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Other urls found in this thread:


Inb4 the mentally ill schizophrenic Carol Corps faggots show up to shit up the place because they're fucking insane and live only to shill.

I thought it was kart racing?

All Captain Marvel proved that when Yea Forums makes tier list for who is the best and worst villains Rohan belongs at the very fucking bottom

The dance off was bad but to fucking bring his actor back to job that hard now that was embarrassing

Also fuck off with the narrative that (((Skrulls))) are a peaceful alien race not trying to subvert your planets populations

Not every hero needs a tragic origin, not even Superman is that motivated by his species’ death

inb4 this turn into a what if "Billy turned into Carol instead" thread

He said, without the slightest hint of self-awareness.

If you think Superman became a superhero because his homeworld was destroyed then you've never read a Superman comic. Also, not last of his kind. If you're trying to make Carol look better by being a fucking idiot then it's working wonderfully, OP.

>not last of his kind
He was for a long time in the beginning.


Are there any heroes whose parents died before they were even born?

Case in point.

What did this mentally ill retard mean by this.

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He said, without the slightest hint of self-awareness.

But what about the tax policy?

Legitimately what do you mean by this "self awareness" shit. Im not a shill, im not mentaly ill, im not a characterfag.

Woah you posted the same thing twice! user BTFO

Please tell me this is a parody

Oh no, it's failed the Turing Test.

Social Media loves her


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Hard to have a history when it keeps getting retconned

She just witness the one person she greatly respects get killed in front of her. That was a huge WTF moment for her

You are in yet another thread months after release in an endless stream of shrieking about the evil sjw movie, and in the very first post of the thread you're complaining about people shitting up the place. You are doing literally the exact same fucking thing. What valuable discussion are you providing by instantly jumping to complain about people disagreeing with you when not a single other person has even posted in the thread yet?

Dude Heaven's Door is broken as fuck.

It's the new Twilight Zone. That particular episode was about a meteorite that seemed to turn every man on the planet into a wild rage monster. The plot twist at the end was that the meteorite was a placebo all along. The men were just evil on their own.


He did that to himself by not being able to take half a step back to think about what he was doing even after it was pointed out.

Because CarolCorps fags do this in every single thread related to Carol Danvers. Literally every single one.

Every single thread in which the name "Carol Danvers" is mentioned, or "Captain Marvel" is mentioned, even when fucking Billy Batson or Shazam is mentioned, they show up and start shitting up the place.

Dont be a delusional retard.

Reminds me of that Spider-Man and Ms Marvel team up book where Peter said "I thought my childhood was rough...." when he saw some bully from Kamala's school call her some Muslim slur.

>He cares about the movie portrayals of origin stories this much

The new Twilight Zone is a fucking disaster. Every epsiode is just woke twitter shit except for the one about aliens.

Dont forget the episode about how fate itself is sending time cops to completely existentially annihilate all black people.

There's only supposed to be one dedicated Carol thread.

>The men were just evil on their own.

Except the gay one. Also, the finale was super shit since peele tried to pass himself off as a guy who wanted his Twilight Zone to be more sci-fi while a dickhead writer wants to plug more social issues into it like that's not what he'd been doing for THE ENTIRE SEASON.

Theres supposed to be zero dedicated Carol threads because she's a dogshit character that nobody in their right fucking mind would ever in any fucking world actually like.

She is awful. Legitimately awful. I cannot even BEGIN to imagine being a Carol fan because it would be such a completely hollow, soulless, void husk of a thing to do. She's corporate mandates personified.

Or how Rod Serling was the villain in the finale.

I missed the finale (i was watching the series with other people in a simultube chat so we could riff on it), are you fucking serious?

If you post a Captain Marvel shitpost, don't be surprised when the fans migrate. You could always take your reddit spacing to Yea Forums and shit on the character there with as many threads as you please.

Im not the OP you delusional mentally ill fucking faggot.

Yes. His "ghost" haunts the strong black WOKE female Twilight Zone writer.

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OP: Saw a movie with a chick lead character one time.


What's this supposed to prove? Heroes don't need a tragic backstory to become heroes. I fucking hated Captain Marvel but this argument makes no sense

Im not OP but shut the fuck up with this gaslighting bullshit.

Women have starred in movies, including action movies, for fucking decades.

I dont speak Winnie The Pooh.


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The point i think its trying to make is a comparison between their differing adversities. Its not that a hero needs tragedy to be a hero but that hers is so petty and retarded.

I love her inner self discovery moment, her whole power is to surpass her shortcomings to spite people.

Would you count some of the clone characters like spiderwoman?

Movie proved that fury was right to create Tesseract weaponry since Carol was Tesseract-powered the whole time and helped save the planet

>that fucking jaw

>OK!!! OK!!! This time, THIS time for sure, for fucking sure, I WILL make the people who disagree with me admit that they're wrong and I'm right!!! I will make them cry and beg for me to stop humiliating them with my perfect arguments!!! This has literally never happened before, but I feel it, THIS time I will do it! If I waste just a little more time and energy into arguing about this topic I've spent days arguing about, I feel like I can finally win!!!
Literally everyone ITT

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I see. In that case it has a good point, I hadn't thought of it that way. Those scenes really did feel completely out of place and seem like they would be poor motivators

You mean
>Captain Marvel: sacrifices herself to destroy a superweapon that an intergalactic empire wanted to use to genocide an entire species

"They can be a great people, Kal-El; they wish to be. They only lack the light to show the way. For this reason above all, their capacity for good, I have sent them you... my only son."

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Remember when they rebooted her origin in the comics so she was more like Superman? I'm still laughing.

carol as a spite-powered superhero sounds funny, they should have done more with that

I'm sorry whaaaaaaat



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Does anyone else have that hilarious blogspot post linked where one of the last carolfags finally got fed up and went on a giant rant about how shit Carol is after "Car-Ell" happened? I need a laugh.

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Sounds like the perfect “hero” for modern white women.

