Wholesome superman thread?
Wholesome superman thread.
Wholesome superman thread?
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Reminder that during the New 52 they made this girl canon in the Superman books, provided her a backstory, and all so they could have a random villain gut her to give Superman some man angst.
>Be random girl
>Do exercises on the roof
>Superman sneaks up and startles you so you fall
Why is Superman such a dick?
That's a girl?
This is why you don't gather up all the weed in Chicago and use your laser visor to burn it in Central Park, then inhale the fumes after realizing it could harm the public.
>He hasn't read ASSM
Why are you even in a Superman thread?
>Why is Superman such a dick?
Oh, he's been at this longer than you've been alive.
I have read ASSM and I has no idea this was a girl. This is a one-off character that never appears outside of that page, and "Regan" does sound like a male name.
Regan is a girl's name. You only think that because of Ronald Reagan.
>"witchcraft", "witch" and torture instruments on the cover
>still CCA approved
repeat it with me
I've not been keeping up with DC stories for several years at this point: are Lois and Clark married again yet?
Morrison has explicitly called them (?) androgynous and has more than once said he loved the sexual ambiguity of emo so it's both or neither really
No, she's dating his cousin Jam-Al.
They are.
From Vathlo Island.
That is one ominous moon.
Detective comics comics deserves all the shit it gets.
Do you think Nixon spoke about Clark on the tapes?
>tfw no Lois gf
is this real?
Garbage eating garbage: youtu.be
The art is from Superman #701, but the word balloons have been edited:
Starman meeting Superman was great.
Any more stories like this?
Goku and Superman hanging out are always great