Can anyone tell me what's supposed to be wrong with Bendis' run on the Super books without referencing his politics...

Can anyone tell me what's supposed to be wrong with Bendis' run on the Super books without referencing his politics, referring to him as an SJW, or complaining about how he's been race-blind in terms of legacy characters? Cause after actually reading the work he's done on Superman, I'm not seeing much to complain about, since I'm not a mouth-breathing CHUD who can't see past my own personal grievances.
How many secret crime families have controlled Gotham under Batman's nose, when he's way more obsessive about that stuff than he is?
Superman can literally be anywhere in the world in the blink of an eye, if not in a smaller span of time. Wherever Lois is, Clark can be if either of them want to see each other.
How many other villains of the week have had an oversized impact on Krypton that's never mentioned again?
Okay, good points there, but in the long run? Not really having that much of an impact.

So, without using buzzwords or referencing your grievances with Bendis' assumed politics, what's wrong with his work with Superman?

Attached: superman-brian-michael-bendis-action-comics-man-of-steel.jpg (825x464, 92K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Lack of direction, inconsistency with current canon, not to mention prior runs that are in canon, lengthy and highly meandering set of issues that do not cohere into a meaningful or easily readable plot, etc. etc. etc.

tl:dr "words words words"

>Okay, good points there, but in the long run? Not really having that much of an impact.

Why does Superman and Lois let Jon go with Jor-El when they know the problems that came up when they encountered him?
Why does it come as a surprise to them when Jor-El goes insane?

I love how you throw the main reasons why Bendis can't write his way out of a paper bag as irrelevant. Fuck off and go suck some kike dick elsewhere.

>Defending Bendis
Contrarian little shit

It's boring and uninspired. It's smattered with the usual benis problems of bad dialogue and making up new, worse shit when he could've used pre-existing characters to fit the story he wanted to tell. He aged up Jon and split up Clark and Lois.

And it's stupid when there's super-duper-secret crime families in Batman books too.

I love how you've proven my point. Thank you!
>Stop, invincible son. Do what I say, when you're capable of doing anything you want and you clearly want to go with Jor-El
>Why does it come as a surprise to them when Jor-El goes insane?
It really didn't come off as if they were surprised. But they, Jon included, also expected it to just be during the summer. And with Lois expecting to be there throughout the entire experience, they all figured Jon would be safe and that Jor-El could be contained. It was literally impossible for them to expect Jon to somehow get caught in Earth-3's past.

>split up Clark and Lois
He didn't, though. They're as together as they have been since Rebirth. They don't need to be attached at the hip, Lois is not Clark's property.

action comics? more like boring comics with bendis

>It really didn't come off as if they were surprised

Sincerely I don't know how you could think this. Jon came back, LITERALLY surprised his grandfather was insane and clark and Lois were both shocked.

Beyond that every person that's replied you've disagreed with, which is fine. But you're also tossing out insults as if you're the objectively correct party. Which means you need to make the case that bendis' super books are objectively good.

He aged Jon up robbing his fans of years of stories. He claims to focus on the Planet but it's mostly just his OC if they're ever in the office or "nobody can spell" jokes.

Robal Zar or whatever his name is has been the antagonist for over a year and the secret society of totally badass people have been the antagonist in AC for just as long.

If you read issue 1 of Superman and action and read (what's out now...?) issue 10 you would notice no progression.

Without using buzzwords or generalities, explain specifically why it's good.

Jon is going to deaged,they did this shit with Franklin Richards too,he was an adult for a few years then he was a kid again

And you think it's "good" writing that Lois didn't tell her husband she returned and left her kid with a man who wanted to destroy earth just two months before bendis' run began?