If she's going to have an origin story, she prefers it to be multiple choice!

You mean Everything is Illuminated? She was never really a fan of Carol

I think a big problem with Carol for me is that she never suffers as much as anyone else.
>Spidey has lost almost everyone close to him at least once in his life
>Superman can't save everyone, and he fully knows that.
>Batman's gone through the loss of adopted children and those close to him too many times to count
>Hulk's lost so much that it just isn't funny.
>Johnny Blaze lost his entire fucking family besides his own brother
Comparatively, Carol, even in the comics, hasn't lost as much as them. She needs correction. She needs to suffer.

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>t. Someone who's only talked to 6 white women


We'd like a word with you.

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Why do people try to claim superiority on an anonymous board, especially Yea Forums of all places. You're not gonna get an award for white knighting the big corporate multi-million blockbuster, nobody cares, this is a board for discussion, if this shit bothers you so much simply don't click on threads that annoy you.

I prefer Latinas, mate.

Women make me want to convert to Islam.

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>Comparatively, Carol, even in the comics, hasn't lost as much as them.
lol read the claremont run

>no true scotsman



>implying that anyone ever read it

Rising up from a tragedy is one of the strongest motivations for a hero, and one of the most effective storytelling techniques. Yes, you don't necessarily need a tragic backstory. But is a generic origin story interesting? That's what we got with Miles. Would you say his origin is as interesting as Peter's?

I can't believe this shit is real

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t. casualgate

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>Kree Kleaner
What hack wrote this crap?

user if you want your fetish thread there is nothing stopping you from starting it yourself.

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>she stole a dildo from her father

That's the past Marvel wants everyone to forget, user. The only thing that's allowed to be referenced is the Rogue power theft story and Carol's abusive father.

>That awkward moment when your serious scene is played so over dramatically it ends up looking like a parody

I dont know anything about Miles except that for some reason people love him more than my boy Peter.
I agree it's more interesting, but theres still people out there that would become heroes just cause it's what they believe is right

Don't forget Avengers #200.

>kree kleaner
We're approaching Spongebob and pregnant Sandy walking away from the World Trade Center bombing here.

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动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Link Material 六四天安門事件 The Tianwei Monster With 1000 ATK 天安門大屠殺 The Tianwei Synchro Monster 反右派鬥爭The Anti-Spell Fragrance Struggle 大躍進政策 Gouki The Great Ogre 文化大革命 The Great YGOProletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 XYZ Rights 民運 Demoniization 自由 Freed,The Matchless General 獨立 Independent Nightingale 多黨制 Multi-card Combo台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Nahata 中華民國 Republic of OCG 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tianwei 達賴喇嘛 3 Hump Lacooda 法輪功 Lightsworn 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Yang Zing Synchro Banned 諾貝爾和平獎 One Day Peace 劉暁波 Stardust Xiaolong 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Mother Grizzly 劉曉波动态网自由门

that run was so shit

It was referenced just a couple months ago.

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Carol has so much money because she lives rent free in user's pea brain.

meanwhile Shazam ain't coming to DC universe because the place is condemned.

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>not recognizing the seal pasta

t. Femcel

Margaret Stohl

Is that a Space Muslim?

Everything is Illuminated made dozens of parody comics about how much of a shitty trainwreck Carol is and somehow you think that makes them a Carol fan?
That's peak Yea Forums.

You say that like it wouldn’t be a significant improvement to the current thread

>a woman
Of course.

>it's a "same 3 faggots bump the thread with their tryhard exchange" episode

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>Carolfags go on an autistic spamming spree

I'm sad that Carol's latest retcon broke them and that it's ending with Illuminated Empire.

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God I was hoping the MCU would be inspired by old comics and ignore modern ones until I died.
We could of had a hardass Carol inspired by EMH too.

How well are her comics selling, user?

How about her toys?

How about them Carol video games?

How's that Carol solo cartoon going?

What did Carol do in Endgame exactly (after two movies that attempted to build her up as a trump card)? How did that work out?

What do people think about Brie Larson in general? Do they like her? I know (You) do, but what about the public at large? Didn't China say she wasn't pretty enough? Fucking China said that.


Sure reeks of femcels in here

>seething this hard

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Yet the MCU does it once and everyone FREAKS OUT.

This is all just fake outrage so youtubers can buy boats anyway.

The most relevant questions to her future are
>How many people watched her movie because they lied and said “it was important” to Endgame
>How many people liked her in Endgame
>How many people will pay to see Captain Marvel 2
I watched only because I thought it was important to endgame, and more so for Phil Coulson. Got ripped off on both.
I hated her scenes in Endgame, felt so unearned and out of place.
I will not watch her next movie.
I am only one ticket, whos to say how the future of the Great Marvel Carol Push goes into the future and how much money she will or wont make.
Wasp would be a great face for the females of the MCU though.

>Why do people try to claim superiority on an anonymous board, especially Yea Forums of all places.

They think this is The Marvel studios subreddit where you can’t speak wrong of the overlords.

I'm waiting on a reply. You got anything? Anything at all.

If you only have meme replies, that means I win.

>A phone poster calling another person a phone poster

>I watched only because I thought it was important to endgame, and more so for Phil Coulson. Got ripped off on both.
Nigga, you know you could have just pirated it, right?

>seething this hard

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>>Yet the MCU does it once and everyone FREAKS OUT.
Because Marvel was doing outrageous shit like claiming Carol was breaking the glass ceiling and was the first female superhero, and Brie Larson is a vapid brainless egocentric hollywood girl who has zero understanding of the world outside of her incredibly privileged elite social bubble but feels the need to speak down to everyone as if she did, dumbass.

I love threads like these where everyone’s an idiot. Carolfags for liking The Shovel-chin knight and everyone else for thinking they’re going to change their minds.

Here’s something you guys will love: Carol’s the only being in the marvel universe who can survive the penance stare because she’s suffered more than anyone else in it has.

Thoughts? You know this killed Starbrand right?

