem with cartoon characters being close friends
Still has nothing to do with romance. Did you actually forget what we were talking about?
>Spiderman caring about Mary Jane's well being
Spider-man has had several other romances, and he's had drama about all of them, no one fucking cares. If Peter was just with Mary Jane, and just protected Mary Jane, it wouldn't be a problem. But that's not what happens

I swear he was younger back then. It’s a really old comic, he’d just turned yellow

>In Forces, Sonic is a shallow, and therefore boring, character.

>Forces is shallow and boring.

fixed that for you.

Why is crying on the cover the issue but not crying in the story seen in above panels.

Wow, this is dark

That is the most fucking Chad thing I can imagine. How is this not a meme yet?

Yes, that is, essentially, what I said.

It was published in the 140s, he'd been yellow for about four years. His Sega age is 8 and 2/3 years passed in-comic.

You think that’s dark, Charmy was written as serious for years and was a thor kind of guy, about to marry a princess to assert his rule over his kingdom.

The egg-pod incident gave him permanent brain-damage though. He got amnesia, fell out of love with his fiance and lead the rest of his life as a man-child failure with the chaotix.

Secret Rings carried out the implied relationship between Shahra and Erazor Djinn pretty well

It is, look it up

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STFU pig! Fiona is the best thing to happen to Sonic.

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I think it's mostly because the story is so silly, it's easy to ignore the implications.
But yeah, Titan Tails is easily the most powerful Sonic character in any media.
He easily took out a villain that was casually destroying universes on a whim.

I believe you mean the best thing to happen to TAILS

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Literally no context makes the fact that this happened in a Sonic comic acceptable.
>Sonic goes from point A to point B, beating up robots with Tails, Amy, Knuckles, whatever, means NOTHING if they don't grow closer as friends from it
They're already incredibly close friends. And their relationships, in their common states, do not require changing, their personalities, don't require change, the Sonic we've been getting for over 2 decades in the games, and in TV series, and now finally in comics because SEGA has finally decided to have some consistency, has existed for over 2 decades because at it's core it's a good character.
Would you make this complaint about Mario, who's been broadly the same for even longer? No, because it's a retarded one. They were trying to fix something that wasn't broken.

That was the Sonic vs. Metal Sonic comic if I remember correctly

Zonic said he was literally going to destroy the entire multiverse if he wasn’t stopped.

The last time master mogul appeared, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles all went super snd could still barely hold their own. Titan tails wrecked his shit in the most homoerotic way I can imagine.

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>Sonic has, and always has had friends. This is so far off the topic we're actually discussing. At no point, have I ever complained about friendship.
Romance is a strong relationship, yes? I don't see the harm if its written well. (It frequently is not.)
>Still has nothing to do with romance.
Romance when done well can be beneficial to a story, Sonic or otherwise. If you don't like reading about it, then that's fine, but don't complain about it when you don't know the context.
>Still has nothing to do with romance. Did you actually forget what we were talking about?
Do you even care about the point I'm trying to make?
>Spider-man has had several other romances, and he's had drama about all of them.
Then his romances were done poorly. It would be prudent of the writer to stick to the basics until he felt he was ready to tackle a complex idea such as romance.

>Literally anal vores his powers

Could Titan Tails beat Solaris?

>Her right arm suggests she's grabbing his left arm
>His torso suggests that it's his right one
The hell is her left arm grabbing

>don't complain about it when you don't know the context.
What are you even on about you autistic retard.. You have no point here, you're spewing nonsense about a cancelled comic that got replaced by an infinitely better one, without the romance bullshit

Nah it did later get written as a cat/mouse game he keeps up so he doesn't become bored. The whole point of Iron Domain and the like was to show that he ruled all of mobius and the FF were just distractions.

I’m pretty sure Master Mogul had himself absorbed Enerjak’s powers so yes, definitely.

Titan tails anally vores Solaris, digests him, then shits out the plot of Sonic 06, his gift to the sonic multiverse.

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There are people, rn, who will defend this

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Whatever you say. As I said, if you don't like it, fine, but don't complain about it when it doesn't match up with your precious game canon.

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I bet I could count all of those people on one hand.

Lien-Da is one of those freak accidents where a nothing character becomes interesting and it's a crime nothing ever happened with her.

Archie Sonic is a spectacle, that doesn't mean it's good.

No I'd say dull is about right considering we won't be getting any creative characters like the egg bosses or fun cameos such as Honey and AoStH/OVA sonic characters. Fuck we can't even have the done to death trope of evil twin.

Archie had a lot of shit but there was enough gold scattered about to warrant a pull.

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Careful what you say around here. Gamefags rule the roost now and they'll not tolerate a cross word about anything that deviates from their perfect little world.

>don't complain about it when it doesn't match up with your precious game canon
>don't complain that the comic based on a character from a video game, is so completely off base from the tone of the game series it's based on
Honestly you're right, I don't need to complain. SEGA fixed it and I should spend less time complaining about the past and more time appreciating what we have now

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I need ideas for my SatAM reboot fanfics. I have to get them from somewhere.

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>SEGA fixed it
Lol. Sega is a blight.

We're still getting cameos like the Babylon Rogues, the Metal Overlord and we'll probably keep getting more

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Also new characters like Rough and Tumble, or Tangle and Whisper.