I'm not saying that it's objectively good, nothing is objectively good because all opinions are subjective by nature, but I distinctly remember Clark nearly saying "I told you so" to Lois when Jon came back and was like "Grandpa's descent into madness was when he expressed his existential fears to me."
I'm still not sold on Jor-El being crazy in the first place, either. Or at least, Bendis isn't selling me on Jor-El being crazy, so far he seems like he's seen some shit, has some pretty serious PTSD, but generally wants what's best.
I also think it's bullshit that Jor-El, the greatest scientist in the history of Krypton, a planet whose technology competes with that of the New Gods, couldn't find his grandson in less than five years.

I fail to see how this means Bendis' run isn't shit.

Can someone say me why is drinking bleach bad referencing the fact is toxic and can potentially kill you?

>referring to him as an SJW
There's two black people and they're both villains

>He aged Jon up robbing his fans of years of stories.
It's not like characters age normally in comics, this isn't Hellblazer, he can just join the Teen Titans or have stories as a teenager

>I'm not saying that it's objectively good

>...Superman, I'm not seeing much to complain about, since I'm not a mouth-breathing CHUD who can't see past my own personal grievances.
You're insulting people for thinking it's bad and asking for reasoning, which is objective.

>opinions are subjective
Not critical ones. Theyre based on metrics and standards.

Explain to the thread why it's good.

Characterization is inconsistent, with Superman acting like two different people.
Zero respect to continuity, even to his own established rules or continuity.
"Story" arcs that don't ever have any resolutions or seem like natural endings other than "Well it says this is part 6 of 6, so I guess this is an 'ending'?"

Same deal as with almost every other Bendis run ever.
If you have poor reading skills and the memory of a goldfish, though, then you won't be able to notice any flaws.

>so please, doesn't use buzzword while i go out of my way to say why this is good without pointing out anything actually good

No, fuck you.

Want to know what's bad? Bad story direction, retarded concepts, the characters all sounds the same and OOC, horrible pacing, incapacity of showing emotions in a natural way, suddently everyone is dumb because a dumb joke is needed, stupid humor, references thrown at your face without a reason in-story but rather just to show Bendis did his wikipedia research, uninspired drama, uninspired villians, uninspired plots.

But hey, besides all of that and more: pretty good run. Faggot.

It’s flat out replacing the character entirely because he had 7 years to change, you dumb fuck

You asking others to tell you what's wrong with his Superman books. If you don't find opinions to be objective then why do you care what anyone thinks? You automatically disagree with them and can never find middle ground because you're both entitled to your subjective opinion.

There is no reason to ask someone to explain why they feel a certain way if you have no interest in understanding how they feel. Which is evidenced by you just telling others why they're wrong (a few times now while misremembering or lying about the content of Bendis stories).

>It's not like characters age normally in comics, this isn't Hellblazer, he can just join the Teen Titans or have stories as a teenager
This doesn't change that fans want pre-Teen Jon back. He was specifically NOT on TT cause he was too young (and then voted to be kept off against Damian's wishes)

>He aged Jon up robbing his fans of years of stories.
Jon is either going to be deaged at the end of Bendis' run, by the person coming after Bendis, or we'll all be used to it by then and no one will mind anymore.
>He claims to focus on the Planet but it's mostly just his OC if they're ever in the office or "nobody can spell" jokes.
The Lois jokes are especially annoying because that was a thing in the Donner movies, while she's been a good speller everywhere else. I do think he's doing pretty well with the Daily Planet drama, but that might just be me.
>Robal Zar or whatever his name is has been the antagonist for over a year and the secret society of totally badass people have been the antagonist in AC for just as long.
I completely agree with you, and everyone else, about Rogol Zaar. He's yet another in a long list of "SUPERMAN I MUST KILL YOU FOR THE SINS OF YOUR ANCESTORS" etc.