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Based Carol, strongest Avenger confirmed

Just about anyone can survive the penance stare for different reasons.

>whose parents died before they were even born?
How's that even possible

Ah yes, shit writing, my favorite.

>not even Superman is that motivated by his species’ death
really depends on the story. in many he's trying to save civilizations, or even restart krypton in some way.

user, people are going to watch Captain Marvel 2.
shitflingers like OP are a minority that's already been discredited by stunts like the rotten tomatoes bot fiasco, they don't matter and are retroactively going to be used to make Captain Marvel look even etter.

How can people stick with the
When the same people who hate Carol want to see the black widow solo movie. I want more Wasp in movies. I actually like Valkyrie!
If Im not a misogynist, and I think Carols a poorly written character, what other lines of criticism do you have other then.
>have sex
Do I seem mad to anyone?
Second post in the thread btw. Cant go with

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Thanos survived too ... he also liked it.
but I understand your point and I share it. it's just a gratuitous bullshit.

>Also fuck off with the narrative that (((Skrulls))) are a peaceful alien race
That has never been the narrative and you know it.

>imagine having a character so obsessed about what men think of her that it informs every personality trait and motivation she has
I hope Birds of Prey doesn't do that shit

i don't get it. contex?

In the new Twilight Zone there's a episode called Not All Men. In which there's a meteor or comet or whatever near earth turning all men crazy. Like legit crazy IIRC a few had like red eyes. Well the women who said no in the webm are running they meet her gay cousin. Who seems to be unaffected by it. Turns out the men can chose to resist the crazy mode. Yeah the new Twilight Zone is retarded.

Genially telling people to smile is assault:


So is this thread seriously just OP seething about a movie while everyone laughs at him?

I thought all the guys like that would eventually move onto even less mainstream places than here.

being subhuman is not a good look

you are wrong and stupid you have to kill yourself

Carol fans spamming threads is something I have personally witnessed dozens of times before, and have conversations with other anons about. Stop trying to pretend as though this particular user is a schizo for pointing out a well known and recurring problem, you jerk.

So what terms exist for people like OP? I mean, he's not the only guy seething about Captain Marvel still, but this is clearly beyond normal autism.

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So basically The Screwfly Solution except lacking in tension and shitty? Also some of the most misogynistic guys I've ever met were gay.

This The penance stare is pretty much demystified at this point.

Isn't that an episode of Southpark?

Frank can survive the Penance Stare, pretty much anyone can survive it f they have plot armor.



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>user, people are going to watch Captain Marvel 2.
I still haven't seen Captain Marvel 1 but I don't count.

Waited far too long for a rebuttal. Looks childish.

I honestly think these extremely bad attempts at pandering to the female audience is taking a piss at them for being slow enough to not realise they're being made fun of.

What is up with this telling women to smile meme? I have never in my life heard anyone say it.

It's so retarded. I'm glad the movie chose the better origin, even if they made Mar-Vell a female.

I've heard it in movies said to the unconfident, sometimes ugly female characters. It's pretty stupid how they latched onto it.

In this modern time it's apparently one of the worst thing you can do to a woman.

Where is that place? I dont want to be here anymore

Are you a woman? I wouldn't call myself an SJW but I can't honestly imagine any reason for you to use your own personal experiences in not hearing it as reasonable belief that it never gets said.

Like, I personally don't ever hear nigger being said IRL but I'm also not black and don't usually hang out with black people. I assume people still say it though.

Ironically enough Ive heard it plenty of times. Im a guy. Wheres my sympathy?

>In Saudi Arabia, women are treated as property and are subjected to constant abuse, harassment, and religiously-mandated rape.

>In Nigeria and Sudan, women are treated as property, mutilated at birth, and raped.

>In Russia, Korea, and Japan, women are treated as property and marketed to foreign millionaires to purchase as rape slaves.

>In America, one woman was told to smile one time.

It's fucking hilarious how sheltered these birds are.

I know women who get catcalled all the time and tell me about it. Never said anything about being told to smile. Just whistling/generic pickup lines and shit like that. I don't even get what would be so horrifically awful about being told to smile. Its a pretty innocuous compliment. Like a store clerk saying you have a nice shirt or something.

Im this guy
Im also black and only ever heard nigga as a friendly term in person, even from whites. No they dont get beat up on sight, thats a meme. You just have to generally mean it as “my nigga”. Which ironically implies ownership which started this whole thing.
Its kind of like how colored was offensive, so we used black, african american, now people of color
We are almost full circle!
I do read nigger a lot. I guess racism is more of an online thing.
Seriously though, random people have told me to smile. I want my god damn oppression card already

What is the source of this? Is it an edit?
I just can't remember a time anymore where everyone wasn't licking Carol's ass.

What? What was the moral to justify it? Or was it just a reference?

Underrated, nice mate.

Social media said she was the worst part of her own movie.
People liked Jackson, and the cat.

>admitting to being this deep in the incelgate bubble

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I have no idea what that jumble of mixmatched buzzwords is supposed to mean.

She was certainly the worst part of endgame, even with all of its flaws shoe horning in an uncharismatic superman who rendered all of the other characters work dubious considering she could’ve beaten thanos on her own.

Wrong, she was the best part of Endgame.

Social media also includes Reddit and Youtube, so no, only Twitter and Tumblr love her.

Everyones gotta start ignoring Carolfags. Its the most obvious trolling Ive seen in years. Its just low hanging fruit because the character is insufferable and after being crammed down our throats in the comic theyre doing it again in movies.
Remember! If we aren’t feeding trolls, why would we feed Carolfags?
Do not engage! I repeat do not engage!

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The key to shilling in subtlety. I mean I could understand if you liked her charmless addition to scenes, but claiming she was the best part of the movie seems depressing more than anything

Now the shitposters are genuinely trying to tell people that like the thing to stop shitposting?

This board is trash.

Same here. It usually comes from people that barely know me, because I have a bored or serious face but I'm a goofy guy all the time.

