Without any retarded shipping or waifuposting, does Livewire have a place in the comics DC universe like harley does?
Without any retarded shipping or waifuposting, does Livewire have a place in the comics DC universe like harley does?
Unlike Harley Livewire's origin makes her a pretty solid Anti-Villain. She's an angry person but she's not really driven by greed or murderous hatred and can probably get along with any heroes not wearing a big S on their chest. One of her big villain schemes was to control all radio waves in Metropolis because she likes to be on radio.
Of course. She's a fun villain. The idea of a shock-jock who gets rage listeners from trashing Superman all day is a good one. She's like Alex Jones with tits.
Alex Jones has mantits
Well there you go then. Clearly Livewire isn't far-fetched at all.
Give me a reason why she would not
She was much hotter and more interesting as regular Leslie Willis. She should be a supporting character, not a villain. No silly powers.
I wouldn’t compare her to Harley, but yes Livewire has potential
>Can actually harm Superman without debuffs
>Has a great gimmick as a trash talking shock jock looking for attention
>More relevant now than ever thanks to social media
She’s kind of like Mister Mxyzptlk in the sense that she just wants to mess with Superman, but far more vain and attention seeking. Being a super villain is like being a celebrity to her
Yes but for some reason the only time I'm able to find her attractive is her cartoon self.
>I wouldn’t compare her to Harley, but yes Livewire has potential
Pun intended?
>Superman TAS
Has she had any other good animated designs? And no, those ugly Nu-52 anime designs aren't good.
>becoming a villain is like being a celebrity to her
You just sold me on Livewire
How long till she has a sex scandal with Superman?
She is a logically more redeemable character, but somehow less marketable because pearls before swine.
It's hard to make a Superman villain have a power that does not in any way threaten Superman.
The best she can do is attack other people and make Superman really mad, and then she is fucked because she made Superman mad and he is immune to electricity. There is really no point to her being one of his villains.
This design is just Killer Frost only electric.
Seems to be another one of DC's element power girls that they love making. Along with Fire, Ice, Volcana, Killer Frost, Killer Frost, or that other Killer Frost, Terra, other Terra,
Has their been a Livewire/Killer Frost team-up? Because those character dynamics could be interesting to see. Maybe in like a Birds of Prey comic
user exactly how dumb are you? Electricity is one of Superman's non-debuff weakness just like telepathy. He's durable as fuck, sure, but even he is vulnerable to high voltages
Yes thank you. Forgive me for the incorrect terminology. Would wattage work or is that another misclassification?
Wattage definitely works
>superman is making the frogs gay
>coast city was a staged false flag, buy my water filters to prevent hormone tampering by star labs. now to hear from my sponsor, lexcorp.
>We can either do this the easy way or the hard way. The choice is yours Clark.
He can't resist that booty forever.