>don't complain that the comic based on a character from a video game, is so completely off base from the tone of the game series it's based on
You're right, now we have a trite 1:1 copy that manages to be just as boring as the source material.

Should have stayed as Super Neo Metal Sonic

>I don't like Sonic
Thanks for sorting that out. I almost thought you were actually making a point.

I can't believe that in the early comics Charmy had a pretty generic personality and then Sonic Heroes came out and they legit gave Archie Charmy brain damage so his personality matched the games.

>This was the page that Sega saw that made them realise how fucked up their comic was.

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>Not posting the thousands of generations of Tails that lent him his power

Maybe post-reboot Eggman does, but pre-reboot Eggman tore his mustache off in total insanity over not being able to kill Sonic. He forced the entire reboot solely for the chance to wipe Sonic out of all existence, and even Dr. Wily had to admit that was going too far.

>appreciating what we have now
I'm gonna give it a chance, but don't pretend IDW is better or equal to Archie.

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>Still not posting it

Sonic is many things. I like one piece of it. I'm not surprised by your unmitigated arrogance.

I remember that comic, damn Sally turned into a spinless bitch in that one.

Remember when these guys straight up murdered a kid

And then he promply forgot when it was clear that Archie was never getting the old continuity back.

It's actually good, so yeah.

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Its good, but Archie is also good.

>The egg-pod incident gave him permanent brain-damage though. He got amnesia, fell out of love with his fiance and lead the rest of his life as a man-child failure with the chaotix.
And all because the writers had to make him in line with his "character" that was shown in Sonic Heroes.

I’m looking for it

Yeah he's not dead. They'll come up with some bullshit cure for the nanobotium virus that'll undo all damage.

Speaking of which, the thing only works on live materials and doesn't work on inorganic or dead matter, so how come their clothes turn to metal too?

There's something so off about the way Penders writes sci-fi dialogue.
Who the fuck would say "180 degrees from our forward trajectory"?

every story in the annual was kino

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There's also doing away with the thousands of Chaos Emeralds in the galaxy and merging them into a single set of seven.
I still like it

One of your posts read like you just don't like romance in general while falling to explain why exactly you think romance can't be included in Sonic. I'm not him, but you're being hypocrite here now.

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Found the fucker

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Yeah, but that story was pretty cool, if only for how neatly Flynn tied together so many loose plot threads.
Plus only 7 chaos emeralds made them more special. I was actually curious to see where the Chaos Emerald arms race was going before the comic got rebooted.

All consolation prizes with how strict the monitoring is now and SA-modern era just being made up of one shot characters.

For me, part of the fun of the comics was that Sonic got to do shit and be in situations he would never face in the games.

Forgot about the insane phase. Then coming back with the whole chaos factor.

You think that's because the entire sonic universe is confined to videogames and comics/cartoons are basically SEGA-sanctioned fanfiction?

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>Sonic got to do shit and be in situations he would never face in the games.
Like a zombie robot apocalypse?

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That feeling when you cuck the most powerful being in all of creation

>not liking 1990s Spaz head tilts

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Still my favorite Eggman moment in the comics.

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More like Sega is too anal about how their brand is represented so they don't allow any actual creativity.

You mean the most done to death plot in all of fiction? Yeah its a real page turner.

They tried not being anal, but you know what happens if you don't hold your IP in a vice grip - hacks like Penders start shitting all over it.

Yes which is proving to be enjoyable.

This isn't a binary situation where one is better than the other. Archie wasn't that far ahead of the game at IDW's current issue count. My whole point is archie had its value. IDW may develop some good OCs but I got zero faith in cameos if the SA-Modern era only continues.

Penders was Archie's bad karma from fucking over their comic staff coming back to bite them 10xfold.

But you're right, you can't let a team go full hog nor put them in a complete vice grip. Problem is Sega's entire history is not understanding limits.

>why exactly you think romance can't be included in Sonic
Serious romance doesn't fit the tone of the original games that the comic is based on, or even any of the ones after. The entire reason the comic exist, and that anyone ever looked at it is because it sold itself on a connection to an IP, and given how incredibly different it was from them, it was basically false advertising. Romance is just a part of the problem with Archie Sonic. But romance where it doesn't belong is a problem with many other stories to. I never complained about romance in general, romance is a part of life, but putting it in Sonic is like sword fights at a circus, it makes no fucking sense.

Sonic fighting eggman and his cronies is far more interesting than Sonic breaking up with Sally.
And even ignoring romance
Sonic fighting eggman and his cronies is far more interesting than some retarded royal political drama about boring characters

Don't be disingenuous. A lot of that could be attributed to Archie just being shitty. Apparently the editor of Sonic allowed him to get away with all kinds of shit.

>The entire reason the comic exist, and that anyone ever looked at it is because it sold itself on a connection to an IP
It was connected to SatAM, that's why people cared. After 20 years, that didn't even matter anymore. The games aren't the only parts of Sonic. You would do well to remember this.

Just because something isn't original doesn't mean it isn't good
People reuse plots and tropes because they're good. Fighting a robot zombie invasion is cool.

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You can't get more based than Fiona.

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I would argue that's a bad thing, considering that the totality, the size of the Sonic cast, counting everyone from the games, comics and other entertainment means is already MUCH more big than the enough and this might have been in red alert since Adventure, or perhaps even before it. Even more new characters to a cast that has been bloated for years.