>Captain Marvel: Being told "stop molesting boys half your age"

Same, except apparently I look suicidal because, along with all the smiles, somebody told me “it gets better” as I sat in the back of the bus.

I mean they are right, but still, rude.

Well it is trash, but mostly because you can't really stop these culture warfags from coming here and STILL being being pissed about Captain Marvel. They're here because they got booted from twitter or what normie shit site they came from, and they want all other anons to fall in line with them. You're a "Carolfag" if you just highlight that OP is an obsessive, seething child who loves black cock, even though that's an obvious fact.

Strangers telling you how to look or act is bullshit. Fuck all those people.

Still angry that Marvel is based?
It's been a bit since the movie was released, get over it.

Nah. It was annoying, but it’s nice that people care. Ain’t going to dock them points for trying.

The moral was that Rod Serling's outdated shadow/ghost/memory/legacy was too oppressive and that it's getting in the way of Peele's original and relevant parables...which are riding on the coattails of the establish brand Serling helped create.

>but it’s nice that people care.
They probably don't care, they just don't want your perceived mood to mess with their day.


That shit is the most depressing thing I’ve heard in a long time. Not only are we going to exploit your franchise but we’re literally going to drag you through the mud because you weren’t progressive enough for today. Fuck man that’s low even for modern Hollywood

These people are straight up evil, lol.

>t's been a bit since the movie was released, get over it.
Yeah, but Captain AlsoRan was supposed to put DCeased back on top.


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Shit, man. There's a movie coming out this week about how San Francisco - San Fran-Dick-Dock-cisco - isn't progressive enough.

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>the meteorite was a placebo all along.
How the fuck does that even work? What the fuck even is a placebo meteor?

Remember when the Twilight Zone was just a series of short stories about strange events and how they were only sometimes connected?
I sure do.

That I don’t mind only because I’m waiting for the day god cracks southern California off of the continent and the ocean reclaims it. The left is just eating itself alive now huh? They’re waving a war of attrition against itself to the detriment of everybody

Damn, that was kind of rude. I usually reply with a joke.

They also force the Serling lookalike to monologue at the end about how the show is what it is (more grounded, less fantastical, more acutely focused on social issues) because Trump won the 2016 elections. Something that's brought up a lot in the first season from the premiere where a comedian tries to use his reality warping stand-up routines to kill Trump (only to fail because that's not how his powers work) to an outright presidential race with an outright adolescent Republican candidate (in an episode so on-the-nose that even liberal review sites rolled their eyes at it) episode among other jabs at the cost of dating the narrative.

The City On The Gay is only 6% black, though.

It was a stranger on the bus. I have never met anyone who told me to smile ever again. They probably saw someone who was down, remembered what it’s like feeling down, and tried to make em feel better how they wished someone did for them.

Rude and dumb, but I feel it probably comes from a good place.

That doesn't sound like shilling. It sounds more like trolling. Then again, sometimes bad shills DO come across like trolls.

If that's what you want to believe, but if I saw someone looking sad and cared, I'd ask them if they were okay. The person who said "it gets better" seems fine, but people tell you to smile because they have a problem with your face.

I mean, shit, what if something really bad just happened, like a loved one died. And some stranger tells you to "smile"? Fucking lay that piece of shit out.

So this is the reward for being woke? To get MORE Punishment heaped onto you? It seems that if you're not woke, you're pure evil. But if you're woke, you're not "Good enough" to be considered a decent person. Look at MK11. They went out of their way to capitulate to the woke crowd by getting rid off all sexualisation of the female characters, and even giving their heroes "woke" endings for the Ladder mode, and what's their reward? Hit pieces about the apparent abusive culture within their development team, from crunch time to sexual harassment claims.

Mouse and Cookies, babe. Nice dubs.

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Considering I just learned that the twilight zone just falsely attacked the character of its creator to make a limp wrists temporary point, this place has made me believe the depressing opinions shat out as potential “irony” completely at face value

Does anyone actually do this ever? Seems like another situation like with the street walk thing where only old boomers and niggers are doing this stuff, only even this doesn't even seem real.

Nigga Venom survived this shit in the 80s.

All cape heroes need incredibly tragic backstories because....?
Tiny girl gets bullied throughout her life, then lucks out and gets super powers. Maybe they'll give her a fun little abusive alcoholic romp in her inevitable sequel.

It’s more about the death of San Fransisco as the weirdo capital of the world. Back when the hippies and the gays made it a super colorful artist orgy, and how that brought more and more weird people to it. The story is about a guy trying to get the house his grandfather built back in a city where the old freaks who made it interesting are being pushed out by the people who only came for the show.

Don't explain shit to those casual fucks. They just want to be upset about something, they're outrage junkies.

This was probably the only, and last time Lisa was actually funny given her awful flanderized personality.

Carol is a fucking awful forced character for the MCU. Disney shot themselves in the foot. The majority of people only went to see Captain Marvel because those retards thought it lead into End Game that was only a month prior to release. You ave feminists, and incels seeing it out of obligation to "piss off the trolls".

A shame. Actually really dug the episode they released online with the comedian guy. I'll still give it a watch at some point, but we'll see. Hope every episode isn't THIS heavy handed and poorly executed with it's social ideas.

Secret empire
So its fine this time user because this steve is ebil and therefor wrong :^)

kys sje fag

That was why I watched it, but at least I was sensible enough to download a shitty camrip to do so. I wasn't about to pay for it.

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You're unironically the only one who sounds outraged.


>Does anyone actually do this ever?
Yes actually. Before it started becoming this hated thing in media it was actually a fairly common and shitty pick up line, as late as the early 2010s and it is still fairly common for people who are trying dumb shit out to try to talk to women.

It's annoying but it is less a sign of the patriarchy trying to mould women into stepford wives and more just another hazard of bars and campuses full of horny guys.

