Post scenes that define a character

Post scenes that define a character

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Other urls found in this thread: saved my life/

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Just a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

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whats the point of using shaving cream if she just heat visions away the hair?

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How many other people killed themselves while he was wasting time on this one attention seeker?

pic unrelated



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On average in 2015 1.5 people per day committed suicide in New York City.
So zero.


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yup supes is god.

>why is he spending time to smile and wave to the crowd? How many lives were lost?
>why is he stopping this robbery? There’s a mass murder happening somewhere else!
>why is he resting? He could have saved a bazillion lives!
Fuck off

All valid points. How would you feel if your loved one was shot while Superman was waving to the crowd?

Like it wasn't his fault, moron. He isn't Omnipresent Man.

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This one isn't so bad. He can overhear stuff from miles away but only needs to be there physically for a few minutes.

The silly one was him staying with a leaper for hours because he didn't want to force the kid down.

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Why are superdaddyfags so triggered and angry?

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>pointing out that only 1 person per day tries to kill themselves in a city that size is fedoracore
okay. Supes literally has enough time to prevent all suicides in metropolis. Not a single other person killed their self like user suggested.

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man, i love Doom.

Omnipresent Man sounds like a good read.

They are better off. I wouldn't want to live in a comic book world.

>transport loads of grain to starving people

I remember that story.

He literally just wished away his guilt in front of her. Did she expect him to say yes?

I think she got a little shocked. Even immortal that just beat Doom and Magneto in combat was surprised.

I swear to god I've seen an edit of this with Ultraman pushing them off, but I can't find it.

This one gets me

>How many people died in a building fire while he was busy rescuing people from a different building fire?

he can force him to go down but he'll just go back up and try again.

>Implying Metropolis has several suicide victims a day.
>Implying this one girl is seeking attention.
>Implying you have ever read the comic.

Who wrote that one again? It was about Superman deciding to do humanitarian work around the world and finding out that just being Superman won't stop people committing crimes and starting wars. It's a pretty good story.

I don't remember. I think it was called World Peace.

>41,000 fires in NYC in 2017

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I like how intense this is. With each panel, you're zooming further and further in.


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guess what happened inbetween

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exfoliation my dude, do you even skin care?

So use a proper scrub. shaving cream is there to prevent razorburn.

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god doom is great

Is that shopped?

No, for a while manta pretended that his fixation on Aquaman was literal autism.

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>Superman should constantly be doing shit like the Samaritan
Jesus Christ you idiots. He lives on a planet with dozens of FTL superhumans, some of whom are more powerful than he is.

He can take it easy. Get one of the 7 green lanterns or 5 Flashes to handle whatever the fuck he can't get to.

Given the number of wizards, time travelers, super speedsters, and reality warpers on DC Earth if you get killed by a mugger you're time was just plain up.

>Implying the problems with the developing world are a matter of resources, not structure

What a retard. Superman Peace on Earth covered the same "Superman vs real world problems" with more intelligence.

who wrote this
also what year

superman is a dick to state property


Nailed it.

>Gets his will broken by the Thing

wait till you see silverage supes that guy was a dick to everyone

Pretty sure this scene is more character-defining

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George Perez is the man. Also, I love the angellic vibe I get from Superman. He is the ultimate protector, the guardian angel.

Bullseye felt terrible and repented for all the bad he did.

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Killed daddy-issues woman?

This is what Doom is when you strip the pretension and writer dick sucking from him.

I want a print of this

Could you give me the issue:? i'm not into daredevil but this seems very interesting.

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>...Bring it on.

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He's the center of the DC Universe, nay the Multiverse. He's the greatest hero ever. The only one everybody cares about. He should do more.

Reminder that while he protected Lana and his parents, people that he knows personally, others died all around.

Reminder that someone who has saved he world time and time again doesn't owe anyone a goddamned shit.

I think you can excuse a man for prioritizing their family over others.

If a man has to choose between saving his daughter and saving me I don't fault him at all for picking his daughter.

I have a bunch of Batman scenes I could post but of course this sums him up the best.

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Did you read the issue? There weren't any others.

If that is the case then superman could just as well retire because everyone that he therefore doesn't save gets saved by someone else anyways. Also you're implying that literally every crime that could be stopped does get stopped, which I see no reason to think is the case in metropolis or even the entire planet.

Superman COULD retire. He wasn't around in the 40's and the JSA did just fine.

He's like Cap. He's the rock and heart of the superhero community but they wouldn't implode if he died.

thats some good shit

>oh wow mister policeman, why do you go home to your house to sleep and eat and relax instead of being awake at all hours of every single day for the rest of your life and patrol for crimes
you are retarded


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I'll always love Flash for this

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>Entire point of the story is that Superman is just a person, but on the eve of his demise he still takes time to help people because he embodies compassion and selflessness.

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What is so appealing about fascist porn? I keep trying to get into Dredd but at some point it's just masochism.

So you are telling me that the amount of saved people the earth of whatever dc universe you mean has maximzied its potential amount of saved people? That there is literally not a single instance of someone who could be safed not being saved?

No, Superman comic is about how he's just a person. Specially ASS that is all about Superman wank and power-levels. His cells were literally bursting because he was TOO powerful. He doesn't even die. He becomes a new form of a even more overpowered Superman who ends up fixing the sun.

Can any person create his own universe and fix the sun from the inside?

>What is so appealing about fascist porn
The fascism part

I like this one more.

