Why are characters so fat these days?

Why are characters so fat these days?

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Because they made Fionna from Adventure Time fat

Why are OPs so fat these days?

Because of *mericans.

What started as representation for fat people who genetically can't change their weight (relatively few) became an excuse for fatties with shitty diets and lazy lifestyles to excuse the unhealthy bodies they don't take care of (very many)

Cause most Amerifats are actually fat and obese


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Before shirt like trans fats and fast food, fatness used to be symbol of wealth. If you were fat, that meant you were well off and didn't need to work.

Given the current economic climate, it wouldn't surprise me if many people have fallen back on this ancient philosophy.

Yeah just replace ‘well off’ with ‘on welfare’ which to most people seem to mean the same thing: “I don’t have to perform physical labour for money”.

Because Burgers are becoming fatter and fatter. Why do you think they are screeching about changing beauty standards so the majority could feel a bit better about their decaying cage.


It’s hot

fuck, I forgot the transparency

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A generation of men who forgot how to be men learned what femininity was from their fat mom's and black guys who love fat white girls.

It's disgusting.

You just dont know where to search

Also, nice.

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Because American diets have had a metric fuckload of refined sugars added to them in the past decades and cartoons need characters that the obese kids if today can relate to

That coke and others keep pushing the myth that obesity is caused by lack of exercise certainly doesn't help

A majority of people on welfare also work full-time.

You fell for propaganda

Over 65% of Americans are obese and as of 2018, Mexican including the children, so it made no sense to include fit characters in cartoons. They try to rationalize it by glorifying "thicc" and other nigger twitter language, but we all know it's just coping. I predict by the year 2020 the average American won't even know what a fruit or vegetable is.

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>I predict by the year 2020 the average American won't even know what a fruit or vegetable is.
How could they? Only thing their Gov feeds them is corn syrup.

Why have there been so many threads with this pic as the OP over the past 12 hours or so?

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Why is this shitty OP picture being posted on every board? I saw it on /pol/ of all places yesterday. Someone has too much time on their hands.

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because somebody has good taste

it's a cursed image, and you can only avoid the curse by giving it to someone else. Like a chain letter.

I'm not sure what the curse is tho?
Is the curse gaining a BBW fetish?


You people are too poor to have convenient yummy food and that's not our fault.

We seriously have to pay an insane amount to just buy normal food.

isn't that from a porn comic?

What a cutie pie!

Nobody is genetically incapable of losing weight, but some people are genetically incapable of healthy weight loss without a doctor's supervision (for example you can't starve out lipedema).

>BBW fetish

Only those who are able to adapt win

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is she being hypnotized

bonded to lard

The Architect's plans takes years complete

Because marketing nowadays is less "Appealing to what the perfect body is" and more "Appealing to the general population's victim-complex"

Both are shitty. The former is what lead to the issue of heavy discrimination in body type and unhealthy habits/diets/styles.
The latter is what is now leading to this idea of "it's okay to be who you are" but without adding the addendum *BUT TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF so we get insanely fat fucks, people who are very asocial and are proud of it, and asshats that screech discrimination if we dare mention that maybe being fat isn't healthy.

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>no massive gut and love handles
That's not thicc

>The former is what lead to the issue of heavy discrimination in body type and unhealthy habits/diets/styles.

>wanting people to strive for perfection, health, and strength is shitty
Utterly barbaric.

>Believes having a BBW fetish is a curse
>In America
>While women almost always gets fatter in a relationship

Its more of blessing honestly, if anything being attracted to non-whales is the curse, with them slowly becoming the minority

If you can’t beat em, join em.