I hear it all the time, but I'm a guy and it's because I moved somewhere where people don't know how to keep to themselves and shut the fuck up. (West Coast US)

women are super smart and super funny

get over it

smiling is really nice though, even fake smiles make you feel a bit better
we should all smile more

> Jungle Munch

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Stunning as well as Brave.
Sure showed that beaner, ladies!

>It's annoying but it is less a sign of the patriarchy trying to mould women into stepford wives and more just another hazard of bars and campuses full of horny guys.
The post immediately after this one reminded me.
So generally when I see women get told to smile more, its by thirsty guys trying to fuck them. The fucking hilarious thing is that I always fucking see women tell men to smile more and to dress better and to act differently based entirely on how they look and present themselves.
Older women, younger women, middle age women. They will openly just say and do all kinds of shit to guys and not even blink.

Gays aren't misogynist, they can just state the facts without caring what women think because they don't wanna fuck em.

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Okay, now THAT actually sounds fascinating at least.

You seriously started another thread, you seething fuck?

AT this point, it sounds like the only way to make a Captain Marvel parody is to depict BOTH versions of Carol. Depict her on the outside as the "woke" version, while on the inside being the original Drunk Carol who hates the circumstances of her job and just want to be accepted for who she really is but can't because of the amount of pressure and her own destructive nature.

>What the fuck even is a placebo meteor?

I didn't watch the show because everyone I know that has said it was shit, but what I took it to mean was that the men were just using the meteor as an excuse to act like monsters and were never actually influenced by it.

Eh, it’s a semi-real drama piece. They are always hit or miss and I am not endorsing it.

ooooooooo, I'm so sorry:


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ANOTHER THREAD? How obsessed are you with the fucking movie?

Being born via a surrogate?

At this point, I'm convinced that both Carol fans and extreme haters are trolls shitting up the board. At this point, the only view that isn't tied to extremism is "I don't care about her".

Is this..supposed to be a positive thing? And why wont women make a baseball league on their own instead of playing softball and overreacting everytime an inning ends

OP: Rejected by the opposite sex; condemned to a lifetime of beating his meat to jpeg images of imaginary characters.

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>Everyone I don’t like is one person
Have sex, incel.

mods pls kill the carol shills. at least kamala threads are cringe enough to laugh at

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It worked for Doofenshmirtz.

I don't even think there are any big Carol fans here. It seems a lot harder for people to like a thing to the point of obsession online than it is for them to hate something that much.

Would you rather it be one lolcow, or know that many people are too stupid to just use the catalog?

I don't get this with most fans. Most fans are generally obnoxious, but there's a special kind of bile contained within fans of Carol that's only eclipsed by the Voltron fandom. I'm half convinced that Carol fans are just trolls at this point. I dunno why. Steven Universe and Voltron fans can be objectively worse than them, but at least I can buy that they actually like the show.

The Voltron fandom would like to have a word with you.

this^ every carol post here looks like bait to me.

I will just spell it out. On one hand you have retards who think they are triggering left wing retards by bagging on Captain Marvel. On the other hand you have retards who think they are triggering right wing retards by praising Captain Marvel. Both groups are retards and think they are successfully trolling, but mostly they are just wasting their own time. The first group is mostly morons from Reddit and the second group has followed them. Both groups would be happier on Reddit where the pointless karma system could at least make them feel like there was something being fought over, but they are to stupid to notice that.

Still though, what does this mean when your media is only liked by trolls who want to piss others off?

That doesn't even apply to Alita, a movie the Carol hating obsessives latched onto after Zack Levi told all of them to piss off. Because Alita had a small dedicated fanbase long before it got drafted into the culture war.

Liking or disliking something just to "piss off the ___" is pathetic though. People who hate or like MoS at least have reasons for it related to the movie.

That your media is probably propped up more by it’s social message and not by it’s story. It happens a lot. Normally when this happens the movie is either good or bad, so the trolls quickly burn out because people can quickly figure out that they are just trolling and stop feeding them.

Captain Marvel has two problems that keep this going for so long. The first is that Disney deliberately pushed it’s social message loud and clear as a selling point, so the number of trolls is unnaturally large. The second, and I can’t stress this enough, is that Captain Marvel is relentlessly mediocre. So any actual discussion is automatically fodder for the trolls to hijack the conversation, ruin the thread, and keep their “people replied” energy full. And because the social message was pushed both sides feel like it’s a good place to troll. The crazy left see it as a chance to troll misogynists, because surely they will be out to attack it. The crazy right see this as a chance to troll sjws, because surely they will be out to defend it.

Carol was shit and became worse when marvel chose her to be THE womyn on the front. everything about her "books" is generic and pointless. theres nothing to like in wet garbage and then they got a retarded actress to make it all worse.

Pretty much. At this point, a Steven Universe fan seems more "genuine" than a Captain Marvel fan these days. You'd think they'd be more actual fans of her given how her movie did well. Yet it's no different now than it was back in 2016.


>Captain Marvel has two problems that keep this going for so long.
Deepseated autism
Youtube clickbait

Sorry, I got a little drowsy near the end of that and lost my thesis. Replace everything after
>So any actual discussion is automatically fodder for the trolls to hijack the conversation,
because any attempt to actually talk about the movie will draw enough noise to set off the two groups in. Found this part of the movie bad? Here comes the trolls. Found this part of the movie good? Here comes the trolls. And because actual people want to discuss wether it was more good or bad they will try to be sincere before it becomes obvious it’s mostly just trolls in the thread.

you, I like you

Western civilzation is cucked. Only Kamala Khan and her people can save it now

they are making a female superman

some one explain this to me

Carol has so much money because nobody could've anticipated she had the whole fucking internet protecting her mediocre movie from changing search algorithms to just deleting reviews. One could argue those early Audience reviews from RT was just manufactured bullshit just to drum up a rallying cause. Not to mention her movie was advertised a prelude to the bigger team up movie.

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>What the fuck even is a placebo meteor?

What do you expect? Women in comic books were just pop tarts with big breast for about 50+ years in comics. Get over it. Female characters usually have to be rewritten from the ground up because their background is so absurd. Carol been depowered, raped by her future son, a drunk, enslaved, possessed, killed, trapped inside of another person, experimented on, etc...