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>he's the ultimate protector, a guardian angel
>n-n-no I mean he's just a man
Superfags making excuses like that are why the character is stagnant and constantly losing relevancy from his peak in the 90s, which only happened because DC "killed" him because he had constantly been losing relevancy for decades at that point as well

>Didn't get the point.
Christ, user. The story gives him endless power in exchange for presumed incoming mortality to focus on his character and throw all the "is he strong enough" bullshit aside. The point of OP's page isn't "Oh my god Superman is so great," it's him putting another person before himself and showing empathy when he has far more problems to deal with. He unwittingly secures his salvation in this event because he never stopped acting upon his morals even when it would be easier to focus on himself. It's the completion of the character arc. He is saved in the end not because it would suit him better, but because he became something greater after death, a literal and metaphoric guiding beacon for the future of humanity.

To call it powerlevel wank when he barely solves any problems through brute strength is retarded. Go read it again. It's a character study.

Vol 1 #169
And the other one is from Vol 1 #181.
Both from the Miller's run. Really, you should just read Miller's run.

I really get irked when Superfags throw the "he's just a guy, ya know" defense around, specially regarding comics that can't stop felating how awesome Superman powers are. Fuck, even Superfags can't be consistent with themselves. They were cheering like madmen over Snyder's recent JL issue all because Superman took down the Forger with a single punch. Is he just a man or the strongest character ever capable of anything? It's one or the other. You can't have both.

If that was Batman they'd be decrying about Batwank.

You could add ten more lanterns or flashes and it wouldn't change a thing.

LOOK at the amount of FTL people they got. They've got a JLA that's capable of BTFO multiverse level threats.

The planet is as safe as its ever going to be barring making it a police state.

>Peak in the 90's
Superman peaked in the late sixties.
What the fuck are you talking about?

He was saved from death because he wasn't really dying, he was Digi-evolving into an even more powerful Pokeman. That was it, user.

Everything else is just Superman is awesome powers to put his affairs into order and leaving the people of Earth in good hands thanks to his many awesome inventions.

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I know there's plenty of stories about Superman dealing with his identity issues living a double life and worrying about not doing enough good and so on but are there any stories where he confronts his own arrogance at imposing his own will and beliefs on others and realizing how bad of a person he's being instead of the writer just insisting he's correct "because he's Superman"
That would do far more towards humanizing him than wank pages where he floats near a suicidal person, saying and doing nothing while his mere presence invalidates the other person's desires and thoughts

>Its one or the other. You can't have both.
Why is power and humanity mutually exclusive? If there's one theme to Superman its that they aren't mutually exclusive. You don't have to be a prick just because you're strong.

Superman For Tomorrow.

>Implying Superman isn't constantly worried about imposing his will on others to the point he spends half his life acting like he doesn't have superpowers

>His arrogance at imposing his own will and beliefs on others and realizing how bad of a person he's being
The person you're describing is not Superman.

Sorry guys thats exactly what he's doing
Let's look at the second suicide attempt posted, there is a person brought to their lowest point wanting to end it all and what does Superman do? He plants himself in front of that person, wordlessly denying their desires, a silent wall in front of a person that already feels trapped, this person knows that their own actions can instantly be negated by Superman and just shuts down for a day because attempt at self actualization has also been shut down
In fact Superman is holding that person prisoner with his presence until the suicidal person finally breaks down and acquiesces to Supermans desires, only then are they set free
In this instance Superman is a villain, a fascist imposing his will on others imposing his oppressive presence on them until he gets what he wants
At least Morrison was able to make him come off as compassionate in the OP image

go back to tumblr you special snowflake

Some fucking midget died.

>the irony of the Superfag

This person has never read a comic book.

He wouldn't have changed if he didn't enter the sun. Most of the issues are stories where Clark has to make peace with people or come to terms with things before he passes. You're really warping the comic if you take the happy ending as am excuse to call it wank. He never would have achieved it all without the supercancer, nor without the people in his life. That's like, the whole point. His life boiled down into 12 issues.

He can't all the pedos and degenerates were purged.

By that logic your mom is a fascist for not allowing me to rape her and impregnate her with my seed. She's denying me my desire for release so she's a villain.

Poor Stiltman. I can only bring myself to pity him.

>defending yourself is the same as holding someone prisoner
Very telling that the Superfags immediately jumps to fantasies of sexual violence when trying to defend his idol

>Talking down a suicide case after talking to her therapist about her
>She's clearly only thinking about it, and only because she thinks her therapist snubbed her
>This makes Superman evil
What the hell is wrong with you?

Morrison even talks about it in Supergods. The entire run was a big solar deity thing with each issue standing for a month.

I find it more interesting you don't the flaw in your logic.

The comic is literally about Superman thinking that he's dying after adventure only for in the end to discover that he evolved to be even more powerful.
>he never would have achieved it all without the supercancer
80% of what he did came from his wondrous toys inside the Fortress of Solitude.
>nor without the people in his life
Nope. It was all him. Thinks he either came up with or things he did.Even the Supermen from the future came to meet and help him all because he's that awesome and inspired them all to be awesome too.
>big solar deity
Thanks for proving my point.

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>an insane straw man based on your repressed desires is a flaw
The state of Superfags
Tell me, how's your relationship with your father

I like how you ignored this

>By that logic your mom is a fascist for not allowing me to rape her and impregnate her with my seed.
Whew, lad...

>Tell me, how's your relationship with your father

Let's get back to the point, what makes someones desire trump someone elses? If some poor person wants to break into my house to steal what I work 10 hour days to afford, why can't I put a bullet in his head? It's not my fault he's poor and it's not his fault I'm ruthless and don't want to risk someone hurting my family. What makes a police officer arresting some drug dealer evil? The cops only desire it to earn a paycheck and clean up his city, the dealer wants to make money selling his garbage to willing customers. Who's evil in that scenario? You're using flawed logic to impose your own narrow world view, I bet you don't go out much huh? Grew up in a gated community with other like skinned people talking about Polo shirts and brown sugar?

>not understanding the point he's trying to make
Hi this is Yea Forums, we're kinda fucked up here.

Action Comics 644 from 1989 if you're interested. Good issue, Superman battles an edgier version of himself when Matrix loses her grip on reality.

