Why did it flop ???

Why did it flop ???

The trailer got 9 millions views day 1 ?????

I dont understand ????

Did people change their mind and decided to not go and see it ???

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Fuck this movie was great!

Forgot it was a Pokemon movie for a bit.
The Ditto reveal legit threw me for a loop.


>150 mill budget
>396 mill at the box office

Not great, but I wouldn't call that a flop.
I saw it twice weirdly enough because 2 groups of friends wanted to go see it.
Hellboy (2019)
That was a flop.
>50 mill budget
>43 mill box office

Attached: Hellboy_(2019)_theatrical_poster.png (240x365, 159K)

I forgot it even released. Was it hot trash?

Same. Also the dad reveal despite how obvious it was

Honestly exactly what I wanted from a Pokémon movie. Now let’s being on the 9 part saga of ash making it through the elite four

Fuck that. Multi-movie crime drama around Team Rocket.
>Giovanni rising through the ranks
>group dynamic shifting from the rage drug to Pokenapping and running monopolies on everything
>how Persian came to be Giovanni's right hand cat

Plus I wanna see how they pull off Jessie's hair. If they make it work without CGI I'll be impressed.

mill budget
mill at the box office
that's not a flop at all, considering what it was up against

No, it was great, and I don't even LIKE Pokemon. Thankfully this wasn't some preteen hero-saves-the-world crap or some other weeb-trope-storyline shit. It was actually enjoyable. Maybe caucasian viewers (largest movie audience) were turned off because Tim is half-black instead of some generic white guy.

I'm still planning to see it? Am I out of time?

>Why did it flop ???
>financially the best performing pokemon movie of all time

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Pretty sure he meant Hellboy, which was awful.

Was boring. Glad I didn't pay.

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Yea Forums would apply their meme math that ignores tax breaks and who is actually making the movie and say it flopped

Literally no white person was turned off by that.


They sure were on here and Yea Forums.

Yea Forums now thinks that anything that doesn't match/surpass Avengers Endgame is a flop.

>Good trailer to get 90s kids excited, still a Pokemon movie
>Released around same time as Endgame, Godzilla
>Good but not great movie

I don't see why not. Implies Dad had a bit of jungle fever and got some black ass.

The only problem I had was Tim was kind of a whiny shit.

>They sure were on here and Yea Forums.

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I liked it. Went and saw it with my niece, she was a little bit young to really appreciate it, but enjoyed the Pokémon.

I hated it and Pokemom has been my biggest interest most of my life.

It felt like it was missing sentences when they were talking about that Clifford guy and why he built Rhyme City. He should've been Giovanni, especially since Team Rocket created Mewtwo anyways. He was basically discount Curt Connors.

It was just boring. I cringed when Pikachu just started singing the Pokemon Theme for no reason other than that he was depressed.

But what bothers me the most is that Pokemon isn't even about being a detective. The main series games, the anime, and most of the manga series such as Pokemon Adventures, The Electric Tale of Pikachu, Pokemon Pocket Monsters, the Battle Frontier manga, Be The Best Pokemon BW, Gold and Silver The Golden Boys, etc. all have a certain basic storyline that I don't think this movie had anything to do with.

>lists all that side shit
>pretends to be unaware of the source material
Nice bait.

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merkating is usually equal to the production cost for these high profile movies
so it's a roughly 300 mil investment
That's 33% ROI depending on how much they see from the box office
for a project that took multiple years it's sort of okay, not spectacular

>merkating is usually equal to the production cost for these high profile movies
But studios dont pay for all their own marketing. A good example is Infinity War. That had a marketing budget of 150mil, 40mil of it was paid for by Coca Cola. Or there is MoS that made 170mil before selling a single ticket. Pokemon would have had some similar deals just not at the same level. Also Legendary is Chinese owned under the Wanda group so it would have had a bigger cut of the Chinese box office
These are some of the things Yea Forums ignores. If you have marketing equaling budget with the percentage cuts of 50% dom, 40% foreign, 25% Chinese then most blockbusters are flops or make peanuts. Studios have a lot of ways to make money off a film outside of the Box Office and if they didn't they would all have gone under decades ago

Not to mention all the ancillary profits they make off merchandising and suchlike.

Because it costs 1 minute and 0 dollars to watch a trailer.

As every WB npc would say.

>Aladdin looks dumb. No one cares about Will Smith anymore

500 million grossed in 2.5 weeks and has yet to open in Japan. Predicte dfinal box office 700 to 800 million on a 183 million dollar budget. Rave reviews for Will Smith

>Godzilla looks so cool! Finally they are giving us what we (the internet echo chambers) want!

