Is Season 23 really gonna be the last one? I know it's gone to shit lately, but I'd rather not see it end just yet.
Is Season 23 really gonna be the last one? I know it's gone to shit lately, but I'd rather not see it end just yet
I'd like it to be. There's been this feeling of things winding down and coming to a close in the show. But Comedy Central will probably force Parker and Stone to renew it because it makes too much money. Parker and Stone probably will keep doing it for as long as they can anyway, unless the show's future is solely in video games.
Real South Park died in Season 5.
There's absolutely no reason to do something if they don't want to. M+T literally stated in the season 22 commentary that they really enjoyed S22 and for once didn't talk about how they are running out of steam.
God i hope they announce another game at E3 this year
what about him
Who will win the Kylebowl in the end?
get hype
I miss chef
A lot of people blame scientology for him leaving the show, but really, he would have been gone no matter what happened. He might have been on the show for a year or two more at most before he became too debilitated/died from his strokes. But yeah, Chef was awesome.
Heidi is cute. Scott Malkinson is cute. Mayor McDaniels is cute.
>being a malkinsonfag
I hope not. I still love South Park. I've really enjoyed the last couple seasons, with the exception of the first and last episodes of S21. I'd miss it if it were gone.
But he's adorable, especially in Fractured but Whole
Loneliness. He's cursed to never have a steady girlfriend.
Stan's dick will always be on loan from Wendy.
I guess it got retconned, but in Cherokee Hair Tampons Kyle has diabetes.. I wonder why Scott having diabetes is such a big deal?
I like how he and Butters got along
Should I finish Fractured But Whole
I loved Stick of Truth to death but something about FbW felt off
Because eating sugary garbage is important to modern murrican kids but it will flat out kill a diabetic kid.
>tfw my game corrupted and I’m too shitty at video games to beat Spontaneous Bootay a second time
The Al Gore boss in SoT was a nightmare
kyle is adorable
scott is gross and looks/sounds like he is constantly leaking snot from his nose
i literally knew kids like him back in school
its disgusting
Diabetes comes in different fun flavors. Kyle might be a rather mild Type2 whereas Scott probably has Type1.
Or yeah, more likely it's forgotten like Kyle getting Cartman's bad kidney or Craig being a eunuch or Stan's drinking.
Scott isn't snotty. He'd get ripped on for that.
Is best boy, no contest.
Playing through FbH right now. Stick of Truth I finished a month ago and it was so fucking funny
i'm really hoping they utilize kenny like they did in season 22. he was a huge part in why the season was really good
>Craig being a eunuch
I'm pretty sure they never followed through with that
I like Butters
>Diabetes comes in different fun flavors. Kyle might be a rather mild Type2 whereas Scott probably has Type1
Excuse me, is this like a hundred genders?
Are there people on tumblr who run blogs all about how special they are for being demisugar pandiabetic?
Craig was never a eunuch. He said he was a 'catamite' but he didn't know what that actually meant.
A better example is that Clyde had a colostomy, so he should shit into a bag attached to his stomach or something, but when we see him without a shirt on he does not have a shit-bag or a shit-hole.
>style will never be canon in your liftime
why live
We never go out of Style, we never go out of Style~!
He was castrated at the end of Quest for Ratings
No dipshit one is a complete and total lack of natural insulin production and the other is insulin resistance usually brought on by ancillary problems caused by obesity
t. Butters
South Park is like a relationship more than a show at this point. Shows are expected to end once all the material is used up but South Park is reactive timestamp to the current social climate and the quality will go up and down as a result. That said, it will die off like any relationship would.
The Commentary was really good, it confirmed what I was thinking that Matt and Trey really like the Town and people that it has collected over the years.
Sure they kill em off and have them absent for years but there is something wholesome about the way Season 22 finished that makes me excited to see more of any character next season.
I've been rewatching the whole show from S2 onward, on S10 at the moment.
There's definitely a tonal/spiritual turning point around that time. South Park has an interesting history with its status quo.
Since the "Let's make Donald Trump out to actually matter" season actually happened, it's now a plausibility for any upcoming season to be shit now unfortunately. Beforehand one could rule out entire seasons of South Park being shit, it would only be the odd isolated episode that was a lame duck.
Is that the 2021 season? Cuz they're contracted through that.
I recognise that artist! Also I too ended up liking Scott more than I thought possible from FbW
I adore Butters
Who's the kid with the blonde bouffant next to Butters?
>Bradley Biggle gets a profile in PD for the future superhero theme
>Scott Malkinson doesn't get one
Bradley (not the Mint-Berry Crunch one), the kid who had a crush on Butters at the gay camp
The kid from homosexual conversion camp
I wanna say Bradley?
Can't wait for Dachi's new work
Gotcha, it's been a long while since I watched that episode. Might rewatched that once my jelly's set.
Meant to link as well
If I didn't know any better, I'd say the figure on the right looks like an honest to good anime version of Trey
A lot of people forgot how South Park experimented a lot with their characters back then. Garrison is the most notable but there is the transition from 3rd grade to 4th grade and the Kenny transition of Season 6.
Creek sux
I feel so bad for him. He keeps getting shafted by everyoine around him and is forced to be grateful about it.
>sounds like a great r34.
the show has gotten so bad. so empty and free of character and personality.
worst of all, free of humor. i can rewatch a lot of the old stuff and legit laugh and jokes i heard many times, but the new episodes rarely even get a chuckle or anything.
Even though it has really gone downhill in the last few years I will be sad to see it go. Many people will fondly remember South Park for what it used to be. It was the first truly irreverent adult cartoon (no, Simpsons doesn't count), that made a huge cultural impact and outlasted many others that came and went.
I remember Mr. Hankey, Cartman, Mr. Garrison, Chef, Big Gay Al, etc. were so classic and funny. I even played the N64 game as kid.
The show became more "dark" in season 5. Starting with the change in Cartman.
Yes, he was the only adult that the children trusted.
He’s the most alpha guy in South Park, he has had multiple girls and even guys fall for his charm
That’s a load of bullshit. It’s been doing fine
When a community starts doing shit like this Its time to pull the plug
>Its time to pull the plug
He's the true best boy
Sorry mate, the Simpsons did all of that first. Just because what you see right now is a defanged version of what it used to be doesn't take any of its achievements away. If it did, then South Park should be treated the same