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I can kind of see his point but he's expressing it in the most vile way.

>dem trips

Again. Welcome to Yea Forums.

He should have pushed that kid.

I'm not a superfag.

The fact is, he IS just a guy with superpowers. Not a god. Psychologically he is no stronger than any other Kryptonian.

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Why, user?

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>Welcome to Yea Forums.
This is 4channel. We hold ourselves to a higher standard. This isn't Yea Forums.

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Suck a dick faggot don't censor me you fucking fascist piece of shit.

>ignored a post that wasn't directed at me and made hours ago
That's a real gotcha user, you sure made a point
>Immediately again going to violent fantasies to try and justify a nonsensical ranting point while insisting others are flawed
Ironically Superman himself has rallied against the "thought" process you have

>If I ignore the actual content of the comic and only approach it based on a synopsis of the ending, it's about how great Clark is!
That IS true, user.

You sure are ignoring the part where the Supercancer also made him several times more intelligent, allowing him to invent new things and finally find answers to his impossible problems.

Rick Veitch

Around 2003 or so

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>again completely addressing the point
I'm starting to think you have a shallow understanding of your own argument so you keep shifting goalposts.

Let me simplify it for you then, I'll even make it multiple choice.

WHO decides whose desire wins out?
a) Society
b) Authority
c) Emotions
d) Morality

>138 posts
>still no Gaze into the Fist of Dredd

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I miss the one with the quite where he said God had a plan for all his angels

WHen I saw the thumbnail, I thought it was the Hulk doing a "sexy" arms-up pose

I completely forgot about it! Someone post the Blue Beetle riding Booster Gold getting chased by a berzerk Martian Manhunter! Perfectly encapsulates that greatness of that run.

Can't unsee!!!

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Bwahahahaha thank you! Saved. Can you also post the following scene of the guy in the chair getting a nosebleed?

You're a fucking legend. Thank you.

Alex Ross. He Co-Wrote and drew Kingdom Come. The story is called Superman: Peace on Earth

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>the guy in the chair

Take that, Max.

>I really get irked when Superfags throw the "he's just a guy, ya know" defense around, specially regarding comics that can't stop felating how awesome Superman powers are.

Christopher Reeve’s Superman had it glued from a young age that just because you can lift a truck when you’re two, doesn’t mean you can save your father from having a heart attack.

Superman’s feats are physical. That doesn’t make him omnipotent or omnipresent, especially in a universe that is a thousand times more dangerous than our own.

Not that guy but isn't the entire point of Superman supposed to be
>How does a god live among men?

Thank you very much. I have learned a great deal.

But he's not a god.
He is a man with the POWER of a god.

>Reminder that while he protected Lana and his parents, people that he knows personally, others died all around.
This is a lie tho. It was just Lana with the Kents. Nice try at b8 tho

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And on that note

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>I’ll kill you to death.

Such gold.

>tfw you will never hold a mirror for P.G so she can burn the hair off in those hard to see areas
>tfw you will never develop a burnt hair smell fetish
>tfw you are ok with that

But user, if you desire to rape her then it is vital that she refuses to give consent. She is doing everything she can so you can have a good rape.


The whole point of Superman since the fucking 30s is that he has no limits or things he can't do, and as a person he uses that to try and better the world when he can. The entire genesis of the idea was when Siegel realized it'd be more interesting to read about an average dude who can't be beaten than a perfect villain. It's been part of the character from day one that he still has the flaws of the every man; the power simply allows him to be his best self.

I think you're looking for /aco/ or /pol/.


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>you need to be political to not like to be censored

Fuck off snowflake.

I love these two

>Aquaman thinks autism makes you a homicidal maniac

Don't fail the Doctor.

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who did Darkseid ever job to? I thought he was a Villain Sue since "le his true essense is unkillable and all his physical forms are just projections" meme by Morrison

Thanosfag is retarded

Couldn't he just ask them to turn off the light? Why damage city property?


>he IS just a guy with superpowers
Bullshit. He's more powerful than any other kryptonian. When Jeph Loeb wanted to make canon that his version of Supergirl was more powerful than Superman, the Superfags threw such a bitchfest that he had to retcon that shit to make explicit that Superman was indeed more powerful than her. Insanely so.

He's not just a guy. Never was. The Superfags would never accept it even if they like to push said narrative. They cum all over themselves whenever Superman easily stomps someone.

Are we talking about the same movie where Superman told Jor-El to go fuck himself and went back in time so he could save EVERYONE? That movie?

Seriously, do you even understand WHY Superman was incapable of saving Pa Kent when he was younger? It was all to give him the necessary man angst so later when he is older and more powerful he can be able to say FUCK THAT SHIT and push harder than ever to save EVERYONE. Even going back in time if necessary. No buts.

The message wasn't about Superman being just a random guy or Superman learning that even he has his limits. The message was that Superman learned to surpasse his limits and he won't even settle down to the idea that he can't save some people.

Fuck, I hated that run but I LOVE that page. One joke, one fucking joke and Norman understands instantly. He knows Spiderman so well, that he can tell, just like that. He knows it isn't Ock faking because he knows Spiderman better than anyone else.

Also extreme catharsis of the stupidity of nobody fucking realising it despite him at one point being strapped into a device specifically designed to see if it's not actually you.

How has no one posted this yet? I'm disappointed in you Yea Forums

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So good

You are rotten. Doesn't mean others have to be.

It's about personality, not powers.
Stupid, stupid casual.

No, it's about powers. Every thread about power-levels all i see are Superfags trying their hardest to convince everyone that Superman is the most powerful there is. Don't bullshit me.

Why is Superman being about his personality first, powers second and him being stronger than Goku mutually exclusive to your mind?

Because the emphasis is always placed on his awesome powers and meta-importance, with his "personality" come in third. Even in the fucking comics most of the time is like this.