Recycling old and deprecated characters from comics and games and others is a better idea.

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>that one sonic girl who doesn't wear pants

>Recycling old and deprecated characters from comics and games and others is a better idea.
I agree, but they're off-limits to IDW.
The modern game cast is all they have to work with and most have already appeared in the comic.

No? Comics are a primarily visual medium, they should be exaggerated and dynamic.

>Recycling old and deprecated characters from comics and games and others is a better idea.
This. Even Mario brings back characters like Pauline.

>Even more new characters to a cast that has been bloated for years.
Most of those characters are throwaways that aren't coming back. They've already debloated

That's a waste.

>Comics are a primarily visual medium
Then your visuals should not be contradicting the tone you're setting through dialogue.
It's trying to be serious, but making funny art.

How? Characters aren't a limited resource. You're not going to run out. You can literally just make more if you need them

Pauline has been in numerous spinoffs. Granted, there is no logical reason to keep Mighty and Ray from the comics, they were brung into the games and now many more people are fans of the characters.

Why make a character if you're just going to throw them out after you're done?

Wasn't Mina forced on Bollers by whoever was editing at the time?

Only because Miyamoto-sama didn't leave due to corporate clusterfuckery

Friendly reminder that Tails had an adult mommy girlfriend that the writers deliberately forgot existed because they thought the concept was “creepy”

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She never left. Pauline had been a fixture of the Mario vs. DK games since the second one.

>after you're done
To do whatever you did with them before you were done

The only genuine throwaways are Gamma, Shadow and similar characters that had their plan to appear in one game, or in one moment, or in some issues, and then die. Most, theses that you're thinking, aren't for sure throwaways, and I suspect you only think they are, because you don't like them.

>They've already debloated
This is the worst idea ever to deal the situation, and I don't think you have played many Sonic games or experienced many of Sonic comics and cartoons if you believe the cast has been "debloated" (you don't debloat the cast, you just throw the other characters away and never use them).

>You can literally just make more if you need them
Did you read my post? I said that this is a bad idea.

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Shadow came back, though. And Gamma was cloned in Battle, so he's technically still around, albeit he doesn't have any memories of SA1.

What if a writer comes on much later and wants to write an old character? What if you are making a game where an old character would be a good fit?

Wow a one off game that Sega has barely acknowledged as having existed at one point in the 15 years since its release.

Correction: Gallagher wrote Barby Koala to dote on Tails as if he was a cute little kid to add some flavor to the character and contrast with her toughness attitide. Nobody else ever did this and it only came up like once. Ian, being slightly autistic, took this as something serious and ignored it because it's "gross."

This same guy tried to give Ice Man a crush on Roll and make Reboot Sally and Nicole a couple despite both instances basically being incest.

No, I’m pretty sure they were fucking. Tails is an absolute Chad.

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>Shadow came back, though.
Despite that he was planned to die. He was planned to be a genuine throwaway, and even so, he still keeps coming back for some reason.

And here you are, claiming the said characters that aren't throwaways, are "throwaways".

>And Gamma was cloned in Battle
CHAOS Gamma. I know that you said this already, it's not the real E-102 Gamma, the one who I was referring to.

>so he's technically still around
And yet, he still hasn't appeared in the screen ever since SA1?

If you believe that he's still technically around, then you should be consistent, and also believe too that characters like the FFs, Scratch and Grounder, Snively and similar from cartoons and comics are technically still around.

>Older girl goes "Mwah!" at cute kid.
>Must want to fuck.
Dude, get a grip.

>I said that this is a bad idea
I was saying it's not

>I don't think you have played many Sonic games or experienced many of Sonic comics and cartoons if you believe the cast has been "debloated"
We really don't see that many characters, look at the cast of forces, it's only a few actually recognizable ones like team chaotix and the main cast. Boom only had like 5 or 6, Mania had few, 2 from DLC, IDW Sonic has about 8 commonly reoccurring and a few who only show up now and again, it really isn't crowded at all.
> (you don't debloat the cast, you just throw the other characters away and never use them).
That's debloating. You get rid of the bloat.

>head tilts and cheek mouth

Spaz was ahead of his time, I guess.

It’s a joke, man, lighten up

The children who grew up reading Archie Sonic in the 90s are the adults making cartoons like Steven Universe now. Think about it.

Sure is a good thing that the people who grew up reading Archie Sonic after 2006 will have something valuable to look back on.

My bad, I thought you were trying to say it was some kind of serious thing. A lot of people tend to have wild interpretations of these books they pass off as fact to people who didn't read them. Just look at all the people ITT who don't know who wrote what but state their guesses as fact.

You mean like a handful of good issues and a ton of shit? Ian's pretty overrated.

SatAM and Archie Sonic fags are the worst of the fandom. 30-40 year old neck beard faggots arguing with children who prefer the games.

>If you believe that he's still technically around, then you should be consistent, and also believe too that characters like the FFs, Scratch and Grounder, Snively and similar from cartoons and comics are technically still around.
Except that they're off limits, and aren't game characters who are allowed to exist in IDW. Ian could use Chaos Gamma at any time he wishes, while the western cartoon/comic characters are strictly not allowed in IDW.

>the western cartoon/comic characters are strictly not allowed in IDW.
[citation needed]

They're at least not going to appear right now, maybe they might come back but I wouldn't count on it.

That's not "strictly not allowed".