The only time I remember someone doing one of those villains well was Kurt Busiek's Camelot Falls, with Khyber. That's the one and only time, and he was completely forgotten after Busiek's run was finished.
I think she explained it pretty well. These characters are allowed to act like people, and have the same needs as people. Not to mention she's writing an undercover expose, so it would behoove her not to show up at her usual job or apartment.
That's the thing, I think his run is painfully average. It's not that great when compared to Johns, Morrison or Busiek, but it's not like Bendis wrote Superman to personally insult my mother on every page of everything he's written. To hear Yea Forums tell it, the man's writing is a war crime, when it's really just another in a line of 7/10 Superman runs.

>because he had 7 years to change
Newsflash: characters don't age according to real life

That's why Tim Drake has been 16-18 since 1989

Dude, I'm asking you all so that I can understand. You all are completely entitled to your subjective opinions, I just want to know how you arrived at them, just as I've explained how I arrived at my subjective opinion in the post below yours.

>wife comes home from outer space and doesn't notify husband
>this is fine
Fuck off, I haven't the time or energy to deal with the rest of your bullshit. Deaging Jon doesn't negate that being a bullshit gimmick or bad writing.

>There's two black people and they're both villains
Right? Like, the guy isn't Bernie Sanders just because he has PoC in his cast, especially when BOTH OF HIS BLACK OCS ARE CRIMINALS.

You're calling people chuds for disliking a shitty comic. You're not trying to discuss anything. The premise of this thread is "if you think Bendis Superman books suck you're a chud who's likely a conservative and yada yada yada"

Like you literally position it that it's impossible to not enjoy this unless something is wrong with you.

user you're making the opposite point and seem to think it's brilliant. You've said they don't age properly twice and nobody said they do.

It's as if you don't actually understand the topic at hand.

>That's why Tim Drake has been 16-18 since 1989
What they got is
>Jon was a child for less than a year

Holy fuck are you retarded?

It's not a 7/10 though. That's your subjective opinion. In my subjective opinion it's 2/10.

>You've said they don't age properly twice and nobody said they do.
They literally said they'd get 7 years of stories before he got to where he is now.

You're being a crybaby. Are you just upset that tumblr is failing?

Okay? And how does that set him aside from every other comic writer that uses bullshit gimmicks? It was a bullshit gimmick when Johns had Brainiac kill Pa Kent, but the scene still worked really fucking well. It was a bullshit gimmick that Morrison killed the Kents off when Clark was at the prom and...that one's sticking and is still a bullshit gimmick and I want the Kents back.
And I'm sorry, I sincerely don't think Lois notifying her husband of her every movement is something she's required to do. Just cause one of the characters in the narrative is doing something you disagree with doesn't make his writing any worse than any other Superman writer who's made someone do something OOC.
I'm talking to you right now. I'm discussing the run and have been throughout this thread. People who dislike the run take a combative stance, why aren't those who disagree with that opinion also allowed to take a combative stance? I've been increasingly irritated with how hard it is to have an actual discussion on this board for awhile, without some CHUD bringing in their reactionary politics as if they validate their opinions. I mean, I've got an anti-semitic slur in the third post in this thread, so...

I never quite garsped why people called DCfag "Damage Control" up until the point Bendis was announced as a new DC writer. That's pretty sad.

Okay. and we'll have to agree to disagree. You don't agree with the points that I've made, while I agree with some of your points, and disagree with others. This is how discussions happen!


You started the thread talking shit and then got all defensive when told to defend you stance.

Explain point for point why this is good or fuck off.

It's been good and as evidenced by the nebulous complaints above, it's just a meme, an easy way to fit in here to obsessively deride Bendis.

A couple things can be true simultaneously.
-He was mostly awful for his final years at Marvel. Some of the X stuff and Iron Man being exceptions. Bad events, and ultimately uninspired writing.
-He is also capable of good work, the stuff he did before that and some during his shit period.