Sure, Superman is a greta guy. Practically Jesus Christ mixed with Santa Claus, but what really matters is how powerful he really is, and how important he will always be.

>, others died all around.

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>Because the emphasis is always placed on his awesome powers
Certainly not in the comics. His big scene in JL was predicated on showing how he used the lessons taught to him by his human father to be a good parent and Jon and John show up as ghost symbols right before he punches Forger to hammer home the message.

Do you mean one Yea Forums? Because anons harp on Superman's power level precisely because it pisses autists like you off and its fun to see you sperg.

Remember, your favorite cartoons and anime will never beat the DIALS. Ben lost clean. Goku lost clean. One Punch Man WILL lose clean.

>Jesus Christ mixed with Santa Claus
He's been Tom Joad mixed with Hugo Danner since the 40's.

How the fuck did you get Jesus and Santa?

Stupid, stupid, STUPID casual.

>I don't read Superman comics and I'm proud of it! I love posting about Superman because when Death Battle had him beat Goku twice I cried!

The part with the panther god's shocked face with the bubble saying DOOMWORLD always gets a chuckle out of me.

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>Why isn't he solving every person's problem instead of helping a suicide out of compassion because everyone is obviously fucking useless without Superman?

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Geez, you just can't be happy when something nice happens. It's just never good enough for you is it?

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That's just dickish.Supes would have politly asked them to turn it off, not damaged city property and forced them to spend money to replace it.

Fucking hell.

>Route Snikty Snikt
Damn it user, you own me a new pair of sides!

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there are some great pages, I went into the run with an open mind, and I still think it had no business being as good as it was.

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Valeria's such a cunt. I love it.

t. guy who sued mr. incredible m

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that movie was stupid

>He's been Tom Joad mixed with Hugo Danner since the 40's.
He hasn't been that a LONG time.

>Certainly not in the comics. His big scene in JL was predicated on showing how he used the lessons taught to him by his human father to be a good parent and Jon and John show up as ghost symbols right before he punches Forger to hammer home the message.
That could be hammered without the mega-super-punch. Like i said, the "personality" stuffs take a back-seat to the power-wanking. You've Superfags still complaining about John Byrne or Bruce Timm depowering Superman in Post-CoIE or DCAU. Despite those still showing the personality of Superman. That's because what truly matters to his fans are the powerwanking.

real superman would have pulled an insanely complex prank to trick the suicidal girl into not killing herself and giving her a reason to live.

I enjoyed that story with Jimmy Olsen, too.

but byrne superman was more bland that pre-crisis superman

which one?? I was just thinking in general...all his stories revolve around insane pranks

It was actually more humanized. It's the one where Clark is the main character instead of mere disguise.

Oh, I thought you were referring to the story where Superman does convoluted things to make Jimmy think he's temporarily crazy and hallucinating, because Jimmy inadvertently discovered his secret identity. There were quite a lot of prank stories like that, though.

ha! issue number please?

yeah exactly. It wasn't superman anymore

Superman Prank issues were good but i felt like they over did it and was used as "cover bait" way too often.
(though Helmet of Hate was a good story anyway)

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To their credit, it probably seemed less frequent when it was being released monthly. In a way I preferred the Imaginary Stories, since you knew it wasn't a trick. On the other hand, when it's not a prank or imaginary story, seeing the writers come up with convoluted explanations for what is happening is part of the fun.

Black Goliath 1-5 (1976)

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Did someone just discover what opportunity cost is?

My man.

Also I know this is Hydra Cap, but still Cap deep down. And this page just seals the deal that much more.

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I loathe this fucking comic in ways I can't even begin to utter. Royally fuck whoever wrote this.

She spends too much time with Doom, but they are good together. I think Valeria maybe the only other person, besides Strange, to whom Doom actually listens.

>You're much stronger than you think you are

Alright, would Superman lie to a teen to avoid them killing themselves? Like lets say she wasn't strong, would he still say it? Or would he come up with something else to say to help them that was honest?

>Every second quibbling is another dead baby
>You what I miss? Food. That's what they'll be saying in bangladesh

This got me

When superman can save lives for real... saved my life/

>"The creators, they are not real either"

Wait what?

Stay there, faggot.

You seem competent, why don't you become a fireman and stay on patrol every minute you're awake? Heroes shouldn't be held this accountable, most probably do blame themselves harshly for their failures.

God damn it I know this is bait but that scene is about the worse Vader Wank possible. Fucking traversty of a scene.

The implication is (I think) is that we are about as real as comic book characters.

Superman then shouldn't present himself as a guardian angel.

While I dispise everything that person is spouting that’s the faggiest thing you can say.

One of the most unexpected good comic runs

I thought shaving cream also makes the hair stand more on end to make it easier to cut without having to press on the skin so hard.

Jeez Superman. You didn't get...tired of hovering there? Maybe sit down next to him or even reposition at all? It's almost as if...the artist didn't wanna keep redrawing Superman and just copy pasted him and the boy to save time.

>that’s the faggiest thing you can say
I hate Summer

Imagine you're the suicidal person who gets Guy Gardner.
>Eh....I'm not exactly great at this sort of thing...Nice cans though. Hey, THOSE are to die for. heh? HEH? Alright shape up kid, later.

Reed spends so much time fighting Doom but it's Valeria who can make him an agent for good.

I guess when you see it all laid out like this it really does make batman look like a fucking nutcase.

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Every time I see this it makes me think what the actual fuck is that bitch wearing. It is WAY too damn busy and distracting, not to mention hideous even for a goth aesthetic. What the fuck were they thinking? Did Vasquez design this bitch?