Yeah because there's no rule saying they can't.
They're different licenses, which IDW hasn't paid for.

>I was saying it's not
Oh, not a bad idea to create new characters, then throw them away under the carpet, create more, then throw away, and so the cycle repeats and repeats, despite the fans that love theses said characters, while the carpet separate more and more from the floor. Not a bad idea, of course, sure, I see.

>We really don't see that many characters, look at the cast of forces, it's only a few actually recognizable ones like team chaotix and the main cast. Boom only had like 5 or 6, Mania had few, 2 from DLC, IDW Sonic has about 8 commonly reoccurring and a few who only show up now and again, it really isn't crowded at all.
There are more Sonic games and comics before theses, you know. The Sonic franchise is not consisted of only Mania, Forces and IDW.

>That's debloating.
Wrong. The old and deprecated characters are still in the mind of many fans, and even if they were not, they still have appeared before, and now, they don't anymore for no reason. You can't "debloat" one cast. You can only pretend that they don't exist, and never use them, while you keep creating new characters, that are soon to be thrashed away for also no reasons.

The fact that you're re-affirming the term debloating encourages me further to believe you just don't like them personally. I bet you would think that Mighty and Ray are "throwaways", had they not made a comeback to Mania.

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Didn't they acknowledge it in Sonic X?

>There are more Sonic games and comics before these
Yeah, and they built up a large amount of characters
I'm saying the new games have removed a lot of them and made the cast more lean.

>I bet you would think that Mighty and Ray are "throwaways", had they not made a comeback to Mania.
Yes, because that would mean they were thrown away. But they haven't been thrown away, they're being used, albeit sparingly.

Oh my, I'm so sorry! Surely, you must have such a gold objective opinion to share right now, your majesty.

SATam is fine. It's just the people who complain about SATam characters not being in everything who are annoying

IDW is shit mostly because Ian is burnt out after writing Sonic fanfiction for 13 years and almost nothing else aside from the occasional backup in shit like TMNT or his own short-lived original work. A couple of the non-Flynn short stories in the annual were proof that fun stories could be told in the IDW setting but instead we have to have decompressed year-long "seasons" where nothing happens.

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Nerve got struck pretty bad there.

>ian and tracy desperately trying to recapture the magic that was I'VE GOT YOUR LIMIT RIGHT HERE

Calm down, Alex.

Everyone's shitting on you, but you're right.
The problem is Ian's IDW scripts suck.

Why is Fiona making a Rasengan?

>SatAM is fine.
It's worse than Archie. The issues that reuse scripts from SatAM are some of the worst in the book.

Who's complaining? There's just discussion and debate here, and people also complain that other obscure characters from games aren't in everything.

That moment was fucking magical. IIRC that's what started to get Yea Forums on the Sonic train. That's what did it for me at least.

Honestly did any of the Freedom Fighters even beat a Robot in SATAM?

Even fucking Bunnie who should have been a powerhouse like Knuckles felt so useless , and why didn't they just make Antoine a Swordman? Did the writers wife cheat on him with French men? And what was the purpose of Rotor when Tails was already a technician even in Sonic 2? Not to mention that Sally took his role anyway so he felt even more useless

Honestly SATam feels like Sonic Forces in how useless the non sonic Characters were

she begged him to

>Honestly did any of the Freedom Fighters even beat a Robot in SATAM?
You would have know this answer certainly, had you read the 40 or 50 early Archie issues.

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He's talking about how the show made them completely ineffectual, numbnuts.

If it's the show he's talking about, then yes, he's right. Only Sonic keeps beating up the robots.

And only sometimes. Most of the time, Sonic would run from the swatbots like a little bitch unless he had a ring.

It's weird to think that Sonic 2 Tails could murder the entire freedom fighters including Sonic

SATam Robotnik would piss himself if Game Sonic was thrown into the SATamverse and started murdering the Robots left and right while Game Eggman would probably sit and laugh after he realises how weak Robotnik is compared to his ego

He also changed speeds depending on the needs of the writers and particular shot.

Forget the Freedom Fighters. There were various technological and magical factions that could've wipe the floor with Robotnik but they did fuck all while Sonic did the heavy lifting. For their trouble they get wiped out by the Genesis waves.

Like they could do a Generations 2 where SATam Robotnik tries to Mock Classic Modern and AOSTH Eggmans for "not taking the situation seriously" and tries to act like the leader only for them to send in of their weaker Boss Robots to annihilate his entire army in seconds and he goes insane and becomes the buttjoke of the group

>Episode about some kind of magic wizard man they keep hyping up.
>He barely does shit and just goes "lol ok bye."
>Episode about Robotnik creating a robot EVEN FASTER than Sonic!
>Sonic just runs faster than it.
>Episode about annoying baby dinosaurs for some reason.
>Episode where they go to a place full of air geysers and all they fucking do is trick Robotnik into getting blasted away by one.
>Episode about MUH POLUTION.

This show sucked when you think about it.

As a matter of fact all of the SATam OCs should be the buttjokes of such game , except for Antoine who ends up being the only one who can keep up with the Game Characters

>Linking that nasty little cockslut.

And you didn't even get into those shit 15-minute half-episodes, either. Like Robecca of the Odd Couple.

People hype up SatAM as being "Blade Runner for Kids" but the show was sub Biker Mice tier shit.

