Literally unadaptable

What are some storylines that can never be successfully adapted either in cartoons or live action?

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Is this the new damage control for the recent movie's failure?


Attached: Rotten Tomato ratings fucking plumment.png (796x331, 210K)

It's been years since I last watched Wolverine and the X-men, was it's attempt crap too?

It's all but impossible. You just have have to have a movie or two building up to it like an event, or at the very least do a 2-parter that's 2 1/2-3hrs.

... the cartoon did this fine though.

The problem is that everything rushes right into it when it was a storyline that built up slowly over years. You'd need to have double the movies and start building to it in the background of the very first one to even hope to do it right.

You could but No one trying to adapt it seems to get what makes dark Phoenix work

Well what makes it work then?

well developed relationship between characters.

The cartoon before X-Men Evolution made a good adaptation of this. Fuck off.

Gold Digger.
Yes I know Fred has animated some of it.

>Audience score that low even with the new system that guarantees high scores
What a shit pile

Everyone liked the cartoon (the real one, not that other shit that came later on).

A slow burn and character build up over years.
That's why the animated series was able to do it but movies can't. Movies are way shorter and this new franchise has spent all its time jerking off Mystique rather than building Jean, who only showed up one movie ago.

X-Men more like X-Women

lmfao (because the movie is shit and women are shit)

based incel

If the Phoenix Force is the manifestation of all life, what's the manifestation of death? Also, why does the Phoenix Force only choose mutants as its host?

Explain this new system. This intrigues my tisms

Marvel has a character that's literally Death. Although just because there's a manifestation of life doesn't mean there should be a manifestation of death. Death is the absence of life, not really a thing in itself (although in the Marvel universe and many other fictional universes it's treated as a thing in itself because that's what the writers felt like doing).

So, life force is in marvel is an infinite well of sentient energy while death is only a shitty skeleton that isn't even as strong as the phoenix force? That ain't fair.

The cartoon in the 90s adapted it just fine

Marvel aside death isn't even really a thing, it's the absence of a thing. Same as cold (absence of heat), dark (absence of light), black (absence of color), eye of a storm, rests in musical notation, etc.

You have no idea...

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Death is a thing. I just remembered why Thanos want to kill everything. And how he got cucked by Wade.

user, try reading again.
>Marvel aside
>Marvel aside
>Marvel aside

Not him, but as a general rule of thumb, you shouldn't trust anything about scores when it says "VERIFIED".
What they're trying to
is that they're filtering out "le troll reviews", but all they're really doing is censoring anyone who votes the wrong way. If something were actually being "review bombed", you would already be able to tell by looking at the number of reviews.

OP's a dumb zoomer who wasn't even born yet when the good X-Men cartoon was on TV.

In lots of culture it is. God of Death and all that. Even in DC Death the Endless is a thing.

"Sir, does evil exist?"

"Of course as I have already said. We see it every day. It is in the daily example of man's inhumanity to man. It is in the multitude of crime and violence everywhere in the world. These manifestations are nothing else but evil."

"Evil does not exist sir, or at least it does not exist unto itself. Evil is simply the absence of God. It is just like darkness and cold, a word that man has created to describe the absence of God. God did not create evil. Evil is not like faith, or love that exist just as does light and heat. Evil is the result of what happens when man does not have God's love present in his heart. It's like the cold that comes when there is no heat or the darkness that comes when there is no light."

The professor sat down.

The young man's name? user!

Let's take a classic idea and ruin it for diversity points what could go wrong.

I already covered that:
>(although in the Marvel universe and many other fictional universes it's treated as a thing in itself because that's what the writers felt like doing).
It's really obnoxious how you keep on not reading.
>inb4 cultural mythology isn't the same as fictional mythology
They're both artificially contrived systems where you decide to represent an idea with a character in contrast with the question of whether the idea you're representing maps to a literal phenomenon.
Anyway, twice is my limit for dealing with non-readers so I'm done now, don't even @ me bro.

Ohhhh, yea that sounds right. In todays world we simply dismiss those who dont agree with our narrative. God forbid we differ in opinion on anything

It's not unadaptable if you include concepts other than mutant persecution and mutant supremacy in your movies.

>other than mutant persecution and mutant supremacy in your movies
but that'd require Hollywood to put in effort.