This just makes you sound like you really wanna kill yourself.Or at least that you want people to be allowed to commit suicide if they want. I mean this kid is inconveniencing everyone by trying to kill himself. Nobody wants to see that asshole. Hang yourself in your apartment if you wanna do that. You don't have to jump off a roof and ruin MY fucking day and possibly injure someone in your fall because you're SAD. I'm not gonna criticize Superman on imposing his will on someone who's trying to kill himself in the most public, rubbernecker attracting way he can. This is obviously a cry for help.

Never seen someone so thoroughly put in their place.

How often do dogs eat dogs?

Like plumbing, it's one of the things in life I'd rather not know

Did Morrison come up with that?

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I am not talking about his powers, twit.

This is actually hilarious.

I wonder if they secretly enjoy this? Meeting someone who's their intellectual peer?

A common sentiment. SMBC tends to think it's a little smarter than it actually is.

Yup. Very Morrison.

I never saw the follow-up, but if they all just opened fire at once, what would he do with that light-saber?

Thank Heavens for little girls.

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That’s a funny way of saying he’s Flash Gordon + John Carter + Tarzan

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I hope Valeria gets over her Doom lust now that she's seen him torture her family on tv for herself.

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If you're not trolling you need help. Self harm isn't self actualization.

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He never does. He's always hyper-critical of himself. He's the opposite of Batman in that respect. He's way too humble.

This. The world's problems are not solved by creating more resources. Africa is loaded with resources and its a shit hole while Japan is a tiny ass island with poor soil and one of the most prosperous nations on Earth.

You don't make things better by throwing money at things and you don't make things better by creating endless amounts of energy.

It's amusing that Peace on Earth tackled the same issue and did it better.

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Superman believes everyone is worth more than they really are, Batman believe everyone is worth less than they really are.

People always think Morrison makes things up but he really just puts his own spin on old concepts.

God that Moon Knight run was so good.

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Please tell me more about this.

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got love when spiderman is allowed to be spiderman

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What's this from? Punisher?

Punisher: The End

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A cocky goofball with world dominating aspirations?

That's some extremely apt characterization. Damn, user.

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Props to the biker who just made a LotR reference

and then Invincible and Spider-Man did this exact same scene too

Thats also an Invincible page. He tells the guy he can amount to so much more, and lets him go.
So the guy sells his "jetpack" (Antigrav boots) to another crook. Invincible goes back and berates him, and they guy is just like "What, I dont know how to get a hold of the government to sell stuff"
It was a pretty fun couple pages.

yeah but the spiderman one is stupid

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The bullet fuckup bothers me a lot more than it should, because otherwise this page is great

Invincible then gets the government in contact with the guy, and he becomes a background science character for the rest of the series

Hugo Danner gives him the alienation, Tom Joad gives him humility and the desire to help people no matter what.

To be fair to Hal, Owlman was using hypnosis to fuck with his head.

He's still a lovable idiot though.

Unf! I love Ares

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Tom Joad was also about the state being fucking awful and a villain, but Superman has morphed into a big defender of the status quo.

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On that note, the most Hercules thing? When he dresses up as Thor, gets laid, and thor has to dress up as Herc to try to fix things.

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i thought he carried his cellphone on his cape

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>Big Defender of the Status quo
You don't read a lot of Superman.
Hell, just look at him in something as recent of Doomsday Clock. He gives zero fucks about the government when push come to shove.

Or how about the Oz effect where he gathers up all the weapons of two warring nations and melts them?

Or how about Unchained where he refuses to be a government shill and fights the US's own puppet Superman Wraith?

Or how about Last Son where he threatens the government not to fuck with Chris?

>Can break chains, but not rope.

For each comic where Superman goes against the state for personal reasons, there way more where he works with the state as its defender.

Such as?

The man, the myth, the legend.

Eobard Thawne.

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And indeed every last one of them died.

>Batman believe everyone is worth less than they really are

No... he believes everybody is a worse person, but that does not make them worth less.

I am not even sure Morrison ever used the concept that Darkseid uses avatars. That seems more a Thanos sort of deal, anyway.


Depends on the writer, and a lot of them don't really "get" what Clark used to be.

>He believes everybody is a worse person
That's what I meant, I misspoke.

>I am not even sure Morrison ever used the concept that Darkseid uses avatars. That seems more a Thanos sort of deal anyway.

The idea of Darkseid using avatars goes back to Great Darkness Saga, so I THINK its older than the Thanosei.

You know when people say "just be yourself"? They don't mean you.
You should stop being yourself immediately.


If Batman believed everyone was a worse person, he would have lost his faith in Joker one day redeeming himself a long time ago. Batman always believed in second chances and that ANYONE has capacity to rise above their problems and be good, and do good.

Fuck, Batman has reformed more villains than Superman ever did.

her asshair must be like a jungle

Not at all.

The point of Superman is "what if there was a person with the power to do anything, but he chose the right thing."

Miracle Monday indeed.

IE Nietzsche's Superman.

>And that's with my clothes on

Anyone have the pages where Green Arrow is in the middle of the ocean and somebody is dying so Green Arrow just screams for Clark.

I love Spider-Man so goddamn much.

Not really. She's a murderous pastiche of Wonder Woman.

>throwing 'fascism' around and fishing for (you)'s
Must ber really embarassing how it didn't work.
Have a pity one on the house.

You're gonna...get to the negative part soon right?

>present himself as a guardian angel.
Nah, that's Supergirl.

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I have nearly always liked Hercules better than Thor, Hercules is literally pure chad

I love Peter David's Supergirl run.

>half the thread defending or wanking over Superman
You guys need to read more comics

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I think the best Karnak is when he sits against the Painter.

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Richard Donner cut tried to portray that it was a mistake tho, as that was the reason Zod and his cronies got freed iirc

Manta really did a good job in making arthur looking like an asshole

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His jobbing was prior. The Darkside Avatar shit was an attempt to save face.

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No you retard. From the very first comic he's been a SuperMAN with all the alienation and anxiety that comes with being a man.