Honestly, most of the Sonics from other continues could wreck SatAM Robotnik. AoStH Sonic would run circles around him with his Loony Tunes dynamics.

>what was the purpose of Rotor when Tails was already a technician even in Sonic 2?
SEGA of America erased that part of Tails's character, leaving him with nothing but being a cute kid sidekick.

does have a point. These factions just saw around scratching their genitalia whike Robotnik was rampaging and enslaving people across the planet. The echidnas were the worst offenders

When you get right down to it, even Underground Robotnik was more successful than SatAM.
Sure, SatAM Robotnik turned a city into a dystopian nightmare. Underground Ivo actually ruled the world and had rich people giving him their money, allowing him to continue ruling.

The early episodes are weirdly closer to the games, with wasp-robots and the like.

>you call this falling?
>I wish I was falling faster!

The pilot was actually kinda good. It had decent pacing and some quality animation.

It seems like the only thing SatAM Robotnik had was looking and acting more threatening than he was and having Jim Cummings increasing the frequency.

Not quite, they brought it back towards the end of Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog.

It's weird. Underground Robotnik had the SATAM design, but a personality closer to the main Eggman.

>>Episode about Robotnik creating a robot EVEN FASTER than Sonic!
You forgot
>>It's a robot Cheetah and not Metal Sonic

There's also an episode where they have to collect some magic gems on a floating island yet it isn't Angel Island and they aren't the Chaos Emeralds. The show almost seemed to deliberately avoid using concepts from the games even when it was using concepts exactly like things from the games.

That's fine, dude. It doesn't need to be on-brand, especially since communication wasn't great back then. All it would have added is recognition, they episodes were still shit. Imagine if the OVA had Sonic beat Metal by just running faster after acting like he's struggling for a few minutes.

SATam's popularity feels more like a testament of how bad most Saturday Morning Cartoons were at their dying days rather than a testament of the shows quality

Someone on the Adventures staff likely actually got to learn the Japanese canon and squeezed it in wherever possible.

I don't think SoJ cared or knew anything about the archie comic. Hell, I dont think they ever knew anything about it. If they did they would have scrapped the artists and everything down to the paper it was printed on. Then hire a manga artist they would find squatting in an alley.

I couldn't see a japanese person liking anything about the comic.

Really makes you wonder why SatAMfags desperately want the franchise to use the show as some kind of baseline for Sonic.

>That time Tails called Robotnik "Eggman".

It's not like he fought anyone, it was literally a time of Great Peace and Scourge just kinda took over then. Pretty cowardly

Nah, it's just kids not knowing any better.
The wide acceptance of anime in the early 00s was a cry for better cartoons that fell on deaf ears. Kids became weebs because American TV hooked them on a few good shows in the mid to late 90s and then ran cold.

What, like this or something better?

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>They weren't retards

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I mean, they actually weren't given all the other echidnas got fucked way harder.

Fiona said while they were in Zone Jail that Scourge just beat up a bunch of people and thought that earned him the title of king.

Sounds like no one had any idea what to do with him.

No one is saying that here. Don't encourage a flame-war here, please.

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Why did I laugh at this? I didn't think I hated charmy.

I'm not saying here, I saying elsewhere.

That's all they ever fucking talk about, is how SatAM should be the entire basis of the franchise.

If by him you mean Rotor, yeah.
If you meant "them," Bunnie was consistent, she just had more range than the other characters. Gallagher's Antoine sort of butted heads with other writers' interpretations as he wrote him as a complete scumbag to the core.

It's delusional when the most deserving Sonic cartoon is the based OVA.

>Not Master Overload

Really should have worked on the name.

It's based on Metal Overlord from Heroes and Ian isn't creative.

Ian's writing has declined because he was more engaged in the Preboot universe. He likely finds the IDW setting boring and he doesn't have a pack of lore already made for him from past writers to play around with.

To be fair, the worst Sonic game ever probably made more money than the comics did. The comic is advertsing and market sunergy, not the soearhead of the franchise.

>to slap someone she has to wave her ass in their face.

There is a thought.

Why would it be called Master Overload? What is it overloading? It's not even a cooler sounding name

A lot of it has to do with Sonic 2006 ruining the credibility of Japanese Sonic Lore so a lot of people flocked to the SATam Lore, even people who were born after the Show ended

2006 basically intensified the internal fanwars of the Sonic Fanbase so badly that it only recovered from recently

Which is a pretty bad excuse for a writer. Like shit dude, it's your job to give a shit.

"Overload" as too much of something to an overbearing extent, Metal is overloading in power and he is a "Master" of it.

Even a h-doujin artist said who Sally acorn in their omake

>Ian's writing has declined
He literally only gotten better

>He likely finds the IDW setting boring and he doesn't have a pack of lore already made for him from past writers to play around with.

Then that's his own fault, really. There's a better budget with better staff and less inept managers. Take more time to draft better plots.

I want to see how this zombot thing woks out. It reminds me of when they'd have a metal or gold costume for a character in an N64 or dreamcast game.

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The zombots are based on metal skins in Sonic Heroes' multiplayer.

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>He literally only gotten better
I know you don't mean that.

He has nice fangs

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>That time Robotnik went Supreme using Chaos Emeralds

Noticed that as well. We know what the characters will look like if they get touched.

I liked the setup for that plot but I felt it ended a bit too quick. I also thought they beat us over the head with the copying of biodata plot.