Spider-Man lost some family.

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I have people tell me to smile every now and then because I have a severe case of resting bitch face, it's mildly annoying at worst
I'm a guy.

>Needless labeling
Trust your damn audience, man.

Why is it so horrifying for someone to tell you that you look better when you smile?

>OP is still anally inflamed by the RT review shit
Well, if idiots didn't obviously abuse the system, they never would have fixed it. So... thanks, I guess? RT needed to do a better job to begin with.

>Trust your damn audience, man.

Fair enough!

>What do you expect? Women in comic books were just pop tarts with big breast for about 50+ years in comics. Get over it. Female characters usually have to be rewritten from the ground up because their background is so absurd. Carol been depowered, raped by her future son, a drunk, enslaved, possessed, killed, trapped inside of another person, experimented on, etc

All this work to create something so forgettable

Here's hoping Grandfather Nurgle embraces all of California with Typhus and the Bubonic Plague.

because string inderpindant wahmen

or something. It's only hyperprivileged white women upset about nothing, like most feminism.

Others actually had this discussion 200 posts ago. Read the thread. Even an user who said he assumed it was from a "good place" said it was rude as shit.

Who fucking does that? You don't know what's going on in someone's life. If someone's dad died, and you come up and say "sMilE mOre!", than you're a piece of shit.

I did meet a fan of steven universe and she was obese and literally said you cant be racist against white people.
These are people who have gone to college but too that gender studies course when they are too dumb to take biology. They convince themselves that since white males are the majority in power that means all white men are in power and racism means to hold power over someone in an Orwellian defined manner. The black guy sitting next to me goes, "but white people are a race," the land whale proceeds with literally her nose sticking up in the air like some snob," you cant be racist to those who are in power."

Now I get she hates dudes that are white and had bad experiences with them. But she made exceptions to the white guys who were good looking. So in the end these folks are your average user really.
They are condescending, stuck up, fat, angry, cant get a gf/bf, likes child entertainment, believes to be enlighten aka 'woke,' bitter at society, and most importantly is anti social. If any thing boyos, this monstrosity was created partly by our negative influence, however its hardly our fault at the same time since many of us just want to be left alone.

>Men all over the world are killing and raping without remorse or any clue of a cure
>You know a -MAN- told me to smile then I said "NO!" then walked away but thanks for saving my dumbass

I dont think the voltron fandom has any defence against scrutiny at this point.
The show changed due to their rabid fan base.

>rude as shit
imagine being so weak and sheltered that someone telling you to smile utterly destroys you.

>who fucking does that
literally no one, it's a feminist boogey man.

>All this work to create something so forgettable

Not for me, I love comics and I'm always down for people to mix things up a bit and to try something new. I'm never going to allow someone like you to pollute my enjoyment with your sexist nonsense.

t. incel on the verge of suicide every time he remembers becky in highschool turning him down for a date

Is that why your lot wants to destroy Vampirella?

When you don’t have any real problems or struggles anymore you either have to admit your privileged or dig your feet in deeper

>Rod Serling
>Outdated and oppressive
>The guy that wrote an episode where racism against black people literally destroys the world

>h...hhave sex...i...incel...
nice of you to say. throw yourself off a building.

>dude, literally no one does that!
Please post twice if you're going to change your stance that quickly.

imagine being so weak and sheltered that someone calling you an incel utterly destroys you.

i didn't change my stance you fucking idiot.

i'm sorry white women pout. it's got nothing to do with an imaginary glut of randos telling them to smile.

wow thats some heavy handed politics right there, but twilight zone has been like that but never this childish. Like the pig face episode was rediculous but made a good point. This? This is re-tar-ded.

so what kind of woman are you trying to impress today, user? are you any closer to having your penis touched or at this point is it more of a reflex to be a mindless defender of nonsense?

It's one thing to be so childish with politics, but it's another to NOT UNDERSTAND THE GUY YOU'RE SUPPOSEDLY CRITICIZING

They destroyed a man's legacy all because LOL DRUMPH. FUCK THEM HARD.

>imagine being so weak and sheltered that someone telling you to smile utterly destroys you.
this, i had a woman in highschool telling me to smile too, you get over it. If that WAS the worst that women are going through then we made it as a society created equality among genders. But if this shit gets you so riled up when worse things could be said and done, then there is a problem with women in Hollywood. Seems that many of them are just spoiled

Am I the only one that kinds Jordan Peele wildly overrated? Get Out was not that good. Suddenly, though, we're to treat him like he's the second coming of James Baldwin or something.

Guy's got some good ideas but for the most part he's just overwrought and boring.

that.. actually sounds like a great premise.
is it a documentary or just normal film?
reminds me of a city in my country where that is happening as well. all the original people who lived there and made it such an interesting place are dying or being pushed out and replaced with coffee shops and boring salon boutiques.

>so what kind of woman are you trying to impress today, user?
Your mom

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>I love comics and I'm always down for people to mix things up a bit and to try something new. I'm never going to allow someone like you to pollute my enjoyment with your sexist nonsense.
have a cookie

In Man of Steel by Byrne the spaceship is an artificial womb, so technically Kal El was born on Earth after his parents died

>parents died before they were even born

Holy shit

>Am I the only one that kinds Jordan Peele wildly overrated?
nah. i guess most of people think the same, the dude just have massive industry support because

I get that this is a spicy meme pic but it isn't even right, Carol's tough origin in the movie was having her inspiring mentor figure get killed by aliens and being mindfucked into serving under them for like a decade missing out on life back on Earth.

I didn't walk out of Captain Marvel loving Carol and I think Marvel definitely could've done a better job establishing her but all the same

How long are you boring fuckers going to keep forcing this shit all over the internet? Is trying to make people outraged really THAT entertaining?