190 million after 1.5 weeks with a 170 million dollar budget

The internet is not a good measure of true general public interest in a movie.

Real shame too because KotM is way better than Aladdin.

>implying KOTM will surpass Detective Pikachu's global BO at this rate

It was suprisingly well made, and I cant wait for more.

Not according to general audiences. Reviews are subjective but money isn't.

/thread. It was cheesy but in all of the right ways.

He isn't implying that at all. He is stating the exact opposite.

>Why did it flop ???

It's made over double its production budget, you absolute triple nigger.

Sorry user I was off

But Yea Forums said Spiderverse movie flopped despite making double its budget

They only said that because it has a black protagonist and they say all movies with those fail in order to cofirm their confirnation bias, thus ignoring Aladdin, US, Creed 2, Black Panther, Get Out, Ma, Suicide Squad and every other successful movie of the last 3 or 4 years with a black protag.

it's also just bait thrown at 'muh oscar winning sony movie' posts

Something people need to keep in mind is that "flop" can be a relative term. Was BvS a flop? In absolute terms, certainly not. It made over $870 million. But you take a look at its legs, where it had a historically awful drop-off after its massive opening, and suddenly things get a lot murkier.

Then again, box office alone doesn't tell the whole story. A movie that makes $200 million may be a modest hit, but if it had a $10 million budget the studio is absolutely thrilled. On the other end of the scale you have a movie like Solo: A Star Wars Story, whose nearly $400 million take landed it in the year's top 25 (11th domestic) but was nowhere near enough to offset its bloated $250-300 million budget.
And that's without getting into what percent the studio gets from the theaters domestically and overseas, which is something that can screw over a movie like Alita, which made only 21.2% of its $400 million box office (6th highest of the year so far) in North America, giving it a lower domestic take than The Lego Movie 2 -- a movie that in turn crashed and burned inernationally, leaving it with a net loss of about $17 million.

imaginary rule

The right term would be "underperform" rather than flop.

I think it's doing ok box office wise, but I am absolutely dumbfounded about really mixed reviews for it.

I thought it's a 7/10 decent movie for entire family, there's something to enjoy for kids, something will go over their heads and parents will laugh at too, and I thought it would get 6/10, 7/10s across the board.

But no, most reviewers make Pokemon GO puns and don't understand what Bulbasaur means when he says Bulbasaur. Like, what the actual fuck, is this serious criticism?

I am not usually the guy who cares about reviews, but the absurdity of big chunk of these got to me this time.

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It didn't even make enough money in the opening nanosecond to heat the wires of the internet with financial transactions to the point of vaporizing the surface of the Earth. It was a complete flop. Don't kid yourself.

>396 mill at the box office
>not a flop
That certainly a flop for the most popular franchise in the world like Pokemon. First pokemon movie ever should be fucking phenomenal not a tiny ~400 mill box office movie no one care or remember.

To be honest I went in wanting to hate him because he seemed like a random diversity hire but after the first couple of minutes it was fine. He did well and reynolds bounced off of him decently.
Nothing amazing but it wasnt a bad choice.

>First pokemon movie ever
Dude, it's like the 23rd pokemon movie

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Time had proven general audiences are tasteless so I don't know why you want to run with that metric.

Not Yea Forums related, fuck off retard

KOTM makes me depressed. It's biggest problems are more or less the same the 2014 movie had, but it also impoved on a lot of areas not only fans, but critics also complained about in the first movie.
I don't get why, in light of this it's making so much less money AND being torn apart so hard by critics.

>it’s a flop if you include these retarded factors
Ell oh ell


Because it's easier to watch a dumb meme video 100 times than to waste your money on a dumb meme movie 100 times.

I’m racist and I still liked Tim.
He’s just a goofy lanklet mulatto- not like he’s a pipe wielding broody Congolese-black fellow.

That's always been a thing with Pokemon.
The main games are critical darlings as you'd expect, but any other venture, video games or otherwise, tends to be accused of being too esoteric and offering little to anyone who isn't already a fan.

GO was a rare exception to this rule, and it's no surprise most of those critics would love to reference it in their reviews.

I thought it was pretty good honestly.
Yes. It does fall apart a bit into a chaotic mess in the final half of the movie, but goddamn does it have amazing set design.
Pushes a 6/10 to an 8/10 for me just for the insane level of detail and world building it has. If you are a fan of Pokemon more likely than not you are going to "get" this movie.
Going in a dismissive normie you're going to hate this movie. The whole childish wonder is going to fly over your head.
My nephew loved this movie too. He's 7. He was like "whoah. Awesome" all the way through.

it wasn't very good when the concept had the potential to be as good as Roger Rabbit