Ian should realize that the only people reading his comic are sweaty man-children who played all the Sonic games. We all know how copying the bio data works!

I hope you're baiting.

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The IDW Sonic should have just started from scratch like the IDW Ninja Turtles did.

>The IDW Sonic should have just started from scratch like the IDW Ninja Turtles did.
... but it did?

I mean, it makes sense. Despite how alien Preboot Archie Sonic at a lot of times, it had a unique universe that gave you a different experience from the games like most of the other side media of Sonic which left room for more creativity. Ian likely feels like he's just writing the games in paper form with IDW.

Point me to a single comic he's written in the last three years that's as good as Thicker Than Water.

He means from the ground up. No taking place after x game. A total reboot of events.

The editors seem to be worse, actually.

No, it started on Sonic Forces' coattails.

Fantastic user, thanks

>That time Robotnik made a Sonic robot (albeit operated by a hench-rat like a suit).

everybody repeat with me, wasted potential.

this may sounds like im being nostalgic, but Metal Sonic was by far the best enemy and rival of sonic that has ever existed. not Shadow, not Eggman, not anything that comes from the ken penders or sega of japan's wet dreams.
And i think that Sonic heroes was the pinnacle of his power, he became the ultimate weapon of mass destruction and the ultimate robotic lifeform, that game was the point where metal sonic could have escaped or something to become his own thing, his own master.

only for all to be forgotten and erased the next game, and since then Metal sonic has become just a more durable badnik that looks like sonic.
i have been seen so much wasted potential in a long time, not even from Songbird from bioshock infinite.

Sounds like a terrible idea.
I mean, wouldn't that require retelling Kunckles's backstory? And Shadow's? And Blaze's?
Would Sega even allow it?

>Would Sega even allow it?
It would be best if they did. The characters could have the same origins but events are changed so it won't look like you are just reading the games in comic format to provide a unique experience.

I'd say he's gotten a better characterization of the characters down. Sonic doesn't get snatch trapped into staying in one place for example. He still has that weird thing where he writes Blaze off.

The comic has less not game related drama and more things that belong to a videogame tie in comic, like action and less crying or brain fucking.

If we are going by metrics then he is getting better at writing the comic.

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Ian's writing in general has always been worse when he has to establish things himself, see Mega Man and post Genesis Wave Archie Sonic for other examples.

Yeah, it's more like the games, but it really shows that Ian is fucking bored with the setting, and he still has problems writing certain characters like Shadow, Silver, and Eggman, not just Blaze.

>Knuckles was meant to show up at the end of SatAM's third season
>Mobius would have been revealed to be Earth in the future, and Robotnik and Snively were the only human survivors of a space trip gone wrong
>Tails would have had a bigger role in the plot
>Nate Morgan would have appeared at some point, but as a wizard, not a scientist
>Naugus and King Acorn would have escaped the Void
>Snively and Naugus would have worked together at first, only do Naugus to betray Snively and appoint Robotnik as his lackey, while Snively joined the Freedom Fighters
Would it have been shit?

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Ian's Silver is the best version of the character and literally the only one anyone cares about.
And his Eggman is great, too.

Archie Sonic was good.......with Mega Man.

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He even did better shit than that WHILE UNDER ARCHIE. His Sonic Mega Drive was fucking great.
>Ian's Silver is the best version of the character
Absolutely this. He's actually really charming.

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>His Sonic Mega Drive was fucking great
It's a shame we'll never get to see how it ends.

His Silver is too dorky and "quirky". If you don't like how a character acts, than they shouldn't be used.

His Eggman only worked in the Preboot universe. He's mostly just too edgy like a Joker knockoff.

Sonic Mega Drive is pretty mediocre in the writing department. The whole thing is carried by the art.

Honestly it is but overall the comics are in better hands

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>IDW Sonic is based on Sonic Forces
>Infinite and Buddy aren't allowed to be used
They literally were the only thing unique about that Game yet we haven't even heard of either in two years

It's even more frustrating when Kishimoto's Bowser Wannabe was in TSR but not Infinite despite the fact that Infinite doesn't mind being Eggman's lackey while Zavok wants to kill Eggman

The writing was really good, it was funny, the characters were likable, the dialogue felt natural, I can't see a single significant flaw

That's the cutest knuckles I ever damn saw.

Buddy can't be used since he's not but a custom Avatar for the player at the end of the day.

I don't know why Infinite is barred from the comic. I guess Sega is ashamed of him since the fans were disappointed by how lackluster he was despite the hype.

>Infinite and Buddy aren't allowed to be used
is there a source for this?

This, most of the OVA could've easily fit into a Sonic CD sequel.

His dork in dorkiness is endearing

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I remember Ian saying on a BumbleKast that Infinite isn't allowed to be used. Buddy seems to be replaced by Tangle as the rookie.

I want to see Trunks Game Silver and Dorky Comic Silver go on Xenoverse adventures.

Pre Genesis wave Archie Sonic is some of the best Sonic media ever produced. And their take on Silver was incredible.

nearly every page has a gag that's gold

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>Pre Genesis wave Archie Sonic is some of the best Sonic media ever produced.
I wouldn't go that far.

why was the next line not "in my dreams sonic"

>His dork in dorkiness is endearing
I think I just had a stroke

fennecs were cute

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And not how every night he saves his life.