You know, I found out how childish my own side could be. When Aziz ansari got fingered in the metoo movement for being a bad date, I stupidly wrote a post on my stance on it.
My point was that we need to treat women like adults and trust their judgment and trust to tell us when something is wrong or say no. But got backlash saying, "maybe she was too scared! he is famous he could do all sorts of things blah blah blah." And now the man isnt doing anything that gets the publics interest and that hurts his career.
Now what the biggest problem I had is a woman crying wolf when there isnt one. Not only is this a form of getting back at someone, pretending to be a victim Deligitamizes real victims and people start to think all victims went through this.

did he direct that episode? I like him in his comedy routines.

Normal film, based off a book, based loosely off someone’s life. I don’t like to praise or damn a film, so I am neither recommending it or denying it. I did miss-sell the premise. It is a black story and it deals with the “whole really stole Frisco” argument.

Here is the trailer, judge for your self.

It's marketed as his show.

This looks awful.

read the thread retard. its obvious tha OP is a carolfag looking for attention, this whole thing is bait

to answer your question, and I am not one of them but I hear there arguments much as I hear yours, and that being said, yes some do it for fun. Like that batman saying some people just want to watch the world burn.

Now on to your perspective on the movie. I would agree with you on that concept about her mentor, but flash backs of her mentor were limited and pushed out for scenes like her white dad saying she shouldn't kart, a biker hitting on her, a white boy making fun of her. All this wasnt needed and really is something insulting to anyone who isnt a hardcore feminist. This was like taking time out of the movie to make you feel bad for the white girl rather than fleshing out carol as an individual. If they had more mentor scenes then the movie would have done much better than it already had. Thats just my 2 bits on the shits.

>Thread goes poorly

>It's marketed as his show.
jesus Key must be the real funny one cuz Peele though has great energy and stands out, he panders to the lowest common denominator. Like that preditor movie he was in, he makes a joke in the previews. It was awful and so was his delivery.

this thread has been going on for over 12 hours right? I was surprised it was still up.

Just because the Sayans were wiped out, doesn't mean Vegeta was a good guy (at first).

>thinking of a good comeback
>that's all she could come up with

still didnt read huh? tsk tsk

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I'm a guy and I knew this one dude who already told me to smile every time he saw me. It seriously pissed me off.

So I get it.

theres a word for it
gentrification I think.

>Now what the biggest problem I had is a woman crying wolf when there isnt one. Not only is this a form of getting back at someone, pretending to be a victim Deligitamizes real victims and people start to think all victims went through this.

This is a hot period, motherfucker. If you can get the cash when the getting's good, get it. Men'll be sexually harassing women forever. Maybe and hopefully less so in the future. But NOW is the time to make some mad bank.

>But NOW is the time to make some mad bank.
how? on what?

yeah but thats all it did. Its like someone saying you need to hit the gym. I mean I know what its like too and that person who said it has no fucking clue what I am going through, but to be butthurt and make such a big deal out of it? Thats what the over privilaged do.

Yeah that's the ultimate fear for me.
meaning women will lie to get ahead in life and lie about the most terrible things too.

On sexual harassment claims. However true they might be. You ever see someone penalised for false rape allegations in the news? It's a win-win. You either get hush money or you just get away with it because they'll want the matter to go away fast to the point they won't countersue.

Well said, dude. Well said.

I thought I was a feminist, but seeing how the platform has changed to where even my allies suspect me as the enemy, I feel I cant be apart of it any more.
I want equality, I really do, but not at the cost of others freedoms just to make people feel emotionally safe.
I mean I dont agree with feminists but I agree they have a right to express their feelings on the matter, but that also means those piece of shit racist trolls get to as well.

user I watched that finale and you are lying your ass off my man.

So what really happened then?

no trash has more actual porn

So...every man decided all at once to use the fact that a meteor shows up act like assholes? ON WHAT FUCKING PLANET DOES THAT LOGICALLY MAKE ANY FUCKING SENSE?!

On woke peele's planet

It doesn't matter. You're not an actor whose job is to perform and listen to what the script and what others tell you to do because now you're in front of everyone and your job is to PLEASE them.

And we all know the universal expression that can PLEASE people, so you can get your bloody money on the table, is to SMILE.

That wasn't what it was though. It's actually far stupider.

It was basically an entire episode screaming that fiction is incredibly important.

That would've made the character better actually. She gets superpowers that allow her to shoot down spaceships by just pointing at them, meanwhile her real aspiration is becoming the best driver of tiny sports cars for children. She would basically become One Punch Man with tits: op in world-threatening events, then keeps consistently failing in some really mundane task that she's obsessed with.

It's because we are in strange times. Everything is majestic in first world countries and yet... people are unhappy. New age women want their right to be unhappy in public likes... and this is the great bullshit... "men". But it's just an internet bullshit that went out of control.

People just want more positivity around because, well we need it.

People are just spending too much time on the internet and I know its ironic saying that in an imageboard but its true. Not to mention casuals forgetting basic safety rules, they essentially forgot they are spending their days writing text on a huge public toilet wall and start posting their personal information and shit on there.

So much this, user. It's pretty much the point for a lot of things in modern times.

wait did the meteor hit? or was passing by?

That Carol is essentially a different character now.

well from what I gather from the evolution of society, some habits that were considered bad fade off to the next thing. Something will come around that seems new and everyone will want it, and until new negative habits will form. Like VR is just getting started.

that's almost always an improvement.

Hold on you're comparing apple to oranges, Carol's backstory has nothing to do with a tragedy as to why the character became a super hero.

Peele is legitimately egotistical at this point and I'm astounded it was not only written by a man but the writer of that hilarious tiny rick episode. Future critics are going to rip his garbage films to shreds while legitimately great black filmmakers like Steve McQueen will get the cultural respect he deserves.

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rod serling?

a trannies dream?

Oh yeah that time the Avengers left her to be raped by her own son totally no trauma there right?

But user a woman having personal aspirations beyond YASS qweening is sexist. Especially if it’s quirky and played for comedic effect

How good was oldboy though?

