This guy is 44 years old

>this guy is 44 years old
Is he a vampire?

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He was one of Keanu Reeves students

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wtf i love onions now


its a filter for S O Y lmao



Beanfolk age well. I've known some abuelitas who were like 60 that were still bangable as fuck.

everyone says something like this about every race.
>Japanese women dont age at all until menopause!
>Black don't crack!
>yadda yadda etc etc

It is just called fucking taking good care of yourself and your health.

well, he's gay, so that might explain it

Whites just don't age gracefully. Freakish pale skin especially vulnerable to sun damage does that

>well, he's gay, so that might explain it
But aids make you age.

sucked the life energy out of Craig McCracken

But why onions?

>Didn't shove homo shit into his work
Unironically based.

Why does he spell his name like an asshole?

That’s what sweaty women and estrogen intoxicated soibois smell like, kinda like a whopper sandwich that’s been sitting in the sun.

It's our version of The Doom of Man, means we get shit done.

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He probably moisturises. Seriously user, Moisturise.

Onions are the opposite of soi

Asians have a hard expiration date of 50 something. They age gracefully till then then become prune's overnight.
I've seen the black thing, but have also seen the opposite. I met a woman who legit looks like she was in her 20's but turned out she was a grandma. On the flip side I had a friend at worked who looked like she was middle aged but was like 23. I'm inclined to believe that africa has an insane level of genetic diversity compared to europe.

no they don't. All squatamalans become little fat ogres after 30ish.

Yea Forums tricked itself into believing that onions raise your testosterone

As long as they have a healthy diet they do.

He has a perpetual baby-face. He would not survive in prison for very long.

I know this is a joke post, but he has shown attraction to women. If anything he might be a closeted tranwoman. That's it.

He is too red pilled for the trans meme.

Fuck no, I live in a bodertown and all of the older women here look like old leather purses. At best, men always tend to age more gracefully than women, regardless of race.

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It seems from a "prank" Arnold Swartzennegger pulled.

>Thinks Jhonen is redpilled.
Oh user, you're cute.

Yeah. Especially given the events of the last Invader Zim issue. The "election" special.

No. He's just a huge faggot who made one overrated cartoon that people can't let go of.

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