Gentlemen, how do we make THE FLASH great again?

Pitch your ideal season 6.

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Cancel the fucking show because it's an embarrassment to the material like every CW program

Mentor Wellsobard carried S1 and there's no going back to that

Make the hot women nudists.

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Flash goes back in time and cancels the show after the first season

stopped watching this show after the first season? Is the rest as shit as people say it is?

If you read/like Flash it will probably piss you off. The formula is so obvious and by the numbers its insane really.

People blow it out of proportion. Only season 5 was truly bad.

The first season was so good they figured you'll like to see it 4 more times in a row.

Second season is shit. Completely butchers the character of Zoom as he was in the comics, and squanders the idea of multiple universes completely.
I can't say how bad the seasons after that are, I didn't watch them.

Well good news; it didn't get much better. For example Savitar is now Barry from the future where he's a dickhead and puts on a iron monster suit

>and puts on a iron monster suit
Why though


Why does a big, dumb and bulky suit make someone with the speedforce more powerful

>Go the Black Lightning route, get rid of the CW-isms (unnecessary drama, keeping secrets for several episodes long, smart characters acting retarded for NO reason other than to create tension for the plot)
>Have Barry utilize is bullshit OP powers (His speed drastically increases each season, plus he can do that flash-time nonsense at will, there's no reason ANY villain should be able to out-speed him or get away)
That's all they really need to do to make Season 6 as good as the first season, but the writers are too lazy for that

It harnesses raw Speed Force directly into his system.

Sure, ok. But from a design standpoint, why does it need to be so big and shit looking?

At least it didn't get cancelled after only airing one episode.

Evil Barry is creating a myth around him being a god.

God of looking stupid?

user Swamp Thing was tossed out long before the first episode even dropped. It had nothing to do with the quality of the show, but more about the issues of the streaming service (which was probably a dumb idea to begin with). Either way, fuck your CW garbage