>Parents died
They did?

>Wonder Woman:........

Well he wouldn't be on Earth to become a hero then now wouldn't he?

Why are white men always like that

Yeah but this happens to women like.... all the fucking time. Idk about you but getting harrassed and constantly being told to smile when all you wanna do is just have a resting bitch face can be really fucking condescending and annoying.

But that's not fucking true. Women don't get harassed any more than men.

It's just today any form of communication with a woman who wants to feel like a bitch is now harassment.

In my line of work it's literally women who do the harassing 9/10


>But that's not fucking true. Women don't get harassed any more than men.
You get punked a lot mate?

>Hey Bill, y'hear 'bout that bil 'ole rock that came slammin' into Kurt's farm the other day?
>Yeah, what of it?
>Figure its given all the men super rage or something.
>An how you figure that?
>Kurt's been cussin' a blue streak non stop since his crops are a smokin' hole in the ground.
>Good point. Guess I'll go beat my wife now.

>your planet and parents you never knew are dead
>you would literally not know this without a hologram etc. telling you
>this is supposed to make you sad and make your character sympathetic
I'll always hate that part of Superman.

You don't even have to have read a comic in order to know the common knowledge that Clark had little to do with the home planet he left when he was only an infant, btw.

Marvel can do that too. Ultraverse Mantra. She's a better character than Danvers ever was

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So what about Wonder Woman's backstory?

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"I'm NEVER going to bla bla bla..."

When you see this type of speech, you're dealing with a zealot, ladies and gents. This poster doesn't want to argue points, let off steam or listen. This poster wants to get out there and declare their loyalty. Unfortunately, on this site, it doesn't do any good because we have no identity or running karma system. Soon enough this child will either open it's mind in realization that he/she isn't some beacon or arbiter of moral virtue or more likely he/she will just fuck off to Reddit.

au revoir

Read Superman Annual #11


This can't be real. Please, tell me its no real

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>Dont forget the episode about how fate itself is sending time cops to completely existentially annihilate all black people.
Sounds based. Thank you time-lords for keeping balance.

Most writters that are into that sort of stuff can't even write opressing right. They want the character to be opressed by they never really show the opression. I don't know if they don't have the guts to make the characters actually suffer or they just don't know how opression works at all.
IT seems they kind of assume you have to believe they are opressed and that's it, you have to know they are opressed and all they need to show at most is some dickish remark from some ridiculous bully.
I'm totally up for see how a character that was opressed all his live behave and how he or she acts as an hero based on that life. but its kind of hard buying an opressed character that you never ever have seen opressed, at most you have seen some kids pointing at him and laughting.

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And super annoying.

>Netflix = Hollywood

It's because you don't know what people are going through. That sad-looking chick may be dealing with losing a mother to cancer or might be going through bankruptcy. Forcing people to look happy all the time shows a lack of empathy, plus it's kinda creepy. If you want someone to smile, try smiling at them instead. That's what I do.

>they show up and start shitting up the place
which is exactly what you do.
you show up and spew shit about how you hate Carol, of course people who like her are going to defend her. And that means going
on the offensive, because we know how this works.
Because you're too stupid to understand: YOU CAUSED THIS. Constant trolling Carol fans caused a backlash and counterattack. If you had just not said anything, she would have simply disappeared. But because you've started all this bullshit, people have to take a side, and many of them are joining her fanbase, even if they don't care much. Why? Because you're so fucking toxic. You shit up everything you touch, starting with your own life and working out from there.

>330+ posts
>bait from 4 months ago
come on Yea Forums

You know, the woman never claimed that Aziz assaulted her or raped her, just that he was a pushy dick. Plus, she probably was scared. It's not her fault that other people exaggerated, we should be able to talk about bad behavior without equating everything to rape or assault.

>And now the man isnt doing anything that gets the publics interest and that hurts his career.
>muh career
It's not like he lost his job or anything, he just took a break.

>pretending to be a victim Deligitamizes real victims and people start to think all victims went through this.
Well, people are fucking stupid. Again, the woman never said she was raped or assaulted, she just wanted to talk about how her date went. It probably would have been best if she had just said she had a bad time with some random celebrity and not namedropped Aziz, that way the discussion could have remained on the behavior and nor Aziz himself.

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God damn, I hate feminist incels. Smile, and go have sex.

Here, in the Trumplight Zone:

Please clap. Rod Serling's daughter spent 500 hours on MS Paint to make this image.

Attached: Twilight-Zone-Trump-Rod-Serling.jpg (618x412, 44K)

You are statically more likely to be sexually assaulted than falsely accused of sexual assault and these are all just high profile cases and rare stories. So, what are you afraid of? My theory behind this pathology you've all developed is that more credence has been given to women and things that were acceptable about a decade ago aren't now. All social change is seen as a zero sum game by reactionaries, affirmative action means more minorities get jobs so that means less for whites. So, what's positive social change for women is bad for men. Add the fact of how complicated the appropriateness of sexuality in different kinds of social situations, and this could all be pretty scary.

So you're basically saying we're all evil and that we should kill ourselves for existing then. Gotcha, I can take a hint.

Hey, you want to start accusing people off like that, don't be surprise that people will do in kind.

There is nothing more scummy, more heartless, more infuriating to hear, than some smug asshole who deligitimises your fears. It doesn't matter how rare false rape accusations are compared to actual rape. It's just as as bad in a different way and like rape, no one wants to go through life with that hanging on your neck. It's a real fear and you have to be HEARTLESS to accuse others of having this fear being rooted in misogyny against women.

Even if you were right and every women you ever met and will ever meet is going to expose you on social media for every creepy thing you did, your fear over it is still pahtological. You are still using the women as a scapegoat for your own failure to control your behavior in a social interaction or to ask if you were doing something wrong. I'm trying to get you to think, self reflect on why you are afraid. But when somebody pushes back its WAH, HOW HEARTLESS ITS LIKE OUR WWIII OUT HERE.