Is this the most wholesome episode of the DCAU?

Is this the most wholesome episode of the DCAU?

Attached: batman-and-the-grey-ghost.jpg (500x375, 63K)

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My memory is hazy. Wasn't the villain some 4channish loser lording it over beating Batman then screaming like a bitch when Grey Ghost pops up and saves the day?

The Christmas episode of Justice League

Yes. The villain was literally Bruce Timm.

Attached: batman_madBomber.jpg (640x480, 31K)

>superman genuinely pissed the presents were lined with lead so he can't see what they are

Attached: comfy.jpg (409x409, 75K)


good episode

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It's like poetry.

I prefer "It's never too late."
Actually watched the ending not too long ago. The fucking feels man. Heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time.

It's the only episode that really captures the film noir feel. Imagine if the series had been more like that with fewer goofy villains.

No. But it's up there.

It's like they knew.

I always found it weird how they just shifted from the 1920s to modern time and pretended it's the same timeline. Can you imagine if they stayed in that era and made STAS in that time as well?

The original concept art for STAS had that same vibe, though brighter and more hopeful than what they had managed with BTAS.

Attached: STAS Concept to final.jpg (1280x897, 228K)

It's pretty wholesome when you take in to account that nostalgia for the silver age and the aspects of DC associated with it is a relatively recent thing. For decades DC and its fans were embarrassed by it and outright refused to acknowledge its existence. Morrison only got away with making it canon again by establishing that most of it was basically just the result of a really bad trip, and even then plenty of people really hated that Morrison did it. Timm outright acknowledging Adam West, and the Batman TV series as one of his greatest inspirations, was pretty wholesome.

yeah from what I hear they shifted to the more stylized look for STAS(and later DCAU series) for two reasons; 1) it was cheaper to animate and 2) the more angular style was easier for the animators over in Asia to draw and animate(hence why BTAS had quite a bit of variation on how good or not episodes would look while later DCAU series were generally pretty uniform in quality)

> [...] it is West's presence that makes the episode breathe. Probably other actors could have brought greater conviction to the role, more nuance to the line readings, and more subtlety to the conception. But none could have brought the same iconic force. Wittingly or not, West has been the symbol of knowingness and superiority; here, eschewing irony and pathos alike, he decisively repudiates those attitudes in favor of humility and constancy, the foundation blocks for those who would strive to make the world a better place while suffering no illusions as to the ease of the task they have taken up. The young Bruce Wayne could not have chosen a better model; producer Bruce Timm, no more appropriate performer.

Attached: b0a.gif (300x168, 136K)

>MM reaches down from the chimney and takes a cookie.

Attached: 1470168110979.jpg (900x600, 88K)

Most of the embarrassment is tied to the Superfriends. While it still managed to make DC relevant on TV for the time it wasn't always for the best reasons. And we all know that Aquaman got the worst of it.

Top: soul
Bottom: soulless

Get your shit together 2nd Jimmy everyone has a suit except you

they're much more rounded in the initial designs
the final product is all straight lines

that would explain the change in design for the renewed Batman series