The dude has an enormous complex about loss and being replaced, especially in the Silver Age where Clark would constantly step into the Twilight Zone where his friends stop being his friends and he stops being who he is.

He keeps statues of his friends and family in his Fortress of Solitude. He's too interested in other people to be a god.

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>Not Secret Wars

What's this from?

You're the problem in your life user. All those assholes? Normal people. You're whats wrong.

>Superman haters don't and can't understand even the most basic premise of fucking Superman

What the fuck else is new?

Carol is canonically a Daenerys level psychopath who is a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.

Sure thing Waid. Go fellate a turd.

I feel so bad for anyone that wanted to get into Carol because of the movie.

They're riled up because he BTFO a montitor in this week's JL so all the DBZfags are on suicide watch and coping.

so uh
has anyone ever drawn him railing her on the rooftop

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Stop reading american comics, communist faggot.

Please. Batman hasn't killed the Joker purely because of his fragile ego, to prove to himself he is not as crazy and dangerous as the people he fights. It literally is all he has, and in the defense of that self deception he's willing to risk the entirety of mankind. He's a fucking faggot.

Whoo boy. Gonna read me that now.

Most of the issue was shit and a clumsy rushed tied in to Year of the Villain, but the Superman part was gold. And what's more it triggered the DBZfags.

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Really? Cause most people I know look up to him.

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DBZfags are on suicide watch because of this?

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Member when JMS took a whole issue to pull this exact same plot?

Yes because of who was on the receiving end of that punch.

That Dr. Manhattan might legit get killed by Superman seems more likely than ever..

Goku. Goku look at me.

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It was a shitty city level punch
Rebirth superman is still weak as fuck

And that's, kids, why socialism fails.


>City level
>Not only defeated the guy that physically creates all the universes but shattered the anvil he uses to hammer them into existence
That anvil creates big bangs each time Forger hits it and Superman broke it. The crater is from energy left over from the punch.

>Goku and Jiren crack an arena

>Superman flattens the demiurge and breaks the cosmic anvil he makes universes and universe-eat bat demons on in one punch
> level AT BEST

See what I mean about DBZfags being on suicide watch?

The WF was totally fine after that "punch"
It did nothing and the only damage is a small crater
Just because the battle happens in another dimension, doesn't mean Superman is suddenly multiverse leve, supertards

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>Was totally fine
He was on the ground helpless saying that Superman was now the greatest villain because he just stopped all his plans by kicking his ass.

>It did nothing
It downed the literal El Herman de Anti-Monitor and broke the anvil he makes universes on.

>Happened in another dimension
In a universe Forger made (because that's his thing) that was to be a model to be copy+pasted on the metaverses.


>Doesn't mean Superman is suddenly multiverse level
You're right. He's been multiverse level for a longgggg time.

>Reminder that while he protected Lana and his parents, people that he knows personally, others died all around

People like you are the reason we don't have any nice things. You just demand more and more, and then collapse the thing altogether if it doesn't fits your fucking utopia.

>One-punched the guy built to be the older and stronger brother of Monitor and Anti-Monitor
>The same guy that created the giant batgod that eats universes on a daily basis and tried to do the same with the main multiverse
>"Pfh no big deal"
The DBZ equivalent would be Goku one-shotting Xeno.

The level of COPE is astounding.

>wordlessly denying their desires

Desires of what, faggot, splattering over the concrete and ruining the day of everyone around him? You suicider fags don't have fucking respect for everyone but demand that to yourself, like a fucking cunts.

When I tried to kill myself, I went into a secluded forest several kilometers from any nearby civilization to do it, so that my death won't be much of a burden.

Fuck you, you special snowflake. Preventing you from screwing other people lives is not fascism, it's denying you being a little faggot harmful to others.

It is. Superman one-shot El Hermano De Monitor and Gokufags just can't stand it.

>he’s the greatest hero
>he should do more
What are “things Lex Luther would say”. I’ll take it $200 Alex


Why's he wasting time on two geezers who are gonna die soon anyway when he could be fixing all the world's problems? He really is selfish, huh?

Superman is the definition of hypocrisy

What's the defining point of DBZfags, obsession with power-levels?

An inferiority complex only exceeded by their butthurt.

Your idiocy is only exceeded by your faggotry, which is total. KYS

Because you dial back Superman's power you still have one of the most popular characters of all time. He started only about as strong as Hugo Danner and he was one of the best selling comics of the 40's. His cartoon nerfed him but it was still a great part of the DCAU. Superman doesn't NEED high power levels to work.

Goku however, DOES. There's really nothing to his character besides getting stronger and fighting stronger people.


>Good guy
You only need to change a little of his background and Superman suddenly becomes a mass murderer in multiple timelines/universes
He is more evil than good

Sometimes I wonder if its not Superman being stronger than Goku that irks them but Superman being the Jordan Peterson to Goku's basement dwelling weeb. Superman wants to tell Goku to stop all the martial arts nonsense and get a job.

>You only need to change a little of his bakground and Superman suddenly becomes a mass murderer in multiple timelines/universes
You can say this about everyone. Everyone has more than a few evil alternate universe versions of themselves.

>Jordan Peterson
lmao Supertards

Implying Superman wouldn't tell Goku to wash his dragon balls.

>You only need to change a character and he changes completely

The absolute state of the American education system.

>Implying the anti-Supermen fags aren't Mexican weebs
God help us all if Death Battle has him kill someone from Saint Seiya.

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God bless Jughead.

You’re fucking retarded if you think the main Superman has the capability to be evil.


Second what? Do you mean seconded?

You're the reason the Plutonian axed a couple of cities.

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I love seeing compassionate Batman.

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Just like this.

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>something something autistic "50% more bullet" comment

Darn. Too late.