He's reenergized at DC and frankly a better architect right now than any of their other heavy hitters (with Morrison being the obvious exception but he's done after GL).
Leviathan had a better lead up and debut than almost any other recent events and is actually intriguing. The street level stuff has been a welcome return and in total his Superbooks have brought back a triangle era feel with metropolis, it's streets, the planet, jimmy, Perry actually being characters again.
His Superman voice and use of powers has been cool, and Lois as a reporter is also a welcome return and fruitful set up. Delegating the larger superfamily books as they have is fucking sweet too- the DCU hasn't been this super centric in a while.

Also his Batman is a detective.

Tomasi was fun comfy for a while but that was about it, he couldn't land a serious story or make anything feel substantial.

>user thinks a character staying the same age for decades is the same as a character being aged from 10 to 16.
You're trolling right? You aren't serious are you?

OP, pretending to be a different person on a different IP address doesn't make you different people

>You started the thread talking shit and then got all defensive when told to defend you stance.
So, people who dislike the run are allowed to conduct themselves however they like, and people who disagree aren't. Cool.
>Explain point for point why this is good or fuck off.
In numerous replies, throughout this thread, I've explained my reasoning on how this is a 7/10 run that will be forgotten in a few years. You're capable of reading. I believe in you.

>attacking anons is the same as attacking a comic
This is the difference and it's also where you'll jump from the topic to disputing the use of the word attack.

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we're 2 years in and no one can actually remember Rupert Zork's actual name

If you want to be combative toward anons you'll get anons being combative toward you. It seems you take criticism of Bendis comics way too personally and thus refer to people talking shit about them as being combative.

Who said I'm taking it personally? I'm just weirded out by the groupthink that's happening on this board. I see a bunch of people freaking out over an incredibly average run on Superman that will be forgotten faster than Straczinski's, and I'm confused and would like an explanation that had actual forethought put into it.

Not that user but criticism is one thing, and fine and welcome. But it's this absolute obsession, multiple ongoing threads daily, openly fantasizing about his painful murder, etc. No matter what you think about him, it's tired and cringy.

You're being combative toward people youve imagine are in cahoots to hate on a comic you find good (7/10 isn't a "bad" or "mediocre" score so shut the fck up before you even try lying more about that) and now acting like you aren't.

And that's not my appraisal you said that word for word above. That you're being combative because people were mean about these comics.

You're taking it personally.

>Who said I'm taking it personally?
You, implied through the posts you made

So leave.

People are angry the dude ruined what they enjoyed. You faggots who demand apathy are tired and cringey.

>multiple threads
They're usually just like this one thi

Stop trying to make chud happen. It's not going to work.

7/10 is 'average,' and it always has been. If you get 70% of your answers correct, you get a C- on your test.
You're reading an awful lot into what I've said, man. There's one person between the two of us that's taking this personally, and it certainly ain't me.
Please show me where you think I'm taking anything personally. And not by putting words in my mouth, but by using direct citations from the things I've said.

Awee did he "ruin" Superman you fucking baby? Did he really?

>Please show me where you think I'm taking anything personally

In the first post at the top?

>user calls me chud, a retarded word, but a personal insult all the same
>doesn't understand why someone would take that personally
>attacks others because they dislike a comic and claims he doesn't take their dislike of the comic personally
I'm not the one deluded enough to lie here. Of course I take it personally when someone makes a comment about me. You on the other hand have started a thread and bitched incessantly in it because people dislike a comic writer.

Sounds like you're taking it personally.

Yeah. He did.

Congrats on being apathetic. You seem to think this is something I care about. I'll care about your faggot ass when you grow up and come fucking find me if you want to act tough.

You only take CHUD as an insult if you think that it does. I wasn't calling you a CHUD, you chose to identify with it. All I'm doing is disagreeing with your opinion with a comic book in strong language, I'm sorry if you're too delicate to take that.
>doesn't understand what a direct citation is

Awww did user say something mean about your favorite writer you fucking baby?

What are you gonna do about it?

Also another post where you take things personally

You would be prettier if you smiled :)


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You called anyone who dislikes the run a chud. Did you forget?