What's wrong with it? Penders was only good at writing echidnas. He was an asshole but his echidna lore gave us great stuff like enerjak and Edmund (future)

this was bugging me too. That'd just mean they were to their direct left, right?

Hes still more popular than Zavok purely because hes the first "Mobian" Sonic Character since Silver(Sticks doesn't count) and his edginess reminded people of back when the series took itself seriously rather than trying to appease Boomer Critics who think Sonic should have Preteen stories like Mario

It's why a lot of people have been trying to "fix" his character while people in General just want Zavok to fuck off

IIRC villains that are considered dead i.e Black Doom and Mephiles aren’t allowed to be used, so I’m guessing they either have something else planned for him or he’s totes dead.

It was definitely the best. Especially Sonic Universe.

>RP account was based on the pre-reboot canon
>Two fucking reboots and now nobody follows that canon
>Have no idea what's an OC and what's an actual character anymore

I'm honestly surprised on how Yea Forums is shitting on archie Sonic when archie Mega Man's only flaw was that Capcom wouldn't allow them to make more.

Just capcom killing the franchise as usual.

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I'm not sure what it is, but something about the Sally redesign doesn't look quite right to me. It's like it's too different and doesn't seem like the same character.
It's hard to pin down though, half the time it seems fine and the other half it doesn't.

Either way, I miss the eyebrows.

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This delusion is unreal.

Unlike Zavok, Infinite doesn't have somebody at Sega that holds a bias for him and whores him into every game. We are probably never gonna see that nigga again like Marine.

>when archie Mega Man's only flaw was that Capcom wouldn't allow them to make more.
Dude, this happened with Archie Sonic just last year too.

At actually do like Sally's old design when she's drawn like she is in your pic. I think that was Ben Bates?

I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure every Sally before the reboot had some sort of fluff on her cheeks while reboot Sally's are perfectly round

It's still on hiatus. It's gonna come back. Trust me. My uncle is the janitor at Archie and my stepdad knows a guy who has been to Capcom.

It's because her reboot design makes her look like she actually fits in the Sonic franchise.

different artists make characters look different. Different color choice also doesn't help.

Sally only got fluff on her cheeks around issue 20. Reboot Sally looks closer to OG Sally from the earliest issues.

Archie was the one that dropped Mega Man, not Capcom.

That Cosmo book he did was also fucking incredibly bland and only lasted five issues. Serves as the perfect counterargument when someone lays the blame for IDW's blandness solely on Sega.

Imagine being Ian flynn and thinking that it would be hilatious to shoehorn in a GIANT ENEMY CRAB reference in a 2016 comic.

I remember that was one of the first issues I looked at and I couldn’t believe a sonic comic book was focusing on relationship bullshit

Can't believe I didn't make that connection damn, especially considering all the heroes love in the idw series so far.

This is why he’s mostly known by the fans as being the “janitor”; he’s good at cleaning up other people’s messes, but when it comes to cleaning up his own...

The Sonic fandom has become consumed with meme-gobblers. That kind of shit makes them clap.

We can thank that Webber faggot for that.

>You now remember when Eggman lost his mind and ranted out YouTube Poops.

True, but Ian was shoving memes into the comics way before then even.


And most of the fandom laughs everytime.



>He didn't even make a comment about the Projared situation
What a faggot, the cunt who started the "le SA2 is bad" bandwagon got exposed as a scum and he didn't even make a "At least Sonic is loyal" comment

Wouldn't it be too soon and kicking a man while he's down?

Besides, it was too controversial to get involved in.

Reminder that the shit where all of Sonic's B to D-list friends could rip apart an ultra-powerful mech because it wasn't specifically designed for them was fucking retarded

I had dropped the comic around issue 150 back in the day, I couldn't take the shit anymore and didn't see any point in wasting my money on it.
I gave the book a chance again when Ian took over and I had heard good things.
This bullshit here is the reason I dropped the comic again, that was the stupidest, bullshit asspull I had ever seen.
Ian's a hack, he's just slightly more tolerable than the other hacks.

Wait WHAT?

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The funny thing is, TSR made Silver much more like his comic self, and Runners made the more Trunks-like 06 Silver his own seperate character (although he hasn't appeared since). So that could actually happen.

May as well mention I can't stand Tracy Yardley's ugly ass artstyle.

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>Cementing her position as the book's least likable female character

Nah that's Fiona Fox. Mina was still a shit tho

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I remember Sonic trying that same plot in the Megaman crossover and backfiring.
Metal Sonic was too fast for Mega Man to hit while Bass's rapid fire could handle Sonic just fine.

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No allowed romance for the GAME characters

They're free to do whatever they want with the Comic OCs

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I don't really have a problem with this, mainly because Knuckles, Vector, Mighty and Bunnie were the only ones that really did anything, which is expected.
The others were just there to make a point.

Regardless of whatever origin the characters come from, there's still romance that can be potentially included in a Sonic comic by Ian given that he's a yurifag.

Tails x Cosmo was cute in Sonic X

Knuckles x Rouge implications were nice in Sonic Adventure

Sonic x Amy does have some genuinely sweet moments

Romance can be fine small doses. Just Relationship Drama is fucking awful

Do you really think Ian is conspiring to turn every female character into a lesbian because he once said he headcanoned reboot Sally as gay?

wut? her right hand is gripping his left arm and vice versa

>flawed main character gets punished for his flaws
Yeah what's the problem?