Why do Superman haters come off so retarded and autistic? It's like they can't understand simple basic concepts. Superman isn't even a complex character for gods sake

that's a good moment for both of them but i really love this page for lex. he really thinks that everyone is as rotten and selfish as he is and he cant help but project that onto other people.

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t. superfag

Not even in my top five characters. I'm just able to understand a simple fucking concept

A shit concept?

One less.

>shit concept
>one of the oldest heroes that have stood the stand of time
Hmm, I wonder if I should trust your autistic opinion or mine own along with the fact that he's stuck around and been relevant for decades...

Which is it?

>crime stops because resources are cheap
>implying people aren't naturally corrupt

Into the garbage it goes.

warren ellis

Is the .5 person a tranny?

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stop being a faggot

>Le Batman is crazy maymay
Fuck right off with your bullshit, if Batman is crazy then every comic superhero is crazy.
Posting another page because fuck you.

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He still reformed more villains than Superman.

Superman is character wank, the character.

The same Superman that leads a double life and gaslight all his loved ones? That makes a mockery out of truth?

>Living a meek and mild-mannered life
>A mockery of the truth

You can lead a meek and mild-mannered life without lying and gas-lightening those around you.

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While Batman was hugging niggers instead of breaking every bone in his nigglet body and preventing a future threat, how many more people got culturally enriched to death that night?

Go home Tarantino. Reading the wikipedia page doesn't constitute having knowledge of a character.

Lol. Office Clark, Superman and real Clark are very different people. Much like how your coworkers have no idea how much of a shit and deviant person you really are. And every single superhero has been guilty of what you speak of. My last name could be Dibny and I still couldn't reach any further than you have.

Might be overthinking it a tad? It's a joke.

Every man has the capacity for evil if pushed to the brink, same with superMAN,

Still a liar living a double life.

I don't know why, but this Panel always gets me.

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Yes, you are.

Vader force-pulled all the pins on their grenades.

>I am not even sure Morrison ever used the concept that Darkseid uses avatars. That seems more a Thanos sort of deal, anyway.
Darkseid has been doing it for a while. What Morrison did was sort of codify that as him (and the new gods as a whole) being Nth dimensional entities, which in Morrison-world, means you're truly omnipotent, but are still perceived by the denizens lower dimensions as an entity they can understand from the intersection, like when the 3e entity intersects with flatland, or pic-related.

Basically all of Morrison is him exploring the moral and narrative repercussions of Nth dimensional life... mostly because he thinks he was abducted by Nth dimensional life and explained the meaning of life after he passed out trying to hold his breath and run up a long flight of temple stairs while high on hallucinogens.

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Based Nexus poster

In a similar vein

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There's nothing stupid about turning people into dinosaurs.

>every comic superhero is crazy.
Most of them are, Batman is just extra crazy for a multitude of reasons, chief among them being he thinks mass murderers will change one day and that will somehow make up for all the people they have killed and by extension Batman let them kill by not "solving" the problem
And that's another example of how crazy he is come to think of it

I don't think Secret Wars illustrates Doom as good as this sequence. Here we see him at the end of a long and laborous trial where he surrendered immortality, tricked dozens of heroes and villains, risked his life and freedom, lost a fight just one step away from his goal and finally got his wish. And what he does with it?

This is Doom. He is his own greatest enemy and even when he was Iron Men he still couldn't see it.

But that's not character-defining for him at all.
Normally he makes the Spectre look like a moderate.

Not entirely true, not entirely untrue.

Don't expect anything that interesting in her future.

>I feel so bad for anyone that wanted to get into Carol because of the movie.

I don't. Those people deserve nothing more than the greatest misery and misfortune.

Like you. You pathetic shell.

>he BTFO a montitor

Pffff. As if the title of Montitor still means anything. Even the Ani-Montitor is a pussy now.

Carlos' comments are supposed to be stupid, not witty.

It's not characters or storylines, I know that.


I wouldn't say 'corrupt'. Humans are forever striving to find the balance between their own interests and the interests of the group. That point is different for everyone.

This is not about Superman at all, is it?

Anti-Monitor was star level at best before getting amped, but I see what you mean. How does this tie in with the Dr Manhatten stuff?


What a dick move. I love it.

Yeah... didn't he view the original Fourth World comics as a sort of mythological version of what 'really' happened?

It's the right moment for the part of him that is Doctor Doom.

But there is another moment.

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>the guy built to be the older and stronger brother of Monitor and Anti-Monitor


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Who cares about those losers. Superman is only a hero for metropolis. Just like batman is only for gotham.

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I liked it

It works so well because there's not one iota of irony or condescension in it. Dick's a hero, but he'd almost certainly make a winking joke about the guy being an obese joke or something. Not Clark, though. Clark truly sees this schlub of a joke of a nobody cop as someone working to make the world better, and he genuinely respects him for it.

For a comic as terrible as Identity Crisis was, it had a lot of legitimately good character moments and lines in it. When Green Arrow is showing Superman the knot the killer used and Clark immediately identifies it as a common Boyscout knot, Ollie says, "I love him and hate him in the same breath." That's how we should pretty much all feel about Superman. He thinks we're better people than we probably really are, and it's hard not to both love and resent a guy like that. It doesn't help that he doesn't blame us for resenting him, either.

have sex

An autistic genius manchild who just doesn't quit out of sheer force of will

>That professor trying to leave.
Fucking hell this is some kino shit.

Superboi Prime is still fun

Normally carlos doesn't get me, but this time...

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"Fewer" is used to refer to multiple things. When referring to one of something you say "less"

>Yeah... didn't he view the original Fourth World comics as a sort of mythological version of what 'really' happened?
I think that according to him it was sort of the closest aproximation to nth dimensional truth that a 3d brain could comprehend, which of course meant it was highly mythologized and self-contradictory. Very Morrison.

Snyder cucks already seething

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Sometimes even empty gun shoots................................................