I was liking it until the grimJon review. Now I'm doing myself a favor and just skipping the book altogether until/if that gets sorted, instead of flipping through it just to be bitchy and find reasons to complain.

Yeah you're really *doing something* here man.

Please explain to me how using the word 'CHUD,' a commonly understood term on the internet and one that you clearly understand and have self-applied, thereby meaning that you've taken it personally, means that I'm taking anything personally.

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Jon's honestly not acting that much different than he was prior to his aging up. He's a little more serious, but that's it.


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More examples of OP taking things too personally

Why toss insults out if you aren't incensed?

>typing in caps lock
>not taking it personally
Yikes. Don't take things so personally kid.

>rather than explain how I think he's taking anything personally, I'll just say that he's still doing it. That's a neat trick!
Now this is pod-racing!

Better figure out a better game or else I'm going to get even more bored and close this tab.

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no you won't

>a description of another person's behavior is an example of that person's actual behavior
>I'm an intelligent person
Continue boring me and I will.

We control you faggot. You'll keep posting ITT until it's closed because you're taking wax and every post extremely personally.

Even more examples of OP taking it personally.

Kek, this.

What a fucking sperg.

>these things that are bad are also bad in other comics
Gee totally changed my mind. Bendis' superbooks totally aren't terrible now! Other comics suck so obviously this doesn't.

You seem to be unfamiliar with the term apathetic. It has nothing to do with anyone ITT "doing" anything. It has to do with you not caring about things.


>gets told why both comics are in fact shit
>ha you guys are totes boring me man
Okay faggot, next time you get BTFO just leave the thread don't announce you are.

>next time you get BTFO just leave the thread don't announce you are.

He needs to because he takes it personally.

Why not try and explain why they should enjoy it?

You probably have mental health issues if you lash out at people without taking personal affront to something they've done.

I'm not a fan of the art, and with comic books that's a knock for me

>Jon's honestly not acting that much different than he was prior to his aging up. He's a little more serious, but that's it.
I'm just gonna jump into this conversation and say that Jon's current behavior doesn't matter. The very act of aging him up was just an exercise in futility and nonsense. He aged up why? Because he was in deep space for a while? How often does any Green Lantern travel into deep space and never age significantly? It's just absolute retardation.

The kicker is how blase Jon is about the whole experience. He recounts the whole series of events like it was just a summer camp trip. None of this arc has any purpose to it. It's all to satisfy Bendis' whim.

My problem was that, when we first heard about Bendis now writing Superman, we all joked "Oh yeah, lemme guess, he's going to replace Lois with some strong, confident black lady who don't need no man?"

Literally the first issue was talking about how Lois was gone and we now had a strong, black woman who don't need no man to replace her.

I immediately gave up.

You're an idiot

Nothing he said was wrong. You'll say, AGAIN, that jon came back and may be deaged and that Lois came back too but that doesn't change the fact he took them both off the board and replaced the latter with a black OC.

That is factually what happened. And when she "returned" the first thing he did was include a fucking cliff hanger that she's meeting with Lex at a hotel room without even having told clark she's back.

notice how OP didn't respond to you. he's looki g for attention and petulant responses. actually well-thought-out responses he will ignore

Manual reminder that Bendis just aged-up Jon because he wanted to write teenage Superboy, but then brought back Connor anyway completely negating the purpose of aging up Jon in the first place.

Reminder they're completely different characters with completely different roles and dynamics

Reminder that you're trying to damage control and not doing it very well

Since when has Bendis given a shit about characterization?

>Do what I say, when you're capable of doing anything you want
Are you being sarcastic here?
That's the whole fucking point of parenting.

Reminder I'd say the same. They are objectively very different characters who objectively fill very different roles and who objectively have very different relationship dynamics with Superman and the Superman family. That's not an opinion.

user he literally posted a false flag and responded to it in order to further his view that only bigots hate Bendis.

You expected anything more than disingenuous drivel from him?

what the fuck does chud mean