>only flaw
Try 16 issues of the exact same thing with different robot masters swapped in.

For once, Sonic was in the right.
Sally wanted him to give up being a freedom fighter.
Sonic said he couldn't because he's their best fighter and their best hope at ending his threat.
Then Sally snaps, calls him selfish and says he cares more about Eggman than her.
And mind you, this happened on a stage in front of crowd so she could pressure him into going along with her.

I never implied this. What I am saying, is that Ian may have be planning some sudden romance between Tangle and Whisper/Jewel, and this can be suspected thanks to the new announced issue dedicated to the said characters only, which it was announced around the 10th issue of IDW Sonic, while Sally only got her mini-series around the 20th Archie Sonic issue.

The very few amount of IDW Sonic issues it took to announce the said side series issue doesn't seems appropriate, and neither of the two said new characters took enough of time to demonstrate and flesh out their important traits and personalities alongside the long-established characters.

But, hey, I admit that now that you mentioned it, I wouldn't shot down the hypothesis that, if he was able to get away with it 100%, he would turn every female character into a lesbian.

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Christ. Why is it that Sonic presents amazingness to every creator and they all throw it all down at the finish line? How can it be so hard to write quality Sonic? It just seems so easy...

>I couldn't see a japanese person liking anything about the comic.

Scourge managed to charm a few people in Japan. Enough to get a couple of pages of fanart on pixiv. He's was the only Archie character to have more than like 5 pictures.

They really love that evil clone trope.

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What is the absolute fastest Sonic has ever canonly moved in the comics? Don't care if its from the comedy era or not.

If warping counts, then SA2 when he teleported out of a missle using Chaos Control.

I think maybe that one Archie story leading up to his redesign where Sonic had a large Chaos Emerald on his back and was literally absorbing the elements as he raced through time and spacd.

why did so many of the older robotnik designs depict him as a big bumbling idiot? That was never his character

Most of those was probably him having gay orgies with Sonic shadow and Silver

>Looks like a fat walrus
>Comes at Sonic with Looney Tunes-styled devices
>Throws a whiny tantrum in Sonic 1's good ending

It kind of was, going from what America saw since they didn't have the Japanese canon.

>this triggers the Yurishitters

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I like Rouge alot better when artist draw her cute instead of trying to draw her "sexy". So far ABT and Diana Skelly are the only artist who manage this.

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Could never understand why Archie and DiC gave Sonic Mohawk quills when they're patterned after Son Goku and Kouji Kabuto's hairstyles

Fleetway wasn’t much better

Easier to draw.

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Bunnie had a chance, well she really did
Instead she dropped out and had a couple of kids
Antoine still lives at home cause he's got no job
He just plays guitar and smokes a lot of pot
Rotor committed suicide
Nicole OD'd and died
What the hell is going on
The cruelest dream, reality

>Sonic's World

>This isn't just some writing trick to refer to a planet without a name.
>This is literally the name of the planet Sonic and friends live on
>Sonic's World

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Doesn't Sonic also once pull some bullshit move where he throws dirt or sand or something into the air and then runs up the airborne projectiles?

What about the time he threw a handful of dust and ran along it before it dispersed?

I don't get it?

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>Sally's one true power: Being bossy.

I feel like game Eggman would be happy to play the fool to get access to the roboticization technology, then perfect a raygun form of it and turn on Robotnik immediately

Goofy but ruthless is him in a mutshell

>he cares more about Eggman than her.

To be fair, he is the sexiest man alive.

Hideous art style aside thise designs ate actually pretty game faithful

Compared to stuff like Fly Fly Freddy and Snoop doggy dog.

That was one of the designs in the SATam cartoon.

The games were always light hearted.

I can't remember anymore but why can't they do another ones of these let alone finish what they started with the Genesis run?

Because technically Genesis is part of the Archie canon (its a loose prequel to the main comic), and IDW doesn't want to touch anything Archie did.

Archie probably has rights over this specific series, but it might be possible for IDW to do something similar, time will tell. Honestly though it seems weird Archie started these things when they did, when, by that time they should have been aware of the plans to change rights to the comics

Imagine Tangle walking on Whisper and Infinite having sex

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It's a coloring error. What the colorist thought was the edge of the belly is actually a cast shadow from the arm, and the belly itself is supposed to be blue.

imagine whisper walking in on tangle and infinite having sex

I honestly can't figure how Archie could fuck up as they did they had one of the longest running comic series nay only running video game comic series under their belt and they fumbled it.

Bad luck with a capital P

Mario would 1 shot this fuck

Biggest crime of Heroes is Neo Metal will always be pushed aside for this shitty dragon form.

That and some idiot saying "Fuck our proven success. Lets reboot our comic that no one reads and somehow make it worse, and spend all our money doing so."

3 shot*

The reboot was BECAUSE of Penders. He wouldn't shut up about his echidnas, so they forced him to by erasing all trace of his past canon.

I still say we should have a judge look into that joke of a case because of Penders fat ass Sega will never do anything major with Knuckles or Echidna lore on the franchise again someones oc doughnut steel fan fiction got lucky with a clueless judge.

I meant Archie. They spent all their money on that stupid realistic Archie reboot.

I remember this. It was during the time Penders was trying to get rid of Sally by other means.

looks like the metal turkey from ATHF