So is he a villain now ?

So is he a villain now ?

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No. He is trying to understand why Superman wants to kill him and what's going happen afterwards. Superman is the villain.

Why is superman a villain now ?

He accidentally took the role of a villain, but he's not one.

More like he is doing whatever the fuck he wants and does not give a shit how many toes he steps on when doing it.

I'd argue he always was story-wise.
Too bad he ended up in a really shitty event that is making him a simpleton.

Bringing Watchmen into the DC universe proper was retarded.

>He is trying to understand why Superman wants to kill him and what's going happen afterwards. Superman is the villain.
It's amazing how Yea Forums can read comics and still not see the obvious. Superman wont kill Manhattan, Manhattan wont destroy the universe. Ozy will pull some tachyon fuckery that stops Manhattans's ability to see the future for good.

Attached: 1040461-superman_reeve.jpg (445x363, 28K)

Because casuals think Superman is only interesting when he’s evil, because they don’t read comics.

Why do writers do this

Honestly I'm surprised no one else has mentioned this.

He’s more of an autist really

He's the victim, trapped in the Johns'world, subject to humiliation

Who wrote Dr. Manahattan here? His dialogue is all wrong. He doesn't sound like an autist at all. He's condescending because of his knowledge of his own power, not because of his knowledge of others' motivations. He's a completely different character here.

He's a zombie plot device. No cogent logic or thematic soundness, just plodding from issue to issue doing whatever as Johns feels.

I disagree. He's a typical autistic physicist with the added character traits of constantly doing what people tell him to do. Him being a pushover as a human was exacerbated by his omniscience. Now he is doing whatever the future tells him to do. It fits the setting perfectly because a god with actual motivations would overshadow the plot.

Not one with ill-intentions but rather out of curiosity. He's just an antagonist playing god.


I don't think it will be Ozymandias but it'll be somebody similar. Honestly, It might be Batman just to get an extra Batwank in there. He wasn't part of the people who went to Mars for a reason.

Based Superman fuck this blue asshole

They should never have made a "sequel" to the original.
The ending was excellent and this "new series" is just fucking with everything that was established.
Especially how doctor manhattan's powers work.

They won't let anyone except Watchmen has a lasting impact on him.

The question is can he out villain Evil Gwenpool?

Attached: Evil_Gwenpool.jpg (868x1554, 322K)

Is this unironically the worst crossover of all time?

Doesn't the author hate Batman though? First he got beaten by the mob and then by Joker. He certainly isn't looking like the most capable version of Batman so far.

Maybe he's a anti-hero. Never forget that even superman turn bad at some point in the DC universe

Chaotic neutral

He's complaining about a supposed Batwank that didn't even happen yet in a comic that can't stop felating Superman for one minute. Do you think he is listening to reason? He's just another eternally butthurt Superfag afraid of the ominous big bat stealing his favorite hero's glory.

Oh man, what must it be like in an edgy dipshit head like yours

A-Alex Luthor?

Attached: alex-luthor.jpg (362x856, 73K)

I'm just saying. "The Button" was a part of Doomsday Clock and Batman hasn't been wanked recently.

I don't know. I think he would've been setup already if he was going to be relevant.