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One fewer than, user. One fewer out of the group of attempted suicides. Which are discrete units.

How is this in any way different from Superman? Yet nobody says "In reality, Sixpack would have run and hid like a fat little coward".

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Might also want to read this series.

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I love it when writers take Stilt-man seriously.

As they should.

So he should carry a gun?

He should take over like Miracleman/Authority?

Or maybe you just don't like Superman...which is fine but don't pretend that because he isn't 'relevant' to you goes for everyone else.

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Superman still hasnt peaked.

>anyone who dislikes supercuck is a Zfag
Rent free, faggots

The classic.

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If superman could do anything, he would have used his powers that progress mankind into the future instead of selfishly embarking on a meaningless crusade of violence in a onesie.

Superheroes are living hypocrites and liars, I thought you would have known this. I just wish some of them owned up to their hubris of making the world a better place and admit they do the hide their real self from normal people due to it being fun for them.

I know this. There are some messed up troupes behind capeshit that if you examine them the whole thing will feel weird and problematic. My point is that the "wholesome" Superman isn't exempt from it. The New 52 explored that to great effect when Lois exposed Superman's secret identity to the world in a misguided attempt to defend him from a villain's blackmail. He went from the world's most beloved and trusted hero, to a pariah pretty overnight. Everyone turned on him. That was a pretty cool story-line that i wished could have been better because it eventually devolved into a slugfast. Either way, it's just that most Superman stories try to ignore that shit. I mean, you've Superman talking about trust and truth a lot. Why would a story expose Superman as a hypocrite?

>Everyone turned on him
Didn't it end with him temporarily depowered and having barbeques with people? People loved him as they always do.

Is that Tarot?

No really. See the previous JL issue. He's the brother of Monitor and Anti-Monitor and while they oversee universes he actually creates them.

You know Barbatos, the universe eating final boss of Metal? He created that and controlled him like a pet for aeons.

Want some ointment for your butt, user?

You mean like in 'Red Son'?

Get a room, losers.

I know that, it's just bullshit that the Founder is the stronger older brother when he was created almost forty years later. It shows a lack of respect.

Of course, for my money he's a bullshit concept that doesn't fit in naturally with the Multiverse nor the dichotomt good/evil, either.

I think all of this is a monstrously bad idea.

>A man shouldn't protect his private, personal life
Zuckerberg go home.

Not totally. Just the local people of the town he defended from the fake cops that were actually monsters.

He can protect his private, personal life without living a double life and lying to everyone who knows him about how he's not himself.

It means Doc's vision of Superman punching him and then nothing might be played straight. Superman might actually punch the big blue meanie to death.

>Save mankind from total extinction
>"Meaningless crusade of violence"
Do you even read Superman

>He would have used his powers to progress mankind
What is LOSH and DC 1 million?

Stupid, stupid casual.

You're right. A lot of what Snyder has done reads like bad fanfiction and shows disrespect.

"Here's my dark multiverse which is bigger and badder than the normal multiverse! Here's Perpetua who is bigger and badder than all other supervillains! Here's the Founder whose bigger and badder than all other monitors! Here's the 6th dimension which is bigger and badder than all other dimensions! (and then Morrison totally ignores him in Green Lantern and it was wonderful).

The point still stands as a feat for Superman though.

Here's my Superman who's bigger and better than all the other characters! Keep going, faggot.

If I'm really a badass celebrity I should't have to broadcast that ever where I go. People have a right to turn off their power levels and be normal even if it involves deception. It's like Roman Holiday where the princess pretends not to be a princess. Only an authoritative dick would have a problem with alter egos.

No. He got blindsided by Barbatos during Metal.

He's just bigger and better than (insert your favorite anime character here).

>Implying what Superman did was out of character given his historic list of cosmic level feats
Remember, the day is coming where OPM gets killed by a superhero on Death Battle and it will make you seethe.

Celebrities, when they go to somewhere public, they simple put on a cap and some shades. They don't invent an entirely different persona and start telling everyone in the news that he's this new person, who lives in a specific place, and so on, totally different from his own private life.

Superman doesn't have a "private life", he lives a DOUBLE life. Like a guy who married two different women in two different state, and lives with both families while keeping that secret from them. Even has different names for each family.

That's what Superman does as Clark Kent for most people. He only brings out the gaslighting when Lois and Lana try to bust him and even then it comes off as some kind of bizarre foreplay thing they're both into.

>look at me everyone I said NIGGER
>/pol/ amirite???!? LILOLOLOLOLOOOilIloLoloolLOOOL

He does this to a lot more people that just Lois and Lana, user. He pretty much does it to the entire world while saying that he doesn't wear a mask because honesty and trust is important to him.

>supertards bringing up Zfags out of nowhere still seething about them when they were nowhere to be found ITT
>"n-no y-you're the one who's asshurt!"

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>He pretty much does it to the entire world
Such as when...?

>Superman pulls of a new feat
>"Why do you bring it up Superfags? Are YOU the ones REEEEEing?"
Go choke on some pocky.

Except literally no Zfag in this thread was REEING about a superman feat. Are we watching the same thread or are you just retarded?

Is this John Cena?

>No Zfags in this thread

Who are these guys then?:

Attached: 1544768150244.jpg (208x200, 13K)

For the webcomic version it is. The writer is doing a "spectre meets bizarro" take on the character. And I'd argue that OG Stardust was actually more moderate than Spectre.

Spectre's killed an entire country including women and children before. Stardust, like Nabu, would think of Spectre as going too far.

Gamble a stamp. I can teach you hustle, loyalty, and respect.

You CAN see me.


>regular people who dislike superman are Zfags

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>T-they aren't Zfags I swear!

Normal people don't complain about Superman "being too powerful" as if fiction is a video game that needs competitive balance.

Why else would they dislike Superman?